Why I hate GW?



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    Suicide squad
    Both a bad idea for GW, and a stand alone David Ayers film.
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    Toukai wrote: »
    Still, the fact does remain, you don't need a large roster. Several people here run pure droids and no healers or extras what so ever and still complete it. Personally, I am fine with GW being as tame as it is (since I am at the top of the food chain!). I cant imagine having to have two or three full g9-10 teams to get through GW. There are not enough credits as a f2p for that to happen.

    I probably shouldnt have posted that... incoming credit RNG drops from GW!
    This dude is right.. All you need is at max 7 decent toons fully modded and high geared. I clear GW every day with the same 5 or 6 toons. Phasma lead, Daka, RG, Rey and GS. The problem is not everyone has mods like they should. And sometimes they might get a super tough squad, compared to their power level.

    If you did not partake in precraft 2.0 you FELL WAYYYYY BEHIND. Mods were much much cheaper to level, much more easier to farm, and were just better. Nowadays I spend my cantina energy on mods, spending 120 energy for usually about 1 or 2, 4 star mods, which is usually a circle, that I already own many of. Farming mods now sucks. If you weren't one of the lucky ones, it set you back a lot.

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    Thank you all for the useful advice. I just have to up my mods and pray for the best
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    I hate facing droid teams fully modded but the only way I can win is if I get to node 11 with:

    AA (L) g8 7* 72
    Leia g8 7* 70
    Anikin g9 7* 80
    Phasma g8 6* 70
    Daka g8 6* 72
    Barris g8 5* 71

    Switching this team around and. Take on node 12 with

    Igd (L) g9 7* 80
    Ayala g8 7* 80
    Yoda g9 7* 80
    Qgj g8 7* 80
    Lumi g8 7* 76

    They normally take out Rey and at least rg and maybe one of two others if I don't finish

    Followed up with

    Old Ben (L) g8 7* 72
    Dooku g8 6* 70
    Mace g8 7* 68
    Kit fisto g8 7* 65
    Ahsoka g8 6* 67

  • Thorzhamer
    28 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Toukai wrote: »
    Sorry buddy.

    Contrary to popular belief: GW is not about having a deep bench. Credit crunches and 50 units per slot (with 6 slots) to move to the next tier makes gearing a large roster impossible. GW is about having a single team that can beat multiple teams.

    You are not at the point where your team can do that, and thus you suffer :(

    BINGO.... this.... Right here.... for the players complaining about GW.

    Get a better roster and finish GW everyday like MOST of us.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our Community Guidelines]
    Post edited by Afista on
  • Sinari
    112 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    I'm agreeing with many of the posts, here.

    OP said GW is impossible. Because GW toons have higher gear and mods.

    In fact, it might be impossible, if you do not get mods.

    If you want GW to be possible, getting mods is important. It doesn't matter having a deep bench. As others have pointed out, this doesn't matter anymore. You need 5 strong toons. And mods are the fastest way to make your best team much better.

    I am a ****. And you're welcome.

    Get a load of this friggen winner right here. Every time I see him post, he's treating other players like **** and claiming outlandish things like "everyone this this this" or "no one this this this" with absolutely zero evidence supporting his claims.

    Just unfortunate that he's a talkative little git.
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    Get droids


    Turn meter manipulation is everything in GW. Use droids or ewoks.

    I haven't lost a GW in months with my droids. I usually don't lost a character. (Sometimes a second squad is needed for cleanup on node 12.)
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Sinari wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    I'm agreeing with many of the posts, here.

    OP said GW is impossible. Because GW toons have higher gear and mods.

    In fact, it might be impossible, if you do not get mods.

    If you want GW to be possible, getting mods is important. It doesn't matter having a deep bench. As others have pointed out, this doesn't matter anymore. You need 5 strong toons. And mods are the fastest way to make your best team much better.

    I am a ****. And you're welcome.

    Get a load of this friggen winner right here. Every time I see him post, he's treating other players like **** and claiming outlandish things like "everyone this this this" or "no one this this this" with absolutely zero evidence supporting his claims.

    Just unfortunate that he's a talkative little git.

    "Everyone" means the 90% of people that never complained/no longer complain about GW. Obviously there is a small minority which had higher priorities and/or were too scared to figure out mods for themselves. They were too concerned farming new toons. Or even worse, they were busy powering up their current ones in a method that is sorely lacking in efficiency after the introduction of mods.

    If u haven't gotten pretty decent mods on at least 7 or 8 toons by now, you are excused if you are level 60. But everyone else could be swimming in the deep end if they had simply paid attention at some point in the first two weeks after the mod patch and/or read the forums for advice... which has been there all along since 12 to 18 hrs after the patch hit.

    If ur still stuck in the kiddie pool, maybe it is you.

    The water is fine. You don't need to worry about increasing your top 5 too much. That is the old GW. Get mods, and you WILL be totally fine. Everyone had the same concerns after the mod patch. The data is in. You can safely start getting mods, now. They aren't a rip off. They won't jack up the difficulty of your GW. They aren't a waste of credits. Unless something unpredictable happens in a future patch.

    Read some tips on using TM, if you continue to have trouble. But yes, get mods.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    It seems one thing is painfully clear. The biggest, most noticeable result from the GW changes, is it turned the players against each other. And people say I 'm evil. CG enacted a vile curse to be sure.

    Guys, GW was poorly implemented and it's getting a bit more tolerable as time moves on. We lost a lot of players over it. The elitest **** attitude helps nothing. Gamers complain about being considered defective by society and then turn on each other. It boggles the mind. If GW is easy for you, great. If not, it bites royally. Going off and being nasty to each other impresses no one, and just makes others feel justified in how they view gamers.

    Sheeeesh, someone hit the lights and turn off the forums..

  • Options
    It seems one thing is painfully clear. The biggest, most noticeable result from the GW changes, is it turned the players against each other. And people say I 'm evil. CG enacted a vile cure to be sure.

    Guys, GW was poorly implemented and it's getting a bit more tolerable as time moves on. We lost a lot of players over it. The elitest **** attitude helps nothing. Gamers complain about being considered defective by society and then turn on each other. It boggles the mind. If GW is easy for you, great. If not, it bites royally. Going off and being nasty to each other impresses no one, and just makes others feel justified in how they view gamers.

    Sheeeesh, someone hit the lights and turn off the forums..

  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    i just beat 1 out of 3 and was close to beating a second one. I think it's fine the way it is. I just wish i didn't have to face a droid team with JE twice on node 6 and 11 :neutral:
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    I still don't understand why so many are complaining about droid teams in GW. Just take out JE and that team falls apart. Under no circumstances should JE get a single turn before you wipe him out.
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    I still don't understand why so many are complaining about droid teams in GW. Just take out JE and that team falls apart. Under no circumstances should JE get a single turn before you wipe him out.

    all depends on the team people have, plus i feel like i (because of my team) need to go after Ig86 first
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    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    I still don't understand why so many are complaining about droid teams in GW. Just take out JE and that team falls apart. Under no circumstances should JE get a single turn before you wipe him out.

    all depends on the team people have, plus i feel like i (because of my team) need to go after Ig86 first

    Regardless of your team, you need to take out JE first, or he'll just revive 86. But yes, not everyone has the firepower to take on a droid team even with TM advantage.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    I still don't understand why so many are complaining about droid teams in GW. Just take out JE and that team falls apart. Under no circumstances should JE get a single turn before you wipe him out.

    all depends on the team people have, plus i feel like i (because of my team) need to go after Ig86 first

    If you stun 88, 86's assist won't call him so there's no need to focus 86 first
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    I still don't understand why so many are complaining about droid teams in GW. Just take out JE and that team falls apart. Under no circumstances should JE get a single turn before you wipe him out.

    all depends on the team people have, plus i feel like i (because of my team) need to go after Ig86 first

    If you stun 88, 86's assist won't call him so there's no need to focus 86 first

    like i said it all depends on people team.
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    I still don't understand why so many are complaining about droid teams in GW. Just take out JE and that team falls apart. Under no circumstances should JE get a single turn before you wipe him out.

    If you've got the TM advantage and a stunner ready to go, I would try to stun JE and burn down 86 first. 88 can still hurt you, but Ackbar will clean up all his debuffs to provide a nice health infusion.
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    Why are you being such a edited. Never mind, carry on with your bad self, playa.

    Wait, so you want GW to be easily beaten so you can actually beat it without gearing up for it. It's like wanting to pass an exam without actually learning for it and when you don't pass you ask for the exam to be easier ... no way the problem was that you were not prepared.
  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    tRRRey wrote: »
    I still don't understand why so many are complaining about droid teams in GW. Just take out JE and that team falls apart. Under no circumstances should JE get a single turn before you wipe him out.

    I like seeing droid teams in GW. I have burn team I use just for the hard nodes. Phasma (L), GS, Rey, QGJ, and the fifth depends on who I feel like using that day; Fives, IG-86, Lumi to ability block someone.

    But with TM advantage, all the assists and extra attacks along victory march, usually JE, IG-88, IG-86 are dead before they even get to move. If B2 is on the team I'll kill him before one of the IG droids so he doesn't get turns from me hitting other droids. But they go down quickly and without much damage to my squad.

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Why are you being such a edited. Never mind, carry on with your bad self, playa.

    Wait, so you want GW to be easily beaten so you can actually beat it without gearing up for it. It's like wanting to pass an exam without actually learning for it and when you don't pass you ask for the exam to be easier ... no way the problem was that you were not prepared.

    Or like complaining u cant kill the newest dragon when u refuse to stop for ten seconds to pick up the new Sword of +11 Dragon Slaying. Despite the heads up in advance. Despite the mandatory tutorial. Despite the entire forum blowing up over it for over 3 weeks, now.

    Heck, I stopped to get mods in the middle of my first few GWs in order to beat nodes.
  • Options
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Why are you being such a edited. Never mind, carry on with your bad self, playa.

    Wait, so you want GW to be easily beaten so you can actually beat it without gearing up for it. It's like wanting to pass an exam without actually learning for it and when you don't pass you ask for the exam to be easier ... no way the problem was that you were not prepared.

    Or like complaining u cant kill the newest dragon when u refuse to stop for ten seconds to pick up the new Sword of +11 Dragon Slaying. Despite the heads up in advance. Despite the mandatory tutorial. Despite the entire forum blowing up over it for over 3 weeks, now.

    Heck, I stopped to get mods in the middle of my first few GWs to beat nodes.

    @LastJedi @Astateofmind I wasn't complaining, you trolling mindless twits. Have a nice day.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Why are you being such a edited. Never mind, carry on with your bad self, playa.

    Wait, so you want GW to be easily beaten so you can actually beat it without gearing up for it. It's like wanting to pass an exam without actually learning for it and when you don't pass you ask for the exam to be easier ... no way the problem was that you were not prepared.

    Or like complaining u cant kill the newest dragon when u refuse to stop for ten seconds to pick up the new Sword of +11 Dragon Slaying. Despite the heads up in advance. Despite the mandatory tutorial. Despite the entire forum blowing up over it for over 3 weeks, now.

    Heck, I stopped to get mods in the middle of my first few GWs to beat nodes.

    @LastJedi @Astateofmind I wasn't complaining, you trolling mindless twits. Have a nice day.

    At least some of the people complaining about GW need to be hit over the head with this information, yet. Just read the OP. I'd say it is relevant and helpful information, despite what tone you attribute to my posts. I'm helping mindless twits.

    A lot of people are still offering obsolete advice about suicide squads and having 3 or 4 GW teams of equal power. Some of the people offering advice maybe happen to have already had 4 teams of maxed toons before the update and are offering bad advice for the general player base. And anyone with Barisse will still cling to healing as "the way," til the day hell freezes over. None of my toons even lose protection until partway thru node 11. It is true that healing may be vital when you are player level 50-70's. When you are gear 8 with low protection. For players with gear 9+, healing-focus GW teams are probably a waste of your time. About now, you can start changing gears once you mod your damage dealers and stunners and TM toons.

    Not everyone went thru an impossible GW. Some players were already past the power level where things get easier. They can beat GW, but they don't know the easiest way for other people to do it. And some of them persist in beating GW in an "oldschool" way that is wasting their time.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
  • Ing256
    471 posts Member
    Indeed, things are "Scripted" shall we say. Like Kylo, he will use his low end strike over and over on the same hero. When I face a team with him, I take way too much pleasure watching Rey split his wig with her staff. LOL There is a growing thought that there now exists a hit list in game. Meta teams are high on it. Heroes like Luminara (not because she is a healer, Conselor, Barriss, etc.. are not singled out like she is) Darth Maul, Capt Phasma, Royal Guard, are almost definitely top of the hit list. LOL

    There are ways to check this, and matter of factly, most of the times the AI attacks totally randomly
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Suicide squad

    This, but also planning when to use your B and C teams. Several things to balance out to make it through. Lots of moving parts, but it helps to start with the expectation that you should "plan on using your ENTIRE roster".

    Suicide squads was what I was missing for a while there, once I started throwing teams of 1 lvl heroes at nodes 11 and 12 to let the AI blow the big cool downs on my trash heroes, I can get a lot farther and have been able to finish EVERY GW since I started using that tip.

    Everyone's roster is going to be different and there's a bit of RNG in the difficulty from war to war (some are still harder than others for me).
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I have two trains of thought on this whole GW subject. I can complete GW daily usually taking one team all the way through or subbing in once or twice depending on who I pull and RNG. I know daily that there's never going to be a GW I cannot complete because A: I spent a lot of Cantina energy on 5* Health mods when they were OP so I precrafted, B: I got in when leveling a whole CHARACTER was about 1.3 million and C: My roster is very diverse. So, the two things are:

    1: GW is OP because players don't have one of three things: A fairly diverse roster (Starred AND leveled), the amount of mods to beat it or the gear to get to X. It becomes cyclical - can't complete GW, less shards, less credits, etc. etc.

    2: GW is OP because you just hit level cap and your 6 /9 / 11 / 12 nodes are terror squads.

    If you fall in the first category, are farming CUP / Snowtrooper / Jedi Knight Guardian and took your JC to your first gear X so you could finish top 5 in a Tier 4 raid AND you're on the forums then I have no sympathy for you. There's enough strategy out there for GW. If you want a "fun team" just for the sake of it but you can't complete GW, then don't complain. I've seen this scenario quite a few times on here.

    If you fall in the second category then yeah, I feel a LOT of sympathy for you. If you just hit cap and are getting the maxed Arena death squads that's the reason a lot of us think GW is unbalanced.

    Best advice I can give to you is farm a GW team, get in a Tier 7 guild for gear and get some mods here and there. Even the tier 1-2-3 mods help and are less expensive to level 1-15. Once I finish Ewok Elder I'll have almost a full set of Tier 1 maxed Potency mods. That's actually going to help me in the raid. Also, focus on 5 characters for mods and upgrades to help get you through GW. My GW team is Phasma Lead, Daka, QGJ, Rey and RG. All 7*, level capped and mostly 5* health mods maxed out. It'll get you to at LEAST node 11, sometimes swapping Daka for Lumi or St Han.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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