The Empire Event - Comments\Questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    I agree with BastilaDhan, Im gutted. I went for sith first and havent used them in one event yet.
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    You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?
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    I am in the same boat, I otped to go Empire over Rebels, and it has not paid off, I will miss out on a great character because I chose to farm his team rather than a team that does not require him, tis rather annoying .

    Why not both? I've got both Empire and Rebels, although my Rebels are admittedly the stronger of the two. The game's about choices and learning how to live with them. Still don't have droids, though.
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    I am in the same boat, I otped to go Empire over Rebels, and it has not paid off, I will miss out on a great character because I chose to farm his team rather than a team that does not require him, tis rather annoying .

    I'm sure there will be an empire-only event in the future and then people who didn't farm empire will be miffed. That will probably be the one where we get Jedi Luke.

    We need so many factions it's not possible for the average player to possibly have them all ready at any given time. Just do what you can do.
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    Empire characters were useful in the Ewoke event. That was droids and Empire.
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    I'd expect an empire event down the road again soon too
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Aarcher wrote: »
    Also palp is likely to be pretty fragile

    health: 14183
    protection: 10425
    total: 24607
    according to

    U miss the +32 % bonus health..

    Only if he is leader, but since you're too lazy to calculate it: 18722 healt, total 29146. Still less than QGJ.

    Maybe hes possible tog13..

    Anywas doesnt matter.. He hast a awesome aoe stun for2 fckin turns

    You my friend have hit the nail on the head. I have a rebel team and he will immediately replace Phasma (my odd one out) as Tactical genius will ensure that CD's immediately to ensure more stunage ;)
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    Clones... the only thing to hold back the darkside.
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    So since I have already farmed my rebel team for this event I will probably be able to get palp pretty easily. Should I farm sith / empire after I get him? I mean is this an indication that sith / empire will be used in the future for a possible light side? Possibly Luke?? Totally guessing here.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Strange, that we just have to farm lightside ****.. Where are the darksinde events for sith, droids, ns, first order stuff... Always jedi,rebels, clones, resistance

    Credit heist, Endor Assault, multiple droid events, omega events, mod challenges, etc. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    I have 4 rebels 7* but my leia is only 3* and i dont think in 11 days i ll have enough time to 7* her.

    So i probably wont be able to get emperor to 7*.
    So will emperor event come back in the future ?
  • Zetto
    178 posts Member
    "extremely rare event". So it'll be back, but prolly not for a couple of months or so
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    Seems to actually be worthwhile...

    Anyone have thoughts on it?
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    Heyyyyyy!!! Chuwaca is not a rebel???
    What is he a droid??
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    It looks decent...enough to get 3* HRScout and HRSolider. Won't be enough to 5* to get emperor though. I'm f2p so I won't be purchasing, but it seems better than 99% of the bundles we've seen.
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    Was too easy, autoed the entire thing with 4 max 7* toons, and a lvl 50 G5 Biggs
    Lando, sthan, Aa, Leia and Biggs
    Leader and co-founder of BHG
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
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    Hope it'll return at some point indeed, can't go further than 4* atm, and in 12 days I won't make 5*, let alone 7*
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Maybe 2-3 months?
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    This event is to test the waters. It's just to generate buzz, get players building teams.
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    Autod till tier 6.....need more Lando shards but yeah, kinda easy
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Heyyyyyy!!! Chuwaca is not a rebel???
    What is he a droid??

    But wait, he'll be released later as REBEL Chewie, leather jacket, toothpick in his muzzle. When asked what is he rebelling against he'll reply "WAaaaaaaaaaaaaahHaAAAvvvveeeYyouuuGGggooooooOOOtTT?"

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    Haha, I only have 3 rebels unlocked. I can't even participate.

    ST Han is lvl 80 7* G9 but Leia and Biggs are both weak.
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    yep - the crystals and the shards will give me a full 5* rebel roster (maybe 6* by the end of the event)
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Just unlocked aswell
  • Rizn
    246 posts Member
    They worded the pop up to trick you into thinking you are getting more than you are. Look at the actual pack. You will get 2-3 shards for a couple characters and some other junk. Not enough to really do much.
  • Dionysos
    17 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Why Tell me why??!!!
    Why only Rebells???
    Why no Jedi?? Or at least both of them ??
    Why no Ewoks??

    Can't believe that!!
    I have 27 Chars at 7 Stars lvl 80 with Gear IX or higher and i can't Play this Event not even Stage 1!!!
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    Took 9 min, auto'd all
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    Just unlocked 5* Emperor. Need to get Luke to 7* to finish it. Event was easy.
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