The Empire Event - Comments\Questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    If I got good team of 3, allow me to proceed. Why force me to have all 5?
    @BentWookiee - any dev feedback on this please.
    Allow us to play with w/e we got.
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    i also beat it in around 7 minutes, I was really expecting it would be first run yoda challenge difficult but I guess not. I guess thats probably a good thing, I had to fight yoda like 50 times to get him 7* I was ready to pull my hair out

    Yeah...i spent way too many crystal ensuring i was ready. I had that same picture in my mind, I'd kill 6* and be stuck on 7* for at least 1 out of the 11 days

    I was thinking the same thing, I was sure it'd be yoda event hard, I had leia ackbar and lando ready to go, han was close so I put all my resources into getting him to g9 and was ready to go further, and only other rebel I could use was my level 60 hoth rebel scout, I was gonna pump resources into hoth rebel scout then I thought that I should just wait and see how it goes first, try and beat it with my team as is and if I cant then beef them up, fortunatley or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, I beat it with that team including the level 60 hoth rebel scout.

    Yoda event even with 5 jedi maxed in every way possible it was still infuriatingly hard
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    i also beat it in around 7 minutes, I was really expecting it would be first run yoda challenge difficult but I guess not. I guess thats probably a good thing, I had to fight yoda like 50 times to get him 7* I was ready to pull my hair out

    Yeah...i spent way too many crystal ensuring i was ready. I had that same picture in my mind, I'd kill 6* and be stuck on 7* for at least 1 out of the 11 days

    I was thinking the same thing, I was sure it'd be yoda event hard, I had leia ackbar and lando ready to go, han was close so I put all my resources into getting him to g9 and was ready to go further, and only other rebel I could use was my level 60 hoth rebel scout, I was gonna pump resources into hoth rebel scout then I thought that I should just wait and see how it goes first, try and beat it with my team as is and if I cant then beef them up, fortunatley or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, I beat it with that team including the level 60 hoth rebel scout.

    Yoda event even with 5 jedi maxed in every way possible it was still infuriatingly hard

    You've hit the nail on the head.

    Do you remember the day you put Yoda in PvP?

    I was proud in some odd i felt l
    As if i was a grade 12 stealing a grade 9s lunch money......
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    Options video was mega thread worthy.....
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    Was a fun but rather easy event. Used
    Aa(l) level 70
    Sth and lando were level 80 gl 10
    Leia level 53
    Biggs level 1
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    If I got good team of 3, allow me to proceed. Why force me to have all 5?
    @BentWookiee - any dev feedback on this please.
    Allow us to play with w/e we got.

    The idea is this is end game content for a pretty major player in the picture as a reward, it's supposed to be a challenging reward.. something to "work" for, getting five Rebels together to complete him is part of that challenge.
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    Glad for the event but I do prefer the ones that can be played multiple times after you go through all the levels. I'v got all but one rebel at 6* so after I autoed through the first 3 tiers this has turned into a farm Leia event. Luckily it is 11 days so I can get hi unlocked.
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    So to get Yoda you need jedi's to get the emperor you need rebels. That is stupid it should be the slith there is no need to have them.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    If I got good team of 3, allow me to proceed. Why force me to have all 5?
    @BentWookiee - any dev feedback on this please.
    Allow us to play with w/e we got.

    The idea is this is end game content for a pretty major player in the picture as a reward, it's supposed to be a challenging reward.. something to "work" for, getting five Rebels together to complete him is part of that challenge.

    8 months in - still 2-4 movies to go...and we're already getting to the "end game content for a pretty major player" stage. Ruh-Roh!
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Double post?
    Post edited by Nikoms565 on
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Is there a way to get rid of the flashing red email warning message about the event?

    It is very annoying, especially for us newer players that haven't been around long enough to buy all the characters necessary to participate in the event.
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    It makes sense. Yoda can, would and did train Jedis. The Emperor would have never trained 5 Siths at the same time and definitely wouldn't care about his little Empire puppets to train them, so it made sense having Rebels trying to defeat him, because that is the most likely scenario.
    Team Steroid Council Member - "A wise leader knows when to follow"
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    i was disappointed rebel toon
    if not because five for empire got assault ed event i might had 7s luke by now, currently at 4s 14/65, and 6 star ackbar less 80 shard, past day got distracted by unlocking both gunray and nebit at same time 5s ed ig88
    still event like this will be back and in the of the day a casual f2p so laidback player will olways had his due..
    the cake is a lie
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    Remember that only 4 Sith are free-to-play. Maul is locked behind a paywall, so that wouldn't work for the general public.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    If I got good team of 3, allow me to proceed. Why force me to have all 5?
    @BentWookiee - any dev feedback on this please.
    Allow us to play with w/e we got.

    The idea is this is end game content for a pretty major player in the picture as a reward, it's supposed to be a challenging reward.. something to "work" for, getting five Rebels together to complete him is part of that challenge.

    8 months in - still 2-4 movies to go...and we're already getting to the "end game content for a pretty major player" stage. Ruh-Roh!

    No not at all what I meant.. it is meant as a reward for higher level players at the level cap and with bigger rosters etc.. just like Yoda was for the level 70's when he was originally released. You can bet with the movies to come, and lots characters from the moves past that have yet to be released there is PLENTY of content and longevity for the game.

    See this is why I don't comment much.. everything I say can be read differently. :/

    (We're good for a few years, I mean once you factor in the Harry Potter, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings tie-ins.. DECADES PROBABLY! :D )
  • Tulkas
    253 posts Member
    Granted I don't have Palpatine yet but it sounds like he's way more powerful than even Yoda.

    Can anyone comment from experience as soon as they unlock Palpatine please
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    I have been preparing for the tank raid by leveling jawas up and starting them up. If i had known this event was coming i would have planned differently. Seems like everything is up in the air with this game. How would i have known to farm rebels ahead of timr tho?? Theres no way? U either get lucky or you dont. I didnt, i prepared for the event that was discussed, the tank raid, and now my work is not worthwhile....thanks
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    i might sound like broken record just want to quote about yoda and yoda event in the's trophy character!
    not convincing enough? then how about 5 jedi and got yoda for freeeeee!
    the cake is a lie
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    I just want to unlock Palpatine this time around. Need to get HR Scout and Luke to 5* and then I should be able to clear Tier 5 and unlock him.

    Probably can't get Palpatine to 7* until next time around, but it gives me incentive to gradually work on my Rebels squad.
  • Jed
    8 posts Member
    I hate to say it, but just like the roll out of the Yoda event, this event was badly advertised and only caters to the pay to win players.

    It would have required complete luck for a free to play customer to even dream of being close enough to having 5 heroes at 7 stars.... and geared and leveled.

    Why? because they are some of the worst heroes in the game to use otherwise. And even if they were good, the odds you would have a full team is likely slim.

    So yet another epic fail on EA's part for catering to a select small group.

    Oh and btw, is there ever going to be an event for Sith or Empire, or ANY of the dark factions.....
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Here, this is for those complaining it was too easy.

    /sarcasm on

    This just in "The reduced difficulty of todays event, was unforeseen and the result of a bad data merge. We will be removing any and all rewards and re-release it once the problem has been found. As we all know, It's supposed to be hard!"

    /sarcasm off

    That said.. OMG, too hard complaints, too easy complaints. Say thank you and go play. Unfreaking real. What you are really saying is "Erma gerd, I won't be the only one with one.."
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    i also beat it in around 7 minutes, I was really expecting it would be first run yoda challenge difficult but I guess not. I guess thats probably a good thing, I had to fight yoda like 50 times to get him 7* I was ready to pull my hair out

    Yeah...i spent way too many crystal ensuring i was ready. I had that same picture in my mind, I'd kill 6* and be stuck on 7* for at least 1 out of the 11 days

    I was thinking the same thing, I was sure it'd be yoda event hard, I had leia ackbar and lando ready to go, han was close so I put all my resources into getting him to g9 and was ready to go further, and only other rebel I could use was my level 60 hoth rebel scout, I was gonna pump resources into hoth rebel scout then I thought that I should just wait and see how it goes first, try and beat it with my team as is and if I cant then beef them up, fortunatley or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, I beat it with that team including the level 60 hoth rebel scout.

    Yoda event even with 5 jedi maxed in every way possible it was still infuriatingly hard
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    i also beat it in around 7 minutes, I was really expecting it would be first run yoda challenge difficult but I guess not. I guess thats probably a good thing, I had to fight yoda like 50 times to get him 7* I was ready to pull my hair out

    Yeah...i spent way too many crystal ensuring i was ready. I had that same picture in my mind, I'd kill 6* and be stuck on 7* for at least 1 out of the 11 days

    I was thinking the same thing, I was sure it'd be yoda event hard, I had leia ackbar and lando ready to go, han was close so I put all my resources into getting him to g9 and was ready to go further, and only other rebel I could use was my level 60 hoth rebel scout, I was gonna pump resources into hoth rebel scout then I thought that I should just wait and see how it goes first, try and beat it with my team as is and if I cant then beef them up, fortunatley or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, I beat it with that team including the level 60 hoth rebel scout.

    Yoda event even with 5 jedi maxed in every way possible it was still infuriatingly hard

    You've hit the nail on the head.

    Do you remember the day you put Yoda in PvP?

    I was proud in some odd i felt l
    As if i was a grade 12 stealing a grade 9s lunch money......
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    i also beat it in around 7 minutes, I was really expecting it would be first run yoda challenge difficult but I guess not. I guess thats probably a good thing, I had to fight yoda like 50 times to get him 7* I was ready to pull my hair out

    Yeah...i spent way too many crystal ensuring i was ready. I had that same picture in my mind, I'd kill 6* and be stuck on 7* for at least 1 out of the 11 days

    I was thinking the same thing, I was sure it'd be yoda event hard, I had leia ackbar and lando ready to go, han was close so I put all my resources into getting him to g9 and was ready to go further, and only other rebel I could use was my level 60 hoth rebel scout, I was gonna pump resources into hoth rebel scout then I thought that I should just wait and see how it goes first, try and beat it with my team as is and if I cant then beef them up, fortunatley or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, I beat it with that team including the level 60 hoth rebel scout.

    Yoda event even with 5 jedi maxed in every way possible it was still infuriatingly hard
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    i also beat it in around 7 minutes, I was really expecting it would be first run yoda challenge difficult but I guess not. I guess thats probably a good thing, I had to fight yoda like 50 times to get him 7* I was ready to pull my hair out

    Yeah...i spent way too many crystal ensuring i was ready. I had that same picture in my mind, I'd kill 6* and be stuck on 7* for at least 1 out of the 11 days

    I was thinking the same thing, I was sure it'd be yoda event hard, I had leia ackbar and lando ready to go, han was close so I put all my resources into getting him to g9 and was ready to go further, and only other rebel I could use was my level 60 hoth rebel scout, I was gonna pump resources into hoth rebel scout then I thought that I should just wait and see how it goes first, try and beat it with my team as is and if I cant then beef them up, fortunatley or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, I beat it with that team including the level 60 hoth rebel scout.

    Yoda event even with 5 jedi maxed in every way possible it was still infuriatingly hard

    You've hit the nail on the head.

    Do you remember the day you put Yoda in PvP?

    I was proud in some odd i felt l
    As if i was a grade 12 stealing a grade 9s lunch money......

    I remember that day like it was yesterday, I was proud to be one of the first if not the first in my server to have 7* yoda and I instantly respected anyone else who managed to get 7* yoda because I knew what it took, it was like a right of passage haha the only other time in arena where I was that proud was when I was the first person to have a G11 character on my team, but not only one, I put in qgj and rex both at G11 both at the same time, it was glorious :p

    I agree that same feeling isnt there with palpatine, beat tier 7 palpatine on my first try, I have a feeling palps will be everywhere in arena, wont feel as special as yoda, even though we all know how viable yoda is these days...
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    Jed wrote: »
    Why? because they are some of the worst heroes in the game to use otherwise.

    Lol. STHan and Leia are meta toons. Biggs and Wedge (the only P2P character of the bunch) are slowly becoming meta. Admiral Ackbar is great in raid. Lando is incredible. I'm pretty sure the only "worst hero in the game" when it comes to rebels is Lobot.

    ITT: Someone who has no clue and is salty that he didn't farm "the worst heroes in the game".
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    Skammadix wrote: »
    Jed wrote: »
    Why? because they are some of the worst heroes in the game to use otherwise.

    Lol. STHan and Leia are meta toons. Biggs and Wedge (the only P2P character of the bunch) are slowly becoming meta. Admiral Ackbar is great in raid. Lando is incredible. I'm pretty sure the only "worst hero in the game" when it comes to rebels is Lobot.

    ITT: Someone who has no clue and is salty that he didn't farm "the worst heroes in the game".

    Wonder what the meta will be in 6 months? Hell, 6 weeks. FOTM builds come and go quickly.

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    If I got good team of 3, allow me to proceed. Why force me to have all 5?
    @BentWookiee - any dev feedback on this please.
    Allow us to play with w/e we got.

    The idea is this is end game content for a pretty major player in the picture as a reward, it's supposed to be a challenging reward.. something to "work" for, getting five Rebels together to complete him is part of that challenge.

    8 months in - still 2-4 movies to go...and we're already getting to the "end game content for a pretty major player" stage. Ruh-Roh!

    No not at all what I meant.. it is meant as a reward for higher level players at the level cap and with bigger rosters etc.. just like Yoda was for the level 70's when he was originally released. You can bet with the movies to come, and lots characters from the moves past that have yet to be released there is PLENTY of content and longevity for the game.

    See this is why I don't comment much.. everything I say can be read differently. :/

    (We're good for a few years, I mean once you factor in the Harry Potter, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings tie-ins.. DECADES PROBABLY! :D )
    It's all good Wookie. I was just messin'. Sorry if it came off any other way. You're my favorite mod - outside of those arrow speed ones, of course. I hope you and I are around for a long time. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Just a question (pretty sure it was asked before and pretty sure I know what the answer is)

    Is this event bound to come back like the Yoda event?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Just a question (pretty sure it was asked before and pretty sure I know what the answer is)

    Is this event bound to come back like the Yoda event?

    Rarely. ;)

    (Honestly, I have no idea....)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Well since the last event was rebels + clones i only farmed sth,leia,ackbar and lately biggs. Dont have a 5th, i was expecting to use fives here...Maybe lando can be power farmed to 5* in 11 days, but that will be the maximum(and i just did full refresh for 0 shards).
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    Got mine :). Surprisingly easy and I'm ok with it!
  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Found this video, Palp at arena. I guess he's around gear 8/9.

    Just wish to see wihtout B2, because he's too op.

    With HK lead, seems Palp works well too.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Just a question (pretty sure it was asked before and pretty sure I know what the answer is)

    Is this event bound to come back like the Yoda event?

    Rarely. ;)

    (Honestly, I have no idea....)

    Probably the reason why the said that it's a rare event is to entice players into buying the bundle promos lol.
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