Who would you add a potency mod to?

237 posts Member
edited August 2016
My arena is gs rey st han phasma and gqj have all max health mods have a tenacity on rey and gs and offence qgj should i switch one to a 24 potency?


  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Phas or QGJ if you have his basic omegaed
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    Lol next question only my rey has omega who would you put omega on next
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    Of those five units only Phasma and Qui-Gon would benefit from potency. On Rey and Geo Sol it would be wasted.
    I'm not sure how St. Han's unique, Bluff, is affected by potency. Anyone?
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  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    QGJ has good base potency. Phasma needs to stick her aoe speed down and she has enough health/prot to give up some to a potency mod. I would omega GS's last ability. He goes from 30%-50% tm gain on a crit. Then omega his special for +15% damage.
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    St han deserves potency more than most people realizr. I have him at around 60% and it is night and day how often his passive procs. Remember han gets a chance also to remove tm from the enemy when he is damaged even when he is not taunting! He also removes even more on each of his turns which is why I like the potency speed protection mods for him. I actually use him to solo the pigs. Along with his tm up he frequently chips some tm off the the pig and even the rancor (infrequently). I easily crush the pigs with people scratching there heads. No you don't need Akbar elder or rex. St han does the job and does it quickly with style.
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