Recent change to Galactic War - open conversation


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    When will people admit that GW is not for everyone to win Every Day.
    These teams that are put here lvl70 7* best chromium toons can be beaten by my team of Sid Lumi Kylo Fives JC losing one toon(usually unfortunately JC) if you know how to play the game. Im F2P, never Lost a GW
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    Rogerfan wrote: »
    When will people admit that GW is not for everyone to win Every Day.
    These teams that are put here lvl70 7* best chromium toons can be beaten by my team of Sid Lumi Kylo Fives JC losing one toon(usually unfortunately JC) if you know how to play the game. Im F2P, never Lost a GW

    What's your highest attained Arena rank, and what total power are your top 5 characters?
  • LoveLoveRice
    182 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    This is what I fight over and over again every day. 73 Characters and I see 10. You can only sacrifice so many toons. Re-rolling RNG is not what I consider a good time. Thank goodness people use Old Ben instead of another DPS or it would be a true nightmare.

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    Listen kids, you think we went crying to Capcom when we were playing Mega-Man 2, jumping into a pit and the blocks kept disappearing? There are no devs to help you avoid the spiked ceiling on Bubble Man. You just gotta be brave.
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    It's just getting stupid now.

    Level 70 teams from round three onwards.
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    This is what I fight over and over again every day. 73 Characters and I see 10. You can only sacrifice so many toons. Re-rolling RNG is not what I consider a good time. Thank goodness people use Old Ben instead of another DPS or it would be a true nightmare.


    I would like to take a moment to point out the P2W aspect of this person's team. Old Ben does not drop from anything but data cards and to have a 7* Ben, with RNGesus involved, must have set them back a pretty penny.
  • ThePedroKid
    368 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Are people still saying Arena Rank has something to do with it? LOL

    It doesn't.

    It's pure RNG from your ladder. There is a level range at each stage based on your level. Teams are randomly selected from that level range. It's quite simple actually. It just doesn't work out well if you are on a high powered leaderboard.

    If you are on a leaderboard with a lot of P2W level 70s, you are probably screwed as the RNG for something insane to fight is going to be against you more.

    I sure hope I don't start seeing these all 7* P2W chromium toon teams. That screenshot up there is nasty!
  • MeetraSurik
    313 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Are people still saying Arena Rank has something to do with it? LOL

    It doesn't.

    It's pure RNG from your ladder. There is a level range at each stage based on your level. Teams are randomly selected from that level range. It's quite simple actually. It just doesn't work out well if you are on a high powered leaderboard.

    If you are on a leaderboard with a lot of P2W level 70s, you are probably screwed as the RNG for something insane to fight is going to be against you more.

    I sure hope I don't start seeing these all 7* P2W chromium toon teams. That screenshot up there is nasty!

    I see people that aren't anywhere on my top 200. They're better, by leaps and bounds. None of any of what you posted is remotely accurate.
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    The developers decided to "improve" gw by making you face much harder opponents much earlier and taking away the functionality of the retreat option.
    That's their right as the owners of the game. I just hope they know that i've "improved" my grip on my wallet. That took me from $10-$20 every week to not spending a penny. If the rest of the light p2p players follow suit maybe the devs would listen to the complaints.
    I know their choice to change gw was a business decision. Make putting it back as it was a good decision for them too.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Are people still saying Arena Rank has something to do with it? LOL

    It doesn't

    Yes, actually, the devs stated precisely that it did. Recently (less than a week ago). You are of course free to continue to post opinion rather than actual fact, as you just did.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
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    Oh look its 1:30 am and i am already finished swgoh

    GW was more of a joke than usual today. GW is so easy.

    Please give me something to do.
    This is supposed be a video game.
    I wanna play for more than an hr and a half every day...but theres nothing to do.
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    This is what I fight over and over again every day. 73 Characters and I see 10. You can only sacrifice so many toons. Re-rolling RNG is not what I consider a good time. Thank goodness people use Old Ben instead of another DPS or it would be a true nightmare.



    Except that Ben might be a GS or Leia and throw in a Poggle in there for fun also and a fully loaded Poe/Droid team or two.

    1 or 2 every run through is (barely) manageable, but when you get 3, 4,5 plus fully maxed 70 power teams from Nodes 7-8 on, and you run out of toons and sacrificial teams, nothing more you can do except vainly wasting hours re-trying....
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    EnderU wrote: »
    This is what I fight over and over again every day. 73 Characters and I see 10. You can only sacrifice so many toons. Re-rolling RNG is not what I consider a good time. Thank goodness people use Old Ben instead of another DPS or it would be a true nightmare.



    Except that Ben might be a GS or Leia and throw in a Poggle in there for fun also and a fully loaded Poe/Droid team or two.

    1 or 2 every run through is (barely) manageable, but when you get 3, 4,5 plus fully maxed 70 power teams from Nodes 7-8 on, and you run out of toons and sacrificial teams, nothing more you can do except vainly wasting hours re-trying....

    bruH U GOT 10k 0f gems **** you want some whine with that cheese **** o snaps all the cows felt sorry for you and cried a river and drowned themselves..
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    Not my picture, thus not my gems....

    Try again.
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    MackemSLAM wrote: »
    It's just getting stupid now.

    Level 70 teams from round three onwards.

    Today was the first time I really hit the wall with GW.

    Round 1-3 was really high level stuff, but round 4 was all 70 7*, so was round 5 where I finally burnt out of toons because my a-team was dead within two rounds thanks to a maxed Poe/Poggle team that went first every single retry regardless of what group I sent in or what order.

    I'm level 64, best rank ever in arena was 55 (currently 117) and I don't have a single 7* character......there is no way to get through this. I'm not too fussed with failure, but when there is no chance to succeed it makes the whole thing kinda frustrating.

    I can also debunk the theory that when you lose high level toons, the following round is a lot easier, that's just not true for me today, if anything the 5th fight was harder than the 4th.
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    Personally, I had not been aware of the retreat strategy for a long time, and only ever made it maybe 9/12, and then I did use the retreat strategy successfully for 9 days until the change occurred. I was at first disappointed, expecting it to go back to me not completing it again, however, I ha e been successfully completing the full run everyday since the switch.

    I actually prefer the current system, and would prefer to stay in the battle without retreating, unless I ha e a character killed and want to retry.

    I also feel like my current success can be attributed to having used retreat strategy for that week I could use it though. And using the guide posted on here. There is still a lot of vital information in there, like suggesting who to target first, and the like.

    Anyways, just my opinion, and I'm sure there are plenty with opposing viewpoints, but I do like the challenge it provides.

    For anyone wondering, the team I use through the entire GW is luminara (leader), sidious, phasma, chewy, and hk-47.
    Of all the quotes, in all the bars, in all the world, you had to walk into mine.
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    Others have said some variation of this, but the GW should be challenging but not impossible. If I play with good strategy, I think I should be able to beat it each time, but I'm fine with that being difficult. I won my first 10-11 easily, but not since. Most days now are impossible, as far as I can tell. I've sent in B and C squads (the B squad is quite good) to soften up a particularly tough opponent and it doesn't achieve much. It's possible I'm doing something wrong but on some of these it would take me doing a lot wrong given the result. Pretty tough at level 53 facing level 65-68 Sidious, Ventriss, Luminara, Phasma, and Consular.

    I'm good with all the changes made earlier in January, but would just adjust the matching. Regardless, great game.
  • RAMifications
    189 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    18 characters over 60, 10 over 66, 4 of them healers, only lost GW once since the change and I still think it is CRAP!

    This bull of just trying different combinations until one works is stupid, as is sacrificing a whole squad just to kill one or 2 characters. And wth is up with level 59 squads decimating a lvl 69 squad?

    Healers are now a one-trick deal. 5 turn cool down is way too long in the new gw. It takes 3 whole rounds before they can heal again and no way they can survive that long.

    Edit: no swear words were hurt in the making of this post. Disney filter ftl.

    And what's worse, is the credit economy is horrible in this game even completing gw, can't imagine the pain of those who do not.
    --Nud Stark--
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    18 characters over 60, 10 over 66, 4 of them healers, only lost GW once since the change and I still think it is CRAP!

    This bull of just trying different combinations until one works is stupid, as is sacrificing a whole squad just to kill one or 2 characters.
    No, it's called "strategy" or "thinking". It's supposed to be hard to complete - and it's supposed to utilize your whole team (which include "suicide squads") If that's what it takes, then it is functioning exactly as the devs have said all along it is supposed to be how it functions.

    I agree with the complaint about players who seem drastically mismatched - obviously something in the "matchmaking" algorithm is whack and needs to be fixed when you have a level 60 player facing all level 70 toons fully starred and purple-geared to the teeth.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Facing a full team of level 60 toons, all purple, and all equal or higher starred than my single best one -- when I am only level 50 -- is neither fun nor fair. But doing it three battles in a row is just stupid.

    Which is a shame, because I had been really enjoying it. But, ever since I cracked level 50 a couple days ago, the norm has been +10 levels and better gear and stars from battle 7-8 onwards. One team wiped out my entire A team before I could move or retreat. Full wipe.

    Which is just stupid, frustrating and pointless. I hope they can do better.
  • Mezmo
    117 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Mezmo wrote: »

    Facing a full team of level 60 toons, all purple, and all equal or higher starred than my single best one -- when I am only level 50 -- is neither fun nor fair. But doing it three battles in a row is just stupid.

    Which is a shame, because I had been really enjoying it. But, ever since I cracked level 50 a couple days ago, the norm has been +10 levels and better gear and stars from battle 7-8 onwards. One team wiped out my entire A team before I could move or retreat. Full wipe.

    Which is just stupid, frustrating and pointless. I hope they can do better.

    Gosh, here I am quoting myself for the sole purpose of explaining and reemphasizing that the [censored] word above was the incredibly offensive and vile word ****. Which, well, speaks for itself.

    [EDIT] SMH, i give up.... (six letter word starting with st, rhymes with cupid).

    Ugh, "[cupid - c + st], frustrating and pointless" seems to be my first impression of this forum as well. Sorry, seems I stumbled into the wrong place. Perhaps I should just move along entirely. ;-/
    Post edited by Mezmo on
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    So I got up to rank 18 on my server one time about a month ago. Now the rest of the server has caught up, and I can't get under 50 anymore. Now, one month later, GW is **** near impossible. The first 3 battles are on par with the last 3 from last month, and the final 9 battles are against full starred, tier 2 purple teams that are 5+ levels ahead of me.

    Its no longer a challenge to look forward to. It is no longer fun.

    My worry is that now that I'm effectively cut off from GW shipments, that cuts off one vector for keeping up with the rest of the server.

    Is it because I got top 20 once that I'm seeing these monster teams starting with battle 4?
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    well, FML. One day you complete it without a single retreat (the only lvl 60 team is the last battle? really?) and next day you face seven 7* max gear lvl 68 teams. The thing that is bothering me is why so much variance.
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    My team was defeated after retreating, looking for different tactics and combinations of characters for 45 minutes xD Luck with stuns seem to be an important factor too.
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    I have been playing a steady dose of this game, and have really enjoyed it. GW was my favorite part of the game, I saved it like a delicous desert, after some meaty grinding. Update HITS!!! Like a ASSTEROID from hell full of elite tonns guarding the gate of my tasty treat for the evening. My impressive band off bad **** top is about 63 mostly purps team of back up 60's and high 50, as well as a decent amount of other 50's high 40s. I'm guessing this is the same for most othre players. Round 2 of GW was all 61's, Round MOTHER **** 2. my players pushed few some very tough ruounds, squezzed the **** for every bit of power they could muster, and I dint even come half way to where I used to reach. IF you dont fix this colossal prison **** of a downdate it's dueces. Im sure by the outrage a large portion of others would agree. All I ask is you make the game fun, and updated while you retain a healthy profit. You must restore balance to the FORCE. I have been playing and sometimes paying since the games released. If a game is fun ill toss some dollars here in there in hopes of a reward for the developers and continued success and development of the game WIN WIN). May the force be with all who fix this game! P.S you have about a week to many games out there to wait long tick tock.
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    18 characters over 60, 10 over 66, 4 of them healers, only lost GW once since the change and I still think it is CRAP!

    This bull of just trying different combinations until one works is stupid, as is sacrificing a whole squad just to kill one or 2 characters.
    No, it's called "strategy" or "thinking". It's supposed to be hard to complete - and it's supposed to utilize your whole team (which include "suicide squads") If that's what it takes, then it is functioning exactly as the devs have said all along it is supposed to be how it functions.

    I agree with the complaint about players who seem drastically mismatched - obviously something in the "matchmaking" algorithm is whack and needs to be fixed when you have a level 60 player facing all level 70 toons fully starred and purple-geared to the teeth.

    Not really strategy so much as trying a different combination of sequences over and over until getting the desired results. Its essentially as strategic as rolling the dice and swapping in different dice occasionally and rolling that repeatedly.
  • Zemit
    45 posts Moderator
    Mezmo wrote: »

    Facing a full team of level 60 toons, all purple, and all equal or higher starred than my single best one -- when I am only level 50 -- is neither fun nor fair. But doing it three battles in a row is just stupid.

    Which is a shame, because I had been really enjoying it. But, ever since I cracked level 50 a couple days ago, the norm has been +10 levels and better gear and stars from battle 7-8 onwards. One team wiped out my entire A team before I could move or retreat. Full wipe.

    Which is just stupid, frustrating and pointless. I hope they can do better.

    Sometimes you just need to close your app when you see that is happening. The system logs it as an retreat.

  • Chico
    120 posts Member
    Chico wrote: »
    To the admins/developers. In the spirit of your change to GW. There should also be a retreat button if your team wipes.

    Until that happens one tip is always include at least one very very tanky full HP char in every squad.

    Second tip is (I never ever needed to use this, but must be so as the app may crash anytime) ...if you didn't do above press Home asap the milisecond you see entire squad dead or about to, and restart app. and then don't forget to add that a tanky char.

    I'd also appreciate it they had the retreat function even after you win. Say you were planning to retreat because everyone was on the brink of dying but your dooku countered and killed off the last guy and you know you'll definitely be screwed in the next battle.
This discussion has been closed.