Decrypting the latest transmission


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    Acquire Pao ...Sorry
  • DarthZeroDan
    107 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Isn't there a new Rogue one character called Yun Yun?
    And a Gen Pao?
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    Chewie shards
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    English/German old/alter saw/sägen

    Old is alt nicht alter ;)
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    Your mission is to acquire the kek
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    It cant can't be a person... you dont aquire people, that doesn't make sense really
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    Kalano wrote: »
    Sabroson wrote: »
    This is the text I got in Spanish: t... mi...n es c. ir... un...

    It looks weird though. It doesn't match the sentence you guys are getting( your mission is to aquire...)
    It doesn't have any unknown 3-dot words. Nor does it have any capital letters like in the English version.
    Another weird thing is the two-letter word starting with a C. Ca, ce, ci, co and cu don't mean anything in Spanish. So Im guessing they messed up the translation.

    Beginning would match!?
    Tuyo mision es ...

    It should be "Tu mision es". Tuyo is the equivalent of your's so it wouldn't fit in the sentence.
    If they misplaced the dots it could be " tu mision es conseguir un..", meaning "your mission is to aquier a ...". Hard to say what we should get if the dots are all messed up though.
  • Krayden_Phogg
    1685 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    It cant can't be a person... you dont aquire people, that doesn't make sense really

    We acquire toons on the game and they are people :smiley:

    But it could be an identity (if it was longer)

    Like your mission is to acquire the indentity of the rebel spy.

    Plus if someone is a slave you can aquire them through purchase.
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    The spy? New character maybe?
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    Sun Fac. Whale only event!
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    In Spanish "t... Mi...on es c. ir... un..." I think it's a lame translation and the English version is the original because there are no words in Spanish with letter C and a vocal only maybe it's "tu misión es conseguir un..." "your mission is to acquire a/one... " what do u think guys ¡I think it's not completed and the "... ..." means nothing but "something missing" but if it's complet I wanna see jyn erso
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    not gen Pao, COMMANDANT Pao, i say tha 2 hour ago, its Pao the new character
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    Sabroson wrote: »
    This is the text I got in Spanish: t... mi...n es c. ir... un...

    It looks weird though. It doesn't match the sentence you guys are getting( your mission is to aquire...)
    It doesn't have any unknown 3-dot words. Nor does it have any capital letters like in the English version.
    Another weird thing is the two-letter word starting with a C. Ca, ce, ci, co and cu don't mean anything in Spanish. So Im guessing they messed up the translation.

    If you think in dots as interferences the sentence could be: "tu mision es conseguir un" in spanish, and that matchs with "your mission is to acquire"
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    Your mission is to acquire map six
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    Acquire one AAT? (Or two, six,ten)
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    It says ... Bring me a red page!CiZXL0K.gif
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    The announcement they made talking about the upcoming update said the tournament would reward a new character from Rogue One.

    The message is saying you have to recover something. My expectation is that the message is referring to whoever that character is. Keep in mind that the elipses doesn't have to mean two three-letter words, it could just be a stand in for whatever's been omitted.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Big Mac ?
  • Bora
    440 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    I think this is a rebel transmission. And that we will acquire r2 d2 somehow.
    EA owns battlefront too, in the most recent DLC (the death star) which came out a few days ago, there is a game mode in which you need to rescue and safely escort r2d2 away from the imperials, as he has the death star blueprints. We all now rogue one is coming and that r2 has been teased a couple of months ago by CG too, you do the math!

    Oh, and he's an astromech droid, so he fits well with ships too!

    BTW, those are ellipsis, I'm Italian and I can guarantee that my translation is messed up, just like the German, the Spanish, and the Portuguese.. The only correct version (as of now) is the English one. Those being ellipses makes even more sense if you think of them like static noises that makes the transmission unreadable.

    There will be much probably more transmission fragments to come and tease us.
    Res non verba
  • Paulawan
    1 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    The map
    ... ...
    Die karte
    ... .....

    EDIT: Nevermind it was said to be 2 words, 5 dots each in German.
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    Everything is about mods now. It's 'to aquire the mod'. lol
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    Acquire +30speed and protection mods to finish top 20 arena! Lol..
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    Not getting this message, just shows how unprofessional these developers are. It is simple basic coding. Not very hard to figure out for someone who has been trained to code.

    They mess up like this on a monthly basis. Nobody should be surprised by it
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    +30 speed and protection mods!
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    I see many of you are new to the spy game. The message is obviously in your inbox and written in invisible ink. You have to have a decoder pen to decode it.
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    How about "Your mission is to acquire the one" meaning Rogue One...Luke or Wedge...or whoever the new Rogue One is...
  • Bora
    440 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Double post
    Res non verba
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    who red one or red two?
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    The answer to the transmission is as follows.

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    "Your mission is to acquire Jar Jar"
    FTW! It's binxy time!!
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