Wiggs Nerf Callers got their wish


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    I really wish I could see the future.

    You might do a search for when the "Magnatroopper" was announced.. not saying your wrong but you might be premature. :|

    Please...Magmatrooper is poor comparison to use here

    I think you're missing BentWookie's point.
    Drop It Like It's xHOTHx
    In Game Name: E Chu Ta
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    @RealHanSolo lol.

    You're an absolute farce. Everything you've said here disgraces yourself and invalidates any opinion you have on this issue completely, and probably for any issue at all.

    I don't even know where to start with you, but just to point out one thing so this thread title isn't allowed to stand while being a complete joke - Everyone on these forums was very strongly against nerfing them and the few people who voiced the opinion that they are OP (they were and still are), were very much attacked for that point of view. Slaughtered in fact. 'Nerf callers' we're very much outnumbered by 'nerf-whine-callers' so if you see shoretrooper as a wiggs nerf, then they've gone against what everyone wanted on the forums.

    remind me, where did he say the nerfcallers were in the mayority on the forum?
    Since you were/are one of the very vocal nerf wiggs posters, i assumed you would be happy with the shoretrooper release. By the looks of it, he is rather good vs wiggs teams with his second ability, if not vs all characters who thrive with crit damage mods (i'm looking at you lando).
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I'm pretty sure this is just a nerf thread aimed at characters not even released yet.
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    @leef I thought someone might say that. I know he didn't say that but I think it's pretty strongly implied otherwise a pointless statement particularly for a thread title.

    It's also been said by a few people to me, and implied in a lot of the hate towards people asking for the nerf, that nerf callers come in droves and force CG to change things, and that it's ridiculous that CG just give the nerf-callers what they want, something which I've also disagreed with in the past. Given that, how can I see that title and let it slide as if everyone has just moaned and got their way? Very few moaned and were attacked for it so I want that clear rather than just standing there. As long as that's understood by him and others then ok.

    I am happy with shoretrooper, remind me where I said........

    I think he will be a good addition to the game, even though probly whale only for a while and I can't access him. He's a very strong character, and I think some people are forgetting you may need to dispel him twice, unlike all other tanks (RG is the only guy who could ever taunt twice quickly). AOE could probly eat him although when wiggs are present you may need your own shoretrooper. He is a decent start to nerfing wiggs, although on defense I think he will probably be very easily bypassed by wiggs, unless you are fighting wiggs and shoretrooper whales and don't have your own shoretrooper. Fortunately for wiggs (ab)users they probly will have their own, because it looks like all you need to be strong in pvp tournaments right now is...... Wiggs...

    Aside from whatever shore trooper is, Wiggs are still far and away the most OP damage there is and still in need of a proper nerf treatment

    @Gank_Killer yes we know he is just b1tching cos he's scared he can't one-shot first turn any more, he's almost admitted as much.
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    Has anyone thought that perhaps the devs know that Wiggs is a little out of hand, they planned it this way only so they could release a suitable counter in shoretrooper that will force people to continue to chase and spend? I would bet that shoretrooper was planned long before the Wiggs Synergy became a problem because they planned it to happen that way. Shoretrooper won't necessarily be behind a paywall but you will have to win to get him.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    @leef I thought someone might say that. I know he didn't say that but I think it's pretty strongly implied otherwise a pointless statement particularly for a thread title.

    It's also been said by a few people to me, and implied in a lot of the hate towards people asking for the nerf, that nerf callers come in droves and force CG to change things, and that it's ridiculous that CG just give the nerf-callers what they want, something which I've also disagreed with in the past. Given that, how can I see that title and let it slide as if everyone has just moaned and got their way? Very few moaned and were attacked for it so I want that clear rather than just standing there. As long as that's understood by him and others then ok.

    I am happy with shoretrooper, remind me where I said........

    I think he will be a good addition to the game, even though probly whale only for a while and I can't access him. He's a very strong character, and I think some people are forgetting you may need to dispel him twice, unlike all other tanks (RG is the only guy who could ever taunt twice quickly). AOE could probly eat him although when wiggs are present you may need your own shoretrooper. He is a decent start to nerfing wiggs, although on defense I think he will probably be very easily bypassed by wiggs, unless you are fighting wiggs and shoretrooper whales and don't have your own shoretrooper. Fortunately for wiggs (ab)users they probly will have their own, because it looks like all you need to be strong in pvp tournaments right now is...... Wiggs...

    Aside from whatever shore trooper is, Wiggs are still far and away the most OP damage there is and still in need of a proper nerf treatment

    @Gank_Killer yes we know he is just b1tching cos he's scared he can't one-shot first turn any more, he's almost admitted as much.

    I didn't state that nerf callers were in the majority, nor was it implied. Wiggs nerf callers were a very vocal
    minority who cried and complained and pretended the EP situation didn't exist.

    Actually I've stated previously in several of your nerf posts that I don't even run the Wiggs team.

    This new EP squad is more OP than Wiggs ever was. I'm complaining about it yup, Wiggs is F2P now and still 9/10 arena squads are built around EP and that's before these two new monsters are available. Unless they're as hard to get as raid Solo they'll be the only team in the arena.
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    @RAYRAY Yep. They do this stuff aaaaallll the time. Who knows, it's possible they just made a mistake with wiggs and this was their solution, but I hate that people assume they have made mistakes when they do some things, rather than they planned them. This isn't their first game.... And they're planning things to make cash first and foremost. Assuming they have planned things seems to be a lot safer to me. I'm not arguing that either way just saying what is obvious.

    I know you appreciate this/are saying this, but the wiggs synergy didn't 'become a problem', I'm pretty sure they made the problem so they can give solutions for which you pay, after which they will probably stop the OPness.

    I said before, the proof will be in the pudding when they were nerfed. They'll be nerfed more over time as well, because theyre still OP, pretty much a necessity, and they always need to change the meta toons. Probably only after everyone is done spending on shoretrooper they will make them less relevant but I'd like to see it before.

    I also think that while some of them are just buthurt people who invested in wiggs, a lot of the accounts attacking you when you call nerf on these obviously OP toons are CG making sure people arent all complaining about the meta. If the forums were rife with complaints it would permanently be a bit of a mess for them.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I also think that while some of them are just buthurt people who invested in wiggs, a lot of the accounts attacking you when you call nerf on these obviously OP toons are CG making sure people arent all complaining about the meta. If the forums were rife with complaints it would permanently be a bit of a mess for them.

    yea, they give me free crystals because i don't think wiggs should be nerfed.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    @RealHanSolo as someone else stated if your shard has EP teams right now you have it very, very easy. If you think that is the best setup right now you really don't know enough to be commenting on all this. Stop saying stuff you don't know about.

    Just use yoda you muppet, you're welcome.

    I'm sorry but given your knowledge of the game based on what you say it's safe to say you have no idea how that team you mentioned will play out, don't pretend you do. I'm sure it isn't the perfect setup in the game and as @Zooey mentioned very counterable. As an aside you don't even know if they will be F2P or P2P, and how long it will take to farm them. You jumped to conclusions with the thread and also what you say is invalid.

    By your own admission you are complaining about a team you've never even seen play, which is ok if you have thought it through and understand how they will play out and the options you have against them. But you don't understand how they'll play out and the possible counters so I find it pretty funny that you are complaining already. People like you told me I was crying because I couldn't beat wiggs (not even true), yet you are now complaining not because you couldn't beat them, you are complaining before this team even exists? and even before some important information about them is known. I find that really really funny.

    As to majority of people blah blah blah.... As long as that's understood and you accept that then fine. But again you have backhandedly in my opinion said that we were small but 'vocal' and I hope you are not suggesting that has something to do with the fact that we got what we want, rather than that CG made an independent decision about this and actually defied what the forum wanted, and told me very aggressively and much more vocally. As long as that's understood, fine.

    @leef come on now. Stop it. CG accounts, I thought that was pretty clear. Are you one of them then?
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    I don't have a problem with the idea of solving OP questions with a suitable counter. When you nerf a good character it becomes garbage. When you give a suitable couter toon, you'll eventually end up with 2 good toons. I think it will make the game much more diverse and fun on the longer run.

    I even like the idea of CG planning it in advance, because it means they are creative. I mean let's be honest who's fault is it if you spend money on the game? It's yours not the devs'. (Don't get me wrong I appreciate whales, and spend some money here and there myself)
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    hmm didnt even read what op says before(chime in bc beanwookie spilled another puzzled message)
    honestly whine about other whine not gonna take you anywhere(more or less leading into trying pick up a fight with other and so on)
    the cake is a lie
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    Seriously for anyone who complained about Wiggs, that team is gone now. It was already 90% EP teams before but with this new intro EP/Vader/RG/Shoretrooper/Tie Pilot will be the only team in the arena.

    Since you haven't figured it out yet.....

    You are going to need 3-4 (or more!) arena squads in order to climb. Meta will not be Empire, Rebels, Droids, Clones or any one basic team.

    The Meta (at least on my server) has already changed to having multiple squads to climb. With the release or rework of every new toon, this becomes more and more apparent.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Josh_K wrote: »
    The Rogue One train has only really started rolling in. Surely this will be a rebel/empire see-saw experience over the next 3 months. Pick a side and buckle down.


    -giggles and slips back into the shadows-
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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    I would much rather devs counter a team by introducing a new team, instead of changing individual toons' abilities.

    Given the (debatable) assumption that Wiggs is a problem, they're going about dealing with it exactly the right way. So give the theorycraft complaints a rest.

    I, for one, am much more concerned about the power rating creep suddenly messing with arena and GW matchmaking.
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    Olle wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure people who wanted nerfs were asking for balance. This is the opposite or balance.

    People who asks for nerfs often just want their toons to be the strong ones.
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    Tactyou wrote: »
    Crit damage vs debuffs. Pick your side...
    Hmmm.... yeah, um, I'll take Rex.

    Crit damage is worthless when shoretrooper gives critical immunity.
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    Shore trooper will help with the lando / wiggs and even droid craziness but that's only if he gets his special off. He could well be dead or ability blocked. I don't see this being OP or a real issue.
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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Has anyone thought that perhaps the devs know that Wiggs is a little out of hand, they planned it this way only so they could release a suitable counter in shoretrooper that will force people to continue to chase and spend? I would bet that shoretrooper was planned long before the Wiggs Synergy became a problem because they planned it to happen that way. Shoretrooper won't necessarily be behind a paywall but you will have to win to get him.


    He's going to be behind the biggest pay wall the game has ever seen. You can only get his shards by getting 'top rank' (via pvp datamine) and to do that in the new tourney, you'll likely have to pay an obscene amount of crystals on refreshes to stay on top. You can't just pay a bit to get him, you have to pay for better toons, better mods, and more refreshes than 1000s of others trying to do the exact same.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    Brown89 wrote: »
    Shore trooper will help with the lando / wiggs and even droid craziness but that's only if he gets his special off. He could well be dead or ability blocked. I don't see this being OP or a real issue.

    The kit sounds great and won't know till get to use him, however I am not sure he will live thru
    Han shoot first and stun
    Wiggs triple attack
    Wedge AoE
    Lando AoE
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    scuba wrote: »
    Brown89 wrote: »
    Shore trooper will help with the lando / wiggs and even droid craziness but that's only if he gets his special off. He could well be dead or ability blocked. I don't see this being OP or a real issue.

    The kit sounds great and won't know till get to use him, however I am not sure he will live thru
    Han shoot first and stun
    Wiggs triple attack
    Wedge AoE
    Lando AoE

    Han stunning Shore won't help because he auto taunts anyways at the start of a battle. Just like how stunning RG doesn't prevent his taunt.

    Now if they gave Han a stun AND buff immunity to start, then that would be a different story...
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Brown89 wrote: »
    Shore trooper will help with the lando / wiggs and even droid craziness but that's only if he gets his special off. He could well be dead or ability blocked. I don't see this being OP or a real issue.

    The kit sounds great and won't know till get to use him, however I am not sure he will live thru
    Han shoot first and stun
    Wiggs triple attack
    Wedge AoE
    Lando AoE

    Han stunning Shore won't help because he auto taunts anyways at the start of a battle. Just like how stunning RG doesn't prevent his taunt.

    Now if they gave Han a stun AND buff immunity to start, then that would be a different story...

    Wasn't really referring to the stun itself but, It will help because now shore has to go 2 turns before he can apply crit immunity to his team.

    I was however referring to the damage done.
    Vs wiggs with Han solo, wiggs triple tap and Han solo shoot first will be directed at Shoretrooper. Following up with wedge AoE and/or Lando AoE I don't think Shoretrooper will live thru it.
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Brown89 wrote: »
    Shore trooper will help with the lando / wiggs and even droid craziness but that's only if he gets his special off. He could well be dead or ability blocked. I don't see this being OP or a real issue.

    The kit sounds great and won't know till get to use him, however I am not sure he will live thru
    Han shoot first and stun
    Wiggs triple attack
    Wedge AoE
    Lando AoE

    Han stunning Shore won't help because he auto taunts anyways at the start of a battle. Just like how stunning RG doesn't prevent his taunt.

    Now if they gave Han a stun AND buff immunity to start, then that would be a different story...

    Wasn't really referring to the stun itself but, It will help because now shore has to go 2 turns before he can apply crit immunity to his team.

    I was however referring to the damage done.
    Vs wiggs with Han solo, wiggs triple tap and Han solo shoot first will be directed at Shoretrooper. Following up with wedge AoE and/or Lando AoE I don't think Shoretrooper will live thru it.

    Ah gotcha.

    But even if Shore doesn't live through it, the rest of his team will and now they're ready to go while you've expended your strongest attacks.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Brown89 wrote: »
    Shore trooper will help with the lando / wiggs and even droid craziness but that's only if he gets his special off. He could well be dead or ability blocked. I don't see this being OP or a real issue.

    The kit sounds great and won't know till get to use him, however I am not sure he will live thru
    Han shoot first and stun
    Wiggs triple attack
    Wedge AoE
    Lando AoE

    Han stunning Shore won't help because he auto taunts anyways at the start of a battle. Just like how stunning RG doesn't prevent his taunt.

    Now if they gave Han a stun AND buff immunity to start, then that would be a different story...

    Wasn't really referring to the stun itself but, It will help because now shore has to go 2 turns before he can apply crit immunity to his team.

    I was however referring to the damage done.
    Vs wiggs with Han solo, wiggs triple tap and Han solo shoot first will be directed at Shoretrooper. Following up with wedge AoE and/or Lando AoE I don't think Shoretrooper will live thru it.

    Ah gotcha.

    But even if Shore doesn't live through it, the rest of his team will and now they're ready to go while you've expended your strongest attacks.

    Yes and no. All in theory of course...
    I have see many Han solo's have an almost immediate turn after his shoot first
    Wedge and or lando probably gained 10-50% TM and put an initial hurting on the team with lando ready to deal a bunch more.
    So I do think he is a counter to wiggs, but don't think he is a show stopper to stop running wiggs.
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    @RealHanSolo as someone else stated if your shard has EP teams right now you have it very, very easy. If you think that is the best setup right now you really don't know enough to be commenting on all this. Stop saying stuff you don't know about.

    Just use yoda you muppet, you're welcome.

    I'm sorry but given your knowledge of the game based on what you say it's safe to say you have no idea how that team you mentioned will play out, don't pretend you do. I'm sure it isn't the perfect setup in the game and as @Zooey mentioned very counterable. As an aside you don't even know if they will be F2P or P2P, and how long it will take to farm them. You jumped to conclusions with the thread and also what you say is invalid.

    By your own admission you are complaining about a team you've never even seen play, which is ok if you have thought it through and understand how they will play out and the options you have against them. But you don't understand how they'll play out and the possible counters so I find it pretty funny that you are complaining already. People like you told me I was crying because I couldn't beat wiggs (not even true), yet you are now complaining not because you couldn't beat them, you are complaining before this team even exists? and even before some important information about them is known. I find that really really funny.

    As to majority of people blah blah blah.... As long as that's understood and you accept that then fine. But again you have backhandedly in my opinion said that we were small but 'vocal' and I hope you are not suggesting that has something to do with the fact that we got what we want, rather than that CG made an independent decision about this and actually defied what the forum wanted, and told me very aggressively and much more vocally. As long as that's understood, fine.

    @leef come on now. Stop it. CG accounts, I thought that was pretty clear. Are you one of them then?

    Name calling to start off, clearly a sign of intelligent comments to follow. My shard went through a Wiggs phase but they all get stunned now by 200+ speed EPs.
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Those two toons are pretty interesting. Yes empire squad will be strong, but not OP. For ppl that doesn't seem to understand...there is no more meta. Droids, wiggs, hanido, EP, rex-fac; they can feed on each other in arena. Empire squad wasn't good enough for arena, now they are, but far from OP. I like what dev are doing.


    thought I'd reiterate your point since it got buried in the midst of the banter
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    @RealHanSolo as someone else stated if your shard has EP teams right now you have it very, very easy. If you think that is the best setup right now you really don't know enough to be commenting on all this. Stop saying stuff you don't know about.

    Just use yoda you muppet, you're welcome.

    I'm sorry but given your knowledge of the game based on what you say it's safe to say you have no idea how that team you mentioned will play out, don't pretend you do. I'm sure it isn't the perfect setup in the game and as @Zooey mentioned very counterable. As an aside you don't even know if they will be F2P or P2P, and how long it will take to farm them. You jumped to conclusions with the thread and also what you say is invalid.

    By your own admission you are complaining about a team you've never even seen play, which is ok if you have thought it through and understand how they will play out and the options you have against them. But you don't understand how they'll play out and the possible counters so I find it pretty funny that you are complaining already. People like you told me I was crying because I couldn't beat wiggs (not even true), yet you are now complaining not because you couldn't beat them, you are complaining before this team even exists? and even before some important information about them is known. I find that really really funny.

    As to majority of people blah blah blah.... As long as that's understood and you accept that then fine. But again you have backhandedly in my opinion said that we were small but 'vocal' and I hope you are not suggesting that has something to do with the fact that we got what we want, rather than that CG made an independent decision about this and actually defied what the forum wanted, and told me very aggressively and much more vocally. As long as that's understood, fine.

    @leef come on now. Stop it. CG accounts, I thought that was pretty clear. Are you one of them then?

    Also quite hilarious that someone with no better solution to Wiggs than to cry nerf is saying someone else can't play the game, that's quite rich.
    2761 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    benacrow wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Has anyone thought that perhaps the devs know that Wiggs is a little out of hand, they planned it this way only so they could release a suitable counter in shoretrooper that will force people to continue to chase and spend? I would bet that shoretrooper was planned long before the Wiggs Synergy became a problem because they planned it to happen that way. Shoretrooper won't necessarily be behind a paywall but you will have to win to get him.


    He's going to be behind the biggest pay wall the game has ever seen. You can only get his shards by getting 'top rank' (via pvp datamine) and to do that in the new tourney, you'll likely have to pay an obscene amount of crystals on refreshes to stay on top. You can't just pay a bit to get him, you have to pay for better toons, better mods, and more refreshes than 1000s of others trying to do the exact same.

    Whole lot of speculation in what you wrote. I will speculate too:) Maybe the top 100 will get shards? Maybe the top 10 will get full 7* characters? Maybe there will be only 500 in each bracket?. Maybe, just maybe they will make it relatively easy to get him because it is increadibly hard to gear him (more refreshes=$$). Maybe he will be like Yoda or Emperor, if you are able to either buy your way or have a big enough roster to get a certain position in the tournament, you get him? We still don't know enough about the tourney to say for sure. You could be right I suppose. I would guess though that named characters from Rogue One will take precedent behind that pay wall than a random no name character (even if he has an interesting kit). They may want to change the Wiggs/Lando meta to really make more characters viable by making this one easily available?

    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Shoretrooper stops Raid Han and Biggs huge assist call. He is tanky enough to eat both. Couple that with TFP and u stop Lando or Wedge in their tracks. Empire has always suffered from low speed and low potency. EP lead, TFP and Shoretrooper starting w/ taunt up equalize those weaknesses.

    Empire will be strong, not OP. It's about time a full faction team besides rebels can hit the field and do well.
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    scuba wrote: »
    Brown89 wrote: »
    Shore trooper will help with the lando / wiggs and even droid craziness but that's only if he gets his special off. He could well be dead or ability blocked. I don't see this being OP or a real issue.

    The kit sounds great and won't know till get to use him, however I am not sure he will live thru
    Han shoot first and stun
    Wiggs triple attack
    Wedge AoE
    Lando AoE

    If he gets targeted by the first two, he's done his job. The crit immunity would be very nice against Lando though.
  • Options
    Olle wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Brown89 wrote: »
    Shore trooper will help with the lando / wiggs and even droid craziness but that's only if he gets his special off. He could well be dead or ability blocked. I don't see this being OP or a real issue.

    The kit sounds great and won't know till get to use him, however I am not sure he will live thru
    Han shoot first and stun
    Wiggs triple attack
    Wedge AoE
    Lando AoE

    If he gets targeted by the first two, he's done his job. The crit immunity would be very nice against Lando though.

    lol that's really his only job....the rest is just gravy
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