Is anyone else tired of the rebel meta?

Just tired of it. There are no more tactics, no creative solutions, just have rebels and Lando/Wiggs or lose. I have decent mods (lots have better) but even with 5 crit avoidance mods I get SHREDDED!! 1/6 times Lando won't land 2 crits. The game used to have strategy and synergy. Now it's gone. Level 85 better offer a more fun less RNG dependent game.

While I am at it I hate the RNG on mods. I have like 650 and others mods are definitely better than mine (there is an unbeatable guy on my server with 14+ speed in EVERY slot) on a Lando/Wiggs/ST han/Sun Fac.

I am not alone, please change the game dynamics of buff some non rebels please.


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    Buy them out of the mod shipping otherwise the fastest storm trooper Han wins
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    rex and sun fac
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    Supposedly but fastest Han and Biggs win everytime
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    Han raid or sthan?
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    Han raid or sthan?

    Storm Trooper Han.

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    Everyone on my shard had this setup for their defensive team, maybe one of the reasons #1 had only 6k points other than it didn't look like anyone was using the exploit. One of the reasons I quit climbing but also didn't like the P2W format.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Droid teams can still wreck them. I don't think it's as narrow across all servers at it may feel on one's own.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Also, this is kind of funny, just saw a thread post about trying to figure out how to beat Rex lead teams. So, it's definitely not all rebels. To each their own.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    There is only 1 droid team in my top 20, he never makes it to top 5 anymore. Droids just don't hit hard enough.
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    I'm sitting here without a 5* speed arrow (only 2 3*s) and my highest speed secondary as 8...
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    I like that now rebel is strong, cause they are f2p
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    They need to buff the empire toons... Or something (anything, just give me a strategy) This is ridiculous that there is NO counter except the same toons with better mods.
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    They need to buff the empire toons... Or something (anything, just give me a strategy) This is ridiculous that there is NO counter except the same toons with better mods.
    Shoretrooper. EP.
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    Have a 7* EP (Speed 202) he rarely gets a turn. If he does his 90 potency hits 2 rebels and my team is dead before his next turn.

    I have had to resort to using Raid Han to stun ST Han just to have an RNG chance of winning, about 4/10.
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    Have a 7* EP (Speed 202) he rarely gets a turn. If he does his 90 potency hits 2 rebels and my team is dead before his next turn.

    I have had to resort to using Raid Han to stun ST Han just to have an RNG chance of winning, about 4/10.
    Try speeding up your STHan instead of EP.
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    Have been top 5 with droids for a months. And I have decent mods, IG-86 AOE crits with +15k, my JE is ultra fast, I even use 210 speed STH as a tank, to spin the wheel after the JE . Now I loose 8 from 10 battles on offense from Rebel team. It is true, there is no other strategy than rebel team with better mods
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    Santorius3 wrote: »
    Have been top 5 with droids for a months. And I have decent mods, IG-86 AOE crits with +15k, my JE is ultra fast, I even use 210 speed STH as a tank, to spin the wheel after the JE . Now I loose 8 from 10 battles on offense from Rebel team. It is true, there is no other strategy than rebel team with better mods
    Droid teams users in my shard say that Rex lead are their nemesis, that rebel teams are beatable.

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    DieInFire wrote: »
    Santorius3 wrote: »
    Have been top 5 with droids for a months. And I have decent mods, IG-86 AOE crits with +15k, my JE is ultra fast, I even use 210 speed STH as a tank, to spin the wheel after the JE . Now I loose 8 from 10 battles on offense from Rebel team. It is true, there is no other strategy than rebel team with better mods
    Droid teams users in my shard say that Rex lead are their nemesis, that rebel teams are beatable.

    Rex is not a problem. The droids team must go first to have a chance. Rebel team are faster and iwhen they one shot kill JE or IG - the game is over.
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    Get Ugnaught its the future.....
    or build a fast defensive counter taem
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    There is no problem about loosing battles with my droid team. The real issue is no other combination works - tried with empire/sith/scoundrels... stun/revive/block. Huge damage from "wiggs", and they are so fast with Lando (l) that thay have a turn immediately after JE. Of course, there is Raid Solo to stop them, but not every one have it yet, and he is not well fitted in any team, without loosing the synergy
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Have a 7* EP (Speed 202) he rarely gets a turn. If he does his 90 potency hits 2 rebels and my team is dead before his next turn.

    I have had to resort to using Raid Han to stun ST Han just to have an RNG chance of winning, about 4/10.

    I'm in a same position as you :D
    Really would like to replace raid Han but without him I can't win the speedmeta.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Santorius3 wrote: »
    DieInFire wrote: »
    Santorius3 wrote: »
    Have been top 5 with droids for a months. And I have decent mods, IG-86 AOE crits with +15k, my JE is ultra fast, I even use 210 speed STH as a tank, to spin the wheel after the JE . Now I loose 8 from 10 battles on offense from Rebel team. It is true, there is no other strategy than rebel team with better mods
    Droid teams users in my shard say that Rex lead are their nemesis, that rebel teams are beatable.

    Rex is not a problem. The droids team must go first to have a chance. Rebel team are faster and iwhen they one shot kill JE or IG - the game is over.

    It is when after ig88 does his aoe, everyone on the other team gain turn meter and proceed to destroy the droids.

    Maybe droid team+raid Han? You stun Biggs. Or shore trooper initial taunt.
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    i heard GG lead fixes it ... god thanks, everyone got a 7* gg ...
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    to be honest i tire of any meta at any time. it gets real boring real quick to face all these player who all have the same characters on their teams.

    i personally never follow the meta. i have always played this game my way from day one. i use the characters i like whether i win or loose.

    but the arena is all but ruined for me as it's always the same characters on the teams. right now i'm just doing my 3 battles to get my daily activity done. i'm tired of these rebel teams and everyone having rey on their teams. be fine if there was more variety out there but every player i come across is either running rebels or rey.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Rex is not a problem. The droids team must go first to have a chance. Rebel team are faster and iwhen they one shot kill JE or IG - the game is over.
    Droid teams can go before Wiggs, though, barring crazy mods. JE gets plus 40 to 50 speed. Wiggs gets plus 45 speed. But JE base speed is over 30 higher than Wiggs.

    This why droids have RNG chance to beat Wiggs, usually. They can often kill one toon. Even though there are usually 2 key toons, these days, they have RNG chance to block the other one.

    Rex is definitely a problem for droid teams. Rex means droid get the first attack. But only one or two. Not all 3 droids doing 5 attacks to start the match.

    But also problem is droids have hard time to even get to the top of the pile. They are not as viable for a defensive team... and it's a long road to have a full droid team as an alt.

    Answer, no I'm not sick of rebel meta yet, cuz my shard has maybe two or 3 fully geared Wiggs/landos yet. Your shard has too many whales, lol.

    I see how people were sick of droid meta... but even in the height of droid meta, Rex was king. I dunno if Wiggs is worse... like I said my shard is still in transition.
  • Barhebraeus
    620 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    They need to buff the empire toons... Or something (anything, just give me a strategy) This is ridiculous that there is NO counter except the same toons with better mods.
    Shoretrooper. EP.

    No. By the time Shoretrooper and EP (whenever the latter "very rare" event rolls around again) are playably farmed by F2P players (at least 4-6 months, realistically; probably more), we'll be 2 or 3 metas down the road from the current one ... Saying "Shoretrooper. EP" is cute, but irrelevant to the vast majority of players who don't (and for a very, very, very long time won't) have them.
    Post edited by Barhebraeus on
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Nah. There's quite a few counters to Wiggs. I run Wiggs with maybe 3-4 others on my server and I lose rank as well. Rex lead, Droids, and dare I say it, Dooku and ODB. Ability block works wonders against Wiggs as they all rely on their secondaries to be effective. As much as I hate to admit it, dodge IS a counter to Wiggs. They can't mess you up if they can't hit you.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    This meta is so much better than the dodge meta by FAR!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    They need to buff the empire toons... Or something (anything, just give me a strategy) This is ridiculous that there is NO counter except the same toons with better mods.
    Shoretrooper. EP.

    No. By the time Shoretrooper and EP (whenever the latter "very rare" event rolls around again) are playably farmed by FtP players (at least 4-6 months, realistically; probably more), we'll be 2 or 3 metas down the road from the current one ... Saying "Shoretrooper. EP" is cute, but irrelevant to the vast majority of players who don't (and for a very, very, very long time won't) have them.

    Shoretrooper maybe, but plenty of F2P players have a viable EP for arena 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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