Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    looking for a new guildie who wants to be a part of SLM (scruffy looking maulrats) We complete Heroic Rancor & HAAT. You don't need to be superstars, just guildless, and a daily contributor. Why us? We are not a guild of stuck up whale bums. Nope. We all share our strategies using discord app, joke around, just be a light hearted clan of people across the world who randomly post pics of their legs. So why join some communist guild just to be ordered around stressing out all the time? Nope, not when you can join SLM where you will quickly find out fun comes first. Sure we have some raid rules to make it fair for everyone, nothing commy at all. So if you are level 85, 1.5 mil GP, and fit our description and want to join us, here's how:

    To join our team:
    - Message me on discord: moonraker#6207
    -ally code: 899-378-718

    2:30 est raid times
    24 hour 0 post for both
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    ShatterPoint needs a few players
    Immediately after this TB ends.

    We have three guilds

    (Currently Full on a wait list)
    42 Stars 122 Million GP 50 Rolo Shards

    36 Stars 86 Million GP 35 Rolo Shards

    36 Stars 83 Million GP 36 Rolo Shards

    If you would be interested in joining our Alliance please join our recruitment line chat and talk with leaders and officers in all 3 guilds. http://line.me/ti/g/mNdogbWgx-
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    Hello, fellow Star Warriors! Wolf Pack Warriors has one space available for an active, friendly, and fun player. We routinely run heroic Pit Raids (about 3x per week) and heroic AAT raids (about 2x per week). Our Galactic Power rating is almost 58 million and climbing fast. You can help increase it faster!

    Our members range in age from the teens to low 50's. Our guild doesn't require the use of any third party apps, but we do maintain an active Discord server to help coordinate raids and territorial battles. All time zones and ages are welcome, but our raid times match those of most of our members, who are North American. The usual 24 hour zero damage period applies to our Rancor raids because it dies in 30 minutes or less.

    If you're looking for an active guild, generate 500+ guild tickets a day, and have a Galactic Power rating of around a million (more is better, of course), send me a PM or reply to this thread. We'll toss an invite your way!
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    Millennium Fukkatsu has room for 3 active players!

    65mil Gp guild, 30*s last TB
    2 T7 Tank, 3 T7 Rancor raids weekly
    International, English speaking guild set at Gmt+3 timezone with rotating raid times to give everyone a chance to catch one raid at least...

    What we are looking for:
    1 mil Gp at least
    Hoth brothers for TB & decent rebels at the very least
    swgoh.gg account
    passionate team player who loves the game

    Can send me a pm or contact me in Line. My Line id is trojanas.
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    Tired of your old guild not progressing fast enough? Come check out our guild, we have 2 spots open for established and focused players who are eager to get after the HAAT. Please be 18yrs or older and be able to read English (crazy I have to write that). We use Discord to communicate and coordinate attacks in HAAT. Our Total GP is currently around 88M

    We are based in the US, and our raids start at 7:30 (tank) & 9pm Est (Pit)

    Our Rules:
    1. Be active and contribute towards daily raid tickets
    2. Pit raid - 24 hour no hit rule
    3. Tank Raid - 24 hour no hit rule then free for all
    4. Contribute in every TB phase

    Pit Raid
    24 hour no hit rule, then one team limit. Opens at 9pm Est. Those that solo must wait until 9:15pm Est to post damage.

    24 hr No hit rule, then free for all. Opens for Damage at 9pm Est. Usually drop the tank within 1 hours.

    TB - 33 Stars

    My Ally code - 957-983-632


    Reach out to me on discord to talk more, rpeach72#5107
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    looking for a new guildie who wants to be a part of SLM (scruffy looking maulrats) We complete Heroic Rancor & HAAT. You don't need to be superstars, just guildless, and a daily contributor. Why us? We are not a guild of stuck up whale bums. Nope. We all share our strategies using discord app, joke around, just be a light hearted clan of people across the world who randomly post pics of their legs. So why join some communist guild just to be ordered around stressing out all the time? Nope, not when you can join SLM where you will quickly find out fun comes first. Sure we have some raid rules to make it fair for everyone, nothing commy at all. So if you are level 85, 1.5 mil GP, and fit our description and want to join us, here's how:

    To join our team:
    - Message me on discord: moonraker#6207
    -ally code: 899-378-718

    2:30 est raid times
    24 hour 0 post for both
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    Looking for new members to replace a few less active members suffering from TB burnout. Guild GP is 90+ million. Looking for GP in the 1.75 million range, but will consider lower if candidate has a strong TB roster. PM me if interested for more details.
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    Ownage Revived is a 50m+ GP guild looking for ascending or established players. We are part of the Ewokalypse family of guilds, have HAAT on farm for General Kenobi shards, and achieved 29 stars and 18 ROLO shards on the most recent Territory Battles.

    You should apply if:
    • You can get your 600 tickets daily (we understand that life happens, but 600 daily tickets is the typical standard)
    • You are willing and able to work with the rest of the team during Territory Battles to maximize everyone's results; and
    • You want to earn ROLO and GK shards in a fun but ambitious guild environment

    All levels are welcome to apply, though we prefer an arena rank at least 250. We use LINE as our communication app, and require SWGOH.gg accounts for players once in the guild to help us in recruiting and managing Territory Battles.

    Most of our players are from the US or Canada, but we have players from Europe and many other time zones.
    Guild timezone: Pacific (reset is 7:30 PDT, all times are Pacific)

    Hpit FFA schedule: Monday 9:00 a.m., Wednesday 6:00 p.m., Friday 12:00 p.m. (with frequent weekend bonus pit raids)

    HAAT schedule rotates
    : 10:00 a.m., Noon, 10 p.m., Midnight

    Contact us: Either here (PM or comment), or on LINE: voxpopuli81 or aurrongrey, or discord: VoxPopuli81#8987. I work during the (North American) day and will likely respond in the evening hours.
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    We are a very motivated but casual guild looking for three daily players to fill out our roster. We are a mixture of F2P and P2P players so no requirements are placed on members to farm specific characters, ships or gear. All of our players are very active with almost all playing daily. We believe in keeping things fun so rules and regulations will remain minimal and leadership will not micro-manage. We make investing in our players a priority and our players are happy to help whenever available. We have a collection of resources on Line including documents and spreadsheets covering raid strategy, buff/debuff details and mod specification/placement. Our 'Player Education & Development' officer holds regular 'Jedi Academies' that cover one or two topics in detail and allows players to ask any questions they have in an interactive setting. We have an active Line channel that all members must join and we encourage everyone to join us on our Discord server as well, we are working to migrate there now.

    If you're more interested in enjoying the game with a community of fun and supportive players than you are big alliances and the leaderboard this is the guild for you. Don't miss this opportunity to join a great group of people committed to growing not only as players but also as a community.

    Minimum requirements are detailed below but the ideal candidates will be level 85+, have 30+ 7 star toons, 10+ Gear 11 toons and at least one hAAT ready team (preferably for p1, p3 or p2, in that priority). Two members of this caliber would enable us to conquer hAAT and start earning those General Kenobi shards. It's not a deal breaker but we would prefer players who have not yet unlocked General Kenobi so we can all unlock this content together.

    We have T7 'Heroic' Pit raid on farm launching one every other day. We are currently very focused on hAAT preparation and of course Territory Battles. We recently attempted our first hAAT and couldn't quite make it but we learned a great deal and with your help we can conquer it soon. We have few rules but they are listed below with the rest of our pertinent information:

    Guild Name - Knights 0f The Fallen Empire
    SWGOH.gg Profile - https://swgoh.gg/g/10847/knights-0f-the-fallen-empire/
    Guild Leader - Uriah (contact info below)
    Timezone - Central Standard Time (CST)/GMT-6; Central Daylight Time (CDT)/GMT-5 (Summer)
    Guild Reset - 07:30pm CDT
    Language - English
    Playerbase - F2P and P2P
    Game Communications - Line (mandatory) and Discord
    Galactic Power - 45 million

    Raid Information - Running Tier 7 Pit raids every other day; nAAT every 3-4 days; all raids have a mandatory 24hr no damage registration period to allow everyone an opportunity to get on the scoreboard; we will have hAAT on farm in the very near future.

    New Member Requirements - players level 85+; install Line application and join guild channel; generate 600/600 raid tickets at least 80% of the time; participate in raids and territory battles; maintain a swgoh.gg profile (if needed we will help you with this during the recruiting process); inactivity limit of 7 days without prior notice; minimum galactic power of 1 million; ideal candidates will have at least 1 hAAT ready team and preferably do not have General Kenobi yet; respect all members and above all else have fun

    If interested you can PM '@Shakeybob’ here on the forum or contact us on Line using the information below:

    Recruiting Officer - Shakeybob
    Line ID - Shakeybob
    Discord Tag - Shakeybob

    Recruiting Officer - xGambit11
    Line ID - xGambit11
    Discord Tag - xGambit11

    Recruiting Staff - Kosall TaiGethen
    Line ID - Kosall
    Discord Tag - Kosall

    Come help us conquer the galaxy and have fun doing it. Hope to hear from you soon, you won't regret it.

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    Owen Family BBQ

    OFB has 3-6 open spot(s) in a HAAT/27-30 TB Star Guild. We are not part of a huge conglomerate of guilds so once you’re here - you’re family. You won’t be bounced to a lower guild if a merge happens (because we won’t merge) but we are looking for players with at least one 1 million in GP to participate in heroic raids and Territory Battles.

    The goal is daily players who take the game serious enough to participate consistently but not so much that they freak out when a person has life get in the way. We have players strong enough to solo the Rancor and we are able to easily complete HAAT.

    We only have some basic expectations:

    1. Follow the social raid guidelines. We run a ZERO HP PERIOD to give every person a spot on the raid reward list. We have rules to keep it fair as it is a chance to guarantee rewards should you not be able to raid for any reason.

    2. We are a LINE chat group - pick up the free app even if you just use it to keep up with Raid announcements. You don’t have to be a chatterbox but we use LINE as a means for officers to contact people quickly.

    3. Obtain an SWGOH.GG account if you have not already done so. This is to track progression of players. With Territory Battles it lets us know what characters we need for platoons. Set it and forget it - officers use it and do the rest.

    4. Be supportive. Trolling or negative comments regarding another player's’ game-play or choice will earn you equal punishment as violating a rule yourself. We want to have fun not get in fights over this game.

    5. We don't want to micromanage - so we don't. We have daily minimums to determine a member's overall value and we track averages so you don’t get booted if you have a busy day in the real world - but let’s be honest, 600 for F2P isn’t impossible. If you are low and a new person comes along that wants to produce - we cut you. However, if you are a consistent daily player we don't go looking for replacements.

    6. Have fun! This goes along with being supportive. We are fiercely supportive in the group and are mostly older age players with families so it's a good vibe.

    Guild hoppers need not apply. We have some players who have lost interest. About 45 of 50 are solid consistent players. We are looking to fill the last 4-5 spots and are ready to cut people from our roster for the right candidate(s).

    PM direct to me or seek out PaiHuShih in the LINE app


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    Quantums Chaos is looking for 2 more players to step into TB with! We are a 67m GP guild, and have hAAT and Heroic Rancor on farm. We average around 24-26k daily tickets, and do hAAT about every 3 days and Rancor every 2 days.
    We are an EST guild so we launch raids at about 8pm EST. No damage until 2pm EST. hAAT is a FFA (except Zylo and Zavage teams in p1 first), and Rancor is 1 team. Rancor raids last about 15-20 minutes, hAAT lasts around 4-5 hours.
    Looking for a level 85 player with around 1.2m GP (priority to those if you have problem/rare characters for platoons obviously), with solid teams/a foundation/a plan, and who can get those 600 tickets a day. We know life happens and you can't always make it, but more often than not is important :smiley:
    Shoot me a message on Discord (Broosh#0841) with your SWGOH.gg page and with any questions. You can try to message me on here, but I don't look at it as frequently. Discord is also mandatory :) Don't need to be social, but you need to be "in the know" if anything ever changes :) Thanks!
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    Hey folks,
    Reven's Rampage is looking for 3 people with GP over 1.1 million to join our guild.

    We are an active guild that is farming both HAAT and HPit. HAATs are run Tuesdays and Fridays and Heroic Rancor Raids Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Check the top of your ship shard or arena shard and you may very well see one of us.

    We are turning our attention now to Territory Battles and are looking for folks seeking a guild. We currently have 28 ROLO shards. We firmly believe in developing guildmates so our guild ranges from low level players to over 3 million GP. Our guild power is currently 51 million. Past TBs we have done 24*.

    We require Line for TB coordination, general rules on raids, and announcements.

    If interested PM me, add as ally (code 255-843-186) or look me up on Line (ID tasciond). My profile is at https://swgoh.gg/u/davet/

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    ShatterPoint needs a few players.
    Small mergers welcome.

    We have three guilds

    (Currently Full on a wait list)
    42 Stars 122 Million GP 50 Rolo Shards

    36 Stars 86 Million GP 35 Rolo Shards

    36 Stars 83 Million GP 36 Rolo Shards

    If you would be interested in joining our Alliance please join our recruitment line chat and talk with leaders and officers in all 3 guilds. http://line.me/ti/g/mNdogbWgx-
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    Two active Level 85 players wanted.
    +1.5M galactic power with CLS.
    USA Pacific time zone preferred.

    Frustrated with an unproductive guild? come chat with us on discord.

    or friend me any time @Maestro#7373

    We are an original guild formed on day 1 of guilds, currently 76M GP with a 48/50 roster.

    24hr zero damage rule Heroic AAT .
    24hr zero damage rule on Heroic Pit
    averaging 28 stars each Territory Battles attempt. Your help will get us to 31 stars.

    Scruffy Nerfed Herders
    Guild Information and Policies: https://goo.gl/Kpr3TA
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    •3 guilds to choose

    •GMT evening raids

    •HPit and HAAT

    **Dothraki Warriors** 38 stars, 95 M GP

    **House Stark** 33 stars, 73 M GP

    **The Unsullied** 21 stars, 52 M GP





    •be active

    •swgoh.gg profile


    •Hoth characters will be a bonus

    **Check out our discord server:** https://discord.gg/CHNyRG

    **Or contact me directl:** GokuSSJ25#6697
  • JDK82
    151 posts Member
    Hi holotable buddies,

    tb is finished - so, for some, the time is there to look for a new guild.
    Since we want to replace some of the less active members in our guild (at the Moment we are 50/50), it could be you, who we are looking forward to!

    You want General Kenobi shards? -> your right with us (we dont have any specific HAAT squad requirements for you, since we easily beat this raid, even so it was at the beginning a long journey for us).

    So here a few facts:

    Guildname: Trilium
    Timezone: central Europe
    Raiding times: 9pm (gmt +1) as usual with a 24h cooldown and afterwards all-in
    Third party chat: Discord (mandatory for tb coordination and also we have there nice discussions going on, as well a whole Collection of guides)
    GP: 58 Mio, last TB we reached 28*
    Raid tickets: no requirements, we just want active Players, who enjoy playing and manage so around 28-29k tickets/day

    What we are looking for:

    - active members in every part of the game
    - willingly to Focus on TB and willingly to farm Teams for there (LS Teams - Resistance, Clones, Rebels and of Course the Hoth Brothers / CHS)
    - friendly and communicative

    To summarize:
    We are not any of those big guild alliance consisting of 10thousend of sub guilds, we are rather a small family who enjoys playing and having fun together.
    Helping each other, giving advice and sticking to our simple rules (fe 24 hour cooldown, joining discord chat app and following tb instructions) is a given thing.
    We are a laid back guild, which has no crazy requirements, but we are anyway at the same time ambitious.

    If you see yourself in all this - than its you, who we are searching for! ;)

    So damm, don't hesitate:
    write me a pm here,
    hit me on discord JDK#0313
    or send me an ally request ingame - 771-692-926


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    We are a competitive HAAT guild working hard to maximize our Territory Battle rewards. Our members are a mixture of f2p and p2p spread out all over the world. We value strategy, sharing knowledge, and having an active Discord community. Our officers are fair and active, and always looking for ways to improve the guild and SWGOH experience.
    65 million GP with space for 5-8

    Member of the Nation Alliance

    Time zone: ideal for Euro and US players or night owls in Asia

    RAIDs EDT 11 am
    -- 24 hour zero damage phase for RAIDS
    -- Min. 3 Rancor raids and minimum 2 HAAT raids every week
    --HAAT & HPIT runs at weekends where ever possible so everyone gets GK Shards and Raid Han Shards
    -- 30 TB stars last time round. Extra members will push us over

    Guild requirements
    Contribute 500-600 tickets daily we are not that ****
    1.5million GP
    Ten gear 11 characters
    Join our Discord server
    Swgoh.gg profile
    Level 85

    Please feel free to contact me if interested!
    Discord: GreenArrow#8699
    Ally code 317 871 861
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    Alliance Delta
    Updated 10/20
    We have two spots before next TB so be sure to apply! .
    - 38* (chance of full craft) last Territory Battle
    - 100 M GP
    - 44 ROLO shards per Territory Battle
    - 40 CLS geared and ready for action

    We are very organized HAAT guild with heavy focus on TB. One of The Alliance community (60 guilds total!) http://www.thealliancegaming.com/
    We raid at 6PM UTC with 24 hours for everyone to post 0 damage (to ensure all gets rewards)

    - discord use
    - swgoh.gg profile set to public
    - daily 600
    - 2M+ Galactic Power
    - 20G11+
    - Commander Luke Skywalker unlocked
    - Hoth Soldier 5*
    - Hoth Scout 6*
    - Captain Han Solo 5*
    - 6* Endurance or Home One

    Contact :
    PM me trough discord Kain Wessiri#3288 (with Your swgoh.gg link) or join our discord and leave Your swgoh.gg
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    An Alliance of 3 guilds at 3 different raid levels.


    (Heroic) full 49/50
    52 GP

    (Tier 5-6 pit T6 tank) 37/50
    7 GP

    (Heroic pit T6 tank) 41/50
    15 GP

    If you're looking for an active guild where everyone talks and enjoys playing & raiding, this is your chance to get in!

    Each guild has their own discord server and every member is welcome to join all the servers.
    (discord is mandatory)
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    Knight of Ozzerg

    We need 2 players
    We are a sisterguild to the Malevolent Marauders.
    Have both Rancor and HAAT on farm.
    TB we are 33+ stars with 2 players short last TB

    Raid times 7 & 8 pm UK-time

    Level 85
    GP >1.5M
    Capt Han Solo 5 stars
    Hoth Rebel Scout 5 stars
    Hoth Rebel Soldier 5 stars

    Daily 600 and active on Discord are required

    Contact me on Discord
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    TNR Pie Fighters

    Pie Fighters are a global guild with a GP of +100m and, due to a couple of members retiring from the game after this current TB, we are looking for a couple of active committed members who have a GP score of at least 1.7m although will consider lower if you have the required Characters of Interest (CLS, HRSc, HRSo, CHS).

    Apart from this requirement we only ask that you are active, do your daily 600 and join our discord server.

    We have a UK reset of 18:00 UTC and both Pit and HAAT consist of 24hr zero damage followed by FFA.


    I can be contacted on here via DM or on discord at π Ni#3166 or line knightwhosaysni
    [TNR] KnightWhoSaysNi
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    Roux wrote: »
    Nightangel Uk has space for 6 new members

    Part of the marauders la cosa nostra alliance

    We have HAAT and T7 ran on farm multiple times a week raiding at 1830 and 1930 GMT ( later time if two raids same night for second raid)

    Hit 30 stars last TB sitting at 65m GP with 44 members currently.

    Looking for daily active players discord chat and 600 a day is essential.

    High GP score isn’t required, what’s more important to us is you are active, keen and will listen to farming requests

    Those interested either message on here or on discord Roux#2072

    One space remaining
    Thank you

  • rosshorne2
    78 posts Member
    edited October 2017

    ANZGC is a guild of 500 with Australia, New Zealand, and Asia friendly time zones.

    We have spaces for everyone from our hardcore 41* Territory Battle squadron to new or casual and everything in between.

    DM me via
    Discord: rosshorne#2714
    Line app: rosshorne
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    Guild Name: The Jedii Always Win
    Time Zone: PST

    We are a mixed nation guild, very kind and helpful and we are recruiting new members. We raid heroic rancor and heroic tank multiple times a week at rotating start times. No alliance guild. We have 66M+ GP and 29* last TB.

    We are looking for active players, level 85 and good GP (1.1M+). We do not have a 600 raid tickets per day rule, but we expect you to contribute as much as you can. For communication, raid rules and helping each other we use Discord which is mandatory.

    If you are interested or have any questions feel free to message me on Discord or leave a message here. My ID on Discord is Snoob#0802.

    Hope to see you soon in our guild!
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    (+2!)NOOOOOOOOOO (37*/88m GP/cls:42/chs:46) is searching for YOU!:


    - cls count: 42
    - chs count: 46
    - Avg arena rank: #40
    - GP: 88m
    - well connected with other guilds
    - daily 600 required
    - friendly community from all over the world

    What we expect from you:
    - active!
    - matching/solid roster
    - gp: around our average (1.8m gp)
    - friendly and reliable
    - arena rank: at least somewhere in the top50 (the higher the better)
    - Willing to join discord and timetree (raid schedules)!
    - prefered chars: cls,chs, hoth brothers

    If you are interested in joining us, please contact me via discord or PM me here.

    Our discord server: https://discord.gg/JJUm68u
    My discord id: sickagony#9650
    My ally code: 365983888

    May the force be with you, always
    profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/sickagony/
    NOOOOOOOOOO: https://swgoh.gg/g/1507/noooooooooo/
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    The Corellian Refugees have room for a couple new members before the next Territory Battle begins! We'll be running our first HAAT this evening. Perfect time to welcome some new guildmates who can help us crush it!

    We're a helpful, relaxed, & fun-loving yet dedicated guild. We're mostly US, with a few in Europe & Australia, and player levels from 80 to 85. GP is over 49M and rising, with 23 stars in the last TB. One of our officers has taken on TB strategy like a second job, so we're looking at 25+ on the next round.

    600 raid tix per day is expected - the more tix we earn the more often we raid. We all have days when we miss it. Hit it the next!

    Guild activities reset at 7:30 PM US central time, and we launch most raids at that time. Weekend raids launch between 10:00 AM and noon CDT. Both NAAT & Rancor have 24 hour zero damage limits so all can get in on the loot. :)

    Out of game chat and strategy in Discord (keithereal#8467). PM me here or there for more details, or join our public channel at https://discord.gg/KPnkjja. Hope to have you raid with us!
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    SPS is looking to recruit 2 experienced members that are level 85 for our casual but committed guild. Players having over 1.5 million GP are be preferred but not necessary if you have a solid roster that is being developed. We do 2 hAAT raids & 3 Rancor raids per week minimum & are easily able to take down both raids. Our guild is very stable with very little turnover so this would be a great opportunity if you are looking for something solid.
    We do require all members to have discord as well as an swgoh.gg profile that is synced which assists us with territory battles. We also have a guild goal of 29k for tickets daily so all members are asked to get their 600 tickets.
    If this is something that interests you, please send a PM to me on discord (charged1981#3342)
  • RutherfrdDBrave
    5 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Hey ,

    BB808 recently partnered with RAMB (A top 50 Guild) and we are currently looking for 1 more individual to finalize our ambitious 30 Star, 70M+ GP, global guild. We are currently generating enough tickets to farm Rancor and HAAT on a consistent basis.

    Discord app is mandatory for admission. We also require our members to contribute 600 tickets/day and not be a d1ckhead. That's it.

    We currently have a focus on TB star progression. We stagger Pit and HAAT raid start times, with a 24hr registration period, to allow every member to score rewards despite their ability to contribute. All are Free For All format to encourage friendly competition. This allows great flexibility to accommodate the many different schedules of our global team members.

    Daily Activities re sets at 5AM UTC+0 (1AM ET/12AM CDT/11PM MST/10PM PST)

    Please message me with any questions you may have or if you would like a discord invite so you can swing by and check us out.


    BB808 Recruitment Officer
    Ally Code: 874-678-844
    Discord handle: RutherfordTheBrave#8622
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    Thugs in White Armor

    International 37 star TB guild looking for 3-4 fresh members. We are oriented toward GROWING our members into end-game content rather than ruthless turnover. Top members show restraint on raids to increase reward availability for all and prevent time consuming burnout!

    * HAAT FFA P1-3, 0dmg P4 for 24 hours. Times rotate.
    * Rancor 0dmg for 24 hours, followed by 400k damage cap (most with Han do less)
    * 37* TB, 12 hours for combat missions, 12 hours for deployment.
    * 600 daily required
    * GroupMe chat required
    * 2 7* LS teams required but no hard GP cap!

    PM me if interested with Line/Discord/GroupMe contact info.
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    HAAT raid will be launching tonight so now's the perfect time to join Shaggy Bevo. We are a 48 million GP guild that got 25 stars in the last TB. We're well organized and we try our best to maximize our potential.

    Requirements for the guild:
    - Minimum 300 raid tickets daily. We average over 25k raid tickets per day and, overall, we average 526 raid tickets per member per day. Low ticket counts will get you a warning and then the boot for repeated violations.
    - HAAT raids are launched at 7:30 CDT (guild reset time) and is currently a FFA. The raid is generally finished by the next morning if we're ambitious or afternoon if we're lazy. HRancor raids are launched at 7:30 CDT with 0 damage until 8:30 CDT the next day. HRancor raids are usually finished within 30 minutes. If you're able to solo Rancor, you'll need to wait until 9:00 CDT to post damage.
    - 7 days of not logging in will result in immediate removal. If you're going to be gone for an extended period of time, let the guild know.
    - We require you to sign up for discord. You don't have to participate in the general banter but it's important for posting TB strategies as well as announcements for raid start times.

    If you're level 85 with around 900k or more GP, we would love to have you. Most of the guild is in the US but we also have European and Australian members. Message me either here or on discord shaggydarwin#7454 if you're interested.
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