Stun cuffs need your support this post with a +1


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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i disagree. everything in the game is WAI and i'm fine with the way it is. what is your hurry? take the time to get them like everyone else has and quit crying for it to be made easier. clearly the bulk of the players have no patience.

    We all understand that progress is supposed to be slow, and steady. But it isn't a perfect system. If it was then there wouldn't need to be constant adjustments and tweaks and bug fixes by the dozens.

    They gave us the credit heist because they recognized that a lack of credits was choking the life out of the game. I saw the post on Reddit where a developer said their data analysis showed it was too much of a bottleneck. So it's NEVER working as intended. It always changing, and in need of tweaks.

    Right now they just added a new giant bottleneck in the form of AAT raid gear. Obtaining it requires at least 4-5 max or near max teams. To put those teams together I need about 700 more stun cuffs right now. (I've been playing for 10 months, and already spent 8 of those months farming nothing but stun cuffs) But nobody here is asking to get them free right now. We just want the former gear paywall to be eased SLIGHTLY now that a new one has been added.

    So again, to the OP I say... +1
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    djvita wrote: »

    That's quite a big 1 you have there, DJVita! :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i disagree. everything in the game is WAI and i'm fine with the way it is. what is your hurry? take the time to get them like everyone else has and quit crying for it to be made easier. clearly the bulk of the players have no patience.

    I have a lot of patience. But it is a little confusing that it is way easier to get raid gear than stun cuffs. The drop rate is horrible. I'm not asking it to be super easy. It would just maybe help to be at least a tad bit easier. I don't think it's very encouraging to make the players farm stun cuffs for two weeks just to give it to one toon when you have 5+ that need them. I have many goals to do in this game but it is going to take an extra few months to reach it JUST because of the drop rate on cuffs and guns.
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    +1 and we desperately need you to carry over blue gear and lower level purple gear to the upper level challenges.

    It's too much of a bottle neck to have to farm blue gear, low level purple gear (I.e /20), upper level purple gear (I.e /50) and gold gear. It's as bad or worse than the credit bottle neck used to be and the fix is increasingly easy
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    Hanburger wrote: »
    Actually, either give us more stun cuffs... or at least tell us why we need handcuffs to make our characters stronger.


    Another +1 while Im at it
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    +1, enthusiastically!
  • Djbz
    251 posts Member
    Mk 5 Stun guns salvage as well
    For a full Mk 5 stun gun you need
    A mk 1 holo projector
    A mk 5 stun gun prototype (made by 50 salavage)
    And a Mk 3 carbinti sensor array (made by 50 salvage)

    I have FIFTEEN of the sensor arrays (750 salvage altogether)
    And ONE salvage of the stun gun.

    You'd think you would be able to aquire two of the same 'rarity' savage at a similar rate to one another
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    The game becomes a tiring grind after a certain point. Hitting a gear wall basically
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    i guess it's just because i'm unusually easy going in life in general. i just take what's given to me and move on. and i'm not saying that to toot my own horn or down grade those who aren't that way. just using that as my reason for why i don't plus 1 this discussion.

    i'm fine with everything in this game. i never found a loss of credits a complaint. is that the event that uses scoundrels? i'm asking because i don't do the credit heist. as for the tank raid i think it's too hard but my guild has decided to just auto it and get through it however long it takes.

    stun cuffs? yes we need a whole lot of them and they are hard to get but for me the grind is the fun part of the game. i spend most of my time grinding and it's not because i have to it's because i want to. i'm not one of those competitive people so i get what i need for my toons when i get it whether it's 2 days or 2 months.
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    I'd see better an increment of drop rate.
    Since it was released new gold items, it'd welcome an adjustment.
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    +1 Give us some cuff love haha
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    You can never cuff enuff
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