Game Update 11/21/2016 Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***


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    There are 19 ships (not counting fleet commanders, they grow through the challenges).

    13 ships can cycle through the Galactic War shop.

    Who are the six that can't? And are they available elsewhere?

    Note: Vader's ship isn't available yet, so tgat's not one of the six. It will be eventually, but not yet.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Vyncy wrote: »
    Yeah I was wrong :) Everything seems to be available except falcon, you just have to refresh the shops few times. They did mess up with graphic display when you click on blueprints, locations only show up if there is currently shards to buy, instead of always showing where its available like rest of the game

    Anything that is only available in the shipments or in packs only shows its location as shipments of it is currently on that refresh, it has been like that for a long time. Easiest place to see that was with the guild store exclusive characters, they would only show shipments as a location if they were there at the time
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    Just switched a protection mod to offense on Ackbar and didn't see a change in anything, not damage, nor general power rating either in the ships stats.

    Any idea exactly how they affect our ships. Star rating does, perhaps gear as well?

    Star, Lv, Gear. Something like this. Mods dont have a big impact on the ship power
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    I'm kinda new about game and after play some time, it's great to have a big update. But...

    This so sad and **** that they just add Millennium Falcon's owners as Rey and Finn...I'm hoping they'll add next update Han and Chewbacca's Millennium Falcon but, c'mon! They deserved to be here at first time...this just a big MEH!
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    Vyncy wrote: »
    Danbloo wrote: »
    Boba and 555's is available in fleet shipments but are quite rare from the 3x refreshes I've seen. The millennium falcon is ptp for now.

    I see, it confused me because when you click on their ships and blueprints it only says store, not fleet shipments. I guess its bug / mistake then on their end

    It only shows that it is in shipments if there is one actively in the shipment store.
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    JohnTS676 wrote: »
    Vyncy wrote: »
    Yeah I was wrong :) Everything seems to be available except falcon, you just have to refresh the shops few times. They did mess up with graphic display when you click on blueprints, locations only show up if there is currently shards to buy, instead of always showing where its available like rest of the game

    Anything that is only available in the shipments or in packs only shows its location as shipments of it is currently on that refresh, it has been like that for a long time. Easiest place to see that was with the guild store exclusive characters, they would only show shipments as a location if they were there at the time

    Mmm...strong with this one, the force is.

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    leef wrote: »
    Vyncy wrote: »

    Way to go EA, your greed ruined what could have been great update !

    i find it a very f2p friendly update. I'm sorry to hear you feel like their greed ruined it.

    From a p2p perspective, I think this was very healthy update. It stills gives p2p a edge but...

    Not only were there several characters made farmable to f2p (no opposition here... and I did felt "betrayed" with geo spy going f2p after buying the aurodium a few weeks earlier... but rex/ sunfac etc. were protected long enough), but, and this is the most important, the reward spread is much kinder to f2p than regular arena... and waaaaaaay more kinder than tournaments.

    If only they would apply the same logic to arena and tournaments.
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    I think it'll be fine. It's gonna take a while to figure out how "tight" the resources will be for ships. Trying to not get too greedy at the start so I can have something available later if RNG is kind to me in the blueprints department.
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    Spider03tr wrote: »
    I'm kinda new about game and after play some time, it's great to have a big update. But...

    This so sad and **** that they just add Millennium Falcon's owners as Rey and Finn...I'm hoping they'll add next update Han and Chewbacca's Millennium Falcon but, c'mon! They deserved to be here at first time...this just a big MEH!

    To be honest i dont think it matters much yet, the Falcon is only for paytowin people anyway and its gonna take a lot to even activate it
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    New bug update:
    1. Bounty Hunter Challege Tier VI: Previously completed challenge with 3*, properly shown on panel. SIM button appears dimmed on first attempt. Tapping button produces message indicating no SIM tickets are available even if there are plenty. Player must enter the challenge and complete manually. On subsequent attempts, the SIM button appears as normal and can be SIMmed.
    2. All challenges: Possible gear rewards on all tiers appear dimmed. Tapping to activate character find flow is disabled.
    3. Character Mods Display: All characters and mods appear dimmed. Tapping a character to enter Mod Management screen functions normally.
    4. Daily Activities: Ship activities appear in the daily activities list. Completing daily activities to acquire character Omega material now requires completing 1) Fleet Arena battle, 2) Ship Challenge, 3) Ship Enhancement. (Just kidding, obviously an intended function, please don't hurt me Boss Nass.)
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    O my gosh the ships update is amazing and I'm so excited for the boba rework :D great job guys!
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    I just wanted to thank the devs for Ships, it's going to take some time on the learning curve to sort it all out but the game really did need some new detailed content and this is great. Plus I really appreciated all the extra character shards I got! ;)
    "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." ~ Leia Organa
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    @EA_Jesse can we get a complete list of where the ships will be farmable? For instance, it would be a shame (although not completely wasteful) for someone to spend time farming Rex via Fleet shipments, only to find his ship was locked behind a crystal wall. Thanks!
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    It'd be nice if we could get Prestige Challenges, like we do Omega Challenges.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    ricardonk wrote: »
    All ships events disappeared from the events tab. There was one mission left to complete the First Order Tie Fighter event when the game prompted to be restarted. When I restarted it, all Ships events vanished so I couldn't complete the lats mission and get the 5 last blueprints that I needed to activate this ship.

    I had the same thing happen
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    Can we get a "pilots" tag please
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    a friend of mine spent 40k on big packs and got only 5 falcon shards.
    it's really annoying that they haven't released some ships of the toons that alot should have leveld i.e QGJ,Fives,Han,Chewy etc etc.
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    Jaybud wrote: »
    ricardonk wrote: »
    All ships events disappeared from the events tab. There was one mission left to complete the First Order Tie Fighter event when the game prompted to be restarted. When I restarted it, all Ships events vanished so I couldn't complete the lats mission and get the 5 last blueprints that I needed to activate this ship.

    I had the same thing happen

    Hmmmm... I still miss FO tie fighter. I think I have the same bug
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    xdecide wrote: »
    a friend of mine spent 40k on big packs and got only 5 falcon shards.
    it's really annoying that they haven't released some ships of the toons that alot should have leveld i.e QGJ,Fives,Han,Chewy etc etc.

    I hope that was 40k of crystals (about $250 in American, roughly) and not 40k in cash. :wink:
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    All day game can't load, great update!!!!!
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    Can we get a "pilots" tag please

    If you look there already is one. Sort by crew member...
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    General Grevious and Vader shards are available in the fleet shipments also making them much easier to obtain. I'm f2p and I like what they did here. I'll be able to 6* Vader in a couple days now and get Sun Fac a toon that I have wanted for a long time but didn't want to dish out 150 crystals for three shards.
  • Vahldin
    23 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Somebody explain to me how 4:48 minutes after ships launch, somebody's got all three capital ships and every other fighter and the Falcon all maxed at 7* and L85? I see they have over two million crystals but what scenario lets you buy your way to maxed out before the launch is even five hours old?
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    General Grevious and Vader shards are available in the fleet shipments also making them much easier to obtain. I'm f2p and I like what they did here. I'll be able to 6* Vader in a couple days now and get Sun Fac a toon that I have wanted for a long time but didn't want to dish out 150 crystals for three shards.

    GG is there? Missed that one, may give serious consideration to that purchase. It'd be a good way to 7* my Vader too. Decisions, decisions.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    Vahldin wrote: »
    Somebody explain to me how 4:48 minutes after ships launch, somebody's got all three capital ships and every other fighter and the Falcon all maxed at 7* and L85? I see they have over two million crystals but what scenario lets you buy your way to maxed out before the launch is even five hours old?

    ****. He was in Sacramento at that time to record a preview, with the permission of ea and cg
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    Everything is eventually available to grind for free. It's pretty obvious that the most desirable characters, ships, etc. are usually going to be for purchase initially. If you don't have the patience to wait for it to become grindable, then that's on you. They'd be pretty bad business people if they just gave away the most desirable characters and ships for free....after all, they are running a business, not a charity.
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    Vahldin wrote: »
    Somebody explain to me how 4:48 minutes after ships launch, somebody's got all three capital ships and every other fighter and the Falcon all maxed at 7* and L85? I see they have over two million crystals but what scenario lets you buy your way to maxed out before the launch is even five hours old?

    Man you probably watching someone play on a dev account.
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    Jaybud wrote: »
    ricardonk wrote: »
    All ships events disappeared from the events tab. There was one mission left to complete the First Order Tie Fighter event when the game prompted to be restarted. When I restarted it, all Ships events vanished so I couldn't complete the lats mission and get the 5 last blueprints that I needed to activate this ship.

    I had the same thing happen

    Same here.
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    If anyone if interested, I got a confirmation from Skykrak that
    all blueprints after maxing ship to 7* are taken to shard shop
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    Why adjust GW? Stupidly impossible now..... Thanks a bunch
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