Game Update 11/22/2016 Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***


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    Not bragging, just wanted to express gratitude. Apple gave users a free Wedge and his ship. I know most won't find that too useful, but it was an awesome surprise for me. Thanks apple.
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    I don't know why but ships is almost unplayable for me, game just crashes either mid battle or at the start. Very frustrating.

    I think it might be the animations as the tank raid also causes my game to crash.
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    I've noticed since this update that Wedge's shards don't drop at much as they used to. I've been farming him and usually get 1 or 2 shards every 4 sims. But since the update I've simed maybe 12 time, maybe 14, and only got 1 shard. Just something to note! Love this game though, EA's best in my opinion.

    As always, RNG will be RNG. I sim in sets of 3. Yesterday I had two sets that I went 3/3. Then today I went 2/3 five times in a row.

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    Haven't been around long, what's with "august" and the Chewbacca shards?
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    Haven't been around long, what's with "august" and the Chewbacca shards?

    The August references are due to a missed deadline that CG gave us on the release of the new raid (at least I think it was the raid). They said it would be release sometime in August, but it was late September. It's now used as a running joke whenever people are talking about when something will be released or an event will return.

    The Chewie Shards reference started when CG gave us some as an apology. The general consensus is that it was a slap in the face because Chewie is pretty worthless.
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    Nate_Puppy wrote: »
    Haven't been around long, what's with "august" and the Chewbacca shards?

    The August references are due to a missed deadline that CG gave us on the release of the new raid (at least I think it was the raid). They said it would be release sometime in August, but it was late September. It's now used as a running joke whenever people are talking about when something will be released or an event will return.

    The Chewie Shards reference started when CG gave us some as an apology. The general consensus is that it was a slap in the face because Chewie is pretty worthless.

    In which the shards weren't supposed to be a general release from what I remember, they were supposed to be gifted to newer players. Also, they said there were supposed to be 10 in total and we only got 7....that's where the 3 Chewie shards came into play. I think the vast majority of the playerbase on here got a really good laugh out of the anniversary gifts and phrasing of the announcements. I know I did.

    BTW, Chewie is NOT useless and I NEEDED those shards!!!!!
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    An event where everything that is able to drop in the cantina/lightside/darkside drops (not the mods, that would be crazy and game breaking because each one would drop multiple mods). For 48 hours. I actually get what I am spending my energy on.
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    I noticed that on the TAC Gear Challenge Possible Rewards screen, I am not able to see how many of the various gear items I have. I was able to do this prior to the most recent update. Why was this changed? Please revert back to the older version where we were able to see, for example, able to see how many Mk 5 Loronar Power Cell Salvages we had. Thank you.
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    They did a great job with ships. However, it's too much for me. They could have released a completely separate game based on the idea. All that money and resources should have gone to expanding the game for our characters, imo. I'm not happy with it.
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    Why not double drops for anniversary???

    just biggs a toon most have maxed?
  • DoomeyEyes
    264 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    In about a month, they are going to have to rename the game Galaxy of Jedi.

    The zeta ability for QGJ is an order of magnitude, or two, above everything else. We will see nothing but Jedi on the meta report, Jedi fighting Jedi in arena, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

    Everyone will run QGJ lead, Yoda, Alaya, Lumi and JKA... at least until General Kenobi replaces Lumi. Wiggs will look slow by comparison and all other teams will be irrelevant. I racked my brain for any combo that could even hope to compete and I can't see anything. bad move CG.

    The fix is not that hard to see... take away the foresight at the beginning of the fight and replace the aoe foresight on "any" unit kill to an individual foresight on a finishing blow. You will still see Jedi teams competing in arena, but they will be competing, not dominating to hilarious levels.

    I get that near constant evasion is in keeping with the ways Jedi are, but it's not how you make an enjoyable game. Personally, I will probably run Jedi in arena, like everyone else will, but I am not looking forward to it... the game will be pretty lame when that happens.
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    Read title
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    How good do you guys think boba fett is now with the new rework
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    Also I hear phasma is pretty good but resistance pilot is tempting for the pilot purpose
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    I noticed that on the TAC Gear Challenge Possible Rewards screen, I am not able to see how many of the various gear items I have. I was able to do this prior to the most recent update. Why was this changed? Please revert back to the older version where we were able to see, for example, able to see how many Mk 5 Loronar Power Cell Salvages we had. Thank you.

    Yes, a lot of fixed bugs made a reappearance, including that one. It's very annoying!

    Also noticed when leveling 83->84 that I can put 5 7* droids for the cost of 426k on the toon, when 4 is more than enough at the cost of 340k. So, old bugs are back, new bugs introduced, wonder what other fixes have been rolled back accidentally.
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    Someone needs to introduce these guys on the concepts of full regression testing and UAT before launching an update. I can't even get the game to load now.
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    How good do you guys think boba fett is now with the new rework

    Don't know. Game won't load now. Communication Error that I can't get around. This really sucks.
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    I have a g7 boba fett,and i have good news,he was g3 yesterday and the good news are:
    1)its not a gear grind anymore,the gear is way easier now
    2) he absolutely rocks,mine did a 10k execute (non-critical) on a savage with 2 buffs
    where is darth jar jar?
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    Because a double drop can still give you 2 shards on 12 attempts. I'd rather know I'm getting 12 for 12 than know there's "a chance" I could get 12+ for 12. Because we all know the odds of the RNG gods are never in our favor.
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    I want a piece of gear, fight that battle and I'll get it.
    Need a toon shard, fight that battle and I'll get it.

    Instead of, I need that stuff, let's see how many times I need to battle to get one (which becomes two).

    Should make it for mods battles too, just award the top one.

    And challenges should drop the max amount of all pieces.

    IF they implemented it for a limited time.
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    Please add Jango Fett and Bossk to the roaster. Also addding the Invisible Hand of Grievous would be cool ;)
  • amementomori
    208 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    What you're asking is 3 times droprate for shards and like 4-5 times droprate for purples.
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    The other thing (now that my farming plan is in TOTAL chaos right now) is we asked for them to make other characters relevant again. They sure did that with this update.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Anyone have anything bad to say about this update so far? I personally love everything they've done. Some might say it takes to long to do everything every day but that's like more personal. I mean actual in game stuff?

    P.s. favorite update for this game so far, ships are amazing and fun and iIalways said that the day boba gets a rework would also be the day id consider spending money on this game. And his rework is AMAZING
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    When will we see vehicle battles?
  • pargame
    989 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Phatboy wrote: »
    When will we see vehicle battles?

    Soon - SWNFS :smile: LOL
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Anyone have anything bad to say about this update so far? I personally love everything they've done. Some might say it takes to long to do everything every day but that's like more personal. I mean actual in game stuff?

    P.s. favorite update for this game so far, ships are amazing and fun and iIalways said that the day boba gets a rework would also be the day id consider spending money on this game. And his rework is AMAZING

    My Complaints:
    -Endurance is broken, hopefully they fix it soon
    -Not enough time in Fleet arena battles, this partially on me because of still trying to figure out what ability does what.
    -Seems the called to assist bug is back

    Love all the other stuff though.
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    Can I trade my Biggs pack for the Wedge Pack? I still need 70 Wedge shards!
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    Now Barriss is much more useful than ever! Before the update she had ~40% or more percentage of removing one debuff randomly, now she removes all of them for ally, which has lowest hp. It's awesome for raids, pvp and gw. Thanks :)
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