Game Update 11/22/2016 Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***



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    I do not personally experience the drop rates you have mentioned. It's important to understand the drop rates are system wide, not player specific. I get about 1/5 shards, 1/7 on high end purples (stun cuffs, other 50-piece items), 1/5 on the lower end (the more common pieces).

    Others experience higher drop rates than that because, again, its system wide, not player specific. I just had back to back 1:12 pulls on gear earlier today. Last week, 3:29 on stun cuffs.

    It's maddening. Apparently I'm going to have to play until women have equal pay in the workplace before the RNG evens me out.
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    Can I trade my Biggs pack for the Wedge Pack? I still need 70 Wedge shards!

    +1 :D
    I need more like 200 Wedge shards though. :)
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    MeiYuDai wrote: »
    I do not personally experience the drop rates you have mentioned. It's important to understand the drop rates are system wide, not player specific. I get about 1/5 shards, 1/7 on high end purples (stun cuffs, other 50-piece items), 1/5 on the lower end (the more common pieces).

    Others experience higher drop rates than that because, again, its system wide, not player specific. I just had back to back 1:12 pulls on gear earlier today. Last week, 3:29 on stun cuffs.

    It's maddening. Apparently I'm going to have to play until women have equal pay in the workplace before the RNG evens me out.

    That's not how probabilities work. And assuming the vast majority of players are right and some knowledge of best practices in programming (K.I.****. mainly), it uses RNG to determine drops. You have a 1/3 chance of shared drops, just like everybody else. Purple gear I'm not sure, it's a bit lower than shards insofar as I can see, but haven't recorded the stats either. So unless your phone has some systemic bias that makes your RNG not as random as it should be, you will on average get 1 shard for 3 runs. That doesn't mean you won't have dry spells or times when you're running hot (me right now, completing a stun cuff). But on average it will work out to the same as for everybody else.
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    Oh. What. Double S is blacklisted. This filter...
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    Acrofales wrote: »
    MeiYuDai wrote: »
    I do not personally experience the drop rates you have mentioned. It's important to understand the drop rates are system wide, not player specific. I get about 1/5 shards, 1/7 on high end purples (stun cuffs, other 50-piece items), 1/5 on the lower end (the more common pieces).

    Others experience higher drop rates than that because, again, its system wide, not player specific. I just had back to back 1:12 pulls on gear earlier today. Last week, 3:29 on stun cuffs.

    It's maddening. Apparently I'm going to have to play until women have equal pay in the workplace before the RNG evens me out.

    That's not how probabilities work. And assuming the vast majority of players are right and some knowledge of best practices in programming (K.I.****. mainly), it uses RNG to determine drops. You have a 1/3 chance of shared drops, just like everybody else. Purple gear I'm not sure, it's a bit lower than shards insofar as I can see, but haven't recorded the stats either. So unless your phone has some systemic bias that makes your RNG not as random as it should be, you will on average get 1 shard for 3 runs. That doesn't mean you won't have dry spells or times when you're running hot (me right now, completing a stun cuff). But on average it will work out to the same as for everybody else.

    Actually this is not quite true and I think that most of players does not get gear at rate that should get.
    Everything depends on implementation. Lets say we need 30% chance
    1. Should think about what is max value - drop if <4 of 10 or drop if <4000 of 10000 - as you can see this produces different results - of course if you make 10000 tries you will have same chance
    2. should think about what happen with random generator when I close the game - it resets. All standard implementation of random generators which I know depends on ticks as a seed so they will start from a different number

    now get 1. and 2. and think how bad chance you may got if max is 10000 and you reset it after every sim :smile:
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    Can't get on after the update. Very disappointed. Keeps saying that there is a log in problem
  • DarkLegion111
    20 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    This update I thought was going to destroy this game but they really did their homework. I don't really care for ships but because they still give u so many fleet tickets to spend I don't even care lol. Plus the new abilitys help balance game and the new toons u can get ! Haven't been more excited in long time, I get Rex echo and Cody! I mean dream come true farming Rex now. Nice work boys
    Post edited by BentWookiee on
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    I get Rex, echo and Cody! I mean dream come true farming Rex now. Nice work boys

    Yeah, when I saw that it made me extremely happy. Also, sun fac!

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    I really cannot understand what is going on. They broke most common special ability - assistance and 5 days later it is still not fixed?!? New content, ships, causes whole application to crash and 5 days later it is not fixed ?!?
    Now I actually cannot play at all - my arena team is very strange and rare - Wiggs, STHan and QGJ - both rely on assistance. My shard is also very strange - full of RG - so my STHan taunts - RG stun it and I don't have assistance... I cannot play ships because of some Google Play error...
    But otherwise there is no problem - they know about it - have a bug..
    Just a suggestion - CG never try to develop financial software..
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    pargame wrote: »
    I really cannot understand what is going on. They broke most common special ability - assistance and 5 days later it is still not fixed?!? New content, ships, causes whole application to crash and 5 days later it is not fixed ?!?
    Now I actually cannot play at all - my arena team is very strange and rare - Wiggs, STHan and QGJ - both rely on assistance. My shard is also very strange - full of RG - so my STHan taunts - RG stun it and I don't have assistance... I cannot play ships because of some Google Play error...
    But otherwise there is no problem - they know about it - have a bug..
    Just a suggestion - CG never try to develop financial software..

    That's what happens when they release an update than close the offices for 5 days. Why many thought it was crazy to release such an update prior to a holiday weekend.
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    It would be nice if Asajj Ventress also received the Sith tag to go along with these new ability changes, just for some potential synergy with something besides nightsisters
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    scuba wrote: »
    pargame wrote: »
    I really cannot understand what is going on. They broke most common special ability - assistance and 5 days later it is still not fixed?!? New content, ships, causes whole application to crash and 5 days later it is not fixed ?!?
    Now I actually cannot play at all - my arena team is very strange and rare - Wiggs, STHan and QGJ - both rely on assistance. My shard is also very strange - full of RG - so my STHan taunts - RG stun it and I don't have assistance... I cannot play ships because of some Google Play error...
    But otherwise there is no problem - they know about it - have a bug..
    Just a suggestion - CG never try to develop financial software..

    That's what happens when they release an update than close the offices for 5 days. Why many thought it was crazy to release such an update prior to a holiday weekend.

    Oh sorry - I am not from USA and forgot about Thanksgiving day. So there are no 5 days since release?
    I have to wait then...
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    The curious part is the complete lack of regression testing. Looks like the ships have been on a completely different development branch that did not include all these bugfixes for the past half a year.

    It's very annoying that these bugs made a reappearance but I understand it from the point of timing: There was nothing else for the anniversary.
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    Naw wrote: »
    The curious part is the complete lack of regression testing. Looks like the ships have been on a completely different development branch that did not include all these bugfixes for the past half a year.

    It's very annoying that these bugs made a reappearance but I understand it from the point of timing: There was nothing else for the anniversary.

    You are right - such a common ability like assistance... and have been QA verified...maybe when there was downtime they have problems and then have to rollback some changes(merge problems)...Lets see how soon will fix it after vacation
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    pargame wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    pargame wrote: »
    I really cannot understand what is going on. They broke most common special ability - assistance and 5 days later it is still not fixed?!? New content, ships, causes whole application to crash and 5 days later it is not fixed ?!?
    Now I actually cannot play at all - my arena team is very strange and rare - Wiggs, STHan and QGJ - both rely on assistance. My shard is also very strange - full of RG - so my STHan taunts - RG stun it and I don't have assistance... I cannot play ships because of some Google Play error...
    But otherwise there is no problem - they know about it - have a bug..
    Just a suggestion - CG never try to develop financial software..

    That's what happens when they release an update than close the offices for 5 days. Why many thought it was crazy to release such an update prior to a holiday weekend.

    Oh sorry - I am not from USA and forgot about Thanksgiving day. So there are no 5 days since release?
    I have to wait then...
    Yeah the offices were most likely closed Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
    I would also bet they were closed at least part of the day Wednesday since they pushed the update out Tuesday.

    So hopefully Monday we will get some fixes.
  • The_Noobish_Hipster
    316 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    The German language version describes Qui-Gon Jinn's Zeta leader ability differently than the Game Update notes. In the German description Foresight is only granted whenever an ALLY is defeated.

    Could you please confirm how Foresight is actually applied in-game @EA_Jesse @CG_Kozispoon ?

    Thanks a lot.
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    This is not fair,android users get free srp AND shore trooper shards,this is not fair for us ios users who need a few shore shards to star up,@EA_Jesse i understand that ios got wedge but getting nothing is unfair
    where is darth jar jar?
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    Astrid1381 wrote: »
    This is not fair,android users get free srp AND shore trooper shards,this is not fair for us ios users who need a few shore shards to star up,@EA_Jesse i understand that ios got wedge but getting nothing is unfair

    Getting biggs shards last week while you got Wedge shards was unfair. Biggs is a easy GW farm, while Wedge is a long hard farm, not to mention everyone already did biggs as part of rebel events last few months.

    So you got wedge shards, while we all got some shard shop currency. 10 shoretrooper shards doesn't make up for that.
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    Astrid1381 wrote: »
    This is not fair,android users get free srp AND shore trooper shards,this is not fair for us ios users who need a few shore shards to star up,@EA_Jesse i understand that ios got wedge but getting nothing is unfair

    Getting biggs shards last week while you got Wedge shards was unfair. Biggs is a easy GW farm, while Wedge is a long hard farm, not to mention everyone already did biggs as part of rebel events last few months.

    So you got wedge shards, while we all got some shard shop currency. 10 shoretrooper shards doesn't make up for that.
    Remember,you got the better ship and alot of converts for baze,oh also that better ship is one of the best tanks for ships
    where is darth jar jar?
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    scuba wrote: »

    YES, specially the calling an stunned assist bug, that have been posted on Bugs and Issues for a week now and NOTHING happened so far, this is a MAJOR bug i can't believe we still had no response on a game changer BUG.

    Look, this is not about the new content, personally i thing the new content is great! I loved ships and zeta and stuff... But the consequence was the return of an old bug that shouldn't be allowed to stick in this game for more than 3 days and it's been a week now....

    I won't rest untill i get some dev responde for this, i've said in other posts and i'll repeat, i'll be updating anything regards this subject in any sections of this forum necessary if that's what it takes for the devs to see it.
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    They responded 8 days ago. Obviously being very slow to fix, but they have responded. And probably got sick or replying to it.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    s0uleman wrote: »

    They responded 8 days ago. Obviously being very slow to fix, but they have responded. And probably got sick or replying to it.

    The unofficial offical forums shouldn't have to be checked for offical information.
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    scuba wrote: »
    The unofficial offical forums shouldn't have to be checked for offical information.

    Odd, isn't it?

    I also find it interesting that there seem to be more Dev Responses in the Reddit forum.
    Drop It Like It's xHOTHx
    In Game Name: E Chu Ta
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    That's probably because these forums are full of the same repetitive complaints.. Look at the GW complaint thread.. And how many new threads are either merged into that one, or deleted every week?
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    s0uleman wrote: »
    That's probably because these forums are full of the same repetitive complaints.. Look at the GW complaint thread.. And how many new threads are either merged into that one, or deleted every week?

    Please... Reddit is full of complaints also
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    pargame wrote: »
    I really cannot understand what is going on. They broke most common special ability - assistance and 5 days later it is still not fixed?!? New content, ships, causes whole application to crash and 5 days later it is not fixed ?!?
    Now I actually cannot play at all - my arena team is very strange and rare - Wiggs, STHan and QGJ - both rely on assistance. My shard is also very strange - full of RG - so my STHan taunts - RG stun it and I don't have assistance... I cannot play ships because of some Google Play error...
    But otherwise there is no problem - they know about it - have a bug..
    Just a suggestion - CG never try to develop financial software..

    After more than a week without acknowledging or correcting calling assistance from a stunned ally, I'd say is a stealth fix, rather than a bug. I have the feeling with this game is always one step forward, two backward.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    pargame wrote: »
    I really cannot understand what is going on. They broke most common special ability - assistance and 5 days later it is still not fixed?!? New content, ships, causes whole application to crash and 5 days later it is not fixed ?!?
    Now I actually cannot play at all - my arena team is very strange and rare - Wiggs, STHan and QGJ - both rely on assistance. My shard is also very strange - full of RG - so my STHan taunts - RG stun it and I don't have assistance... I cannot play ships because of some Google Play error...
    But otherwise there is no problem - they know about it - have a bug..
    Just a suggestion - CG never try to develop financial software..

    After more than a week without acknowledging or correcting calling assistance from a stunned ally, I'd say is a stealth fix, rather than a bug. I have the feeling with this game is always one step forward, two backward.

    It has been acknowledged again

    And my favorite so I will quote it
    WHY is it back??
    We'll re-open this case for further review. Thank you!

This discussion has been closed.