Teams that revolve around Boba Fett:

What teams do you guys speculate would be really good with boba in it, whether he is lead or not. Really curious to see everyone's ideas!


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    Please post any ideas or comments here, about a much needed rework on Boba Fett.
    Or if you don't think he needs a rework, feel free to state why.


    All opinions are welcome, thanks!
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    Add another stipulation to his turn meter gain on basic. Let him gain that turn meter on a crit or kill. These can stack. So if he crits or kills, 35% turn meter. If he does both, 70%.

    Up his speed by 15.

    Up his protection by about 20 - 25% at each gear level.
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    Should be an attacker not a tank. He's a bounty hunter.
    More speed.
    Basic should use his blaster with an additional chance of a critical hit (to work with his lead ability).
    Execute should be a special that is similar to Savage. 25% health or less insta-kill and gains crit chance up on finishing blow. Hence the named ability 'Execute' lol
    Everything else I can live with.
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    Apoc88 wrote: »
    Should be an attacker not a tank. He's a bounty hunter.

    I think the same. I never understood why he's a tank in this game.
  • TheRenegade
    256 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Here is how I would design Boba Fett if I had the opportunity:

    Blaster carbine basic that deals medium damage and Boba gains 50% tm on a critical hit.

    Flamethrower aoe that deals medium damage, applies 1 or 2 dots and reduces tm.

    Wrist cable as a stun ability that does no damage but stuns for 2 turns

    Rocket aoe that deals high damage and guarantee ability block on a critical hit with a long cooldown to go with the high damage

    As for his speed I would increase it to around 140, he has a jet pack to move around so no reason for him to be slow. I would also reduce his overall health/protection to slightly less that Anakins totals to accommodate him being an attacker that deals good damage but increase his armor similar to Fives if not slightly above Fives.
  • RedXVIISpence
    249 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Id love to see boba fett be an attacker like he should be, and I have him 7*ed incase this ever happens.. But until then he will continue to be way on the bench.. A shame for such an iconic character to not ever use his blaster and be so slow even with a jet pack..maybe thats why he can revive, but that(the way it is) is garbage too.
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    I agree with a quick fix like 30 more speed 30-50% more dmg and change his basic to TM on crit (which seems to be a popular idea). Maybe extend his AOE ability block to 100% chance and 2 turns as well.

    The execs at EA don't like devs working on chit that doesn't make them money, so this is a nice compromise that takes, what, 10 minutes of their time?
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    I agree with a quick fix like 30 more speed 30-50% more dmg and change his basic to TM on crit (which seems to be a popular idea). Maybe extend his AOE ability block to 100% chance and 2 turns as well.

    The execs at EA don't like devs working on chit that doesn't make them money, so this is a nice compromise that takes, what, 10 minutes of their time?

    Actually sounds good
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    The essential core to Boba's problem is what we want is the cold, calculating, ruthless, borderline invincible bounty hunter
    (you took the best pic so this is what I got >_>) but the problem is similar to Disney the devolpers threw him aside and into the sarlacc so we're stuck with this version prj2_Star-Wars-sarlack.gif
    And what you're all asking for is pretty much a different character all together

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    I agree with a quick fix like 30 more speed 30-50% more dmg and change his basic to TM on crit (which seems to be a popular idea). Maybe extend his AOE ability block to 100% chance and 2 turns as well.

    The execs at EA don't like devs working on chit that doesn't make them money, so this is a nice compromise that takes, what, 10 minutes of their time?

    I whole heartedly agree. The legendary bounty hunter desperately needs a rework.
    Speed and damage.
    I am a big fan of Boba and farmed him although I am aware he is currently useless in this game. It would be nice to make him playable.
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    Zombie961 wrote: »
    The essential core to Boba's problem is what we want is the cold, calculating, ruthless, borderline invincible bounty hunter
    (you took the best pic so this is what I got >_>) but the problem is similar to Disney the devolpers threw him aside and into the sarlacc so we're stuck with this version prj2_Star-Wars-sarlack.gif
    And what you're all asking for is pretty much a different character all together
    No just to make him atleast somewhat viable, as he should be.
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    Zombie961 wrote: »
    The essential core to Boba's problem is what we want is the cold, calculating, ruthless, borderline invincible bounty hunter
    (you took the best pic so this is what I got >_>) but the problem is similar to Disney the devolpers threw him aside and into the sarlacc so we're stuck with this version prj2_Star-Wars-sarlack.gif
    And what you're all asking for is pretty much a different character all together
    No just to make him atleast somewhat viable, as he should be.



    Oh Disney! You did it again
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    I like the idea of Boba being utility rather than a straight attacker. With that said here's my rework suggestion:

    Tricks of the Trade: Deal physical damage to target enemy with his blaster and apply defense down for two turns. 50% chance to follow-up with a wrist rocket dealing physical damage and exposing them for two turns. 25% chance to deal physical to all enemies with his flamethrower and apply a damage over time effect as well as remove 50% turn meter.

    Death from Above: Deal physical damage to all enemies with an 80% chance to ability block for 1 turn. Boba also gains foresight for 2 turns.

    Born Bounty Hunter (Leader): All allies gain 50% critical damage. All Scoundrel allies gain 30% turn meter and speed up on a finishing blow or an ally's death. The Scoundrel bonus is lost if Boba is dead.

    Mandalorian Resolve: Boba has a 25% chance to revive at 30% health and whenever he is defeated. His revive chance is increased by 12.5% for every living Scoundrel ally not including Boba himself. Whenever Boba revives, he gains 100% turn meter and will apply all three effects on his next basic attack.

    Keep him on the slower side (110-125) and lower his health & protection by a good amount since he now has foresight and a very high revive chance. He'll be a godlike scoundrel leader for the likes of Lando & 88.
  • SivPax
    38 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Zombie961 wrote: »
    The essential core to Boba's problem is what we want is the cold, calculating, ruthless, borderline invincible bounty hunter
    (you took the best pic so this is what I got >_>) but the problem is similar to Disney the devolpers threw him aside and into the sarlacc so we're stuck with this version prj2_Star-Wars-sarlack.gif
    And what you're all asking for is pretty much a different character all together
    No just to make him atleast somewhat viable, as he should be

    Double post. Tried to copy previous posterd hilarious gifs
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    #1. Get rid of revive in his Unique, or scrap it all together. (I think a proper rework hinges on this)
    #2. Balance Boba Fett once that silly revive is gone. (!)
    #3. If he's not really a tank, get rid of that tag...or make him a tank. Something like 15-20% more HP and either Savage Opress's or Jedi Knight Guardian's Unique would be a bad start...but would be something.
    #4. Or add 20 speed.
    #5. Or make Death from Above 100% chance ability block, or remove the chance for DOT and frontload all the damage.
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    plus 10 speed for every scoundrel ally and add a 50% chance to use flamethrower when revived dealing significant aoe damage
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    I think Boba should have a turn meter advantage.
    Keep Leader ability the same.
    Execute: Deal physical damage and give offence down for 1 turn, If he lands a critical hit then Boba gains offence up for 2 turns
    Death from above: Deal special damage to all enemies with a 40% chance to inflict defense down for 2 turns. Critical hit enemies lose 20% turn meter.
    Burn em all: Deal physical damage to all enemies with a 30% chance to stun and 70% chance to remove 50% turn meter.
    Mandalorian Resolve: Anytime someone on his team (or tag) receives a critical hit Boba Fett gains 40% turn meter. Boba has a 35% chance to revive with 30% health when defeated. In addition, Boba gains 100% tm on revive and 100% more damage on next turn.
    This is probably way overboard but whatever one can dream.
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    I literally cannot wait for this rework :( hopefully sometime soon
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    Obviously we're Boba Fett shines is his leader ability. My Boba Fett is only 5 star and lower level right now so I can't speak to end game experience but on paper it seems like arguably one of the best leads in the game. I passed him up for Qui-Gon Jinn in the Cantina shipments and then moved on to Hoth Rebel Scout. I'm almost to six stars on fives now but this thread is making me want to switch back to boba
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    So many good suggestions for capturing the 'feel' of Fett (+ a few dodgy ones that just make him hard as nails). Personally, I'm of a similar opinion that he should be an attacker, not a tank. Skills?

    EE-3 - Cause physical damage with a % chance to expose the target.

    Death From Above - Up the damage and cooldown but keep the ability block the same or change it to evade-down (more in keeping with his hunter role) or expose?

    No Disintegrations - @TheRenegade loved your wrist snare idea but I'd have it cause stun for one turn and buff immunity for two turns.

    Mandalorian Resolve - I don't think he really needs this at all if he's no longer a tank. I get that they initially wanted to capture Fett's unkillable nature but there's better aspects they could translate than that. Maybe have it cause massive damage to any exposed targets if he's defeated?

    Scum & Villainy (leader skill) - Scoundrel allies have % chance to expose a target on a critical hit.
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
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    Yeah.... so.... it's very unclear why arguably the most bad-**** character in the movie (Boba Fett) sucks to the point of being useless & irrelevant in the game. This is made even more illogical when we have totally irrelevant characters like IG-88 or Jawa Engineer (was he even an actual character?) who are very powerful.
    valjean913 or BHG Valjean#5571
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    A good start would be to rework the 6 raid gears and 1000+ purple requirement. The guy burns as must resources to gear up as 3 actually usable characters.
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    DarthGozu wrote: »
    A good start would be to rework the 6 raid gears and 1000+ purple requirement. The guy burns as must resources to gear up as 3 actually usable characters.

    This is why he should be an amazing character. They shouldn't rework his gear unless they are going to refund the people who put work into him and then change his gear.
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    I guess I just don't see how he's completely useless as many suggest. I'm not opposed to a small tweak, but I really have no major problem with Boba. I use him as part of my arena team which hits top 10. I'd be happy if they just gave his unique passive a 5% more chance to revive. And maybe give his basic a gun animation instead. I'm happy with his AOE.
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    Hes too far gone...... they should just make a decent character named Jango
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    Valjean wrote: »
    Yeah.... so.... it's very unclear why arguably the most bad-**** character in the movie (Boba Fett) sucks to the point of being useless & irrelevant in the game. This is made even more illogical when we have totally irrelevant characters like IG-88 or Jawa Engineer (was he even an actual character?) who are very powerful.

    I think the overarching problem is the "revive" ability in game...I can sorta see an argument for droids glitching back to life if you want another game mechanic....but if Qui-Gon Jinn and Palaptine aren't coming back physically from death, if you care about what a character is supposed to be, boba fett surely isn't coming back.
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    davevaded wrote: »
    Valjean wrote: »
    Yeah.... so.... it's very unclear why arguably the most bad-**** character in the movie (Boba Fett) sucks to the point of being useless & irrelevant in the game. This is made even more illogical when we have totally irrelevant characters like IG-88 or Jawa Engineer (was he even an actual character?) who are very powerful.

    I think the overarching problem is the "revive" ability in game...I can sorta see an argument for droids glitching back to life if you want another game mechanic....but if Qui-Gon Jinn and Palaptine aren't coming back physically from death, if you care about what a character is supposed to be, boba fett surely isn't coming back.

    ... and yet, one of the most popular story arcs in the whole of the EU centres on Fett making it out of the Sarlac and continuing upon his reign of cool. He was the one character that Lucas tried to bury and the fans insisted he lived on. GoH hasn't shied away from using EU (Legends) lore so I can see the appeal to making him hard to kill.

    He's had his own Marvel comic, a series of books and his own video game. It's not like he's been abandoned to the Legends universe either: He was written in to effectively be the father of all Stormtroopers (in a sense). If that's not enough, the popular theory on the third anthology film is that it will be the story of Fett's transition to manhood (the first being Rogue One, the second being a Han Solo origin story).

    Make no mistake, he's a big deal. After he's proven to be the most effective villain in Battlefront, I find it hard to believe he'll be abandoned by EA.

    My guess? He'll come into his own when they release the Starfighter Battles update and the best ship turns out to be Slave I...
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
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    Hes too far gone...... they should just make a decent character named Jango

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    I think he'd be decent with the following changes:
    1) Up his speed by 20 to 40
    2) Have basic gain TM on hit (as opposed to on kill)
    3) Have basic apply a debuff like offense down or crit down
    4) Reduce cooldown of death from above from 4 to 2.
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    Hovahdo wrote: »
    I think he'd be decent with the following changes:
    1) Up his speed by 20 to 40
    2) Have basic gain TM on hit (as opposed to on kill)
    3) Have basic apply a debuff like offense down or crit down
    4) Reduce cooldown of death from above from 4 to 2.
    Would be nice.
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