Teams that revolve around Boba Fett:



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    He is quite good now.

    Thanks Devs for the rework!

    The Execute-ability now feels like an Execute and not a tickle!
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    Sigh the boba hype train has arrived.... Lol
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    DeeRod12 wrote: »
    Sigh the boba hype train has arrived.... Lol

    As it should, he's Boba after all! :smiley:

    Team Boburt Fettman 4 Life!
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    Zombie961 wrote: »
    The essential core to Boba's problem is what we want is the cold, calculating, ruthless, borderline invincible bounty hunter
    (you took the best pic so this is what I got >_>) but the problem is similar to Disney the devolpers threw him aside and into the sarlacc so we're stuck with this version prj2_Star-Wars-sarlack.gif
    And what you're all asking for is pretty much a different character all together
    No just to make him atleast somewhat viable, as he should be.

    50% crit damage on an aoe meta and hes not strong enough!! Imagine the dps from other toons!!!
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    Sigh the boba hype train has arrived.... Lol
    DeeRod12 wrote: »
    Sigh the boba hype train has arrived.... Lol

    As it should, he's Boba after all! :smiley:

    Team Boburt Fettman 4 Life!

    Lol for someone who's had him maxed and used him it's a bit frustrating haha but I think meta wise with QGJ zeta Jedi are going to be meta once Kenobi starts showing up
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han

    Bobba is too good to not have as lead

    There aren't enough good bounty hunters to take advantage of it yet IMO. Also the speed increase being conditional just isn't reliable and the first turn is the most important which Lando helps to setup better for not a huge dropoff in CD.
  • Options
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han

    Bobba is too good to not have as lead

    There aren't enough good bounty hunters to take advantage of it yet IMO. Also the speed increase being conditional just isn't reliable and the first turn is the most important which Lando helps to setup better for not a huge dropoff in CD.

    Plenty to take advantage of it currently imo.

    While yes you do have to get it set up for the bonus all it takes is zam with a thermal to get the speed rolling in which zam has some of the fastest speed anyways
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han

    Bobba is too good to not have as lead

    There aren't enough good bounty hunters to take advantage of it yet IMO. Also the speed increase being conditional just isn't reliable and the first turn is the most important which Lando helps to setup better for not a huge dropoff in CD.

    Plenty to take advantage of it currently imo.

    While yes you do have to get it set up for the bonus all it takes is zam with a thermal to get the speed rolling in which zam has some of the fastest speed anyways

    Yes but it's still unreliable, on average you can bet on 3 sticking but we'll say you get 4 so +60 speed. If all the toons have +100 speed from mods on both teams the Lando side has about 6% more TM and the +60 speed won't be enough to overcome that difference since you'll only gain TM about 18% faster. And the gap just gets bigger the lower your speed gets.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han

    Bobba is too good to not have as lead

    There aren't enough good bounty hunters to take advantage of it yet IMO. Also the speed increase being conditional just isn't reliable and the first turn is the most important which Lando helps to setup better for not a huge dropoff in CD.

    Plenty to take advantage of it currently imo.

    While yes you do have to get it set up for the bonus all it takes is zam with a thermal to get the speed rolling in which zam has some of the fastest speed anyways

    TFP aoe and ability blocks Zam, where's your speed now? 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han

    Bobba is too good to not have as lead

    There aren't enough good bounty hunters to take advantage of it yet IMO. Also the speed increase being conditional just isn't reliable and the first turn is the most important which Lando helps to setup better for not a huge dropoff in CD.

    Plenty to take advantage of it currently imo.

    While yes you do have to get it set up for the bonus all it takes is zam with a thermal to get the speed rolling in which zam has some of the fastest speed anyways

    TFP aoe and ability blocks Zam, where's your speed now?

    From any other toon that can place any kind of debuff lol

    Zam is more so just a faster option.

    You can ability block all you want
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    DeeRod12 wrote: »
    Sigh the boba hype train has arrived.... Lol

    As it should, he's Boba after all! :smiley:

    What did he do to become famous? Got hit by a blind man and eaten by Sarlacc? Yes, he mattered. Not!

    We have main characters who hit weaker than an ugnaught.

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    It's not an arena team but I had some fun in GW with Boba, 88, JE, JS, & Nebit
    Boba executed a RG (node 11, g10, well modded) with a hit over 73k :)
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
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    I'm experimenting with this in arena:

    Boba (L), Lando, Han Solo, TFP, and STH
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han

    Bobba is too good to not have as lead

    There aren't enough good bounty hunters to take advantage of it yet IMO. Also the speed increase being conditional just isn't reliable and the first turn is the most important which Lando helps to setup better for not a huge dropoff in CD.

    Plenty to take advantage of it currently imo.

    While yes you do have to get it set up for the bonus all it takes is zam with a thermal to get the speed rolling in which zam has some of the fastest speed anyways

    TFP aoe and ability blocks Zam, where's your speed now?

    From any other toon that can place any kind of debuff lol

    Zam is more so just a faster option.

    You can ability block all you want

    Except that other option is nowhere close to Zam in base speed 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Naw wrote: »
    DeeRod12 wrote: »
    Sigh the boba hype train has arrived.... Lol

    As it should, he's Boba after all! :smiley:

    What did he do to become famous? Got hit by a blind man and eaten by Sarlacc? Yes, he mattered. Not!

    We have main characters who hit weaker than an ugnaught.

    You have to have some insight padawan. If he has the audacity to talk smack to Vader...the only person in the movies that does it besides Leia, and he gets away with it. Vader even tells him he will b compensated if Han doesn't survive instead of just force-choking him. He is obviously a character of some circumstance.
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    Tjbear02 wrote: »
    What teams do you guys speculate would be really good with boba in it, whether he is lead or not. Really curious to see everyone's ideas!

    I've been runnin him lead on my bounty hunter/scoundrel team:

    1. Boba Fett (L)
    2. Dengar
    3. Greedo
    4. Cad Bane
    5. IG-88

    I will prolly swap out Cad for Zam once I have her unlocked.
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