Teams that revolve around Boba Fett:


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    And maybe he should call all allies in for assist doing 60 - 100% more damage. Then get in Slave one and fire an HLC at everyone eject and stick thermal detonators on everyones forehead zoom off with his jetpack and detonate them.
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    Ive been farming what I call "hope shards"; buying shards on faith. I think theyre going to release Jango Fett in conjunction with a Boba Fett rework and theyll have synergy together. And think theyll end up pairing well with the Clones.

    Awesome pictures shared in here. In that first one it looks like his right forearm is artificial, didnt realize that.
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    Since nobody's on board except @Chewplebcca I'll queue up the broken record... Quit waiting for a handout. Boba is viable if you construct the appropriate team. Top 10-20 in a Lando-centric arena squad since April. I really hope they don't rework him. I know I sound like the DBag who thinks he's cool before cool was cool. But max his gear, Pot / speed mod the **** out of him, and build a squad that works. Or you can sit with a half a$$ed Fett, pining for a buff and waiting for the Devs to play the game for you.
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    SifuSteve wrote: »
    ... and yet, one of the most popular story arcs in the whole of the EU centres on Fett making it out of the Sarlac and continuing upon his reign of cool. He was the one character that Lucas tried to bury and the fans insisted he lived on. GoH hasn't shied away from using EU (Legends) lore so I can see the appeal to making him hard to kill.

    He's had his own Marvel comic, a series of books and his own video game. It's not like he's been abandoned to the Legends universe either: He was written in to effectively be the father of all Stormtroopers (in a sense). If that's not enough, the popular theory on the third anthology film is that it will be the story of Fett's transition to manhood (the first being Rogue One, the second being a Han Solo origin story).

    Make no mistake, he's a big deal. After he's proven to be the most effective villain in Battlefront, I find it hard to believe he'll be abandoned by EA.

    My guess? He'll come into his own when they release the Starfighter Battles update and the best ship turns out to be Slave I...

    Hard to kill and coming back from death are leagues apart. I can see your love for the character, but Boba coming back from death, when the jedis who mastered life/death more than most, like QGJ, Ani, Yoda and ObiWon aren't, makes Boba -actually dying- and coming back, silly at best.
  • Chewplebcca
    774 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm cool with Boba
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    I'm cool with Boba

    Working towards the same team except greedo for lando. So many furnaces... all I want is boba to use his blaster
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    I'm cool with Boba

    Working towards the same team except greedo for lando. So many furnaces... all I want is boba to use his blaster

    Sounds cool. Might also be worth noting that I don't even have my Han max starred and geared yet, like most of the other people who use him on my server. I was a late comer with him. Actually my Lando isn't max geared yet either. So there's still room for improvement!

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    His speed certainly needs a buff. you would needs superrb RNG to get the mods to get him up to speed.

    I just looked on and he is 1 point slower that Grand Moff Tarkin. Would a Tarkin vs Fett fight result in tarkin shooting first? I don't think so.

    Does the game work speed out by seeing how often the toon runs in the films? A stormtrooper is 12 points faster. I'm not a big fan of Boba but I would have thought a key skill of a bounty hunter is it's speed and damage output being quite high.

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    Gazza1988 wrote: »
    His speed certainly needs a buff. you would needs superrb RNG to get the mods to get him up to speed.

    Or you can use someone like st han.

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    Feel like this deserves a bump.
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    I think his abilities and leadership are fine. Just give some decent speed plus some extra protection.
  • Apoc88
    259 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Ive been farming what I call "hope shards"; buying shards on faith. I think theyre going to release Jango Fett in conjunction with a Boba Fett rework and theyll have synergy together. And think theyll end up pairing well with the Clones.

    Awesome pictures shared in here. In that first one it looks like his right forearm is artificial, didnt realize that.

    Not sure why everyone thinks Jango/Boba need synergy. No offense but it doesn't make any sense. Boba was just a little boy when Jango died so unless the have kid Boba they shouldn't have synergy. Should Vader, Luke & Leia have synergy? They're all family right? Maybe I can see Luke/Leia but not in their current character forms. I'm all for more synergies though. If they do make Jango he should probably have synergy with clones if anyone.

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    Basic attack needs to be his blaster. He already uses his wrist rocket with his secondary special attack. I feel its dumb that he is displayed with his blater rifle and never uses it... I like that he has lots of health. If he is made into another class he needs a lot more speed added onto him.
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    Basic attack needs to be his blaster. He already uses his wrist rocket with his secondary special attack. I feel its dumb that he is displayed with his blater rifle and never uses it... I like that he has lots of health. If he is made into another class he needs a lot more speed added onto him.

    I prefer to call it his pocket-rocket
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    Definitely needs to use his blaster and have a little more speed than the bonus 12 from G11
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    Zooey wrote: »
    I like the idea of Boba being utility rather than a straight attacker. With that said here's my rework suggestion:

    Tricks of the Trade: Deal physical damage to target enemy with his blaster and apply defense down for two turns. 50% chance to follow-up with a wrist rocket dealing physical damage and exposing them for two turns. 25% chance to deal physical to all enemies with his flamethrower and apply a damage over time effect as well as remove 50% turn meter.

    Death from Above: Deal physical damage to all enemies with an 80% chance to ability block for 1 turn. Boba also gains foresight for 2 turns.

    Born Bounty Hunter (Leader): All allies gain 50% critical damage. All Scoundrel allies gain 30% turn meter and speed up on a finishing blow or an ally's death. The Scoundrel bonus is lost if Boba is dead.

    Mandalorian Resolve: Boba has a 25% chance to revive at 30% health and whenever he is defeated. His revive chance is increased by 12.5% for every living Scoundrel ally not including Boba himself. Whenever Boba revives, he gains 100% turn meter and will apply all three effects on his next basic attack.

    Keep him on the slower side (110-125) and lower his health & protection by a good amount since he now has foresight and a very high revive chance. He'll be a godlike scoundrel leader for the likes of Lando & 88.

    Wow, love this! +1
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    slothe wrote: »
    Please post any ideas or comments here, about a much needed rework on Boba Fett.
    Or if you don't think he needs a rework, feel free to state why.


    All opinions are welcome, thanks!

    I dont think he needs reworked. He has tons of health and comes back when killed. I mean not many others have tons of health and hit hard. Barris, RG, STHan, Kylo Ren, Nebit all come to mind...and they dont even come back when killed.

    Plus his leader gives +50% crit damage.

    He is just fine. Not every toon HAS to hit as hard as FOTP, Clone Sergeant, GS, and Rey.
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    Yeah 80 shards for a guy with 2 attacks and a couple of not so decent passIves isn't that great.

    He's holding a blaster he doesn't even use.

    For 80 shard pieces I think he should be able to have 3 attacks all together.

    On top of that adding his flame thrower wouldn't hurt I think it would really add to his little list of arsenals.

    But for his main attack I really think he should have the use of his blaster with like a 3 attack system added to it because it is in lore a 3 round burst weapon.

    That's all I really got time to put in on this matter but seeing him the way he is is pretty sad to say the least and he does indeed desperately need a rework.
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    So now this is really relevant. Happy he's getting A new basic using his gun but I hope they don't change anything else. Especially his leadership ability and ability block
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  • crzydroid
    7406 posts Moderator
    The new Boba rework just nerfed all the new characters--ignores all the auto taunts, and prevents pathfinder from reviving (I'm assuming on a finishing blow). Can also ignore SF's taunt with retribution, and ignore any tanks on a Wiggs team. Now Boba is going to be on all arena squads.
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    I hope this is true.
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    Update should be no later than Wednesday for Boba.
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  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Cant' deny, love Boba rework!!

    Basic: EE-3 Carbine
    Level 7: Deal physical damage to target enemy wtih a 50% chance (doubled against Scoundrels) to attack again. Each attack has a 70% chance to inflict Damage Over Time for 2 turns.

    Special: Death From Above
    Level 7: Deal Physical damage to all enemies with an 80% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn and a 50% chance to inflict Damage Over Time for 2 turns.

    Special: Execute
    Level 7: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all status effects on them. Deal 30% more damage for each effect dispelled. Enemies defeated by this ability can't be revived.

    Leader: Dead or Alive
    Level 7: All allies gain 50% Critical Damage. Bounty Hunter allies gain 15 Speed for each debuffed enemy, gain Max Health equal to 50% of the total Potency of all Bounty Hunter allies, and gain 15% Turn Meter whenever a Thermal Detonater explodes.

    Unique: Bounty Hunter's Resolve
    Level 7: At the start of the battle, and whenever he defeats an enemy, Boba Fett gains Bounty Hunter's Resolve until he is defeated.
    Bounty Hunters Resolve: Boba Fett ignores Taunts during his turn. When defeated, revive at 90% Health. This buff cannot be dispelled.
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    xReDeMpx wrote: »

    Lol... Yeah that is unstoppable there... Wish I was able to farm Zam haha! Nice team man!
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han
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    MBL_66 wrote: »
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han

    Bobba is too good to not have as lead
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    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    MBL_66 wrote: »
    I was thinking Lando lead with ST Han, Boba, 88, Raid Han

    Bobba is too good to not have as lead

    So far as, I am 99% FTP, I think a decent team would be: Boba Lead, Ig88, sth/shore, dengar, and lando.
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