TOP 10 characters you want.


  • Options
    Boba fett, TFP, Rex, SF, Vader, Palp, Baze, Jyn, stick guy, cassian.
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    1) Jedi Luke (RotJ)
    2) Chewbacca (the one who pairs with Han, and rework Han please)
    3) Jabba the Hutt
    4) Director Krennic
    5) Deathtrooper

    I leave the rest for you, that's the only 5 I want
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    More love for the original trilogy.

    Ep IV: Walrus Man, Dr. Evzan, Hammer Head, Death Star Gunner, Death Star Droid
    Ep V: Bossk, 4-Lom, Zuckuss, Admiral Piett, Bespin Luke
    Ep VI: Jedi Luke, Disguised Lando, Disguised Leia, Nein Nunb, Wicket
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    Sith Lord Jar Jar
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    Yesss!!!!! Definitely need Jango and KOTOR characters!
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    PrimeTime wrote: »
    Non Hunchback Kylo Ren

    This made me quietly giggle my **** off.
    At least have him punch himself in the gut a few times before attacking.
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    1) Revan
    2-10) I don't care just add Revan lol
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    -death trooper
    -pre vizla
    -Ezra( the whole rebels gang)
    -bespin Luke
  • Options
    1) Jango Fett
    2) Embo
    3) Bossk
    4) Death Watch - any and pre vizla
    5) Death Trooper
    6) Revan
    7) R2D2
    8) Hondo
    9) 4-LOM
    10) rework of most of the darkside toons to counter the OP rebel scum!!
  • Options
    1. Jedi Luke
    2. Jedi Luke
    3. Jedi Luke
    4. Jedi Luke
    5. Jedi Luke
    6. Jedi Luke
    7. Jedi Luke
    8. Jedi Luke
    9. Jedi Luke
    10. Chewbacca
  • N1c0
    248 posts Member
    Luke Jedi
    Rey Jedi
  • Options
    Kix has to be added, the clones need a healer!
  • Options
    1.sabine wren
    2.jango fett
    3.fen rau
    4.pre vizla katarn
    6.quinlon vos adi mundi
    8.Arc trooper
    9. Republic commandos
    10. Darth revan
  • Options
    1. Jabba the hut
  • Options
    Jedi Luke VI
    Padmé Géonosis
    Jabba the Hutt
    Death Trooper
    Jar Jar binks Otoh Gunga
    Quarsh Panaka
    Droid B1
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    -Droideka (destroyer droids)
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    RotJ Luke

    Rebel Chewbacca with Han Solo synergies and Falcon

    X-Wing Luke and his ship

    Jango Fett


    AotC Anakin with Padmé synergies

    Ki Adi Mundi

    Shaak Ti


    Hondo Ohnaka
  • Options
    Luke Jedi Master (EP. VII)
    Darth Revan
    Darth Kreia
    Darth Nihilus
    Vrook Lamar
    Kile Katarn
    Mandalorian soldier
  • Anakinagabey
    61 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas
    Jedi Luke
    Gregar Typho
    Jedi Master Shaak Ti
    Wat Tambor
    Jango Fett
    Aurra Sing
    And bonus C-3PO (as Ewok Leader)

  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    1) Kir Kanos
    2) Maarek Stele
    3) Keyan Farlander
    4) Mara Jade
    5) Noghri Death Commando
    6) Corran Horn
    7) Tycho Celchu
    8) Kyle Katarn
    9) Kal Skirata
    10) Bardan Jusik
  • UltimaRatio84
    124 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    1.) DarkSide Anakin (before being cripppled by Obi-Wan) - Empire/Sith
    2.) R2D2 - Droid Support
    3.) C3PO - Ewok Leader
    4.) Death Trooper - Empire
    5.) Mara Jade
    6.) Jar-Jar* - crazy abilities that hurt own team but have powerful random effects on opponents
    7.) Jango Fett - Bounty Hunter
    8.) Jedi Luke (something tells me he will be in the game by next december but not earlier)
    9.) Jabba (awesome char model)
    10.) Padme

    *Jar-Jar could be really cool with high survivability without being a tank (50% dodge and triggers e.g. "whenever JarJar dodges an attack, a random toon looses 15% health") and random abilities (e.g. "2 of your toons lose 25% health and one random enemy looses 50% health and another gains heal- and ability block for 2 turns. Then JarJar gains health equal to the total amount of health lost"). Basically a real PITA that hurts both teams, but the enemy more if you build around him :smiley:
    Post edited by UltimaRatio84 on
  • Options
    1. Bossk and Hound's Tooth
    2. Dutch Vander and Y-Wing
    3. Ten Numb and B-Wing
    4. Arvel Crynyd and A-Wing
    5. Saber Squadron Pilot and Tie Interceptor
    6. Director Krennic and Delta-class T-3c shuttle
    7. Death Trooper
    8. Nien Nunb
    9. R2-D2
    10. Sidon Ithano
  • Options

    1. Durge
    2. Aurra Sing
    3. Embo
    4. Bossk
    5. Grand Admiral Thrawn
    6. Quinlan Vos
    7. Hondo Ohnaka
    8. Ki Adi Mundi
    9. Shaak Ti
    10. Jango Fett

    Just outside top 10

    Admiral Trench
    Captain Merumeru
    Captain Typho
    Cato Parasitti
    Even Piell
    Padme Amidala
    Pre Viszla
    Saesee Tiin
    Wat Tambor

  • Options
    I'm gunna go with CANON book and comic characters:
    1. Triple Zero Empire/Droid/Scoundrel
    2. BT-1 Empire/Droid
    3. Denetrius Vidian. Empire
    4. Doctor Aphra Empire/Scoundrel
    5. Mr. Bones. Rebels/Droid
    6. IG-90. Droid/Bounty Hunter
    7. Tulon Voidgazer. Empire
    8. Admiral Rae Sloan Empire
    9. Jas Emari. Rebels/Bounty Hunter
    10. Grackus the Hutt. Scoundrel
  • Options
    1. Jedi Luke
    2. ESB Han
    3. Padme
    4. Hoth Leia
    5. Rey SB
    6. Jango
    7. Captain Panaka
    8. R2
    9. C3po (somehow)
    10. Bossk
  • Ki_Adi_Mundi
    95 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Krennic **** in that awful movie, so let's forget him.
    Definitely more from KOTOR. Revan is a must.
    Kabe and Muftak.
    We need Jaxxon.
    Kyle Katarn?
  • Options
    Krennic **** in that awful movie, so let's forget him.
    Definitely more from KOTOR. Revan is a must.
    Kabe and Muftak.
    We need Jaxxon.
    Kyle Katarn?

    Qualify that statement. Anyone who sees that movie as awful isn't a proper star wars fan. You think fanfiction is better? LOL.
  • Options
    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    Krennic **** in that awful movie, so let's forget him.
    Definitely more from KOTOR. Revan is a must.
    Kabe and Muftak.
    We need Jaxxon.
    Kyle Katarn?

    Qualify that statement. Anyone who sees that movie as awful isn't a proper star wars fan. You think fanfiction is better? LOL.

    Are you saying proper fans cannot critique? You're not so much a fan, as an inbred sheep. The movie was cliched, uninspiring, and whilst in parts well shot, generally below par. Whether a Star Wars fan or a movie fan, everyone knows it wasn't particularly good. But at least Rogue One and Force Awakens made many realise that the prequels weren't as bad as many who had whinged about them.

    As for what you refer to as "fan fiction", not sure what your reference is to my statement, but regardless, you're comment has revealed you already to be lacking in intelligence, so I'll indulge you... the answer is often not, but in some cases, perhaps... just because of a few Easter eggs aimed to appease long term fans, don't believe it's suddenly a good movie. In fact, some were more insulting. Tarkin, however, was fantastic - I'll concede that.
  • Options
    The movie was cliched, uninspiring, and whilst in parts well shot, generally below par. Whether a Star Wars fan or a movie fan, everyone knows it wasn't particularly good.

    I like how you are trying to play it off like its common consensus that the movie is bad. Yet there is very little support for that claim. Most reviews are very high on the movie and those reviews are from a pure movie standard. Everyone not a EU hardcore purist also agree that Rogue One is one of the best Star Wars movies since the Original Trilogy.
    But at least Rogue One and Force Awakens made many realise that the prequels weren't as bad as many who had whinged about them.

    And here is where the wheels fall completely off from reality. Are you really trying to say the prequels were as good as or better than either TFA or R1? I dont know that you will find many that agree with or support that position. Again outside of EU purists that are just hoping the Disney era of Star Wars fails so they can, through some convoluted plan in their minds, reclaim the Expanded Universe as canon somehow.

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    My Dear friend, I couldn't care less about canon or legend. Nor could I care about how Disney fare... for example, I happen to think they're doing a cracking job on the Marvel series. So let's not try and psycho-analyse me without even determining where I'm coming from.

    Force Awakens was poor. Lacked any originality, wasn't sure if it was a reboot, remake, or sequel, and failed on all three accounts. The bad guys were terrible, and that's something Star Wars has always done well. Rogue One fell into the same trap. Krennic wasn't a worthy adversary, Vader had a swagger, but I do think Tarkin was inspired. Amazing effects, and good acting from Guy Henry. And much as I admire Michael Giacchino, his music wasn't up to the mark of Williams.

    Yes, prequels gave us Jar Jar, but watch again, and decide if they are better than the latest two. I still remember when Caravan of Courage was released, and I enjoyed it, as did many other fans, but didn't take us long to realise that it wasn't great. Yes, these two are much better than the two Ewok films, but you get the point.... FA and R1 failed to deliver.
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