TOP 10 characters you want.


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    I feel like people make these lists to showcase their knowledge of the EU more than anything.

    That said.

    1. Director Krennic
    2. Deathtrooper
    3. Hondo
    4. OT Chewbacca (possibly with Raid Han synergy)
    5. Jango Fett
    6. Mother Tausend
    7. Scout Trooper
    8. Captain Panaka (not totally sure why)
    9. Ki Adi Mundi
    10. Jedi Luke (he should really be at spot #3 on my list but I'm too lazy to change the order now)
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    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    Krennic **** in that awful movie, so let's forget him.
    Definitely more from KOTOR. Revan is a must.
    Kabe and Muftak.
    We need Jaxxon.
    Kyle Katarn?

    Qualify that statement. Anyone who sees that movie as awful isn't a proper star wars fan. You think fanfiction is better? LOL.

    Are you saying proper fans cannot critique? You're not so much a fan, as an inbred sheep. The movie was cliched, uninspiring, and whilst in parts well shot, generally below par. Whether a Star Wars fan or a movie fan, everyone knows it wasn't particularly good. But at least Rogue One and Force Awakens made many realise that the prequels weren't as bad as many who had whinged about them.

    As for what you refer to as "fan fiction", not sure what your reference is to my statement, but regardless, you're comment has revealed you already to be lacking in intelligence, so I'll indulge you... the answer is often not, but in some cases, perhaps... just because of a few Easter eggs aimed to appease long term fans, don't believe it's suddenly a good movie. In fact, some were more insulting. Tarkin, however, was fantastic - I'll concede that.

    Rogue One is a prequel
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    Bhaalor wrote: »
    1 Droidka (Episode 1 Battle Droids with the shields

    If anyone saw Droideka and didn't know what it was, they should delete all Star Wars apps from their phones, get rid of any Star Wars memorabilia they have, and go watch Star Trek.
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    Technically, it isn't. It was designed as a stand alone film. Yes it happens prior to Star Wars, and clearly ends where Star Wars begins, but there you are... not actually a prequel, though I'd accept your challenge based on the dictionary definition. :)
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    2.)Bastila Shan
    3.)Canderous Ordo

    I'll be happy with just these 3
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    Yes, prequels gave us Jar Jar, but watch again, and decide if they are better than the latest two. I still remember when Caravan of Courage was released, and I enjoyed it, as did many other fans, but didn't take us long to realise that it wasn't great. Yes, these two are much better than the two Ewok films, but you get the point.... FA and R1 failed to deliver.

    My favorite versions of the prequels happen to be the fan edits that removed all of the crap (minimized jarjar, didn't bastardize R2, removed most of the childish droid babble, etc). Even with that, the prequels were a jumbled mess. There was never flow, there was never any weight behind any decisions and characters more often than not ended up doing something totally counter to their core for no reason at all. And that gets exacerbated with Anakin who goes to the dark side for no apparent reason other than a bad dream. The prequels failed at the one things they were supposed to do, show a compelling story of how Darth Vader became the man he was. Rogue 1 did a far better job of portraying what it was supposed to, the discovery of the death star and it's plans, than the prequels ever did.
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    As for my list, in no particular order...

    1. Mara-Jade Skywalker (Empire, Scoundrel, Jedi)
    2. Grand Master Luke Skywalker (legends)
    3. Darth Revan (Sith, Jedi)
    4. Grand Admiral Thrawn
    5. Leia Organa Solo (legends version with Jedi synergy)
    6. Talon Karrde
    7. Quinlan Vos
    8. Bastilla Shan
    9. Rebel Chewbacca
    10. Aurrara Sing because I needed a tenth lol. Oh and Jabba because he's iconic.

    I'd also like to see them add the following ships Ebon Hawk, The Ghost, Invisible Hand, B-Wing, Y-Wing, Tie Interceptor, Tie Stiker, Tie Bomber, Jade Shadow
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    I'd like the IG2000 and Ventress' fanblade.
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    I just eant jango, bossk, c3po and jabba
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    Destroyer Droids
    Death Troopers
    Director Krennic
    Resistance Han
    Jedi Luke
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    I just eant jango, bossk, c3po and jabba oh well and droideka
  • Tulkas
    253 posts Member
    Pre Vizsla
    Agent kallus
    Mother Talzin
    Admiral ozzel or piett or Moff jerjerrod
    Aurra sing

    Too many OP good guys. Need some baddies.
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    Grand master yoda buff
    Mace windu rework to make him arena viable
    I'd much rather see that than more new characters.
  • TheoPatino
    100 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    • Droideka
    • Bossk
    • Luke Ep6
    • Mara Jade
    • Kyle Katarn
    • B-Wing Pilot
    • Grand Admiral Thrawn
    • Tie Interceptor Pilot
    • M1-4X
    • Kaliyo Djannis
    • Boss Nass
  • Options
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    I think it's a no brainer at this point that Jango should be the next toon released after R1. Make it an event like Emperor's Demise. Requires Separatists, AND Jango is your 6th toon like in the K2SO event. Fight is either against clones or Jedi or both in the Geonosis arena.

    ...and make it ios exclusive.
  • Options
    1 Jedi Luke
    2 Jango Fett
    3 Jar Jar (it would be awesome)
    4 Hux
    5 Snoke
    6 Bossk
    7 R2D2
    8 Jabba
    9 Krennic
    10 Nien Nunb (Resistance)
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    1. Mother Talzin

    2. Jedi Luke

    3. Admiral Trench

    4. Admiral Yularen

    5. B-1 Battle- droid

    6. Droideka

    7. KI- Adi- Mundi

    8. C3-PO

    9. R2-D2

    10. Pre Viszla

    Non canon: Vaylin, Arcann, Tenebrae (Vitiate, Valkorion, call him as you want.^^)

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    1: Droideka
    2: Jango Fett
    3: Super Tactical Droid
    4: Tarfful (the wookie leader that looks awesome as well)
    5: B1 Battle Droid
    7: Darth Revan
    8: Darth Bane
    9: Bossk
    10: Embo
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    General Krell
    Hondo Ohnaka
    Kyle **** Katarn
    Dark Side Luke
    Pre Vizsla
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    1) Shaak Ti
    2) Jango Fett
    3) Padmé Amidala
    4) Adi Galia
    5) Aura Sing
    6) Ki-Adi-Mundi
    7) Quinlan Vos
    8) Darth Sion
    9) Mother Talzin
    10) Jedi Master Luke
  • Osik
    235 posts Member
    1) Mara Jade
    2) Demagol (mandalorian psychopath)
    3) Darth Revan ( with hk-47 synergy)
    4) Jedi Luke
    5) Nom Anor
    6) Droideka
    7) Voxyn Queen
    8) Darth Bane
    9) Corran Horn (plus a ship)
    10) Aing-ti monk
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    Jango and Embo are only ones I care to see + no more rebels need more diversity in this game
  • Darth_Amarth
    354 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    1. RotJ Luke Skywalker.
    2. Commander Gregor.
    3. Kanan Jarrus (Rebels Season 3 version).
    4. Grand Admiral Thrawn.
    5. Quinlan Vos.
    6. General Hux.
    7. Sabine Wren.
    8. Ezra Bridger.
    9. Any or all the Clones from Republic Commando.
    10. Jango Fett.
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    Carbonite Han Solo !
  • Taco
    446 posts Member
    More Tusken

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    Taco wrote: »
    More Tusken

    More Gamorreans
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    1) Darth Revan
    2) Exar Kun
    3) Mother Talzin
    4) Prince Xizor
    5) Pre Vizla
    6) General Hux
    7) Janggo Fett
    8) Inquisitors (probably the main one from Rebels)
    9) The Son
    10) The Daughter
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    1. Jango
    2. Jabba
    3. Bossk
    4. Talzin
    5. C3po
    6. Droideka
    7. More tusken
    8. Ki adi mundi (whatever his mane is written)
    9. Scouttrooper
    10. More wookies with synergys
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    1 Bossk - Blaster rifle, flame thrower, taunt + pilots the Hounds Tooth
    2 4-LOM - Blaster rifle, poison gas
    3 Zuckuss - Blaster rifle, foresight
    4 Ki Adi Mundi - Lightsabre, Binary brain (ignores taunts), Lead the charge
    5 Jaxxon - Blaster pistol, Rabbit's foot kick (come on Pablo, make him canon)
    6 T3-M4 - Stunner, flamethrower, repair
    7 Kyle Katarn - Lightsabre, Railgun + pilots Moldy Crow or Raven's Claw (don't mind which)
    8 Kix (CT6116) - Blaster rifle, heal
    9 Ric Olie - Blaster pistol, Calls ally to assist + pilots N1 starfighter
    10 Baron Papanoida - Twin blaster pistols, special ability buffs all allies because he is so legendary, and as the creator of all of this, he can't be killed, or if he could, he just rewrites the script!
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    1. padme
    2. jedi luke
    3. padme
    4. padme
    5. padme
    you get the point
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