GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


  • Stevespear426
    436 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Round 5 and already hitting the full 70s...


    2 in a row...


    And another... did I make some at EA mad? I bought the jedi pack I swear.




    I see where this is going...


    Why not.


    Wouldn't have expected any less.

    Post edited by Stevespear426 on
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    Hmm that's terrible. Good luck
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    I had a really easy GW today.
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    Thats a harsh one. Next time, take 5 characters and let them all die in your first battle. Next up use 3 of your strongest toons, along with two low level toons. You will see how easy the match ups become after that.
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    Captain, could you explain a bit about the backgroundof your advise?
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    Captain, could you explain a bit about the backgroundof your advise?

    Sounds like he's implying if you win with a partially handicapped team the next matchups will be easier.
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    Captain, could you explain a bit about the backgroundof your advise?

    Sounds like he's implying if you win with a partially handicapped team the next matchups will be easier.

    Yes, this is exactly what I am implying. I have tried this out for the last 3 days and it seems to be working just fine. I read somewhere on this forum that you should let two of your strongest toons die in the very first battle to face easier upcoming matches so I tried it. It seemed to work but affected me too much to make it all the way until the end. So I tried the same concept but with weaker toons.
    All I do now is use 3 strong characters with 2 weak ones. My 3 main characters for GW is Ventress, Sid, and Phasma. All high hitpoints, and ability to self heal if you do enough damage.

    I have about just over 18 characters. I start with my main 3 and my weakest two and continue in this manner until I get to the very end. I usually make it with like 7 characters, all 7 being my strongest. I also do switch it up when my phasma needs an occasional heal.

    But yeah its only been 3 successive days so still in testing stage. That being said, I was getting demolished daily. Also I do not have many party healers besides Talia And Jedi Counseller.

    Give it a try and let me know. I would like further feedback as well.
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    Even though those teams were all level 70, every team there apart from the last two are a walk in the park.
    At least for me.
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    A few things I've noticed about GW (and again, these are anecdotal observations on my part):

    1) When I only focused on my top 5/6 characters and plowed up as high as I could in Arena, GW got very hard (unbeatable for a few days, with situations much like the OP posted). Note: It has been stated by a dev that GW matchups are based on top 5 toons + highest arena rank ever achieved + "maths"

    2) When I balanced my roster (i.e. stengthened/leveled a "B Team") - and had some decent depth to create "suicide squads" that could at least draw out some of the enemies buffs/AoE, things got REALLY fun. GW is now about strategy. When do you send in your suicide squads? How soon do you send in your A Team after the suicide squad? Can you hold out your B Team in case you run in to trouble nodes 9-11?

    3) GW (especially after the update it seems) has some enemy teams that actually are well comprised - but also easier to plan for. Since the update I have run into some incredibly powerful droid teams (all droids with HK as the leader and Poggle in the mix). That's when I dust off Eeth Koth. Other enemy teams have Chewie in the mix with some glass cannons - that's when I send in a team with QGJ (to pull Chewie's taunt). Occasionally you get a "breather" team (Jedi without much offense) - that's when I toss in Dooku and Sid to keep the Jedi busy, while I put in a healer with a damaged character or two to heal up. Dooku stunning enemy Lumi is a good way to keep Jedi offense down, BTW :)

    My point is simple. I don't think GW is "broken" - and certainly doesn't need fixing. There are days I haven't finished it - and it IS supposed to be that hard. GW DOES make you work for it. Try different combos, think outside the proverbial box and NEVER auto in GW. The last thing you want is to run into an enemy team several levels higher and you've burned all your heals, AoE and specials finishing off a team of scrubs the node before. In fact do the opposite. Finish off levels with basic attacks once you know you have them pinned. Or use your "lesser" healers to top off health - Daka, Ahsoka, Ventress, etc.

    I love GW now. Is it difficult? Absolutely. Do I complete it every day? Nope. Does it make me think about strategy, synergy, combos and enemy weaknesses and how I can best deal with them? Oh yes. And that's why it is my favorite part of the game. And if was easy, there would be no *fist pump* when you finish node 12 and open the glorious box of goodies! :)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    This isn't your typical GW complaint thread, as I'm not a lower level player facing much higher level opposition leading me to fail GW every day. I'm level 70, but since the update GW has become ridiculous IMO. I understand they needed to balance it so that you face teams around your level, but facing 8 level 70 7* teams from 12 rounds makes it nigh on impossible to complete. Just because I'm level 70 it doesn't mean I have 10+ heroes at level 70, like most players I have my arena team at level 70 but the rest are lower than 65, sure I can devote resources to leveling them up but leveling/starring up to 7* takes time and costs a fortune. IMO GW should be structured so that on the 6th and 12th battles you face the hardest teams available at your level and for all of the other rounds it should be a random selection of teams within 5 levels of yours (50's can only face upto 55, 70's face 65+ etc) instead of constantly throwing the hardest available teams at them.

    I completed GW yesterday despite facing 8/12 fully geared, level 70, 7* teams but it took me around 3 hours and it was anything but enjoyable. It should be difficult yes, but it should also be fun since it's a game and the whole point of gaming is to have fun.
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    IMO, the objective is to make money from you, fun for the user base is not this games main objective unfortunately. Why else make it so hard that even at level 70 you are feeling the need to invest in more characters which subsequently means more dollars in their pockets. Bravo for finishing though, I'm guessing the idea is to make it more then nearly impossible to complete with your current lineup. And I agree it is ridiculous.
  • ThalosKirano
    728 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    BeansDad wrote: »
    IMO, the objective is to make money from you, fun for the user base is not this games main objective unfortunately. Why else make it so hard that even at level 70 you are feeling the need to invest in more characters which subsequently means more dollars in their pockets. Bravo for finishing though, I'm guessing the idea is to make it more then nearly impossible to complete with your current lineup. And I agree it is ridiculous.

    You're right of course. Thanks, it was ridiculously difficult and I've never felt so angry over a game in my life. I made it with 5/33 heroes still alive and 3 of them were in red for their health with the other 2 on yellow. It's not fun at all. Arena is probably the only element of this game that I enjoy.
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    For those concerned... I cleared it. Was down to just 6 toons though.
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    I posted the same thing last night. I had just gotten to level 70 just prior to starting GW and had beaten it 12 straight days with only some difficulty. Last night levels 4 through 8 were all level 70 and maxed characters. Level 9 was as well, but I only had 1 of my close to 50 toons left so didn't even bother. I tried using a b team to soften the opponent the first time and realized it wouldn't work. So I lost 1 of my main characters on level 4. Then comes level 5 and I lose 2 more. By level 8 I was just throwing in everyone trying to kill them 1 by 1. I couldn't beat GW if I had 10 more characters leveled up to my starting 5. I know what would have shown up for the 3 levels after. I am glad my heart wasn't really into leveling Poggle up but I sure will miss the ability mats. No way I am ever going to be able to complete GW again if this is truly the way it is going to be from now on.
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    Actually I have 60 toons, so I lost 59 in just 2/3rds of the battles needed to win.
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    It has gotten absolutely ridiculous.

    There is no reasonable way to expect that to be beaten with my squad - and it capped off three previous fights all at or above my level I barely scraped through blowing through everyone I had.
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    i have almost the same set up...all top guys from my serve start at nod hard to beat
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    @CaptainDaniel that strategy worked for me for several days/few weeks in a row. And then it didn't. I lost my top toons and I was still getting maxed teams. So use at your own risk.
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    Inggold wrote: »


    It has gotten absolutely ridiculous.

    There is no reasonable way to expect that to be beaten with my squad - and it capped off three previous fights all at or above my level I barely scraped through blowing through everyone I had.

    Who said GW is "expected to be beaten" every day??
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    All you need to clear GW quickly/easily/daily is a mediocre farmable "A" team and a handful for random "B" team toons.

    Its tough if you strategize wrong and build toons that dont help you but those are your decisions to make. You cant fault the game because you have issues beating a simple strategic feature.

    My team is mediocre at best an GW is a joke, i have never not completed it that i can remember.

    Usually by the end, i may have lost one toon or have a little damage showing but thats it. I wish the devs would make it challenging (at least make it a little challenging).

    If my mediocre team had no issue while lvl'n up, gear'n up, star'n up then i dont see what everyones issue is. Just figure out whT toons to use for a marathon style battle rather then an arena style battle and its a cake walk
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Smh more "cry cry cry GW is too hard cry cry cry" threads
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    There's a difference between losing because you ran out of units and lost the war of attrition and the game just throwing a brick wall at you that even if you could afford to have your entire roster level capped wouldn't pass it.

    I'm currently 57 with a mix of 3-6* facing a node of all lvl 70 7* Sid 7* Lumi 7* JC 6* Dooku * Daka. That's not a challenge or a "did you properly manage your resources up until this point" that's basically just saying "welp GW is over today" and honestly I'd rather they just do that. If they want to absolutely brick you I'd prefer the game just had a pop-up that says "you are not high enough level to proceed".

  • Darth_Katsumoto
    510 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Abyss wrote: »
    All you need to clear GW quickly/easily/daily is a mediocre farmable "A" team and a handful for random "B" team toons.

    Its tough if you strategize wrong and build toons that dont help you but those are your decisions to make. You cant fault the game because you have issues beating a simple strategic feature.

    My team is mediocre at best an GW is a joke, i have never not completed it that i can remember.

    Usually by the end, i may have lost one toon or have a little damage showing but thats it. I wish the devs would make it challenging (at least make it a little challenging).

    If my mediocre team had no issue while lvl'n up, gear'n up, star'n up then i dont see what everyones issue is. Just figure out whT toons to use for a marathon style battle rather then an arena style battle and its a cake walk

    Then you simply "don't get it" because you've never experienced it. I know how to play lol. I know how to grind. I'm working on my main squad, but I need materials to do that. That's why I need GW to be semi reasonable. Not 15 and 16 levels higher by the 5th fight. That's like saying you fight lvl 86s from fight 4 on. That is not "a good challenge", it's a joke. I don't need a challenge and a sense of accomplishment so I can go tell people how easy it is to beat teams 20 lvls higher, I need the frickkin mats and currency so I can get my teams better. If you like yanking it with nails I'm your hand that's fine, but I for one do not enjoy taking a beating in there daily and struggling to get enough currency to even get one shipment.

    Just consider for a second that you aren't the best in the world and everyone complaining is not a m-oron....I know it's hard, but try. 16 lvls higher? C'mon.

    Edit: FFS can't even say **** without it being edited, who set up the language censor your grandmother. Lighten up.
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    Abyss wrote: »
    All you need to clear GW quickly/easily/daily is a mediocre farmable "A" team and a handful for random "B" team toons.

    Its tough if you strategize wrong and build toons that dont help you but those are your decisions to make. You cant fault the game because you have issues beating a simple strategic feature.

    My team is mediocre at best an GW is a joke, i have never not completed it that i can remember.

    Usually by the end, i may have lost one toon or have a little damage showing but thats it. I wish the devs would make it challenging (at least make it a little challenging).

    If my mediocre team had no issue while lvl'n up, gear'n up, star'n up then i dont see what everyones issue is. Just figure out whT toons to use for a marathon style battle rather then an arena style battle and its a cake walk

    Then you simply "don't get it" because you've never experienced it. I know how to play lol. I know how to grind. I'm working on my main squad, but I need materials to do that. That's why I need GW to be semi reasonable. Not 15 and 16 levels higher by the 5th fight. That's like saying you fight lvl 86s from fight 4 on. That is not "a good challenge", it's a joke. I don't need a challenge and a sense of accomplishment so I can go tell people how easy it is to beat teams 20 lvls higher, I need the frickkin mats and currency so I can get my teams better. If you like yanking it with nails I'm your hand that's fine, but I for one do not enjoy taking a beating in there daily and struggling to get enough currency to even get one shipment.

    Just consider for a second that you aren't the best in the world and everyone complaining is not a ****....I know it's hard, but try. 16 lvls higher? C'mon.

    Should be within 3-5 levels. 16 levels is ridiculous. But Stars and gear matter more then levels. Bottom line is it should be possible. Hard is fine. There are certain levels where it seems harder than others. I have completed 20 days in a row @ Level 66 Arena Rank 34.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Abyss wrote: »
    All you need to clear GW quickly/easily/daily is a mediocre farmable "A" team and a handful for random "B" team toons.

    Its tough if you strategize wrong and build toons that dont help you but those are your decisions to make. You cant fault the game because you have issues beating a simple strategic feature.

    My team is mediocre at best an GW is a joke, i have never not completed it that i can remember.

    Usually by the end, i may have lost one toon or have a little damage showing but thats it. I wish the devs would make it challenging (at least make it a little challenging).

    If my mediocre team had no issue while lvl'n up, gear'n up, star'n up then i dont see what everyones issue is. Just figure out whT toons to use for a marathon style battle rather then an arena style battle and its a cake walk

    Then you simply "don't get it" because you've never experienced it. I know how to play lol. I know how to grind. I'm working on my main squad, but I need materials to do that. That's why I need GW to be semi reasonable. Not 15 and 16 levels higher by the 5th fight. That's like saying you fight lvl 86s from fight 4 on. That is not "a good challenge", it's a joke. I don't need a challenge and a sense of accomplishment so I can go tell people how easy it is to beat teams 20 lvls higher, I need the frickkin mats and currency so I can get my teams better. If you like yanking it with nails I'm your hand that's fine, but I for one do not enjoy taking a beating in there daily and struggling to get enough currency to even get one shipment.

    Just consider for a second that you aren't the best in the world and everyone complaining is not a ****....I know it's hard, but try. 16 lvls higher? C'mon.

    My team is mediocre at best as i said. Im far from the best in the world.
    The devs flat out said in a post that GW is suppsoed to be endgame content. That means if your not capped out, your not endgame and should struggle.
    They said its meant to be inpossible to clear at times
    They said its suppsoed to be a challenge and require a deep roster.

    All the issues ppl are always crying about sounds like GW is working properly. If you cant clear it, you simply not ready.

    Same applies to yoda, mine is 5* cause im not ready to compete for 6* yet. I will get it when im rdy. WhT i wont do is cry that its too hard. I can accept that my team is not ready........can you???
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    Abyss wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    All you need to clear GW quickly/easily/daily is a mediocre farmable "A" team and a handful for random "B" team toons.

    Its tough if you strategize wrong and build toons that dont help you but those are your decisions to make. You cant fault the game because you have issues beating a simple strategic feature.

    My team is mediocre at best an GW is a joke, i have never not completed it that i can remember.

    Usually by the end, i may have lost one toon or have a little damage showing but thats it. I wish the devs would make it challenging (at least make it a little challenging).

    If my mediocre team had no issue while lvl'n up, gear'n up, star'n up then i dont see what everyones issue is. Just figure out whT toons to use for a marathon style battle rather then an arena style battle and its a cake walk

    Then you simply "don't get it" because you've never experienced it. I know how to play lol. I know how to grind. I'm working on my main squad, but I need materials to do that. That's why I need GW to be semi reasonable. Not 15 and 16 levels higher by the 5th fight. That's like saying you fight lvl 86s from fight 4 on. That is not "a good challenge", it's a joke. I don't need a challenge and a sense of accomplishment so I can go tell people how easy it is to beat teams 20 lvls higher, I need the frickkin mats and currency so I can get my teams better. If you like yanking it with nails I'm your hand that's fine, but I for one do not enjoy taking a beating in there daily and struggling to get enough currency to even get one shipment.

    Just consider for a second that you aren't the best in the world and everyone complaining is not a ****....I know it's hard, but try. 16 lvls higher? C'mon.

    My team is mediocre at best as i said. Im far from the best in the world.
    The devs flat out said in a post that GW is suppsoed to be endgame content. That means if your not capped out, your not endgame and should struggle.
    They said its meant to be inpossible to clear at times
    They said its suppsoed to be a challenge and require a deep roster.

    All the issues ppl are always crying about sounds like GW is working properly. If you cant clear it, you simply not ready.

    Same applies to yoda, mine is 5* cause im not ready to compete for 6* yet. I will get it when im rdy. WhT i wont do is cry that its too hard. I can accept that my team is not ready........can you???

    It's too early to be in a troll fight. You avoided everything I said of any importance. You are a tool if you truly can't see how GW is ridiculous some days. If it's end game content only once you hit lvl 53 then it needs to be locked until the end of the game. But tossing full purple lvl 68 and 69s at that point is just a kick in the pants. At least I get to get great info from helpful people like you.
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    I could have been on the other side of the argument prior to the update. The teams I were facing were so easy to beat and it wasn't much of a challenge. I would lose a max of 1 character in 12 rounds. To get 6 battles in a row where the teams I faced were completely level 70 and full gear and I have only 2 toons total that are level 70 and gear 8 is ridiculous. I have to keep mine healthy enough to take another pounding the next round and all the characters I face are fresh and ready to hit me with everything. Keeping the game challenging is one thing and making it impossible is another. If I face all 70 fully geared in 1 round I should get an easier challenge the next round to get my health back up. Every other round would be difficult, but every round is just impossible to beat with the toons I own.
  • ThalosKirano
    728 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Abyss wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    All you need to clear GW quickly/easily/daily is a mediocre farmable "A" team and a handful for random "B" team toons.

    Its tough if you strategize wrong and build toons that dont help you but those are your decisions to make. You cant fault the game because you have issues beating a simple strategic feature.

    My team is mediocre at best an GW is a joke, i have never not completed it that i can remember.

    Usually by the end, i may have lost one toon or have a little damage showing but thats it. I wish the devs would make it challenging (at least make it a little challenging).

    If my mediocre team had no issue while lvl'n up, gear'n up, star'n up then i dont see what everyones issue is. Just figure out whT toons to use for a marathon style battle rather then an arena style battle and its a cake walk

    Then you simply "don't get it" because you've never experienced it. I know how to play lol. I know how to grind. I'm working on my main squad, but I need materials to do that. That's why I need GW to be semi reasonable. Not 15 and 16 levels higher by the 5th fight. That's like saying you fight lvl 86s from fight 4 on. That is not "a good challenge", it's a joke. I don't need a challenge and a sense of accomplishment so I can go tell people how easy it is to beat teams 20 lvls higher, I need the frickkin mats and currency so I can get my teams better. If you like yanking it with nails I'm your hand that's fine, but I for one do not enjoy taking a beating in there daily and struggling to get enough currency to even get one shipment.

    Just consider for a second that you aren't the best in the world and everyone complaining is not a ****....I know it's hard, but try. 16 lvls higher? C'mon.

    My team is mediocre at best as i said. Im far from the best in the world.
    The devs flat out said in a post that GW is suppsoed to be endgame content. That means if your not capped out, your not endgame and should struggle.
    They said its meant to be inpossible to clear at times
    They said its suppsoed to be a challenge and require a deep roster.

    All the issues ppl are always crying about sounds like GW is working properly. If you cant clear it, you simply not ready.

    Same applies to yoda, mine is 5* cause im not ready to compete for 6* yet. I will get it when im rdy. WhT i wont do is cry that its too hard. I can accept that my team is not ready........can you???

    Sorry, butyou obviously get lucky if that's the case. Screenshot your entire GW campaign tomorrow, before every battle show the team you faced and after you've completed it show your remaining roster. There's no way ever that you'd lose 1 toon facing 8 7* level 70 teams with a "mediocre" team.
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    medetec wrote: »
    There's a difference between losing because you ran out of units and lost the war of attrition and the game just throwing a brick wall at you that even if you could afford to have your entire roster level capped wouldn't pass it.

    I'm currently 57 with a mix of 3-6* facing a node of all lvl 70 7* Sid 7* Lumi 7* JC 6* Dooku * Daka. That's not a challenge or a "did you properly manage your resources up until this point" that's basically just saying "welp GW is over today" and honestly I'd rather they just do that. If they want to absolutely brick you I'd prefer the game just had a pop-up that says "you are not high enough level to proceed".


    It's not a moan. There has to be a degree where it's winnable.

    GW is a daily, it's not a one time very hard event, say like Yoda 7*. There are materials available at the end which are key income to F2P. Understand it should be harder but you shouldn't be matched outright out of the war.
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    This is my 53rd or 54th attempt at galactic wars and I finally did it I cannot believe how awesome this feels thank you everyone for all of your fantastic strategic advice . It kind of feels like when you were in school and you finally understood something and then you go hey wait a minute I get that !&$;:()$&&AWSOME!
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