Team Instinct's "Borrow-a-Maxed-Hero" Program


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    Redlande wrote: »
    Hi all-- let's hope the fourth time is a charm... thanks in advance!

    1) Light Side 9B- Hard
    2) 253-879-592
    3) General Kenobi or anyone else you think will help

    GK coming your way. Good luck.
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    1) Light Side 9B- Hard
    2) 392-925-497
    3) General Kenobi or if you have a better idea


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    Trying for ls 9a 9b
    Ally code is 625-694-353
    Could use zeta jin gk or possibly chirrut or zarris
    My team is g10 wiggs ep g9 4*baze lando.
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    grimlock49 wrote: »
    1) Light Side 9B- Hard
    2) 392-925-497
    3) General Kenobi or if you have a better idea



    Added! Try GK and see if does the trick.
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    Hello there guys, thank you again for full help.
    I want to say the truth I asked 2 times about assist and first time In Alucard help me and second In Xio(right now in my ally).But no rezults. One good man told me that Old Ban can help(my team vedge, bigs, lando, qgj,shan), so can smb sent me old ben? I asked you last time.As said Shakespeare to be or not to be.

    P.S. Light sight hard battle 9b

    Code 411-352-768

    Need old ban please full geared

    Thank you for the great chance and I hope you will help me... again and sorry for that I ask again.This is last time
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    Thanks Team Instinct (R5D4sMotivator, CloneLocPac0naut)! Successfully 3 starred 9B Light Side Hard with your help. Keep up the fantastic job.. :)


    @maddigital23 Any time!!!!
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Norton
    23 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Ally code 568-856-919
    open to suggestions for lineup too. I have lum, anikin, 5's tebo , Akbar leia, chewy, darklighter , echo ,lando, scout , ,mace ,qgj,, dathcha, finn , Hoth scout, pathfinder ray ,maxed .
    Need to pass 9 a & b . anything advice would be great. Thank you.
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    grimlock49 wrote: »
    1) Light Side 9B- Hard
    2) 392-925-497
    3) General Kenobi or if you have a better idea



    Added! Try GK and see if does the trick.

    Thanks! accepted. Will keep refreshing until he shows up. So far now luck lol
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    Ok all...I just removed the 35 people who had added me over the past few days. If I removed you and you still weren't able to beat it, sorry about that. I'd recommend that you try a different hero, but, if you want to re-add me for another day, go for it.

    For anyone else, I now have 35 spots available again. Go ahead and add me 597-831-373 for a 6* GK 228 speed :-)
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    Thank you for offer. Would like help on 9b shoretrooper node.
    Ally code 365 167 541
    Rebel healer, maybe Jyn, open to suggestions.
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    1) Light side 9B Hard
    2) 133-329-556
    3) Probably General Kenobi, I've been using my Jedi arena team of IGD (L), JKA, QGJ (not Zeta yet), Ahsoka and Yoda (total power just under 45,000) but I can't even beat it... lol

    Thanks in advance guys! This is an awesome service you're doing for the community!
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    I first want to say thanks to both members of TI that loaned me GK to try and finish 9b.

    I wasn't able to do so, I am guessing my toons are very underpowered for the stage, or I am not using my team correctly, but again, thank you for helping.

    Off topic, is it normal for ally characters to not be selectable for hours? I would have liked to have tried team combos a bit more but the character on loan very rarely showed up. Is this WAI?

    Again, thanks. I have removed the TI members that were gracious to help from my ally list. I am close to a zeta ability, I hope I can ask for help again.
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    Oly wrote: »
    Oly wrote: »
    Need help with 9b, I've tried GK and QGJZ, but no luck, as my jedis/clones are not strong enough. I'm hoping Jyn will do the trick for my rebels, or open to suggestions.


    Sorry had a typo in my ally code. Its corrected below. Looking for Jyn to help with 9b. Thanks again for this amazing service to the community.


    Sent invite.. good luck with Jyn on the LS battles let us know how it works out and just drop ally when you are done..
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    Thanks for the help. Info below.

    Node: Light Side 9-B
    Ally Code: 416-695-376
    Toon Requested: Jyn

    I've been unable to beat the node, looking to farm it so need 3 star it.



    Thanks Alucard, I tried with your GK but didn't quite get it. I'll try again.

    I'm wondering if I need a strong Jyn since my Rebel team is probably better off then my Jedi team.

    Thanks for the help.

    Looking to grab a Jyn please! Thanks.

    Sent Invite . Jyn is available on LS battles.. Hope this gets you over the hump. Just drop me as ally when you are done.
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    Norton wrote: »
    Ally code 568-856-919
    open to suggestions for lineup too. I have lum, anikin, 5's tebo , Akbar leia, chewy, darklighter , echo ,lando, scout , ,mace ,qgj,, dathcha, finn , Hoth scout, pathfinder ray ,maxed .
    Need to pass 9 a & b . anything advice would be great. Thank you.

    Try a GK. Let us know if it doesn't work.
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    Awesome you guys want to spend time on those ally codes! :)
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    I need help with 9-B l shoretrooper
    Ally code: 384-242-354
    I really am open to any character that could help me beat this Possibly a GK??

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    LS - 9B
    Ally Code: 764-121-377
    Thank you.
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    chefa33 wrote: »
    I need help with 9-B l shoretrooper
    Ally code: 384-242-354
    I really am open to any character that could help me beat this Possibly a GK??


    Added. I wish you luck Brother.
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    Light side 9 b
    Wedge lando or whoever you think would work best
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    LS 9A-Hard


    I really need a fully loaded Old Ben to block the nonstop AOE!

    Thank you in advance!!!

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    What area and mission do you need help with?

    I need help on light side 9B hard.

    What is your ally code? 687-774-638

    What specific character or type of character are you looking to borrow?


    ZETA Barriss Offee

    What is your profile link?

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    Light side 9 b
    Wedge lando or whoever you think would work best

    Fives and qgj will shine with a GK. Request sent !
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    Xioborg wrote: »
    9-B LS Hard Node
    I've tried Zeta dice. Any suggestions?


    Have you tried Jyn yet? Would work well with your Rebels. I'm running Zarris at mo but am sure one of the team can help with a Jyn for 884-651-645?

    @YpresTrench sent invite, I have zJyn you can try, 6*, gear 11 and zeta lead. Moving some better mods on to her tonight. See if she is able to help you 3 star that node.
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    DocsBoy wrote: »
    Thanks for the help. Info below.

    Node: Light Side 9-B
    Ally Code: 416-695-376
    Toon Requested: Jyn

    I've been unable to beat the node, looking to farm it so need 3 star it.



    Thanks Alucard, I tried with your GK but didn't quite get it. I'll try again.

    I'm wondering if I need a strong Jyn since my Rebel team is probably better off then my Jedi team.

    Thanks for the help.

    Looking to grab a Jyn please! Thanks.

    Sent Invite . Jyn is available on LS battles.. Hope this gets you over the hump. Just drop me as ally when you are done.

    Thanks, got to the end and can take down one or two, will try a few more times.
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    For those outstanding requests that still need to borrow a hero, if you're looking for Jyn, I just cleared out a ton of ally spots and can accept 43 new ally requests!

    My zJyn is 6*, zeta lead, gear 11 and well modded.

    Feel free to send me ally requests, will accept all until I'm full. Tomorrow night I'll switch lead to a maxed out Baze. Will keep the allys for 24-36 hours since it's getting late today.

    Ally code: 323-159-274.
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    What area and mission do you need help with? Light Side 9-B Hard
    What is your ally code? 916-531-991
    What specific character or type of character are you looking to borrow? Frankly, I have no idea because I'm not sure what squad composition (based on my roster) is optimal.
    What is your profile link?
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    Light side hard battle 9b
    Code: 782 - 653 - 743
    Maxed General Kenobi or Zeta Qui Gon Jinn will be useful. Or Lando for my Rebels team

    I am using;
    Jedis: Qui Gon Jinn, Yoda, Anakin, Luminara, Aayla, Ima Gun Di
    rebels : wedge, biggs, Akbar, Leia, st Han

    Thanks a lot for your help
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    I really need help on Hard LS-9b
    May I please borrow a maxed GK.
    Thank you
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