Team Instinct's "Borrow-a-Maxed-Hero" Program


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    Need help with light side 9B. Ally code is 864-125-685. My LS team is Ackbar, ST Han, Anakin, Lando, and Lumi or QGJ. I could use a GK or Wedge. A Barriss or QGJ Zeta would work as well. Thank you guys!
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    Since GK seems to be a popular request, I'll put him up as a leader now. My GK is relatively weak compared to top TI (6* on Thursday 2/2, 85, g9 4/6, 58.6K ehp, 169 speed), but I think he may nevertheless be strong enough to help some of you. I have 8 spots open and will accept new allies on a first come, first served basis. My Ally code is 395-676-488.

    I highly recommend that you use GK with Fives, and save Fives' assist for stage 3/3 in 9B to trigger a taunt on Fives and hopefully keep your squishies alive. Good luck!
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    Currently have Baze as ally lead (LS) and Zader (DS).

    If you want to try them (or others), add an entry using the requested format so we can track.


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    Thank you IN xio and IN aluccard your help got me thru LS and DS. Your guild has done so much for this community.
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    Hello all I need help with LS 9B shoretrooper shards
    ALLY CODE 683-337-371
    I think that I need GK... but iam open to any characters that can help me!!!
    Thanks in advance.
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    Jnice wrote: »
    Thank you for offer. Would like help on 9b shoretrooper node.
    Ally code 365 167 541
    Rebel healer, maybe Jyn, open to suggestions.
    Brado4422 wrote: »
    Trying for ls 9a 9b
    Ally code is 625-694-353
    Could use zeta jin gk or possibly chirrut or zarris
    My team is g10 wiggs ep g9 4*baze lando.

    Sent invite with maxxed 7* jynn on LS nodes. Hope she helps you finish
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    Also need help with 9b if anyone have gen kenobi as lead or old Ben I would be more then happy if you can add me thx my ally code 493-569-415 MTFBWY
  • chefa33
    2 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    chefa33 wrote: »
    I need help with 9-B l shoretrooper
    Ally code: 384-242-354
    I really am open to any character that could help me beat this Possibly a GK??


    Added. I wish you luck Brother.
    chefa33 wrote: »
    I need help with 9-B l shoretrooper
    Ally code: 384-242-354
    I really am open to any character that could help me beat this Possibly a GK??


    Added. I wish you luck Brother.

    gk didnt work out well , only 2* of complition. can i have a new try with jyn erso please?
    i removed GK from my ally list, so other people could use it.
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    chefa33 wrote: »
    I need help with 9-B l shoretrooper
    Ally code: 384-242-354
    I really am open to any character that could help me beat this Possibly a GK??


    I'm not sure that a GK will help due to the strength of your Jedi/Clones, maybe a Jyn lead with your Rebels?

    In the interim I've added you with Baze as lead, give him a whirl ;)

    One of the other TI guys can lend you a Jyn when they're on... if Baze doesn't help.

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    jrbraman wrote: »
    Hi Josh asking for help with Light side 9b


    I am not sure which character will help me the most

    Thanks so much!

    Would love help with a wedge or anyone else who could help. Thanks
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    Xioborg wrote: »
    Apen wrote: »
    Light side hard battle 9b
    Code 351-241-161
    Maxed Baze Malbus or Kenobi will be usefull.

    I am using rebels : wedge, biggs, lando, JKA, st han

    Thanks a lot for your help

    Baze ally invite sent, good luck.


    Thanks a lot! Unfortunatly I was not able to 3 star it :( after several attempts, but I was very very close, I think what I need is to max Wiggs, It will take me a couple of weeks to bring them to the next gear level. I ran Wiggs, Lando, Anikin and ST Han.

    Thanks Xio, I have unfriended you as the post instructed, but I hope the help will still be available in a couple of weeks, so I can give it another go.


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    Nikpetkun wrote: »
    Light sight hard battle 9b
    Code 271-789-499
    probably i need Old Ben ar Baze Malbus or someone else. I used wedge, biggs, lando, qgj, stormtrooper han

    Thanks a lot Xioborg for your Baze but I can't win on 3*, can someone sent old ben or Jyn, I want to try with them.
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    Thank you Alucard! I managed to beat the level but only 1 star. At the end it was only your General Kenobi against the hat throwing dude and your guy beat him.
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    Light sight hard battle 9b
    Code 438-125-712
    probably i general kenoby Baze Malbus or someone else. I used wedge, biggs, lando, qgj, stormtrooper han
    My nickname pew 2
  • Naw
    969 posts Member

    Nice video, this convinces me of two things:

    1) I need more speed on my toons (well, I knew that but as getting the mods is all about luck...)
    2) You need luck there - in first phase the cartel bruisers didn't all use AoE. Even with Wedge's heal I end up losing someone in P3 due to the amount of AoE I end up receiving in P1.

    Clearly my Biggs needs 10 more speed. Does anyone know what the actual point is that let's you move before them?
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    Stinger need help with 9B shoretrooper node.
Ally code: 215-651-212 My team: wedge(L), lando, Biggs, S Han and QGJ
 Maybe need GK, or someone else.
Thanks in advance
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    Hybridplug wrote: »
    Xioborg wrote: »
    9-B LS Hard Node
    I've tried Zeta dice. Any suggestions?


    Have you tried Jyn yet? Would work well with your Rebels. I'm running Zarris at mo but am sure one of the team can help with a Jyn for 884-651-645?

    @YpresTrench sent invite, I have zJyn you can try, 6*, gear 11 and zeta lead. Moving some better mods on to her tonight. See if she is able to help you 3 star that node.

    Thanks @Hybridplug !
  • Oly
    11 posts Member
    DocsBoy wrote: »
    Oly wrote: »
    Oly wrote: »
    Need help with 9b, I've tried GK and QGJZ, but no luck, as my jedis/clones are not strong enough. I'm hoping Jyn will do the trick for my rebels, or open to suggestions.


    Sorry had a typo in my ally code. Its corrected below. Looking for Jyn to help with 9b. Thanks again for this amazing service to the community.


    Sent invite.. good luck with Jyn on the LS battles let us know how it works out and just drop ally when you are done..

    Thank you. Worked perfectly! I've dropped the Ally.
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    Hey i cant 3 star light side normal 9a

    i think Zeta QGJ or GK would help.

    My swgoh profile:

    Ally code: 916 - 769 - 985


  • Dweller
    51 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Dweller wrote: »
    Hi, trying to get to shoretrooper node

    Light Side 9B Hard

    Ally code: 429-543-919

    Any character you think would help is appreciated

    Thank you in advance

    It looks like you have some powerful clones and jedi. Try GK and see if he works. Good luck Brother! Added.

    Hi V1p3rdyn4sty

    Thank you for loaning me your GK, unfortunatly i could't get past stage 3 with my rex lead, they have way too much health (over 10 hits before 1 went down) i was left with boba and the dude with the hat. Maybe try again once i have rex and Anakin both g11. I removed you last night to make space to help others.
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    I finally did it after 5 days and more than 20 tries with this team :

    Wedge (L) – Biggs – Baze – Chirrut – Lando (all G10) + borrowed GK.

    It's all about RNG, I managed to reach the third stage with full health and then used GK retribution + focused Boba before he could move. Such a frustrating node, I'm glad it's over !

    Thanks a lot to all of you TI guys, and especially to pac0naut and R5D4sMotivator who kindly let me use their GK, really awesome initiative !
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    I'm about to clean out my allies if anyone is in need of a Jyn Eros you can send a request to 688-493-612. I'll cycle the the request every 24/48 hours. Good luck!
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    Thanks Team Instinct! Your support to this community is awesome!!! Thanks especially to @Hybridplug and Ti Alucard for helping me specifically!!! Y'all are da best!
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    Hey i cant finish light side normal 9a and 9b

    i think Ackbar or Baze would help.

    My swgoh profile:

    Ally code: 779-421-822

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    Thank you IN xio and IN aluccard your help got me thru LS and DS. Your guild has done so much for this community.

    Great to hear!

    -Raxle Alucard-
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    Xize wrote: »
    Thank you Alucard! I managed to beat the level but only 1 star. At the end it was only your General Kenobi against the hat throwing dude and your guy beat him.

    Better than nothing, I guess. Keep up the good fight. Don't let 9b win :)
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    Hello! Need some help with Light hard battle 9B
    My swgoh profile:
    My team: Wedge (L) – Biggs – Solo – Lando –(random). I think Jyn Erso will be nice
    Ally code: 411 - 823 - 272

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    Pew wrote: »
    Light sight hard battle 9b
    Code 438-125-712
    probably i general kenoby Baze Malbus or someone else. I used wedge, biggs, lando, qgj, stormtrooper han
    My nickname pew 2

    Added. Good luck!!
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    9B just got to it
    wanting maxed old ben or Barriss Offee with zeta
    ally code 845-344-566
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