Heroic AAT Phase 4 - 8M8 Damage with Princess Zody


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    I got 5.8 million my first attempt at this. Need me some higher offense secondaries

    Check out his arrow primaries on his Clones: Offense!
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    For the video, sorry It will be quite long, I am on vacation and I do not have access to my PC...
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    For the moment, we have this video.
    It's a full clone try on HAAT Phase 2
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    vessaharja wrote: »
    Some teenage rage has erupted in this thread. Now extremely interesting.

    I did take my testosterone shot last night, if that counts? :D

    In ending my comments on the matter, we've all seen how quickly such accusations have devolved past threads. There's an outlet for such discussion, and that's through PM and LucifersDaddy

    There's always one teenager who wants to get in the last word! Haha ;) just kidding SOAP. Glad the matter is dropped.

    With the constant interest in the clone teams and calls for clones with helmets & more clones in the game etc etc I can see this score skyrocketing when more are added in the future may even make it possible to solo a phase then in the (very very far future) someone will probably solo the whole thing lol :)
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    DarkSha974 wrote: »
    For the moment, we have this video.
    It's a full clone try on HAAT Phase 2

    Thanks buddy :D
  • SuperMingpo
    5 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Congrats shadouw and also BIG UP to SuperMingpo who finished this raid at the second place just after you ! ;)
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    Congrats shadouw and also BIG UP to SuperMingpo who finished this raid at the second place just after you ! ;)

    Tu m'as tué SuperMingpo ! haha

    Congrats Shadouw !!! Awesome run buddy !
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    Nice score, mcmole got me to work on my clones too.
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    Nice score, ive seen someone get 10 million + with this team on heroic. Crazy!
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    DarkSha974 wrote: »
    Many thanks to Mcmole2 for the team, hints and everything.

    I reached a pretty insane score. No idea if it is a world record, but I think one of the highest. I admit some might be sceptical: is it truly heroic, or normal? I can assure you it's heroic. Here is the raid end screen:

    You can see my profile here https://swgoh.gg/u/shad0uww/

    If you have any questions, he will answer them on this post.

    I made screenshots of the characters and mods mods I used (they are still synced on swgoh.gg but I don't know for how long):

    Cody http://i.imgur.com/encs4G5.png
    Echo http://i.imgur.com/QHixW2J.png
    Fives http://i.imgur.com/MonwSIy.png
    Sergeant http://i.imgur.com/O3MUY62.png
    Leia http://i.imgur.com/8F8VV5R.png

    I think a full solo could be possible.

    The run went mainly as MCMole2 described it, except that I barely used Sergeant AoE. I think the main difference comes from the mods, I could reach more than 3000 ATK on Echo and Clone Sergeant

    I survived for 4 turns after enrage, but Cody's assist went wrong and I couldn't kill the last turret, so the AAT killed me. I will try to make a video from a future run soon.

    Why is your phone in French but you type in English
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    Mike1980 wrote: »
    DarkSha974 wrote: »
    Many thanks to Mcmole2 for the team, hints and everything.

    I reached a pretty insane score. No idea if it is a world record, but I think one of the highest. I admit some might be sceptical: is it truly heroic, or normal? I can assure you it's heroic. Here is the raid end screen:

    You can see my profile here https://swgoh.gg/u/shad0uww/

    If you have any questions, he will answer them on this post.

    I made screenshots of the characters and mods mods I used (they are still synced on swgoh.gg but I don't know for how long):

    Cody http://i.imgur.com/encs4G5.png
    Echo http://i.imgur.com/QHixW2J.png
    Fives http://i.imgur.com/MonwSIy.png
    Sergeant http://i.imgur.com/O3MUY62.png
    Leia http://i.imgur.com/8F8VV5R.png

    I think a full solo could be possible.

    The run went mainly as MCMole2 described it, except that I barely used Sergeant AoE. I think the main difference comes from the mods, I could reach more than 3000 ATK on Echo and Clone Sergeant

    I survived for 4 turns after enrage, but Cody's assist went wrong and I couldn't kill the last turret, so the AAT killed me. I will try to make a video from a future run soon.

    Why is your phone in French but you type in English

    Maybe because we can speak more than one language?
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    Back to the topic: in recent bug fixes they added 100% accuracy and death mark to enraged raid character. It will be tough getting those score again.
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    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Back to the topic: in recent bug fixes they added 100% accuracy and death mark to enraged raid character. It will be tough getting those score again.

    No they gave enraged enemies 100% accuracy and they apply healing immunity (permanent). No deathmark, and as long as you can topple the tank before it takes a turn and wipes you out you can keep going.
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    Vertigo wrote: »
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Back to the topic: in recent bug fixes they added 100% accuracy and death mark to enraged raid character. It will be tough getting those score again.

    No they gave enraged enemies 100% accuracy and they apply healing immunity (permanent). No deathmark, and as long as you can topple the tank before it takes a turn and wipes you out you can keep going.

    Oops, my bad. But healing immunity make is more difficult for Leia to survive though.
  • vessaharja
    585 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Mike1980 wrote: »
    DarkSha974 wrote: »
    Many thanks to Mcmole2 for the team, hints and everything.

    I reached a pretty insane score. No idea if it is a world record, but I think one of the highest. I admit some might be sceptical: is it truly heroic, or normal? I can assure you it's heroic. Here is the raid end screen:

    You can see my profile here https://swgoh.gg/u/shad0uww/

    If you have any questions, he will answer them on this post.

    I made screenshots of the characters and mods mods I used (they are still synced on swgoh.gg but I don't know for how long):

    Cody http://i.imgur.com/encs4G5.png
    Echo http://i.imgur.com/QHixW2J.png
    Fives http://i.imgur.com/MonwSIy.png
    Sergeant http://i.imgur.com/O3MUY62.png
    Leia http://i.imgur.com/8F8VV5R.png

    I think a full solo could be possible.

    The run went mainly as MCMole2 described it, except that I barely used Sergeant AoE. I think the main difference comes from the mods, I could reach more than 3000 ATK on Echo and Clone Sergeant

    I survived for 4 turns after enrage, but Cody's assist went wrong and I couldn't kill the last turret, so the AAT killed me. I will try to make a video from a future run soon.

    Why is your phone in French but you type in English

    Clearly Le Canada.
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    I have a question about "Princess Zody" team :
    Why do you chose Leia ?
    1) for her increase crit chance to whole team ?
    2) for her multi-attack on basic ? (to reduce CD of Cody special) ?
    3) both ?

    If only 1) , Raid han could fill that purpose too
    if only 2) I checked characters with multi-attack on basic :
    - Kit Fisto : 30%
    - Count Dooku : 50%
    - Boba Fett : 50%
    - Cad Bane : 55%
    - FOTP : 50% first time, will raise to 100% if he crits once.

    So, from this review : could FOTP or Raid han be a Leia replacement ?

    I choose the Red Pill.
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    aerendhil wrote: »
    I have a question about "Princess Zody" team :
    Why do you chose Leia ?
    1) for her increase crit chance to whole team ?
    2) for her multi-attack on basic ? (to reduce CD of Cody special) ?
    3) both ?

    If only 1) , Raid han could fill that purpose too
    if only 2) I checked characters with multi-attack on basic :
    - Kit Fisto : 30%
    - Count Dooku : 50%
    - Boba Fett : 50%
    - Cad Bane : 55%
    - FOTP : 50% first time, will raise to 100% if he crits once.

    So, from this review : could FOTP or Raid han be a Leia replacement ?

    You need both aspects of Leia. If clones are modded to 45% crit chance, Leia's crit chance up along with Codys lead will make everyone crit all the time. Her multi attack chance along with Echos assist will grant Codys 212th attack cooldown so it's ready to go next time Cody is up to bat.
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    Leia, because she can keep the whole team buffed for the air strike. Without being buffed your people are gone
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    It is for the two things, and the fact that it can survive through its camouflage
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    DarkSha974 wrote: »
    It is for the two things, and the fact that it can survive through its camouflage

    Its actually for many reasons:
    1. Constant crit chance up buff for flyovers and cooldown increase of 212
    2. Constant stealth to avoid taking damage after topples and make the clones take the damage and have them regain protection
    3. Double + triple taps during 212th assists to help reduce cooldown of 212th
    4. Self heal on basic so she can regain health after the flyover
  • Mcmole
    157 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    So Raid Han is a possible replacement if you don't have Leia, but the thing is Leia's is just so much better because her stealth allows her to survive, and her crit chance up buff is far more reliable since it's proccing on her basic attack and isn't on a 3 or 4 turn cooldown, so it can always be up.
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    Just curious as if anyone has tried this with Rex instead if Leia? Seems like they could survive much longer and Rex could dispell.
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    Just curious as if anyone has tried this with Rex instead if Leia? Seems like they could survive much longer and Rex could dispell.

    Rex does less damage, doesn't double/triple attack when called to assist, is slower, and you have to time his buff rather than just having it be constantly up from Leia. It works, but you won't be doing as much damage.
  • Mcmole
    157 posts Member
    Just curious as if anyone has tried this with Rex instead if Leia? Seems like they could survive much longer and Rex could dispell.

    Timing the buff from Rex is far trickier, especially since Cody can gain so much tm from his basic attack, so it's all a matter of timing and making sure you do it at the right time. You shouldn't need the cleanse from Rex, because you should be toppling the tank before it ever moves.
  • Fedegalante1891
    324 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Why Fives unstead of Rex? Suits me great cause i dont have Rex at 7* yet but im curious as to its purpose
    Ahhhh its because of his double tap?
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    Honestly his slow is probably the most important. It's crucial in handling the toppling and getting damage in during topple. and the fact that his double tap hits for twice as much as rex every turn helps too xD
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    @DarkSha974 searched and found this, thanks a million for posting!

    I'm seeing that crit damage is the running theme here, as well as tons of speed for Cody and leia.

    Makes it easier because I was trying to keep all clones hovering over 50% crit chance, which was terribly difficult while also maintaining speed and crit damage. I'm thinking it's due to both Zody lead and Leia's crit chance to all, that you're around mid 40% with most of them with crit chance?

    I'm not having the luck getting the fantastic secondary speed mods. Can I get by with just a fast Cody and leia?
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    @DarkSha974 searched and found this, thanks a million for posting!

    I'm seeing that crit damage is the running theme here, as well as tons of speed for Cody and leia.

    Makes it easier because I was trying to keep all clones hovering over 50% crit chance, which was terribly difficult while also maintaining speed and crit damage. I'm thinking it's due to both Zody lead and Leia's crit chance to all, that you're around mid 40% with most of them with crit chance?

    I'm not having the luck getting the fantastic secondary speed mods. Can I get by with just a fast Cody and leia?

    Yes, you only need 45% crit chance on the Zlones (just 27% on Sarge, as he makes his own). Zody adds 30% and Leia adds another 25%. Her crit chance will need to be slightly higher so she can keep adding to the 212 reset.

    You don't need speed on anyone but Zody and Leia. There's so much TM (turn meter) gains amongst the Zlones that they basically make their own speed.

    An addendum: Some have reported that Sarge won't crit unless he's in the 40% range to start. I've seen something similar, too. There may be a bug with his unique processing correctly with Zody lead.

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    what is the different damage between Zeta/Non-Zeta Cody?

    Same question with Zeta-Fives. I guess not important on Z-Fives right?
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    I used this team and didn't do so well my first time but also didn't capsize the tank. Am I suppose to do that and if I do won't the airstrike kill all my guys?
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