Heroic AAT Phase 4 - 8M8 Damage with Princess Zody



  • Yogi
    907 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    what is the different damage between Zeta/Non-Zeta Cody?

    Same question with Zeta-Fives. I guess not important on Z-Fives right?

    Look at their skills. It's right there.

    Yes zeta 5's is important.

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    I know the skill. but I dont know the damage different between zeta/non-zeta cody team.

    Thanks for reply btw ;)
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    For me Zeta-Five is important only on Phase 2, for the Phase 4 it's ont important for me.
    For Zeta Cody, it's vers important, for the little 5% critical chance and for protection regain. With that they go to the enrage easily.
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    Mcmole got like 9.1m months ago. I want to see what he can do now
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    Is this using the reworked Leia?
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Reworked leia even without zeta is far better for princess zody squad.
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