OFFICIAL: Rise Together Event: RETURN!


  • WR4TH0R
    170 posts Member
    Danubiss wrote: »
    A guildmate of mine was able to unlock the 2 ships via the event, why was he able to yet literally no one else could access it?

    Sure he didn't just unlock them through the packs that were available before the plug was pulled? Great insight if these become ships meta and event doesn't come back for a while
  • makagarahum
    131 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Aglardae wrote: »
    @CG_RyDiggs I did the client restart but the Phoenix squad packs are still available...

    It doesn't matter much. The average player won't spend 2 bucks per shard anyway.

    True... the devs have a lot on their plate in the morning
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    I understand that errors and mistakes happen but the announcements both in game and on forums was that double drops for cantina energy was going to take place starting on 4/13.

    Plenty of people read it the same way and used up crystals thinking that it was the case.

    Personally I bought up an extra 400 crystals of energy (extra 2 refreshes). Will wait to see what EA does.
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    Sordyn wrote: »
    @Grumpygeek No one forced to you level/gear your Phoenix squad, it's your choice whether you want to participate in the event or not.

    Ummm ... well if you want to join in the game, then you have to pay the entry fee, no? Isn't it then reasonable that once you spend the entry fee you get to take the ride?
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    How about refreshing the Credit Heist while we wait... or put an event that actually works...
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Did my comment I just made get deleted? I'm not seeing it after I tried to edit a typo.

    But basically, the "will be" thing isn't a valid excuse for the newsletter. Sure "will be" alone implies "not yet," but the newsletter said "will be in the Cantina for 5 days" which all together changes the meaning to "temporarily."
    Aero wrote: »
    Did my comment I just made get deleted? I'm not seeing it after I tried to edit a typo.

    But basically, the "will be" thing isn't a valid excuse for the newsletter. Sure "will be" alone implies "not yet," but the newsletter said "will be in the Cantina for 5 days" which all together changes the meaning to "temporarily."

    It's only a game dude. Chill out.

    I'm just discussing the goof up like everyone else here :smiley:
    Post edited by Aero on
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    Give it a rest dude.
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    In celebration of 40 years of star wars all the players get no double drops, no event, and a nerf to vaders ship just when it's released for farming.

    Another fine update gentlemen.

    Oh and a message in game saying the event is active so go spend diamonds on it hurry.
  • Bt_7274
    357 posts Member
    In celebration of 40 years of star wars all the players get no double drops, no event, and a nerf to vaders ship just when it's released for farming.

    Another fine update gentlemen.

    Oh and a message in game saying the event is active so go spend diamonds on it hurry.
    What nerf?theres no nerf
    discord:Darth Woodman#6467,looking for shardmates:Warrior ìN,skirge2000,GlideX,erykgx,harunalp,TDB,Kiwida,dyloot,pm me on discord plz
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    Bt_7274 wrote: »
    In celebration of 40 years of star wars all the players get no double drops, no event, and a nerf to vaders ship just when it's released for farming.

    Another fine update gentlemen.

    Oh and a message in game saying the event is active so go spend diamonds on it hurry.
    What nerf?theres no nerf

    likely referring to the fact that Vader can't target lock the ghost if the phantom is present
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    Celebration or humiliation?!
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    Epic fail.

    Finally! Something you and I can agree on. ;)

    "Welcome to STAR WARS CELEBRATION!! To kick things off, we're canceling everything!" :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    This is terrible news, I'm assuming that means it won't be back today..
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    Does that mean Double Drops also postponed ? @CG_RyDiggs ?
  • kerwyn
    144 posts Member
    The lack of information is appalling. The event is off. Ok it was bugged. No one is saying if the double drops is also bugged or if they are holding it back to pair it with the event.
    There has been no confirmation on what is to be doubled also.
    It was a nice suprise. People waited. The time came and past. Just tell us now ..... don't compound a problem.
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    I really think they should give us one or two Credit Heist while they are fixing the issue. That will make everybody shut-up and happy :-)
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    More likely complete silence keeping people wondering.
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    Oh really postponed???? I bought Cantina energy for 600 cristals = got only half of expected. Then I geared up useless Phoeneix squad to Gear VII + Gave them abilities until Omega, and LVL up Them until 70LVL. Guess how many droids, credits, gear, materials I spent to this!!!!! And it postponed? Pls give my all spent things back, I better increase lvl of my first order and begin to collect offense mods!
  • Olegon1
    19 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Sordyn wrote: »
    @Grumpygeek No one forced to you level/gear your Phoenix squad, it's your choice whether you want to participate in the event or not.

    Pfff. funny You friend of my. Example: You got invitation to masked halloween party, You bought mask, costume - in the day of party organisation say You - Its postponed, now it will be only Christmas party next month. Sure nobody forced you to buy halloween costume.......
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    For those who missed the newsletter


    And for those trying to twist themselves around it - imagine buying a ticket to an event that says "welcome to our celebrations, there will be singing, dancing and free beer !" and then when you turn up there is no singing, no dancing, no beer ... and a bunch of people saying well it only said there " will" be ... aha it didn't say it was now.

    Sorry folks no excuses. At least EA have pulled it, but comp is in order.
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    Good thing they cancelled the whole thing for now, and I'm serious. The forums were about to explode. Now the developers can go home and get some sleep. Hopefully they are able to fix it tomorrow morning :) profile - Our guild, 3720 to 1, has 1 spot open! [49/50].
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    Kelthuzad wrote: »
    another Credit Heist as "apology" today and we all love you

    Hehe :) CH with 4-5M reward not sounds cool :) I spent more than 10M to lvl up Phoenix squad... But if we get CH with 7.5-10M(for one try reward) That could put some Light peace to my soul :)
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    Well EA have thier style. Launch, get bug, stop, go sleep.
  • Yogi
    907 posts Member
    wmplanet wrote: »
    For those who missed the newsletter


    And for those trying to twist themselves around it - imagine buying a ticket to an event that says "welcome to our celebrations, there will be singing, dancing and free beer !" and then when you turn up there is no singing, no dancing, no beer ... and a bunch of people saying well it only said there " will" be ... aha it didn't say it was now.

    Sorry folks no excuses. At least EA have pulled it, but comp is in order.

    They being EA owes you nothing. The sooner the masses understand that and get the sand out of their vag the better. A game event on a free game didn't work out of the gate. Big whoop. Cowboy up and deal with it. Or go suckle on your momma and ask her to make it all better.
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    Lucas should work with Activision instead of EA...
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    Good thing they cancelled the whole thing for now, and I'm serious. The forums were about to explode. Now the developers can go home and get some sleep. Hopefully they are able to fix it tomorrow morning :)
    Well u can relax but for ppl like me who hoarded crystals and disnt spent them this is a disaster
    discord:Darth Woodman#6467,looking for shardmates:Warrior ìN,skirge2000,GlideX,erykgx,harunalp,TDB,Kiwida,dyloot,pm me on discord plz
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    Did my comment I just made get deleted? I'm not seeing it after I tried to edit a typo.

    But basically, the "will be" thing isn't a valid excuse for the newsletter. Sure "will be" alone implies "not yet," but the newsletter said "will be in the Cantina for 5 days" which all together changes the meaning to "temporarily."

    It's only a game dude. Chill out.

    Just pointing out a mistake, don't take it the wrong way.
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    Don't see it coming become this week, don't get me wrong I'm still holding onto my refreshes until just before guild reset but have a feeling they'll be on a skeleton crew next couple of days ;)
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    I dont mind the event being postponed... Doesn't make a big difference for me if I play it today, in a week, in a month...

    I tested to see if double rewards were on by doing one battle. Realized it wasn't so didn't use the cantina energy and warned guildmates too... Can see why people would mistakenly think it was on and use up energy... It is pretty unfortunate.

    What I really want to know, though, is why the packs were pulled? The packs came with ship omega -which were the main reason to get them for some as they aren't available otherwise- and now people who managed to get them before others are likely to have an unfair advantage in fleet arena... Can't we just have the packs back?
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