Galactic War Report – New Character Unveiled!


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    How do you guys know it's Ashoka? What are her abilities?
  • Me2
    123 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I'm only going to say one thing in this thread, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) is not the fan favorite character for June that we talked about at Star Wars Celebration.

    Appreciate you jumping in to say it with all these posts flying around!

    Hoping it's someone to help annihilate the rebel scum though!
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    EA_Jesse just tweeted that Ahsoka is NOT the new fan favorite for June.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I'm only going to say one thing in this thread, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) is not the fan favorite character for June that we talked about at Star Wars Celebration.

    Look. This is what I was saying! :)

    And I guess her name is gonna be "Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum)" now ;)
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    Khayman wrote: »
    We can cry that it wasnt a better character? I cant remember anyone begging for another version of her.

    Yeah. The current Ashoka is pretty much lame and now we get a fast tracked ver 2.0 of her over the likes of Jango Fett, Padme, etc., or whatever people's wet dreams / wish list seems to be.

    Just milking the life out of the game and money out of your pockets before the game goes stale.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Me2 wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I'm only going to say one thing in this thread, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) is not the fan favorite character for June that we talked about at Star Wars Celebration.

    Appreciate you jumping in to say it with all these posts flying around!

    Hoping it's someone to help annihilate the rebel scum though!

    Ewok pass with wicket in june is what I have got in mind :)

    Or Embo, Jango or the mighty jabba the hutt
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    The Ahsoka character is amazing, but you have to get off your cartoon prejudice to see it. Love this addition. Tell the team thanks @CG_Kozispoon

    She could be the greatest thing since the sliced bread, that doesn't change the fact that she is nothing more than another rebel in a game over-saturated with rebels.

    Kind of hard not to make Rebels since the majority of characters in Cannon who actually have names are Rebels. If it's not Rebels it will be tons of Jedi from the Prequels.

    To quote from the other thread:
    As for fan favorites, there are so many more characters that haven't been dropped from all eras of the Star Wars universe more deserving than a 2nd Ahsoka...
    C3P0, Jedi Luke, Padme, Jar Jar, Saw Guerrera, Chewbacca, Jabba, Hux, Snoke, Thrawn, Wicket, Mother T, Jango, Maz Kanata
    There are other lesser characters that have been name dropped that could serve smaller factions...
    Bossk, 4-LOM, Zuckuss (yes, I really want the original bounty hunters in the game), Hammerhead, Dr. Evazan, Pando Baba, Squidhead, Bib Fortuna, Embo, Ki Adi Mundi, Logray, Sebulba, that dude played by Max Von Sydow, Droideka, Boss Nass, Firethrowing First Order trooper, Nightstick First Order guy, Nein Numb, Sy Snootles and the list goes on.
    People complaining love this game. I love this game. However, sometimes I love the potential of the game more than the game itself.

    Great quote, C3P0 is a rebel(and a droid), Jedi Luke will eventually be released(Aaand he is also a Rebel), Saw Guerrera is an extremist but also a Rebel, Chewie is a Rebel, so yeah, half of the toons you mentioned are rebels.

    Padme(will come eventually), Jabba - seriously?, Jar Jar, again seriously?, Hux and Snoke will come when they release episode VIII, Wicket(oh god, the st up id teddy bear again w/e), Jango(I hope they will never release him but with my luck they probably will at some point), Mother T, whenever they get to ns rework. Thrawn will be released after Season 4 of Rebels most likely, Maz Kanata is still nobody.

    Now on to the lesser characters, total number 20. How many of them had at least 5 minutes of screen time? Let's see Droideka(+1), Bossk(+1), Embo(+1), Mundi(+1). Great now we've got 4 not so popular characters(one of which is in 9-B) who have potential.
  • Me2
    123 posts Member
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    Me2 wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I'm only going to say one thing in this thread, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) is not the fan favorite character for June that we talked about at Star Wars Celebration.

    Appreciate you jumping in to say it with all these posts flying around!

    Hoping it's someone to help annihilate the rebel scum though!

    Ewok pass with wicket in june is what I have got in mind :)

    Or Embo, Jango or the mighty jabba the hutt

    Finally the ewok meta we've all been praying for ;)

    Jabba lead for bounty hunters would be awesome though!
  • Me2
    123 posts Member
    Me2 wrote: »
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    Me2 wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I'm only going to say one thing in this thread, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) is not the fan favorite character for June that we talked about at Star Wars Celebration.

    Appreciate you jumping in to say it with all these posts flying around!

    Hoping it's someone to help annihilate the rebel scum though!

    Ewok pass with wicket in june is what I have got in mind :)

    Or Embo, Jango or the mighty jabba the hutt

    Finally the ewok meta we've all been praying for ;)

    Jabba lead for bounty hunters would be awesome though!

    Or I should say a scoundrel lead really.. that would be even better..
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Me2 wrote: »
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    Me2 wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I'm only going to say one thing in this thread, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) is not the fan favorite character for June that we talked about at Star Wars Celebration.

    Appreciate you jumping in to say it with all these posts flying around!

    Hoping it's someone to help annihilate the rebel scum though!

    Ewok pass with wicket in june is what I have got in mind :)

    Or Embo, Jango or the mighty jabba the hutt

    Finally the ewok meta we've all been praying for ;)

    Jabba lead for bounty hunters would be awesome though!

    People seem to forget it was the OP ewoks that really destroyed Palpatines evil empire :P
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    EA_Jesse: "I just want to say, many #SWGOH fans love Ahsoka, but she is not the fan favorite character for June that we teased at SWCO."
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I'm only going to say one thing in this thread, Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) is not the fan favorite character for June that we talked about at Star Wars Celebration.

    That still doesn't change the fact that the supposed empire faction pass is being overshadowed by yet another rebel. We thought when you said empire faction pass, that you actually meant doing something great for the empire. Veers and troopers were left to be desired, Sith are STILL in the shard shop,krennic got 2 weeks at most... Empire got left in a smoke cloud of R2 and Ahsoka.
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    I just wish someone would explain to me why? We already have this toon in one form, why did we need her in another form. Also I would like an explanation as to how she was deemed more of a fan favorite than say Jedi Luke (who people have been begging for since the game has been out), or even Grand Admiral Thrawn who to my knowledge was deemed such a high fan favorite that he was brought into the rebels series and once again made cannon and has a new book out that was tease for over a year.

    So once again why did we get basically a rehach of a toon we already have instead of two greatly asked for fan favorites with a much larger following.
  • c3pe0n
    120 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    just let me set this right here.


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    Tks god!
  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    These people are messing with my mind!
  • memememe
    28 posts Member
    The empire will rise... yeah right EA ...
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    We thought that the empire pass will mean something great for empire because they actually said it. The empire will rise! That did happened, no ?Have I imagined that?
  • K_mett1
    299 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Lol do you know how many people were up in arms about her possibly being the "fan favorite". Clarification is always needed haha.
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    artist rendering of this thread

  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    The podcast is quite good. I listened to it while I was driving to work.

    I still want Thrawn but I don't hate the devs now, heh.

    As a player, I am frustrated about a few things but hearing things from their perspective takes the edge off of things as I consider they have many projects and obligations we know nothing about.
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    The podcast is quite good. I listened to it while I was driving to work.

    I still want Thrawn but I don't hate the devs now, heh.

    As a player, I am frustrated about a few things but hearing things from their perspective takes the edge off of things as I consider they have many projects and obligations we know nothing about.

    I appreciate this. One of the reasons we do what we do is to try and provide some context for what's going on, rather than just raw numbers.
  • Me2
    123 posts Member
    It's old grandma ahsoka instead! ;)
  • smninja73
    136 posts Member
    Me2 wrote: »
    It's old grandma ahsoka instead! ;)

    XD would probably still be better than Mob Enforcer
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    Nope all of you are wrong the June Fan Favorite is Robot Legs Darth Maul. We will get him before we get Jedi Luke.
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    These devs feeling froggy. I dig it.
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    And... Empire gets no cleanser yet...
    Let's farm Chaze and Rex....
  • memememe
    28 posts Member
    Wellp the empire will rise thing turned out to be a joke...

    Here's to hoping next month in the NIGHT SISTERS WILL DOMINATE run we get Salacious Crumb or something...
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