Did you feel dramatic cantina battle shard drop rate decrease?

57 posts Member
edited February 2016
Yesterday was like more than 30%. Now it is less than 10%.

Did you feel dramatic cantina battle shard drop rate decrease? 306 votes

PuttinInWorkIgorUltimaRatio84USArmyAVGalvineSubmarineManAmish_AceTimbaWarrenSlyGambitBarrokSvargasPreemo_MaginbleeaauuhSundodgerCourierSneakyMcPetexJazzxMasoOtrill143 209 votes
GenakumaIricsSongBlurDrazikileTagichatnmurton09jeremyj26roguethirteen13reizseMerilonZtyleBerdilioKonaEhukaiBentWookieeHBu3NoRogerfanNonemoCronozNLStarSon 97 votes


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    I did a full refresh on the Cantina and only got one shard today.
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    Heck yes lol. They out here being sneaky
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    Nope. I got JC shards 8 out of 12 just now.
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    This is actually the third post today I have seen that suggested the cantina drop rate had changed. Mods deleted the other two.
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    2 cantina refreshes and only got 3 shards and 1 purple mat ability when before I would get decent but never had this low at all.
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    Way down, even farming on hard battles resulted in next to nothing. Can't believe mods erased 2 threads today already. Wish this update never happened.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    got 15 shards today in 2 cantina refreshes and 2 hard nodes
    mighty chlorians
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    This kind of scares me. I'm reaching lvl 53 as soon as midnight comes, meaning that I will unlock the Mace Windu node and I was counting on it to fill my team of jedis for the event. I currently only have 11 shards of him (out of 80 for the unlock).
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    I just tested this out for myself with Dooku shards. I got 5 out of 12 which is a good drop rate.
    On another note I saved 49K bronze to open if new characters were released but since none were avail I spent hour opening & got nothing of value except some ewok / snow trooper shards.
    I also spent $20 of chromium & my guarantee was only IG-100 & along with 2 of the 7 shard drops as IG-100 with some SnowTrooper.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Just got 17/24 barriss shards
    So absolutly not, best pull I ever got on her

    Come to think of it, it's the best pull I ever had
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    Ztyle wrote: »
    Just got 17/24 barriss shards
    So absolutly not, best pull I ever got on her

    Come to think of it, it's the best pull I ever had

    Then I don't understand. I am 2/24 today which is unbelievable. It had never happened.
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    I got literally 10 Dooku shards in a row yesterday. About 8 or 9 total today. If anything that's way up for me
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    Chronick wrote: »
    I got literally 10 Dooku shards in a row yesterday. About 8 or 9 total today. If anything that's way up for me

    Well yesterday the patch wasn't released.

    I just ran 120 energy in cantina and only got 2 JC shards. Usually would get 5 or so.

  • PuttinInWork
    81 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    They 100% nerfed the drop rates. Haven't gotten a single purple mat since the update. With all these silent nerfs and terrible decisions, this game has about 6 months left before it crashes.
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  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    Nope. 170 energy spent (50 accumulated since yesterday + 120 from refill) gave me 7 Mace Windu shards this morning. Which is pretty much consistent with what I've been getting in the past (usually between 1:2 - 1:4 droprate).
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    Seems pretty consistent to me. I do notice it's a lot less "streaky". I kind of enjoy that.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    6/12 for Mace
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    yup there was definitely a stealth nerf here and mostly im mad because it wasnt in the goddang patch notes
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    I got about 7/15 for Mace so I'm relatively happy.
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    So I tried it now and got 10/43 Mace... not a dramatic drop, but a bit less than what I would have expected.
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    I wouldn't say it was a dramatic drop, but it did feel like a drop.
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    These polls come out every update. Simple fact of the matter is you can't be sure, sample size is not even close to being big enough to tell. I'm sure the long term drop rates are between 25-30% like they always have been
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    Salgado9 wrote: »
    Heck yes lol. They out here being sneaky

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    I went 6:9 on Rey today, not complaining. She is done!
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    In fact, this morning I got 14/17 Mace shards in Cantina. Yesterday I started with 53 Mace shards and today I am at 72. I suspect I will have the rest of the initial 80 by end of day tomorrow.
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    BentWookie wrote: »
    I went 6:9 on Rey today, not complaining. She is done!

    Are you going to be using her as a 4* though?

    And aren't there only 6 sims you can do for her?
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    I got 1 out of 9 Rey today but 6 yesterday! It's just luck.
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    Gurley30 wrote: »
    BentWookie wrote: »
    I went 6:9 on Rey today, not complaining. She is done!

    Are you going to be using her as a 4* though?

    And aren't there only 6 sims you can do for her?

    No.. I finished 7*. She has 3 nodes, so nine tries.

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    I ran 126 energy on GS to see what happened and I got 2 shards... Way down.
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    Yesterday I went 10/12 on Kylo shards. Today I went 8/12. The key word in your poll is FEEL. When you don't do well with shards you FEEL like something has changed. People still don't understand what random means and the psychology of perception.
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