Best non Chaze, antiChaze option

49 posts Member
Here is my roster. What do you think my best chance against triple cleanse and/or Chaze meta?



    1232 posts Member
    I would say Rex lead, DT, DN, Tarkin and Kylo. But you need to gear up Rex more.
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    Looks like you have a couple of options. A Zader team means they can't fully cleanse the dots, so stick a fast Sid and Boba on there and you will get some good fuel for culling blade and especially execute (say they try to cleanse five dots, they will end up with 10 effects for Boba). Deathtrooper also seems a good choice.
  • DarthApok
    277 posts Member
    B2. He works wonders against cleanse teams
  • Boreas
    508 posts Member
    You have lots of options, I'd say DN lead, fast Sid, Savage, SiT and a fast Dooku.
  • Botcher
    49 posts Member
    Thank you all. The advice is appreciated
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    Get Chaze.
  • Botcher
    49 posts Member
    @UltimateSeaDog nah... I won't have them starred and geared by the time they're out of the meta. Thanks for the mind blowing advice
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    Botcher wrote: »
    @UltimateSeaDog nah... I won't have them starred and geared by the time they're out of the meta. Thanks for the mind blowing advice

    Seriously, Chaze counters require far more effort than Chaze themselves. See, I have my team to prove it:
  • flux_rono
    2137 posts Member
    i say get geonosian spy and one shot them from there buffs (this pic was from gw node 12 second battle)
    other then that you have plenty of people to choose from to help kill them, rex, nihlius, kylo, maybe palp and death..... idk higher anti meta teams that well just yet
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    I love posts suggesting GSpy or Asajj as counters for Chaze. I know I do it to but I am sarcastic.

    Having to bring toons that have no utillity whatsoever towards the team just for a chance to kill later in battle one of Chirrut or Baze, that have the utility of several toons between them?

    Bassically fighting a 4 vs 7 or 8 fight in terms of abilities and roles performed. This is what being balanced means?

    And somehow it was decided that they actually need more help in R2 and Ahsoka. Gspy and Asajj are really great, I supose. Them and "I don't kill nobody" B2.

  • UltimateSeaDog
    1689 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    I love posts suggesting GSpy or Asajj as counters for Chaze. I know I do it to but I am sarcastic.

    Having to bring toons that have no utillity whatsoever towards the team just for a chance to kill later in battle one of Chirrut or Baze, that have the utility of several toons between them?

    Bassically fighting a 4 vs 7 or 8 fight in terms of abilities and roles performed. This is what being balanced means?

    And somehow it was decided that they actually need more help in R2 and Ahsoka. Gspy and Asajj are really great, I supose. Them and "I don't kill nobody" B2.

    yeah right... boba TOTALLY has zero use. Nihilus too. Oh, and Sith Assassin sucks so bad in this game /sarcasm

    I get it that the Empire users feel shunned, but this is not an excuse to hate on rebels. Sith got a good faction pass too and are viable in arena. It's just the empire pass that was weak.

    FO/Resistance/rebel/Sith/Jedi all have their contenders in R2/GK/rex/Chaze/Zavage/Zylo etc. and as a squad, they are all viable.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    B2 has been useful in arena since his inception. Actually, b2 is one of the most annoying and op toon, in a way. His kit really screws up some of the meta squads. I been working up b2 for forever and a day. His gear is awful, so no he is not a shortterm solution. But he is certainly not a one hit wonder. Good against jedi squads, too.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Also, boba isnt useless. Rex lead with tanky boba and zylo and gk will beat chaze, i think. Maybe add dn or a tank for the fifth man.

    Boba is really good if u have speed to let him go first, though. Double block on rex or chirrut to start, and back it up with dn aoe, and u can get a drop on triple cleanse.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Replace EP and SA with DT and GK. You need a tank to protect Tarkin and a dispeller to cleanse Tenacity Up. DT is great in that role and can also slow down rebels by Dazing and Stunning them. DT must go before Vader.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Re B2 just be careful what mods u put on B2. In current meta, this means u screen his mods to give him zero crit chance. His base crit chance is very low.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Aside from jedi gk squads, the 9nly other nonnchaze sqauds i see being competetive all have gk lead and barisse and dn.... or some combo including rex lead and zylo. Or fast zader. So options are there but u still need a healthy dose of meta toons.

    If u dont want to use chaze or sith or empire.... rex, gk, and zylo ought to be on ur short list, imo.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    ...and DN goes without saying.... no matter what squad u use.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Now u could say it isba very short list that will beat a chaze squad.... it is same short list t9 beat sith squads and jedi squads. The top squads are all elite.
  • Platzman
    284 posts Member
    Exactly what I am playing (to get my rank 1 payout every day): Rex, Zylo, DN, GK, B2 (modded for no crit)
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    ^ Exactly... This squad is just as annoying as any Chaze squad. Any way you slice it, you need a huge dose of the "usual suspects." My entire arena is like this. 4 of the usual suspects, plus one random dude... like boba or B2. One team even got Stormtrooper on it.

    B2 will be effective against Maul lead, QGJ/yoda/gk, and Rex/Chaze, with the right support.

    You can say Chaze is more versatile, because you can run Chaze with, say, Jynn and Cassian... but that squad is pretty weak. You can also run Wiggs and R2 with Chaze, which is pretty good. This is the only real effective squad with Chaze that brings 2 nonmeta toons (wiggs) into play. R2 is meta, IMO, cuz he can run with jedi, too. And probably some other squads that don't use Chaze.

    So if you try to run Chaze without at least 2 other meta toons, I think you will have a bad arena squad. With sole exception of Wiggs/R2/Chaze. Most all the other effective Chaze squads will need at least 2 other toons from the list of the usual suspects. And you could easily replace Chaze with same. Most people who have Chaze did not have time to also farm Zylo/GK. Or Zeta Yoda/QGJ. Or Sith. So they're stuck with Chaze, for now.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
  • Options
    I love posts suggesting GSpy or Asajj as counters for Chaze. I know I do it to but I am sarcastic.

    Having to bring toons that have no utillity whatsoever towards the team just for a chance to kill later in battle one of Chirrut or Baze, that have the utility of several toons between them?

    Bassically fighting a 4 vs 7 or 8 fight in terms of abilities and roles performed. This is what being balanced means?

    And somehow it was decided that they actually need more help in R2 and Ahsoka. Gspy and Asajj are really great, I supose. Them and "I don't kill nobody" B2.

    yeah right... boba TOTALLY has zero use. Nihilus too. Oh, and Sith Assassin sucks so bad in this game /sarcasm

    I get it that the Empire users feel shunned, but this is not an excuse to hate on rebels. Sith got a good faction pass too and are viable in arena. It's just the empire pass that was weak.

    FO/Resistance/rebel/Sith/Jedi all have their contenders in R2/GK/rex/Chaze/Zavage/Zylo etc. and as a squad, they are all viable.

    I never claimed that Boba doesn't have utility outside of countering them, he is probably one of the few of the "direct" counters that has, besides Nihilus. Although their countering is weakened by the fact that they are used (Nihilus more than Boba) with Chaze also.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Ok chaze is part of the meta. As long as chaze got 2 other meta toons on the squad, it is a meta sqaud. The counter is another meta squad.

    If u got sith, u make dn the lead. U got no problem. If u got jedi, u got no problem. If u got vader and sa and zid, u got no problem. If u got rex, gk, dn, zylo, u got no problem.

    No there is no shortcut. There is no one toon counter. Try to counter any of those meta squads with one toon. Chaze is two toons, and chaze cant beat any of thise squads without at keast two other meta toons, essentially. Chaze is just two toons in the greater pool of what u need.

    The only counter to a meta squad is another meta squad. They are all OP as heck. And there is very little room for improvisation. Maybe u can tweak 1 or 2 toons. The other dudes are all off a very short list. So we choose... which terrible farm do i grind out to try to beat arena... and hope it still works when i finish...
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    On GW my Boba executed Baze with full health. 42k damage. His abilities can be very anti chaze.
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    Nihilus can also be a counter and Palp's basic may be useful
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    crzydroid wrote: »
    Looks like you have a couple of options. A Zader team means they can't fully cleanse the dots, so stick a fast Sid and Boba on there and you will get some good fuel for culling blade and especially execute (say they try to cleanse five dots, they will end up with 10 effects for Boba). Deathtrooper also seems a good choice.

    Vs a rex team that will mean instant cleanse and TM up once you land sid AoE. Ofcourse the dots will stick but your opponents full team will be able to move after that.
    I have no troubles beating chaze with Rex (l), DN, R2, GK and Zylo.
    Make DN fast and you should have no problem.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Botcher
    49 posts Member
    great input. The DN lead isn't bad. I need to beef up my LS toons.
  • Botcher
    49 posts Member
    @Platzman I think I'll build that squad but sub in DT for B2.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Palp's basic may be useful
    If they don't have triple cleansers, yeah, palp is good. There's a Sith squad on my shard with Chaze. Zavage is the only other cleanser. I use palps and kill baze first. But his chaze is still low star, so, take that with a grain of salt. My other four toons are the usual suspects.... including Chaze, myself. But a lot of people complain this is one of the most difficult teams to beat... Palps puts the whooping on... B2 prolly works better in most circumstances, though. Palps is always a couple hairs away from biting it, any given time.
  • Metasly
    280 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    B2 has been useful in arena since his inception. Actually, b2 is one of the most annoying and op toon, in a way. His kit really screws up some of the meta squads. I been working up b2 for forever and a day. His gear is awful, so no he is not a shortterm solution. But he is certainly not a one hit wonder. Good against jedi squads, too.

    Yeah B2 is a life saver agains Chaze, GK and Rex : I use a Maul team with B2 against them and It works really well (but R2 has added a bit of difficulty for my Maul team)

    Againt Jedi he's even better
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    Metasly wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    B2 has been useful in arena since his inception. Actually, b2 is one of the most annoying and op toon, in a way. His kit really screws up some of the meta squads. I been working up b2 for forever and a day. His gear is awful, so no he is not a shortterm solution. But he is certainly not a one hit wonder. Good against jedi squads, too.

    Yeah B2 is a life saver agains Chaze, GK and Rex : I use a Maul team with B2 against them and It works really well (but R2 has added a bit of difficulty for my Maul team)

    Againt Jedi he's even better

    I also use B2, not because I like playing 4 against 5, because I have to.
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