Did you feel dramatic cantina battle shard drop rate decrease?


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    Nope, started leveling GS and got 18/28 shards!
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    Yesterday seemed normal, 3 from 12, but today nothing from 26 sims.....I know, bad RNG, but I have not had such a barring spell before.
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    BentWookie wrote: »
    Gurley30 wrote: »
    BentWookie wrote: »
    I went 6:9 on Rey today, not complaining. She is done!

    Are you going to be using her as a 4* though?

    And aren't there only 6 sims you can do for her?

    No.. I finished 7*. She has 3 nodes, so nine tries.

    How did you finish 7* rey so fast, did you buy packs or just resets
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    Two Tanks Two Healer Rey or Luke all 7* and max. Maybe than you will survive the first battles :D
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    1 shard in 34 for mace for me today...
  • Nicolefrickle
    3 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Feels like it
    Post edited by Nicolefrickle on
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    Feels like it, but I'm more annoyed at them changing the energy requirement from 8 - 10 energy per battle..

    That has nothing to do with the update. As you progress through the tables you get more rewards at the cost of more energy. Not any different with the regular table.
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    So far, mine seem to have remained the same.
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    Feels extremely similar to my normal 35-50% droprate.

    Mucho unscientificamente but there ya go.
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    Could be simply bad rng, but with over night energy and 2 refills I got 6 GS shards..... very bad. Might just be bad luck, but with more people noting, looks like something might have changed.
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    today i spent 300 crystals on 2 refills, was fariming barris. Got 2 shards. Yesterday was the same, 3 shards after 2 refills.
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    60 tries at windu 6 shards in cantina. hahahhaha

    talk too much and a wild liar mod appears and punish you or stupid fanboy here to defend

    dont complain guys. they can do everything for more money. as u see in poe ;)
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    This post soon will also be deleted. Our punishing overlords will turn down the rates even more if we continue to ask questions!
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    full cantina energy + 2 refills = 1 shard for barris. thanks
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    rotam wrote: »
    today i spent 300 crystals on 2 refills, was fariming barris. Got 2 shards. Yesterday was the same, 3 shards after 2 refills.

    I've had this kind of luck for 4 days straight. Its mind blowing and very irritating.
    Switched to JC and bam, back to the drops I remembered
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    Nope. Went 9/34 yesterday and 14/37 today for Plo Koon.
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    Depend which group of ppl saw this thread. for me I feel the same and actually I got good drop from Dooku shard.
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    I've gotten squat and 0 Rey in 12 attempts. 0 Barriss in 6 attempts. I definitely think there was a nerf in drop rate for sure. The fact that they are nuking threads is suspect.
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    240 cantina energy spent, maybe 8 GS shards
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    LaLiam wrote: »
    240 cantina energy spent, maybe 8 GS shards

    which is 8/30 ~ 27%

    Thats about whats expected
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    just saying, in the last 3 days i have spent 900 crystals in cantina refills, and just got 6 barris shards.

    If you are trying to make us spend cash on this game is not going to happen if things continue this way. I would rather spend cash on other games that offers something in exchange, this game, at this moment, offers nothing, is too simple, just 5 arena fights per day, seriously? 10 minutes cooldown between event and arena fights, why is that neccesary? same bundles in the shop, same crystals, same price, you have to offer something, alternatives, not just 60 bucks packs, what if i can afford just 30? I love star wars and I love the feelings i got with this game the very first week, but now you are extremely focused in getting money from us and dont think about the game itself.
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    11/12 Dooku, never had such a good day.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    I've gotten squat and 0 Rey in 12 attempts. 0 Barriss in 6 attempts. I definitely think there was a nerf in drop rate for sure. The fact that they are nuking threads is suspect.

    It's not everyone though. I suspect weird seed mechanics and I don't think it was the patch that did it. They say no change ok, but they don't really tell us how the randomness works either.
  • BNCS
    75 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Today just did 10 Holotable battle for Plo Koon shard...I have got fukin 1!!!! Battle for Anakin shards, 9 / 1!! This is fukin unfair!!

    Update: Dooku 6/0 and 2 more run for Kloon 0 shard. There are no words...
    Post edited by BNCS on
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    I got 21 shards in 38 attempts for mace today from cantina so i don't think they changed anything. My best run so far in cantina.
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    rotam wrote: »
    full cantina energy + 2 refills = 1 shard for barris. thanks

    I feel sorry for you..
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    Full refresh. 150 energy. Only got two. That's never happened before...
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    Originally yes but then I got a good run of shards. Now it is ice cold again. Seems to be streaky.
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    Cantina seems the same for me about a 45% drop rate over the past 2 days. Light & Dark side battles have been horrible, 0 to 2 shard drops per 6 to 9 attempts.
    Bye Forums.
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    Just curious if the peeps that have a bad day with shards dropping remember those days where they pulled 5 in a row, or had an 80% drop rate for a day. I've said it before, to take a one day sample size won't work. Have some peeps average it out over a week and still see if you are getting a 10% drop rate. I think that may change things a bit IMO. Peeps forget about good runs and remember the bad runs.
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