How are you preparing for the update?


  • Options
    Hoarding gear and making sure I have a few decent ships. I'm not gearing anyone any further until I see what the update brings.
  • Tiggus
    766 posts Member
    Like everyone else, hoarding. There is about nothing at the moment where I would get any benefit from spending / allocating anything, and as you all know, once the cuffs / omega / zeta / ... is given, there is no taking back.

    I am also hitting the node of that Hoth Rebel Soldier dude... I swear if I manage to get him 7* before the new contents land, I quit this game!
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
  • Options
    Whish we had more of a heads up on a time frame, I know they are trying to avoid another August Fiasco. But at least with a tentative timeframe I could get a better idea as to what I can and cannot do in terms of leveling what toons and gearing them up, and so on. But with very little information to go on it is like throwing darts at a map to decide where I want to drive this weekend
  • Sairiki1
    188 posts Member
    I think it's a good advice to hoard money, resources then you can react better...
  • theHejiN
    659 posts Member
    I just do my dailies, including getting a high arena and ships rank, farming gear and mods and 12 GW nodes.

    I also collect shards via hard nodes for toons that are not yet 7stars
  • theHejiN
    659 posts Member
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    ponce104 wrote: »
    I've always been OCD about keeping all my guys minimum lvl 40, and gear IV. I've been wondering if I have been wasting credits since I noticed my guild mates have alot of guys at lvl 1. Well looks on top now. Lol

    I have this OCD about integers. I always upgrade my toons with last number 0 or 5. I don't feel comfortable see lvl 61, 83, 47, etc. 65, 85, or 50 seems more enjoyable lol :lol:

    Sry for double post, but I did the exact same :D
  • Jedi6371
    150 posts Member
    Finishing up my fleet. We know ships are involved and most likely at 7* no need to have a bunch of them at 80/100. Need another week to finish some projects then let the hoarding begin
  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    theHejiN wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    ponce104 wrote: »
    I've always been OCD about keeping all my guys minimum lvl 40, and gear IV. I've been wondering if I have been wasting credits since I noticed my guild mates have alot of guys at lvl 1. Well looks on top now. Lol

    I have this OCD about integers. I always upgrade my toons with last number 0 or 5. I don't feel comfortable see lvl 61, 83, 47, etc. 65, 85, or 50 seems more enjoyable lol :lol:

    Sry for double post, but I did the exact same :D

    Wew.. thanks!! glad to know i'm not alone :lol:
  • Options
    Tiggus wrote: »
    Like everyone else, hoarding. There is about nothing at the moment where I would get any benefit from spending / allocating anything, and as you all know, once the cuffs / omega / zeta / ... is given, there is no taking back.

    I am also hitting the node of that Hoth Rebel Soldier dude... I swear if I manage to get him 7* before the new contents land, I quit this game!

    Doing and feeling exactly the same! 8/30 since I started about a month ago.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    theHejiN wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    ponce104 wrote: »
    I've always been OCD about keeping all my guys minimum lvl 40, and gear IV. I've been wondering if I have been wasting credits since I noticed my guild mates have alot of guys at lvl 1. Well looks on top now. Lol

    I have this OCD about integers. I always upgrade my toons with last number 0 or 5. I don't feel comfortable see lvl 61, 83, 47, etc. 65, 85, or 50 seems more enjoyable lol :lol:

    Sry for double post, but I did the exact same :D

    Wew.. thanks!! glad to know i'm not alone :lol:

    definately not alone, i do the same thing. I was checking a guild mate's roster the other day and noticed myself shaking my head because he didn't. haha.
    stuff like this gets on my nerfes xD
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    theHejiN wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    ponce104 wrote: »
    I've always been OCD about keeping all my guys minimum lvl 40, and gear IV. I've been wondering if I have been wasting credits since I noticed my guild mates have alot of guys at lvl 1. Well looks on top now. Lol

    I have this OCD about integers. I always upgrade my toons with last number 0 or 5. I don't feel comfortable see lvl 61, 83, 47, etc. 65, 85, or 50 seems more enjoyable lol :lol:

    Sry for double post, but I did the exact same :D

    Wew.. thanks!! glad to know i'm not alone :lol:

    definately not alone, i do the same thing. I was checking a guild mate's roster the other day and noticed myself shaking my head because he didn't. haha.
    stuff like this gets on my nerfes xD

    Ouch!! That picture is so annoying :scream:
  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    theHejiN wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    ponce104 wrote: »
    I've always been OCD about keeping all my guys minimum lvl 40, and gear IV. I've been wondering if I have been wasting credits since I noticed my guild mates have alot of guys at lvl 1. Well looks on top now. Lol

    I have this OCD about integers. I always upgrade my toons with last number 0 or 5. I don't feel comfortable see lvl 61, 83, 47, etc. 65, 85, or 50 seems more enjoyable lol :lol:

    Sry for double post, but I did the exact same :D

    Wew.. thanks!! glad to know i'm not alone :lol:

    definately not alone, i do the same thing. I was checking a guild mate's roster the other day and noticed myself shaking my head because he didn't. haha.
    stuff like this gets on my nerfes xD

    Please can someone go and fix that???!!!!!!
  • Options
    Hoarding and simming, and working toward almost nothing. (We need some hints! And after being burned by Jawas in HAAT, they need to be specific hints.)

    Also the guild is trying to make sure that we have at least one 7 star version of each toon.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    I'm doing the same thing I've always done. Just gear up more and more toons to g11. Though right now I have this same thought of, I should be saving most these because territory battles will most likely come with level/gear cap. So I should just be saving to gear my 40 current g11 to g12..
    Geez I'm scared and excited at the same time for a level cap
  • Options
    I don't know what the hell to do. I have been working slowly on FO, Resistance and Jedi squads in order to finish the power and speed mod tiers and to have better teams for AAT raids (and let's not forget, focusing on these stupid murder bears). Just switched guilds so that I can participate in heroic raids to finally get some decent gear for the 38 toons stuck at gear 8. I have one million credits left. Now I feel like I need to just "hoard" everything just in case because the developers can never provide some information to let us try and be just a little prepared. UGH!!!
  • Zehava
    41 posts Member
    Every character to level 60, and g7. Why? Because at 50 I can dump mods on them, and at 60, the "gear needed" page on includes them, so I can make more informed choices about where I want my rare gear to go. G7 is just a bonus since it's rather easy to bring most of the roster to it. Hoarding cantina currency and building shard shop currency for Fulcrum.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator

    Every day I pick 1 maybe 2 toons and lvl only as far as I need to to use gear I have 100s of.

    I try to only spend about 500k a day in credits, 1 M in heist days.
  • Options
    Hoarding, hoarding, and hoarding. I'm collecting shards for various characters and ships I don't yet have maxed, but otherwise I'm just building up stockpiles. I have over 14k guild currency, 13k cantina, 23k arena, 17k GW, 17k shard shop, and 22k fleet. I also have 51 zetas, 97 omegas, 76m credits, 16k crystals, and a whole ton of gear stored up. I can't bring myself to pull the trigger on anything at this point because I don't know what will be coming.
  • 7_GSTF
    203 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Hoarding only squad arena tokens... still though, I am finishing off Leia and then maybe HK47 . I have no liberty with gear whatsoever! No can do on that one... My current project is resistance. .. and it's for the long haul... also starting preparations for 7 star thrawn... have him at 5... Its kind of trying to cover up all of the weak links and bad teams so that a complete and far more diverse line up can be achieved...long term plan... well I am hoping for the best!!!
  • Options
    HOOOOOOAAAARRRRRDDDDDING!!!! everything from gear to currency. except credits bc i ran into 2 mods today i had to buy. but will be back to hoarding them too
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Khayman wrote: »
    Leveling up and gearing up where i can. I keep all toons at minimum lvl 51 and i try to get all to g7 or g8 as a baseline

    No.. no.. no.. it's bad idea. Just hoard ur gears, skill stone, credit, etc. Upgrade them once u have the new mode in game.. u will know who need the upgrade n requirement. Resource management man :lol:

    If you have the resources (some folks have like hundreds to thousands of early gear pieces stocked up), no reason not to fill those slots. Obviously you should be cautious if you only have 2-3 of any piece. It's gonna be different for each player. Know your resources.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Finalizing Update notes and following forum anticipation like-
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    KyleKatarn wrote: »
    Hoarding gear and making sure I have a few decent ships. I'm not gearing anyone any further until I see what the update brings.

    Arena shardmate?
  • USAmazing
    1157 posts Member
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    USAmazing wrote: »

    Just need some WD40 and they you are ready
  • USAmazing
    1157 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    @Kyno Ok... NOW I'm ready!!!
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Kyno Ok... NOW I'm ready!!!

  • Tooltje
    188 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    theHejiN wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    ponce104 wrote: »
    I've always been OCD about keeping all my guys minimum lvl 40, and gear IV. I've been wondering if I have been wasting credits since I noticed my guild mates have alot of guys at lvl 1. Well looks on top now. Lol

    I have this OCD about integers. I always upgrade my toons with last number 0 or 5. I don't feel comfortable see lvl 61, 83, 47, etc. 65, 85, or 50 seems more enjoyable lol :lol:

    Sry for double post, but I did the exact same :D

    Wew.. thanks!! glad to know i'm not alone :lol:

    definately not alone, i do the same thing. I was checking a guild mate's roster the other day and noticed myself shaking my head because he didn't. haha.
    stuff like this gets on my nerfes xD

    I know it annoys you, that's why I do it;)
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