GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    Here are my characters and rank for the dude who asked for them. It indeed strongly impacted my GW regardless of my level
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    I think it must have something to do with arena rank. I never go above about 150 or so in arena. I'm level 70 and the toughest opponent I had in GW today was maybe 64. I haven't lost since I first figured out there was a retreat function way back when.
    2761 posts Member
    I have been number one on my server the last 5 days. The ascent to 1st place coincided with me getting Yoda and leveling my starting 5 to 70. I have been able to complete GW daily, mainly because I have a relatively deep bench of cannon fodder (even if some are level 1) for the tough matches. Today I was facing level 70 7 star teams at the 4th node only to get progressively harder through node 9 and 10. 11 and 12 were easy comps of Chewy and the like but I still beat it. I want to thank EA and GC for making a mode in the game that has some challenge to it. The rewards are great (especially when I get 4 purple ability mats).
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    I have been number one on my server the last 5 days. The ascent to 1st place coincided with me getting Yoda and leveling my starting 5 to 70. I have been able to complete GW daily, mainly because I have a relatively deep bench of cannon fodder (even if some are level 1) for the tough matches. Today I was facing level 70 7 star teams at the 4th node only to get progressively harder through node 9 and 10. 11 and 12 were easy comps of Chewy and the like but I still beat it. I want to thank EA and GC for making a mode in the game that has some challenge to it. The rewards are great (especially when I get 4 purple ability mats).

    I hear ya brother. My problem is with me at lvl first 3 battles were level 69 and 70 and completely annihilated just about all my troops to beat them. Regardless of what the battles are further down the field, I can't even survive to get to the fifth node. Guess I need to quit **** and pound more than two teams up so I can get some of those purple mats.
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    I can't believe how soft your server is for the squad arena. Any one of those top 4 teams in your pic would have trouble staying in the top 100 on my server. I use a team that puts me at a hair under 27,000 power and I've only barely cracked the top fifty twice. I realize character choice matters and power isn't everything, but my server is stacked with all level 70, seven star killers once you get in the top 100. It's very rare I see anyone with a character less than level 70. I'm pretty sure I could crush every team on your server and fairly easily. So look at the bright side, GW might suck for you but keep focusing on squad arena. All the shards you're earning there should allow you to unlock and promote characters a lot easier than most. That will help you a lot in GW down the road.
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    Update: Finished rank 18 yest and teams back to normal.
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    jkdmike wrote: »
    I can't believe how soft your server is for the squad arena. Any one of those top 4 teams in your pic would have trouble staying in the top 100 on my server. I use a team that puts me at a hair under 27,000 power and I've only barely cracked the top fifty twice. I realize character choice matters and power isn't everything, but my server is stacked with all level 70, seven star killers once you get in the top 100. It's very rare I see anyone with a character less than level 70. I'm pretty sure I could crush every team on your server and fairly easily. So look at the bright side, GW might suck for you but keep focusing on squad arena. All the shards you're earning there should allow you to unlock and promote characters a lot easier than most. That will help you a lot in GW down the road.

    Yeah man. It is a fairly new Server. I have been playing for 3 weeks now and I believe the server is only a bit older than that. We will harden soon. Especially since I got my Yoda and QGJ maxing out.
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    This has just been debunked, apparently they don't look at your rank. Just your squad power from your last arena win
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    The answers to the GW match making were posted on Reddit (the official forum).
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    I really, really, REALLY don't get what all the fuss is about for GW. Yes, it's supposed to be hard, yes, it can be annoying at times and you have to use fodder squads, but it is do-able. Granted, it may be much more difficult for a FTP player, but take this advise if you are: start farming Bariss shards as soon as you can! She is a God in GW. The team I use is as follows:

    Bariss (5*)
    Lumi (7*)
    Dooku (7*)
    Dakka (7*)
    Kylo (7*)

    Yes, I have spent some money on this game but I am not a whale by any means. (Maybe $300 spent total...most for shady chromium 8 packs).


    There has been maybe 1 time I haven't completed GW, and that was the first week I started playing it and didn't know about the force quit method (which is the retreat method now).

    If you need advice on GW, let me know, I would be happy to share. I'm sure I've faced every type of squad that can be thrown at me. And yes, I have been #1 numerous times on my leaderboard, and to quote a motivational speaker, I don't think it mean "JACK SQUAT!"
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
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    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    I'm currently ranked 3 PvP on my server and it makes galactic war insane for me. My current level is 55 and my beginning galactic war opponent was level 61. I think PvP rank has a huge influence on galactic war opponents. I guess if I wanna have an easier galactic war day, I need to lower my rank back to 50 or so. This isn't at all a fair update and I believe it should be based on level....not rank. I made it halfway through galactic war today and now I'm at a level 70 opponent with crazy skills. Impossible.

    The thing that you start your GW with opponents with higher level that yours is just RIDICULOUS and it kills the whole sense of this type of playing.
    The difficulty of the GW battles is measured with your team that you use in th Arena, not the rank.
  • Mr_Eel
    124 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I win GW practically every night. 26 of the last 28. This is not a nerf GW post. I just do not enjoy it. I feel it is tedious, frustrating, and a waste of my time. But I need the tokens, so I just suck it up and do it. I simply wish to know how the community feels about how enjoyable Galactic War is. Not how challenging, how fun, because that's why we play the game.
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    Liked it at first but after three months I just auto
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    I think it's fun and challenging, I don't win it every day, it could use a couple tweaks, but I like it more than the other tables available and it takes thinking as opposed to running a bunch of things in auto or pushing sim
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    Best part of the game for me. It is fun and the rewards are nice.
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    Was fun for a while but I skip it altogether these days unless I really really need credits.
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    I liked old style retreat. This one is boring.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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    Once matchmaking is adjusted I think it will be great. I like it and love the rewards.
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    I like GW but loved it when i actually got a little more challenge out of it.

    Over a week of easy boards, I'll take the tokens, training droids, $ AND crystals anyway :smile:
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    Sooooo much more fun than arena, very challenging and requires you to explore more than 5 toons.

    I would love to see GW get an expansion with rewards equivalent to top arena.
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    Good rewards, and can try out numerous setup for arena team
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    In my opinion it is the hands down best aspect of the game. Especially the days when u get a real challenge.
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    Johnnyudes wrote: »
    Best part of the game for me. It is fun and the rewards are nice.

    Yep. Look forward to it every day. Lots of strategy, planning, trying different combos of toons. Favorite part of the game by far.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Once matchmaking is adjusted I think it will be great. I like it and love the rewards.

    It's fun because I enjoy challenges, but when I'm facing multiple squads that are 5+ levels ahead of me, it becomes an exercise in defeat and nothing more, and makes me feel like it's a stupid waste of my time.

    I do need those Phasma shards though so I take it as far as I can every day.
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    Really? Stupid is a bad word? How about stoopid? Can I say stoopid?
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    GW is the only place you can really have fun with different combos. I was able to have fun with Fives and other interesting characters without gimping myself in arena or sim-carding through my other battles. I really enjoy GW and when it's "impossible," I just keep flipping around until I win or satisfied with the outcome. It's the only replayable part of the game!
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    I like it when it doesn't glitch out and give me a series of dps teams with power 50% higher than my arena team.
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    Once matchmaking is adjusted I think it will be great. I like it and love the rewards.

    It's fun because I enjoy challenges, but when I'm facing multiple squads that are 5+ levels ahead of me, it becomes an exercise in defeat and nothing more, and makes me feel like it's a stupid waste of my time.

    I do need those Phasma shards though so I take it as far as I can every day.

    I agree. If it worked as intended I think it would be awesome at least through 70. Level cap should be mostly equal or hard teams with better rewards. My opinion of course.
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    I mean it is not perfect but it is something else to do.
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