Rey's Hero's Journey Character Requirements (12/06/2017) [MEGA]


  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    DatBoi wrote: »
    Bottom line: 3x cantina refresh everyday (with two days of double drops) since release is not enough

    If CG wants to even pretend that Rey isn’t ptp, we need more

    I'll get her. I'm ftp. Started in late april/early May 2016. Started farming FO way before the bb8 event was announced in anticipation of needing them, and got bb8 the first time at 7 stars. Saved up 10k crystals to farm the vets. Am now 22 and 17 out of 100 on them.

    This isn't the Thrawn event by any means, and still some very stingy f2p got him at 7 the first time. If you're ftp this is a resource management game. Period, full stop.
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    Yeah I'd be shocked if they didn't reveal her kit by the end of the day. Waiting patiently (ish) for update.
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    Yes, this is a new low. They did have basically P2P characters back when there were chromium exclusives, but no one really needed any of them, and they do have temporary situations where for a few months you can't get someone above 4* or something even now, but this is different. This is someone you can't unlock at all without spending money, and those who do are likely to have a brand new OP characters as OP as CLS. You would need to have been farming them with five refreshes a day since they've been farmable to have them at a level that would make this doable, and the only people who can afford that either spend money or at at the very top of their arena, which is a tiny percentage of players.
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    Calx wrote: »

    Do you mind sharing your farming method to get them to 7-stars? How many refreshes per day, source of crystals, shards purchased from shop, etc.?

    Seriously, please share farming strategies for whoever has these so I can get her next time around.
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    Ridiculous requirements
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    Almost on Chewie! Han is ready. :)
  • Szelenas
    50 posts Member
    edited December 2017
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    Shady_Rage wrote: »
    Not gonna happen. Doing so will literally give spoilers to a movie not even released. Just use your brain and think about it before demanding her kit.

    How will knowing Rey inflicts buff immunity spoil TLJ

    CLS’s kit doesn’t spoil Empire
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    Really? Are u guys really getting on complaining that u don't spend any money ( and playing proudly I might add) and u expect a chance at a character before paying customers? Why cause it no fair? Is it fair that paying customers have to pay and u don't? I would be **** if I paid money and a bunch of people got it for free.
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    In other words, $$$ is required to complete the event.

    Not really. I already got all requirements with 0 money spent.
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    People have said for months what the requirements were gonna be. Ur fault for not prioritizing. I have been do 3x100 refreshes and finished Han. Will need some double drop help for Chewie tho.
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    The thing that's so funny about it is that the requirements are actually: 7* Rey, 7* Finn, 7* Vet Han, 7* Vet Chewie, (7* Phasma, 7* FO Officer, 7* Kylo, 7* FO Pilot, 7* FO Stormtrooper), 7* BB.

    Faction requirements are dead. Specific toon requirements and panic farms are the way it's been and will likely continue. Because enough players go with it.
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    Ridiculous requirements
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Boomer8800 wrote: »
    use this to plan..

    Idk, who made that, but its awesome and i love it
  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I'm not surprised at this move. I'm surprised Millennium Falcon isn't required.
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    AtlasMKx wrote: »
    I've always been a supporter for CG but this is complete kittens. Merry Christmas, whales only.

    Gonna do it totally f2p... and with ease... just a matter of hoarding your crystals... only need about 30k if you've been farming the vets with 3x cantina refreshes... yes you need to be at the top of your arena shards to realistically collect crystals in that quantity, but well...
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    Durango wrote: »
    Depends when you started and how much you earn every day at arena payout. If you finish first everyday, trusted the rumor and started the farm when they were released in cantina then you're probably fine.

    Not quite. You would probably have had started the vet farm when they were released (there was talk of their only real point to be to get Ep8 Rey even then). At the bare minimum you needed to start getting their shards from the store the first moments CG/EA talked about another Hero's journey.

    If you started when they were added to the cantina and spent 300 crystal refreshes on the vets and another 600 first on cantina refreshes then on shipments you would have 7s Vets at the end of December right around Christmas. You would have had to have incredible RNG to get it in the timeframe they chose.
  • Pieeater420
    232 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Sorry kids no Christmas this year daddy needs lightsaber rey. Maybe nxt year tho unless they decide release jedi luke then i may have put off Christmas for another year but just know daddy loves u an thts wht really matters. kitten. It be hard enuf get one of those chars to 7* in time nvr mind both when they blatantly stick both in same spot knowin u cant farm both at once.***why was this post warned?
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    and everyone knew what the requirements gonna be, you had time to prepare
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    Hoping for mercy and double drops so I can finish chewie.
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    Ok, is there a BB8 event before then, @CG_Kozispoon ?
    Ooba hutar.
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    Oh, cmon guys. This has been theorized since october 4th, when they first released that gift card promotion with Rey (Scavenger).
    You had plenty of time to plan ahead.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Ok, is there a BB8 event before then, CG_Kozispoon ?

    There is. Look at the calendar
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I've been farming them since the day they were dropped. Saved up 1400 cantina energy for double drops. I knew they were both going to need to be 7*. I had hoped perhaps the event would be in late December/early January, and I would have a chance. But no, it's in 9 freaking days, and I'm averaging 6 shards a day with 4 refreshes.
    I thought perhaps the devs had learned their lesson after many, many, many, many, screwups, but nope! If they announce some more double drops for the vets, perhaps there's a chance. Perhaps.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    0/100, 1/100, 50$ + gift card bonus
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    Vet han 1/100 to 7*
    Vet che 17/100 to 7*
  • qfwm2001
    26 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    It's extremely aggravating for sure. But, do you think the game is free to run, devs work for free, Disney is free, or any of it really. They must generate income somehow to pay for all of it, and this is a system that works for them. In the long run all F2P players will be able to obtain this toon. If that is a problem for you, then pay up, shut up or shut it off. And don’t act surprised by this, we all knew it was coming. And another thing, crying about whales ruining your “free” game is kitten. They are feeding the game so it is free for you.
  • ConCrusher
    9 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that the requirements for this new event are insulting.

    With CLS, every one of the required units had been pretty accessible for a long time. While the announcement was abrupt, leaving little time for the panic farm, it was generally our faults for not being able to complete the event.

    This time around it should have come as no surprise that we would need Han and Chewie, as they were important in The Force Awakens and even teased in the BB-8 event. However, they are extremely inaccessible. As soon as they were made "available," I farmed them immediately, saving my precious FTP crystals for double drops, and (foolishly) hoping for a 5 star requirement for those two alone. Cantina energy is sparse, expensive, and valuable, especially with the 16 energy nodes. And don't even get me started on the drop rates. Even with double drops, 2 x 0 = 0.

    I have done everything possible to be prepared, without spending, and fallen way short. Even a double drop event won't save me. And I'm not alone. I'm getting quite sick of these premium characters being locked behind a paywall that is impossible for the free player to climb with good resource budgeting.
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    DatBoi wrote: »
    I’ve defended nearly every decision made by y’all. I defended the requirements for CLS (even though I didn’t get him), the chimeara, thrawn, bb-8, etc. I’ve defended release schedules, events, hasty updates, and the power creep. But this, this is some major kitten. I’ve spent 300 crystals every single day on cantina energy, using it only on starring my vets, and they’re still only 5 stars.

    Unless you give out free shards, this is the first time I’m willing to call a character p2p, because Rey absolutely will be. There is no way somebody will be able to unlock the new Rey without spending money which is wrong and undermines everything I have enjoyed about this game for the last two years.

    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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