Rey's Hero's Journey Character Requirements (12/06/2017) [MEGA]


  • Hannibal_Bexus
    620 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Sorry kids no Christmas this year daddy needs lightsaber rey. Maybe nxt year tho unless they decide release jedi luke then i may have put off Christmas for another year but just know daddy loves u an thts wht really matters. Kitten. It be hard enuf get one if those chars to 7* in time nvr mind both when they blatantly stick both in same spot knowin u cant farm both at once.

    I can't do that. My kids are scary. They eat people.
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    Right there with you, bro.
    SWGoH Ally Code: 988-869-147 GM of [Elite Casual]
    May the Force be with you.
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    Just curious if we’re going to get packs to buy the VSs and Finn for HJ Rey, I don’t want to miss the meta again.
    Ally Code: 357-613-281
  • Shaolin_Fantastic_1
    642 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    qfwm2001 wrote: »
    It's extremely aggravating for sure. But, do you think the game is free to run, devs work for free, Disney is free, or any of it really. They must generate income somehow to pay for all of it, and this is a system that works for them. In the long run all F2P players will be able to obtain this toon. If that is a problem for you, then pay up, shut up or shut it off. And don’t act surprised by this, we all knew it was coming. And another thing, crying about whales ruining your “free” game is kitten. They are feeding the game so it is free for you.
    U are right but very rude about it.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Louiebot wrote: »
    Calx wrote: »

    Do you mind sharing your farming method to get them to 7-stars? How many refreshes per day, source of crystals, shards purchased from shop, etc.?

    Seriously, please share farming strategies for whoever has these so I can get her next time around.

    You don't need farming strategies to get her next time. It will be months. Just farm them normally.
  • Jerrick_Kharr87
    190 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    ConCrusher wrote: »
    I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that the requirements for this new event are insulting.

    With CLS, every one of the required units had been pretty accessible for a long time. While the announcement was abrupt, leaving little time for the panic farm, it was generally our faults for not being able to complete the event.

    This time around it should have come as no surprise that we would need Han and Chewie, as they were important in The Force Awakens and even teased in the BB-8 event. However, they are extremely inaccessible. As soon as they were made "available," I farmed them immediately, saving my precious FTP crystals for double drops, and (foolishly) hoping for a 5 star requirement for those two alone. Cantina energy is sparse, expensive, and valuable, especially with the 16 energy nodes. And don't even get me started on the drop rates. Even with double drops, 2 x 0 = 0.

    I have done everything possible to be prepared, without spending, and fallen way short. Even a double drop event won't save me. And I'm not alone. I'm getting quite sick of these premium characters being locked behind a paywall that is impossible for the free player to climb with good resource budgeting.

    I thought they'd learn from the Battlefront debacle. Guess they didn't....
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    I really don't get why everyone would even care. Has no one paid attention with what happened to Battlefront 2?

    This will continue to happen, as long as their metrics show that they are still making profit in choices like this. I am neither surprised, nor affected by this. I just wont be able to do the Heros journey for Rey, unlock her, or enjoy any of it. Big deal. It will come around again later.

    Funny thing is, if everyone took this approach, and spent nothing on the game to support this, they would stop doing it. But as a community that just wont happen. Its silly that anyone expects something other whats been consistent around here since the beginning.
  • Viggy
    10 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    So much whining. Yes, those are harsh requirements. Yes, not everyone who's ftp will get her. No, not only whales will get her. No, you don't even have to be a dolphin to get her.
    I haven't spent a dime on this game in months now. Never was anywhere near the dolphin status.
    It was very easy to predict that Jedi Rey would come and that the new movie would be the time. It was very easy to see through their weird timed release of the vets back then. I saved a lot of crystals since i knew they would be farmable in shipments before being released to ftp. So me and many peeps i know started getting them to at least 5* or close to it before ftp drops. And now with farming them for 2-3 refreshes per day i'm almost done already.
    Try to get your head straight and focus on one thing. Don't let yourself get caught up in those other releases like NS etc.

    I'd dare to say that almost everyone who's placed in top 100 fleet and normal arena could easily have gotten their setup rdy if they really tried. Waiting for requirements to be certain and not wanting to spend a dime? Why do you 'deserve' Rey then? New characters like that aren't supposed to be gettable for everyone of us. That has always been and always will be the case. If you can't handle this kind of 'disappointment' you either have to change your mindset and realize what game this is (collection farming) or just quit.
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    DasMurich wrote: »
    The thing that's so funny about it is that the requirements are actually: 7* Rey, 7* Finn, 7* Vet Han, 7* Vet Chewie, (7* Phasma, 7* FO Officer, 7* Kylo, 7* FO Pilot, 7* FO Stormtrooper), 7* BB.

    Faction requirements are dead. Specific toon requirements and panic farms are the way it's been and will likely continue. Because enough players go with it.

    That's a major issue too. I'm still not ready to finish bb8 but I'm getting closer. So I need to finish fo, wait for bb8, finish two impossible to farm vets (not one but two) and then wait for the new event to come back. Just to get her.

    This is obviously all about getting people to spend money more than giving us f2p players a chance. Oh ea we know your game. Make it better.
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    Shady_Rage wrote: »
    Not gonna happen. Doing so will literally give spoilers to a movie not even released. Just use your brain and think about it before demanding her kit.
    Because that absolutely, positively would spoil the script of the movie right? Darn gosh I'm so glad I saw Rogue One before seeing Jyn's kit, otherwise I would have know she hit stuff with a stick in the movie and reduce TM.

    We saw the trailers, we know how she looks. Some probably even played her in Battlefront 2, therefore they might know if she use the force a lot or not (I didn't play, I wouldn't know). I don't think it would so unreasonable to reveal her kit.
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    Really? Of course there will be buy plenty
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    $$$$ = would probably lead them to "help" us along lol
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    I really hope so. But they have already released packs for the veterans before. So don’t count on it.
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Durango wrote: »
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    Nobody. It’s literallt impossible to 7* them before the end of the event as an F2P player.
    Depends when you started and how much you earn every day at arena payout. If you finish first everyday, trusted the rumor and started the farm when they were released in cantina then you're probably fine.

    Protip: It's not my case. Currently sitting at 5*; around 50/85 for both of them so I'm screwed.

    What true F2P finishes #1 (consistently) in either? Maybe 1 or 2 F2P players? I get my usual 150 crystals for top 50 in arena daily. I started farming them ASAP, and only have a Chewy at 30/65 and Han at 41/85.

    It’s. Not. Possible.

  • ojnc3x
    33 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Not gonna get her, i'wont panic farm anymore. There are too many things to farm.

    Edit: I think this is a gift to the people who spends a lot of money in this game.
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    There's hope for me yet(assuming there will be packs haha)
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    JalenVane wrote: »
    So we just got the announce of the characters we need. We all expected that it will be Rey Scavenger BB8 Finn and the Veterans. There’s only one small problem...The Veterans... Why you may ask? Here’s why!

    The veterans were release on the week of the anniversary of SWGOH which was exactly two weeks ago. Now they gave us a two day double drop. The Veterans are precisely on the last two nodes of Cantina. Making it 16 cantina energy per match.

    Here’s where it gets interesting. Ive been farming both of them since the begining. Completely F2P. And today I made both 5 stars. We have one more week which it will give at least me the chance to 6 star just one.

    Now for the big question...

    Will there be ANY HELP whatsoever that doesnt involve paying for a pack? Or are there only gonna be paying packs for this?

    I'm in same boat too and been moaning about this for ages - it is exactly what happened for the Thrawn event 1st time trying to farm phoenix - but at least Thrawn could be unlocked at 5* - Rey is 7* or nothing.

    Very disappointing indeed - but I did not expect anything less with this game.
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    Look guys.... I definitely hear what you're saying. This is an impossible farm if you start right now. The thing is, is that we had the entire community as well as Youtubers preaching these requirements for the last month and a half. Many of my shard mates as well as guild mates saved nearly every crystal earned in that time and will now be prepared for Rey in a free to play manner.
    I know the response will be that not everyone can take 1 or even top 10 daily in both arena's daily.... But that's exactly who is going to have Rey. If you are in the top 100 or further you likely won't even have deal with her at all as many people will miss out on Rey this time around.
    I get its frustrating and that everyone wants to have the new shiny thing but just remember there is a lot of the community in your boat as well.... And next time if you really care to have the character of this caliber the first time around then do the things that are necessary as early as you possibly can.
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    Of course. $$$$$
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    Chewie at 6*, Han Solo 5*.... Im not gonna get her.. All that work for nothing because of a lame farm place
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    This increases the gap between top 100 and top 20. How will those players ever reach top 20 if they’re left out?
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    5000 shard packs for 5-300 shards of each.
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    The packs that were out for the marquee event gave 25 shards if I remember correctly
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    They have to show her kit, anyone in the fence about spending money to get her will want to see if she is worth the money
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    There will be packs, but the veterans will probably be more expensive than $20. Otherwise buying those packs would be a little cheaper than buying crystals for 100-crystal refreshes. That doesn't sound like a good deal from EA's perspective.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    Ymiron wrote: »
    Oh, cmon guys. This has been theorized since october 4th, when they first released that gift card promotion with Rey (Scavenger).
    You had plenty of time to plan ahead.

    Thank you for the told you so. Everyone appreciates it. :D
  • Boofpoof
    344 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    AtlasMKx wrote: »
    I've always been a supporter for CG but this is complete kittens. Merry Christmas, whales only.

    I can not but help myself but to agree 100 percent. Since Veteran Smuggler Han/Chewie became available I have done nothing but spend Cantina energy on these 2 characters. When the double drops happened a week or so ago it all went to Vet Han/Chewie. Han is at 5 stars and Chewie is still at 4 stars. No way in the world a F2P player has a snowball chance of getting Rey (assuming she will be like CLS in that it's either 7 stars or nothing)

    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
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    It's an impossible farm even if you started when they became farmable, unless you're in the top 3 in your arena. That's a tiny percentage of players. Most people wouldn't have a chance to have enough crystals to do five refreshes a day.
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    Its just typical EA
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