Elite Guilds Looking For Players - February 2018 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***


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    Ewwokin' Among Tombstones is looking for new members. We are currently at 48/50.

    We are 89m GP guild with active players.
    34* TB
    7-2 in TW
    We do 3-4 hpit, and 2-3 Haat weekly. 24 hour no damage on both, then ffa.
    We are EST.

    600 daily tickets, discord, swgoh.gg, participation in TB and TW. 1.5m+ GP. All types of players welcome.


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    WWL - A Five Guild Community

    KHAL is looking for a 2M+ GP team player that can produce 600 raid tix daily and use Discord. We have a guild reset of 9:30pm est and we raid at noon. KHAL gets 41 stars in both LS/DS TB and has a GP of 128M We are looking to replace 1 or 2 people that have been slacking. Friend me on Discord Havok99#6590 and we can chat. Alternatively, you can hop into our recruitment channel https://discord.gg/B7ax3c. May the force be with you.
  • Petrallo
    28 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Two 70M+ GP guilds, One 40M+, One 25m+, One Beginner guild and growing!
    30+ Stars in Territory Battles
    10-2 on Territory Wars
    Run Several Heroic Rancor/ HAATs a week
    US based Raid times (typically 5:30-6:30 CST)
    Very Active Guild, and Discord is Required
    Inquire on Discord with Gene#1474
    Rules Provided Upon Request
  • fastboot_flash
    140 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Struggle is/was 110 mil GP. We earn 39-40 stars in both LS and DS TB. Consistent raid times for both Haat and Hpit, both with 12 hr no damage rule. Guild reset is at 7:30pm EST/Raid at 8:30pm EST (GMT-5).

    We just lost two members due to real life commitments and are looking for 2 active members to replace them.

    If you're interested or have any questions, please hop on our discord server:

    Our Roster:

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    90 degrees to INFINITY ist eine eigenständige deutschsprachige Gilde. Wir sind ein Haufen von ambitionierten Spielern, die gemeinsam die Herausforderungen dieses Spiels meistern. Zurzeit sind wir auf der Suche nach 2 neuen Mitgliedern. Wenn du die folgende Punkte suchst und mitbringst, bist du bei uns richtig!

    Was wir bieten:

    - >85 Mio. Gildenmacht
    - HRancor (3 x pro Woche um 21:30 Uhr)
    - HAAT (2 x pro Woche (21:30 Uhr)
    - aktive Community auf Discord
    - hohe Sterneausbeute im TB (31+LS / 29+ DS)
    - viele Veteranen, die mit Ihrer Erfahrung unterstützen

    Was wir erwarten:

    - Einhaltung der 0-Damage-Phasen im Raid
    - min. 1,6 Mio. GP
    - 600 Raid-Tickets/Tag
    - Teilnahme und Beachtung der Absprachen im TB/TW
    - Profil auf swgoh.gg - Farmen der Toons of Interest für die Territorialkriege (aktuell: Hoth Bros/Captain Han Solo/General Veers/Colonel Starck/Snowtrooper)
    - Abmeldung bei Abwesenheit

    Wenn du dich davon angesprochen fühlst, besuche uns doch einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Server oder schreibe eine PM :-)


    Hier noch unser swgoh.gg-Profil: https://swgoh.gg/g/31983/90-degrees-to-infinity/

    Wir freuen uns auf dich!
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    The 1st Disorder


    We have room for 1 player, but are willing to make room for up to 5.

    We are mostly located in USA and Canada, with a few Euro players. We use LINE APP for guild chat and TB/TW coordination. We have a 2m gp minimum for new members, but may make exceptions based on roster composition.

    We are at 102m GP (some players not on swgoh.gg yet)
    Light side TB: 38 stars
    Dark side TB: 38 stars
    TW: win some, lose some

    Raid times: usually Saturday/Sunday around 11a and 12p (pst), with a midweek raid or two in the afternoon (pst). Both raids have 24 hr registration period, to ensure everyone gets rewards even if they miss the raid.

    If this sounds interesting, message me here, on LINE (greggerzz) or Discord (greggerz#5516).
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    115m GP. 41* LSTB

    Growing around 150k GP daily

    Just be active and follow simple instructions. No stupid rules or getting strikes for not getting 600. Relaxed atmosphere with serious players. We want great rosters, of course, but not a specific GP requirement. We want fun, happy, chill **** cool people who aren't ****. Real chill team who only want to play in peace and continuously grow.

    Message me on Discord

    Chrome Cobra#6892
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    We've just unfortunately had 2 members leave to join another guild with no announcement, so we are actively looking for 2 members 1.5M+ GP

    BC Strikes Back is a active Heroic Guild with a casual flavor. Currently at 99M GP. We are a mix of newer players and hardened veterans that work well together. Seeking up to 2 members to fill spots recently vacated.
    We farm Rancor every 48h and HAAT every 72h. Last Light Side Territory Battles we secured 38 stars and will secure 39/40 stars with your help next time.

    Our rules are simple: Do your best for yourself and the guild 600 daily is not optional.
    RAIDS: Follow Rules. At least post 0 damage in Rancor and HAAT even if you can’t participate. TB/TW participation is required. See raid rules below for more detail
    DISCORD: Is required to coordinate guild activities. Speak up if you have issues Have fun and be excellent to each other Failure to follow these rules will result in removal from guild.

    To apply, you may also message me on DC: bullittmcqueen#9353 or on here

    SWGOH: https://swgoh.gg/g/22347/bc-strikes-back/
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    Our guild Wonder is looking for a good player to fill one spot.

    Guild highlights:
    ▪️41⭐️ In LS TB
    ▪️39⭐️ In DS TB
    ▪️120M+ Total GP
    ▪️EST time zone. Alternate raid start times 8:30 am and 8:30 pm for Pit. HAAT has additional opportunities to post damage at 2:30am and 2:30pm as well to include people from other time zones, etc. A zero damage period to allow participation for all.
    ▪️Successful and evolving strategy in TW
    ▪️We are an independent guild. We are not a part of an alliance that will take all the best players for the top team and leave the rest underdeveloped.
    ▪️Very close group. Many of us have been here since the beginning.
    ▪️Great, helpful collection of players and officers. Very diligent on researching upcoming game changes, characters and team builds.
    Player requirements:
    ▪️2M GP or other strong factors
    ▪️Top 50 arena or a commitment to get there
    ▪️Registered swgoh.gg account

    We are a proud and fun group of people. We stay competitive to better the guild, but we don't take ourselves too seriously. Come join the Wonder family! Contact me with any questions.

    Player ID: 468-417-625
    Discord: PapaDood#2221
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    Aluminum Falcon is recruiting!!
    We are a US Central TB/HAAT/HPit guild that is a part of the Malevolent Marauders Alliance. We are a pretty laid back group of adults located in the US, Canada and the UK. We are actively recruiting players who are equipped and prepared for progressing through Territory Battles.
    Guild Info:
    • Swgoh.gg: https://swgoh.gg/g/18878/aluminum-falcon/
    • Guild GP of 100 Million
    • 36* in the last Light Side TB (32* DS)
    • Farming HAAT and HPit on a regular basis
    • Raid Rules: 12 Hour 0 damage tag period.
    • Raid Times: FFA alternates between 8pm CT and 1pm CT (7pm BST)
    • 600 tickets/day is strongly encouraged
    Player requirements:
    • GP > 1.4 Million
    • At least 5* Captain Han Solo
    • Working towards a 7* Phoenix Team and 7* Rogue One Team
    • Working towards a 7* Bounty Hunter Team and 7* Imperial Trooper Team
    • Working Towards 7* HRScout/HRSoldier
    • Working towards 5* Colonel Starck and 7* General Veers
    • Participation in TBs is required.
    • Discord and swgoh.gg is required.
    If interested, please send me a message on Discord: Padawin#3578
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    Independant HAAT 96 MIL GP guild looking for 1 more player, discord required. Running HPIT raids 3 times a week, HAAT 2 times a week.

    LSTB 37*
    DSTB 35*
    TW 100% WIN RATE.

    Guild Name: Knights of the Dragon

    All raids starts 4pm GMT, 11am CT, 11pm SGT.

    Must have discord. Min 1.6M GP

    Further information about rules and how to apply can be found on our website:



    Discord : Ravendock#8713
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    Order of Revan, part of the Exiled Alliance, is now recruiting!! If you and your buddies are looking for a new guild, we may be it! We like to have fun and are easy going.

    About you: 1.8M GP is desired, but if you come close, we can make a case by case exception. Must hit 600 daily raid tickets unless you are away on vacation or an emergency pops up. We do understand we all have lives outside of here. And finally, you must also have a swgoh.gg account. These 3 things will only make us all stronger and more rewards for everyone.

    About us:
    44/50 members / 92M GP /2.1M player average
    35* on LSTB & DSTB
    All raids are Heroic Lvl 3-4 times a week 10pm EST kick off w/24hr no damage
    TW - 8-1-1
    Use discord for chat
    We're like a family. We like to have fun, we're supportive, and do not like drama.

    If interested, please contact me on Discord: Woodie Darkwave#1475
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    Edge of the Void, is looking to recruit at least 2 new members, though we could possibly open a couple more spots.

    Guild Name: Edge of the Void

    About Our Guild: Our guild has been around for about a year and a half. We currently have 49/50 members. One of our members is looking to retire his alt account as well, so we're looking for at least two new recruits. We might also be looking to move on from a couple of guys who aren't quite pulling their weight roster-wise and activity-wise, if we find acceptable replacements. Every one of our members is level 85. We've got a good mix of high-end players along with a number who are developing their teams. Everybody gets along. We've got a lot of generous donators, and our crew is great with roster-building advice and battle-strategy. We're looking for active, impactful players. Our members average approximately 1,722,000 Galactic Power per member. Total Galactic Power is just over 84.4 million. The daily refresh is 5:30 p.m. pacific.

    Rancor Raid: We currently run Heroic Rancor Raids exclusively. We typically rotate starting times of 10:00 a.m. (pacific) and 6:30 p.m. (pacific). For Rancor Raids, our only raid rules are: (1) Mandatory 24-hour Zero Damage period on Rancor Raids, followed by free for all; and (2) if you finish top-3 in a particular raid, you are hard-capped at 1 million damage for the next raid.

    Tank Raid: For Tank, we run Heroic AAT Raids exclusively. We have an approximate 12-16 hour zero damage period on Tank. Weekday HAATs open for damage at varying times, usually 2-4 p.m. pacific and weekend HAATs open for damage at 12 p.m. pacific. We usually clear HAAT in about 1.5 hours.

    Territory Battles: We pull in 34 stars on LS TB and 32 stars on DS TB. We really want to push that up higher asap. We require minimum Territory Points contributions equal to 6x each member's total GP. We are currently up to 37 ROLO shards per each LSTB. Still working on those Trooper teams for DSTB, and should be farming a number of IPD shards shortly.

    Territory Wars: We are 4-5, despite being the underdog GP-wise in every single TW (10 and counting). We will be monitoring guild member contributions. Our ideal candidate will have strong upper-end teams to help us keep winning. Imperative that everyone sets defenses and attacks as well.

    Roster Requirements: We don't have super-strict requirements, but we do want to make sure that anyone joining is a good fit for our guild, that our guild is a good fit for each new recruit, and that any newcomers are a clear upgrade over someone we would boot. We are all committed to building an upper-echelon guild that generates raid tickets and crushes TB, TW and HAAT and want someone who shares that goal. To that end, we ask that any new recruits have a minimum of 1,600,000 total Galactic Power. We also ask that any new recruit be able to farm ROLO shards immediately (or very shortly upon joining). If you have a Trooper team that can garner Imperial Probe Droid Shards, that's a huge plus. GP's not everything, so if you are close to the minimums, please feel free to reach out. We'd rather have a slightly underpowered but incredibly active recruit than a large GP guy who doesn't do much.

    Activity Requirements: We're looking for players that play no less than daily. Any incoming recruit would be expected to generate a minimum of 500 raid tickets/day. (Obviously, we are flexible for vacations and personal stuff), though ideally we are looking for people who contribute 600 daily. TB and TW contribution are mandatory. Players who are inactive for more than 2 days without notifying the guild are booted.

    Mercing: When TB and TW are not on cooldown, we arrange and allow for productive members to go merc for smaller guilds to help them clear HAAT. Any new recruit would have that opportunity, assuming ability to field a merc-level team and being able to generate minimum tickets.

    Mol Eliza Policy: Our final rule is: no Mol Eliza's. We are sick of seeing that name and find that people who don't take the time to make a unique name usually don't participate socially or follow rules. If you are currently a "Mol Eliza" and want to join, think up a cool name and change it.

    Third party chat: We use Discord for offline chat. Discord is mandatory, as that is the best and main form of communication.

    If you're interested in joining up, message me through the forums or on Discord (preferred) or shoot me an message on the forums:

    Ming the Insatiable
    Ally Code: 182-733-465
    Discord ID: MingtheInsatiable#9687
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    Running HAAT and Hpit regularly. Guild reset 7:30pm EST raids at 8:30pm EST (GMT-5).

    40 Stars in LS & DS TB. Competitive in TW.

    500 minimum daily tickets.

    Looking for 2 active members to replace 2 that left due to real life priorities.

    We're a competitive but fun group of members with a very active discord and a lot of cooperation. If you're interested, stop by our Discord server and say hi. Check us out and see if it's a good fit.

    Our Roster:
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    The Sith Family - Recruiting Now!

    We are a family of 13 guilds ranging from beginner guilds to 100mil+ GP Heroic guilds. Players of every experience and activity level will find us the perfect match for them. Here are our Guilds with openings:

    - Malachor (100mil GP - Heroic)
    - Dathomir (93mil - Heroic)
    - Mustafar (90mi - Heroic)
    - Ossus (81mil - Heroic)
    - Kouncil of Kaizen (33mil - hPit; nAAT)
    - Plus many open spots in our 3 lower tier Training Guilds

    What we have to offer - A large online community of over 700 members, access to a variety of game resources, and a leadership team hell-bent on providing an optimal gaming experience for every level of player!

    Family Requirements :
    - Discord
    - A synced and public swgoh.gg profile
    - A love for the game and the drive to succeed!!!

    Stop by for a visit, a chat, a beer, or just to say hello! Our recruitment team is available 24/7 at: https://discord.gg/XkCJnhA

    We are recruiting Full Guilds, Guilds looking for mergers, and players from beginner to experienced veterans looking for a new home. JOIN THE SITH - IT IS YOUR DESTINY!!!
  • Deathwalker
    35 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Exiled Knights of Kit: We were born in the Team Skunk community as an absolute beginner guild. Through blood sweat and tears we have built our way here over the course of a year through hard work and making each other better every day. We now reside in the Exiled community and are one of the top performing guilds there. We are US based but house members from all over the world. Quick points:
    -Pit raid @ 3pm EST (on farm)
    -Haat @ 5pm EST (on farm)
    -34+ stars for TB
    -use of discord is mandatory
    -must have over 1.8 million gp
    -must follow raid rules (specifics on our Discord)
    -be active (600/login/territory battles/raid participation)
    -have fun chatting with us in game/ on discord
    The Exiled Knights of Kit consider ourselves family. We are very competitive, but we still have fun playing this game. If you are looking to test another guild to see if we meet your lofty standards just to put us on your long list of not good enough guilds, then we aren't the right fit for you. If you want to feel like you belong, have fun playing this game, and get to know your fellow guild mates, then look no further than here. Even if we don't have a spot for you, chances are we could fit you in somewhere amidst our vast Exiled community of guilds. Join our discord here https://discord.gg/jNxRDUW; ...and may the force be with you
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    ♨️♨️♨️LOOKING 4 ACTIVE•VOCAL•TEAM PLAYER with +1.2M GP • EST GUILD• HAAT • 76MGP • 32⭐️TB٩(●̮̃•)۶♨️♨️♨️
    Inglourious Bantha is a stand alone guild that is quickly progressing through SWGOH. The result of a merge between three like-minded guilds, Inglourious Bantha looks at the player before the roster in an attempt to build a unified group of individuals actively working towards the same goals. The majority of members represent accounts started in 2017, meaning that most of our members are still developing rosters. We are looking for players interested in building with us, sharing insight, and ultimately taking down all challenges the game can provide. We have a very well organized leadership with varying duties in managing discord, raids, tickets, and strategy.

    Our guild currently farms HPIT, HAAT, and completes approximately 32 / 45 TB ⭐️. We are 76m in GP and climbing. We are a TERRITORY WAR WINNER and are very organized in battle strategy. We alternate HRANCOR & HAAT every month so everybody gets a chance to hit.

    Guild Reset
    occurs at 6pm EST, Toon Reset occurs at 11:00pm EST – we have members stretching from Central North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific who find this time zone beneficial. We currently launch of HAAT raids later in the evenings to allow others to register points. We also pause after p3 to get others to register. We leave no man behind in reaping rewards.

    launches at 5pm EST – 24 Hour 0 Damage Rule

    launches at 10:00pm EST –
    P1 ~ p3 FFA
    P4 24 hour zero damage rule

    phases change at 1pm EST – automated Instruction provided in Discord after Platoon information is available

    ⚠️ TW
    Everyone is required to participate, unless you have an emergency.


    Guild Requirements

    ✅Account must be Synced to [url="(https://swgoh.gg)"][/url]

    ✅ You must have a discord account as this is our main source for communication

    ✅ Members must be vocal & active in our guild discord [url=" https://discord.gg/NXDSGu8"][/url]

    ✅Members must log in DAILY and contribute 600 guild tickets

    ✅ Personal GP of 1,200,000 or HIGHER

    ✅ Level 85+

    We are eager to meet you, and would like to chat further. Feel free to message me on Discord, Reddit, or to join our Discord server and reach out in our Recruitment channel. We are a growing guild and are rapidly taking down new content – we hope you’ll want to join us!
    “If you define yourself by your power to take life, your desire to dominate, to possess, then you have nothing.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi
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    BC Strikes Back is a active Heroic Guild with a casual flavor. Currently at 99M GP. We are a mix of newer players and hardened veterans that work well together. Seeking up to 3 members to fill spots recently vacated.
    We farm Rancor every 48h and HAAT every 72h. Last Light Side Territory Battles we secured 38 stars and will secure 39/40 stars with your help next time.

    Our rules are simple: Do your best for yourself and the guild 600 daily is not optional.
    RAIDS: Follow Rules. At least post 0 damage in Rancor and HAAT even if you can’t participate. TB/TW participation is required. See raid rules below for more detail
    DISCORD: Is required to coordinate guild activities. Speak up if you have issues Have fun and be excellent to each other Failure to follow these rules will result in removal from guild.

    To apply, you may also message me on DC: bullittmcqueen#9353 or on here

    SWGOH: https://swgoh.gg/g/22347/bc-strikes-bac
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    Prepare - 126m GP - 42 stars tb

    Hi, we are Prepare, a GMT timezone guild made up of players from all round the world but predominantly Europe. We have 1 vacancy to fill due to a player having real life problems.

    We previously would only accept members with 2.5m gp plus but TW has changed our minds as to the entry requirements, having usable squads is preferable to inflated GP and activity, arena rank will certainly make smaller collections more appealing! Basically, we expect players to contribute to TB and TW so please don't make contact if you want to join and be an 'on the toilet only' player :smile:
    We use discord for communication, not worried if you don't want to spend all day there posting photos of your daily meals but checking-in to read the announcements etc is important.
    We are GMT time zone, do both raids on a 24hr for 0's basis followed with a 7.20pm posting time for Rancor, 20 min phase intervals for HAAT starting from 7.30 onward, overlap phase damage waits till relevant times.
    We are not particularly pushy about farming choices, at the start of each month, players tell us what 5 toons are their focus for the month, we all link our .gg squads, then we have a 'look i done, danny done good' day at the end of the month. If you want to farm Sisters and troopers because you are smart, great, Ewoks because you have fetish issues, thats fine with us, probably give you some weird looks if you rock up with gold Tuskens but knock yourself out.
    If this sounds like a bit of you, then give me a shout either on here or our ever active, discord chat welcome page: https://discord.gg/DsGbNsG
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    Master The Force is recruiting a few members before next TW begins. We have a few openings as we have players either moving to a friends guild, retiring from the game, or just needing a break. Unfortunately, the current TB/TW setup is hindering every guilds recruitment, as not many want to leave and get locked out of rewards with the back to back to back guild events structure.

    We are currently at 128M GP. We are at 42* in LS/DS TB and are looking to get well over 128M GP and up to and beyond 43*. Guild rules are simple. Get daily 600, register/participate in raids, be actively participating in TB/TW, have Discord, and have a profile on https://swgoh.gg/. Raid times are at 9PM EST/8PM CST. We are mostly based out of the US, with some members from Canada and a few across the pond.

    Guild profile is https://swgoh.gg/g/6137/masterthe-f0rce/. Contact on Discord. If you or some of your top members from your struggling guild are interested and want to move up to the next level, please contact me as soon as possible so we can get things going. We are interested in players with around 2.2M GP+. All can apply though and we will take a look to see if you are close to what we require. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon. This is a picture of our last TB ranking and stars achieved if you'd like to see where we are at 2ywzk89.png
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    STATUS: Recruiting

    Want to be part of a top world wide guild but don't want to be part of their guild farm? Come roll with us!

    We are an independent top 40 global GP guild and are completing Territory Battles at 43+ star rewards.

    We run Heroic raids exclusively on a rotational starting time of 6am 12pm 6pm 12am EDT with a 24hr zero attack then under 24hrs remaining free-for-all. We try and keep things simple and drama free. We use discord to communicate.

    We have guild members from around the world and many with very strong rosters. With Territory Battles you want to be with a guild that already has them on farm mode. If you'd like to join us please note the requirements listed above and let us know!

    You can check out our guild here:

    If you'd like to join feel free to contact our guild leader:
    DRGrizz#4843 (Discord)
    DRGrizz (Line App)
  • MutineerRA
    284 posts Member
    edited February 2018

    We're a friendly and active Heroic level guild and have two spaces at the moment. The majority of us are level 85 with a just a couple in the early 80s. Our guild GP is around 65mil and we’re ideally looking for players upwards of 750k gp. Lots of donations and lots of chat. No major rules or strict guidelines on which characters to work on but must be playing on a regular basis and contributing where you can, most of us get close to 600 tickets a day and inactivity is looked at on a regular basis. We understand people have work and holidays etc so as long as people let us know if they’re going to be inactive beforehand, that’s fine. If you’re inactive for about a week without letting us know, chances are you’ll be axed. We communicate via line to help coordinate tb/tw etc but this isn’t compulsory.

    We have the no damage rule for 24hrs on raids just to give everyone the opportunity to get on the board. Our raids take place at 7.30pm uk time.

    My ally code is 949 699 318

    If you're interested or have any questions, just drop me a message
    Post edited by MutineerRA on
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    Fully Heroic Guild Wants You!!!!
    Are you tired of ineffectual leadership? You crave the rewards you deserve? Have a friend or 2 in your current guild?
    Join the Notorious Separatists!!!!
    Only accepting members over 1 million GP right now. ( preference given to members with Resistance or Clone teams )
    We get 24-26 stars each TB and are 8-2 in TWars.
    We run the Heroic Rancor ( 24hr no damage ) 3 times a week ( rotating times ). Haat twice a week.
    We do require Discord( a free app ) for communication, a profile in swgoh.gg.
    600 daily tickets and participation in all guild events.
    We’ve got a total of 52 million GP right now, 46 members, a great solid core, and leadership with a plan!
    Our guild is based in North America and has grown to encompass members from all over the globe. Our rotating raid times currently work well for all members. More EU members needed.

    goat13#0149 North American Recruiter
    DarthJarJar#6816 European Recruiter
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    Serendipity Guild 83M GP is looking to fill 2 openings before T-Wars start at 2pm Eastern Wed

    We have HAAT on farm already so our biggest criteria are:
    • Participating in T-Battles and T-Wars during entire events
    • Development of T-Battle specific toons
    • Level 85 +1.25M GP
    • Consistently getting in your 600 daily
    • Follow the 24hr 0 damage rule on both raids
    • Join discord

    We are looking for active SWGOH players (min 1.25M GP) seeking a guild that is passionate about T-Wars and T-Battles. We are a fun loving group that cheers one another on in T-Wars battling and raid score growth. We offer guidance on raid and war squads, mods to boost your HAAT score and combat mission completions. We are very much a helpful interactive community having a blast playing the game together and understand the balance between Work/Life/Game. Our independent well-organized guild is mostly a U.S. based guild with a mix of FTP/PTP players and even some avid Star Wars buffs. If this seems like a good fit to you please contact us via our discord guild recruitment server https://discord.gg/4dcUSRZ We strive to be a zero drama guild.

    Guild Stats:
    • 83M GP
    • 33* light side - 21 Rolo Shards
    • 32* dark side
    • T-Wars: 6W/1T/3L (2L to guilds with +20M delta guild GP)

    Heroic Rancor - first 24 hours 0-damage rule on a rotating schedule to accommodate the variety of time zones
    • 11PM Eastern Time Zone
    • 7AM Eastern Time Zone sometime M-F
    • 3PM Eastern Time Zone
    • 11PM Eastern Time Zone - extra tixs raid

    HAAT Tank - first 24 hours 0-damage rule. Alternating schedule that rotates every other week.
    Week 1:
    • Tues launch 10PM Eastern
    • Fri launch 11AM Eastern

    Week 2:
    • Tues launch 6PM Eastern
    • Fri launch 3PM Eastern

    Please contact us via our discord guild recruitment server https://discord.gg/4dcUSRZ

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    Team Explicit is looking to add four people to our roster before next TB starts.

    Who is Team Explicit?

    We are a 91million GP, 38* LS, and 34* DS TB guild. We are not an elitist guild that demands 600/600 a day, nor will threaten to remove you if you do not consistently achieve this. We are a heroic raiding guild that clears both raids every few days. Even though we do not require 600/600 tickets a day, we do achieve this frequently, so you should expect to see Rancor run nearly every other day.

    Team Explicit raid times for Rancor are M-F 11am PST, and 3pm PST on the weekends. All HAAT raids start at 11am PST seven days a week (the time is not adjusted).

    What Team Explicit is seeking:
    We are looking to add four level 85, 1.5m+ GP, both Hoth Soldier & Scout completed, and at least a five-star CHS, to join our team. Also, we're wanting new members with progression goals, including actively pushing account GP. We do require all members to join our guild Discord, create/have an SWGOH.gg account, and achieve at least 500/600 tickets a day.

    If interested or have any questions, please PM me and I will respond in a timely manner.

    ~ ZeroSum
    Ally code 373-141-332
    Discord ZeroSum#7686
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    Raptor Rising two vacancies. 5 TW wins in a row/92M GP. 11am raids, both Heroic and 24hrs zero damage. Earning 33* in TB with a minimum 20 combat mission participation. Unable to play for a few days, just let us know, camaraderie and loyalty valued over giving up your life to play. Ally code 959-927-293 if you need help finding us.
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    9 PM EST HAAT 8 PM EST Heroic
    Over 1 MIL GP REquired
    Acknowledge upon Entry
    PM if interested

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    Dark Force Separatists has two open spots for daily players that generate 600 raid tickets.

    Requirements To Join:
    • Level 85
    • At Least 1.5 Million Galactic Power
    • Generate 600 Raid Tickets Daily
    • Must Participate in Territory Battle and Territory War
    • Account Created on SWGOH.GG
    • Will Join Us on Line Chat App

    What Our Guild Will Do For You:
    • General Kenobi Shards Twice Weekly
    • Rebel Officer Leia Organa Shards (currently 30 per TB)
    • Friendly/Experienced Guild Mates with Lots of Good Advice.

    Our Pit Raid Rules: Score 0 for First 24hrs Then One Scoring Attack. After the ‘24hrs Score 0’ Time Expires Wait 10min Before Completing P1 (this allows other players a chance to restart incase they get a bad run) and if Soloing Post After 25min.

    Our HAAT Rules: Score 0 for First 24hrs Then Attack All You Want.

    Raid start times alternate from month to month to allow everyone a chance to raid. This month raid start time is 22:05EST/19:05PT to allow US/Canada to raid in the evening. Next month raid start time is 21:05CET/12:05PT to allow Europe to have an evening raid time. This alternating schedule then repeats.

    Our Guild GP is 95 million and growing fast. We earn 34-35 stars in TB. We have people from US, Canada and Europe and are a semi-casual/friendly/helpful and well managed guild. If you would like to start earning Kenobi shards, meet our requirements, and want to be in great guild with daily active players that love playing this game and support each other please send me a PM. Thank you!
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    Old Folk Home wants you to retire with us!
    We are a Mature bunch (hence the name) who have just formed a break away guild from what could be considered a mega guild.
    We have heaps of experience, with a very good understand how to win. You gotta be 18+ because we speak our mind. We are respectful though, and you gotta be too. Currently we are 27 peeps with a GP of 45mill so we need you so we can start getting the better TB and TW rewards!
    600 tickets a must and you need to have been playing for at least a year
    Australasian time zone for raids at 8pm AEST
    Discord Sp3c1alK#2730
    Were using discord and have bots setup to help with game coordination, so DM me if you want in
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    Guild Name: force kln

    Time Zone : Eastern USA

    We are looking for 7 members to finish off our roster and must meet the requirment of 1.5m+ GP

    We do not have a 600 raid tickets per day rule, but we expect you to contribute as much as you can.

    For communication, raid rules and helping each other we use Discord.

    we currently running T7 pit 3 times a week. Mon-Wed-Fri(24 Hour No Damage Rule)

    Haat twice a week. Mon-Thurs (24 Hour No Damage Rule)

    Guild GP : 57 million

    TB : LS-25 Stars/DS-22 Stars

    If you are interested or have any questions feel free to message me on Discord. My ID on Discord is supa#8477

    Ally Code: 445-185-278


    Hope to see you soon in our guild!
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