Content Update 2/7/18 [MEGA]


  • Boba_The_Fetter
    3393 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Another Marquee event....really? Sorry but that kills the excitement for marauder 100% for me and other FTP....can we actually get them just released to a farmable spot for once?

    Colonel starck, hermit Yoda, wampa, hoth han and technically hoth Leia and IPD all became farmable on release.
    They have to make money somehow. You should be grateful that they give us these characters for free on release. 3* or not. Before marquees we got nothing

    Edit: I'm F2P as well just not greedy like you
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    His speed boost isn't working. I have him at 231, running EP Dooku Thrawn and GK against JTR OB GK R2 and BB8 . BB speed is 278 R2 is 260, My dooku is 268 . It went BB8 R2 Vader Dooku
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    I am really disappointed that Vader (the character everyone in the game has had to work for whether whale or ftp) is now for sale.

    G12 being sold was inevitable, although earlier than I expected, but as someone who choose to farm gear instead of Yoda and wampa I feel like I made a huge error now.

    Just an opinion but g12 gear for sale should have been further in future, and Vader should never have been for sale.

    Final point, now both raids can be solo’d we desperately need a new challenge. I am starting to find a lot of the game boring, and I make video about how Great it is!!

    Arena is good again, but really think:

    A) some characters should never be pay to play
    B) content progression in raids would really make a difference to my over all enjoyment of the game
    C) since they nerfed it I only do one Gw node most days for the daily, can we get some quality back in this part of the game. Now everyone has access to G12 gear on tap, it’s not like people won’t be able to beat it

    Rant over, but I think they are all valid points
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    Lol. Let’s see everyone breakdown the “what’s ahead” section

    Yeah I wish it was more informative than that

    My guess goes to QOL update
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    Why wouldn't you do GW on auto to get the shard shop currency and credits
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    Yeah kinda sad , but I guess as the game grows they need to offer older characters in a more easy to get way. First he was put in fleet shipments, then sjard shop now this. Guess only us older players will know what it's like getting him and *ing him up through the achievements
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    Vader has been in the fleet store for ages
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    Antmanndie wrote: »
    His speed boost isn't working. I have him at 231, running EP Dooku Thrawn and GK against JTR OB GK R2 and BB8 . BB speed is 278 R2 is 260, My dooku is 268 . It went BB8 R2 Vader Dooku

    Yeah...I thought so.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
  • Sungsta
    163 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    But bb8 and R2 gets % TM gain start of battle. That's always gonna outspeed vader
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    why do they get tm to start a battle
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    HK666 wrote: »
    Vader's basic didn't get a text change, but it got changed in-game. It works on rebels.

    Yes it did, the bold bit was supposed to be added, but its not on mine.
    FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy with an 80% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. Jedi and Rebel targets cannot Evade or Resist the effects of this attack.
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    Antmanndie wrote: »
    why do they get tm to start a battle

    BB8s unique gives all Droids TM at the start of the battle. The more Droids the more TM. Even with a fast Vader I doubt anyone is going to outspeed BB8 and R2 if they are modded well.
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    ^^ This. BB8 and R2 get 16% TM right off the bat.
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    BB8 gives droids 8% TM at the start of each encounter for each active BB8 and R2 start off with 16% TM.

    So yeah...if your 231 Vader is going before your 268 Dooku...then Vader's unique is working just fine...its just you aren't fast enough to go before R2 or BB8 when they start off with 16% TM.
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    I dont believe we've had confirmation about zader giving himself 16 speed, but when kozi broke down the speed bonus for each ally/enemy and in her example she didnt include Vader not sure why
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    I'm also disappointed. I was against him going in the fleet store. Vader is the most iconic character in the Star Wars universe. Having him starred solely through achievements was perfect.
    Side note, can't wait for those 5 Vader shards when I reach 10,000 arena victories!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Vader's basic is supposed to hit significantly harder now, right?

    we wish
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    I'm also disappointed. I was against him going in the fleet store. Vader is the most iconic character in the Star Wars universe. Having him starred solely through achievements was perfect.
    Side note, can't wait for those 5 Vader shards when I reach 10,000 arena victories!

    I know - wait with bated breath.

    To OP. Personally, I've had Vader so long and everyone I know has him he's long, long, gone past any exclusivity. This is one of those that if CG gets some $$ for an old toon then kudo's to them.

    I'll assume this helps reinforce the push for new guys coming on to gun Pheonix squad - getting powered up EP and Thrawn with one team is a pretty sweet deal - clearly the path for new players to catch up a little bit - and I don't really see that as a bad thing.
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    Not sure if this has been asked and answered or not but the description of the mythic event here states "Gather your Rebels and face Emperor Palpatine in this multi tiered Mythic event targeted at elder players. Succeed and earn rare rewards befitting a master of the Holotable." while the one in game in the news letter has "Gather your Rebels and face Emperor Palpatine OR JOIN FORCES WITH THE EMPORER AND CRUSH THE REBELLION in this multi tiered Mythic event targeted at elder players. Succeed and earn rare rewards befitting a master of the Holotable." Which of these is correct? Or maybe I'm confusing events?
  • Liamtbqh
    620 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    This changed from 20% to 10% TM reduction with the update? Hopefully just a visual bug, it shows the full 20% at Level 8 instead of Level 7 instead now though

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    so much for this game... RIP
  • Minetaridge
    221 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Weird you wouldnt do GW every day since you get 25 crystals. And shard shop currency. And guild currency.
    Hit the gym.
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    I am a new player (shard opened during the second week of January) and worked my butt off to get Vader. I played it smart, or so I believed, choosing to go with an empire team over pheonix. I had my vader to 5* almost 6*, and now anyone can do that. I gave up getting my ships up to 2* and higher due to it. I suppose in the long run of things at least I only spent $20 to get vader to 7*.
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    Welcome to the forums!
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I'm also pretty sure he shows up in crystal shipments I'm almost positive I bought some of his shards there when I was starring him up

    I do however agree that not all characters should be in these marquee events I miss them releasing characters that could be farmed right away the last one I think I remember was in the rogue one toons bohdi rook to be precise
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    Vader has never been in shipments for crystals, ONLY fleet arena shop and achievements. I would have known since I have become addicted to this game :P
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    Dagonsith wrote: »
    Not sure if this has been asked and answered or not but the description of the mythic event here states "Gather your Rebels and face Emperor Palpatine in this multi tiered Mythic event targeted at elder players. Succeed and earn rare rewards befitting a master of the Holotable." while the one in game in the news letter has "Gather your Rebels and face Emperor Palpatine OR JOIN FORCES WITH THE EMPORER AND CRUSH THE REBELLION in this multi tiered Mythic event targeted at elder players. Succeed and earn rare rewards befitting a master of the Holotable." Which of these is correct? Or maybe I'm confusing events?

    Mythic events have you fight both sides of the original event, so one part of the Mythic event is using Palpatine to fight the Rebels whilst another is using the Rebels like the original event but it being more difficult.
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    Haha die rebel scum! The empire will rise again... to be stomped by resistance... but still, die rebel scum
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    Vader's basic is supposed to hit significantly harder now, right?

    we wish

    Actually yeah it did, and so did his Culling Blade a little bit.
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    CG_Kozispoon -- is the 18th the correct date for the Palpatine Mythic? I thought they were supposed to run during the legendary?
    They normally run after/end of the associated legendary event so people have a chance to get the 7* legendary character to also be able to run it.

    Per cap
    You need to complete Tier 7 of the Legendary event for the Mythic to become visible

    another post cap said mythic's would run on weekends
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