Road Ahead 2/8/18 [MEGA]


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    Two quick ones:

    New sith raid - GOOD
    QOL update without removing the gear crunch, removing challenge gear from raid rewards and bronzium simming - BAD
  • JakeC
    149 posts Member
    Personally, I think the QoL update is great for what it is, sure it's not everything everyone wants, but these are some very useful things especially in the current game where people are spending longer on it than they ever have, and reducing that is brilliant!
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    I hope they add bronzium sim too.
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Gear (both crunch and raid) is not technically QoL, as defined here.
    I need a new message here.
  • Revancist
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Talking QoL, I'm very glad to see increased simming. Parts of the game that were enjoyable the first dozen times do become quite tedious after a while. GW is one. I can't tell you how many times I just do the single fight to get my daily quota and skip it until it's the daily challenge. (Injecting some more toons or ships into the shop for that currency would help to. I have all the toons and most of those ships at 7* and am sitting on thousands of GW tokens, which also goes to some of the other stale store tabs).

    The QoL I'd like to see at the moment is Bronzium multi-buys. 10x or more, please. It's already slow with the animations and while the shard shop improvements make the stock toons valuable again past 7*, its a PITA to spend the Ally points.
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    QoL without mod management, and a fix to the arena refresh **** as you clump to the max jump will be a bust in my book
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    JakeC wrote: »
    Personally, I think the QoL update is great for what it is, sure it's not everything everyone wants, but these are some very useful things especially in the current game where people are spending longer on it than they ever have, and reducing that is brilliant!
    Gotta love it when people wanna settle for less without ever challenging anything
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    Where is my Rancor Sim button?
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    Simmable GW is the BEST GW!

    A new raid is also very exiting

    In fact, all of the update is exiting.

    Are the updates out yet?!?
    Are the updates out yet?!?
    Are the updates out yet?!?
    Are the updates out yet?!?
    Are the updates out yet?!?
    Are the updates out yet?!?

    ... now? B)
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    I need a new message here.
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    FYI, last years Feb QOL was a two parter . One first week and one second week
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
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    One thing I've learnt about this game is no matter what they do, you'll never all be happy.

    They could sim bronziums, sort gear issues out make it drop more frequently etc but thing is part the challenge of gearing someone almost is the grind. Make it too easy and everyone's running round with maxed G12 everything and no one is different in anyway.

    Be happy they're doing anything. These updates In my opinion are quite substantial.

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    Thank you Devs for that announcement , I'm looking forward to see this raid yet to come
    You guys haven't forgotten KOTOR game and it sequel :smile:
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    Very excited about Sith Raid but nothing compares with GW SIM. That is probably gonna make me keep playing this game for a very long time.
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    Darth Jar Jar as rewards for the Heroic??? Hmmmmm
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    Personally tho, i'm a bit disappointed with the QoL changes..

    i expected.. more... something about the gear crunch, useless raid rewards, useless raid ranking system (lets face it, Competing against your guildies is BAD)

    I wonder who's going to be the character for the Heroic version... Thematically it would be Meetra Surik..

    But... REVAN?!?!
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    JKRevan wrote: »
    Personally tho, i'm a bit disappointed with the QoL changes..

    i expected.. more... something about the gear crunch, useless raid rewards, useless raid ranking system (lets face it, Competing against your guildies is BAD)

    These aren't QoL issues.
    I need a new message here.
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    I’m cool with all the goodies, but @CG_Kozispoon when are we getting the goodies?
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    I’m cool with all the goodies, but @CG_Kozispoon when are we getting the goodies?

    I need a new message here.
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    JKRevan wrote: »
    APX_919 wrote: »
    Wonder how each phase of the Sith Raid will play out? If done in the order of Kotor 2, it'll be DN in phase 2, Sion in phase 3 and Traya in phase 4. Perhaps Atris in phase 1?

    Interesting thing to consider. Atris would be great! But I am guessing you will have a go at Sith Marauder, Trooper and Assassin in phase one,

    How about, P1 Nihilus, P2 Sion, P3 Traya, P4 All three of them at once?

    Maybe they will be with them like P1 of the Rancor. Like Nihilus with a trooper, assassin, and marauder.
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    P1 Sith Pigmen.
    I need a new message here.
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    TyloRen wrote: »
    CG_Carrie wrote: »

    Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – The Road Ahead
    As we embark on a New Year, it’s time for us to talk again about some of the changes planned for the near-term future of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and what the Road Ahead looks like for the game. Here’s a peek at what’s to come.

    New Sith Raid

    We are extremely excited to announce that we are working on bringing you a brand-new raid experience. This new raid takes place in Star Wars: The Old Republic timeframe and allows players to take on the Sith Triumvirate of Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, and Darth Traya.
    The raid will come out with our upcoming Quality of Life update. Expect to see some more updates on what the content will look like – and please keep an eye on forum announcements for more details!

    Quality of Life Improvements
    We spend a lot of the year focused on new features, and while we are keenly interested in bringing new content and experiences to the players, we acknowledge the need to address opportunities to improve the existing game experience: finesse new features after they’re live and find time savings in older features so that players can spend their time where they choose.

    The upcoming Quality of Life update fulfills those objectives in a few ways:
    • Fix for the Raid Tickets display – In January we rolled out a partial fix that will be followed by a full fix to guilds that will serve as a time saver for officers and leaders in managing player activities.
    • Additional Simming – Time savings in routine activities were a big part of last year’s Quality of Life update, and this one is no different.
      • Galactic War is one of the largest player time sinks we’re looking to alleviate, but we don’t want to take away the experience entirely since it’s a place for people to experiment with their team makeup. After beating Galactic War a certain number of times, the entire Galactic War will be simmable for full rewards.
      • Multi-simming will also be brought to ship challenges (unrelated to progress on the capital ship events) to bring it in line with the daily challenges which already have multi-sim capabilities.
      • The Credit Heist and Training Droid events will now also be simmable.
    • Pre-Battle Text Search – On the squad select screen, players will now be able to bring up a filter that searches for any character name or tag. This will help ease the creation of squads without having to go in and out of the character inventory page.
    • Territory Wars Changes
      • Successful Defenses – For those of you wondering how well your defensive squads fared against your opponents, we will now be displaying the number of defenses that each squad has had, to help inform your future Territory Wars experiences.
      • Tie Breakers – While fewer than 2% of battles are currently ending in ties, we know that it disproportionately affects some of the higher GP guilds. Leveraging the successful defenses system, we are now introducing extra banners for beating a defensive squad the first time. This means that when two squads have a tie, the one that beat the other with the fewest losses, will win.
      • Increasing Defensive Squads for Top Guilds – As top Guilds have so many squads, the average of four defensive squads per players isn’t allowing them to fully demonstrate the strength of their rosters, is not challenging them, and can lead to ties. We’ve increased the number of defensive squads required per person at the top tier of play.
    • There are more fixes and improvements coming in the Quality of Life release, and those will be detailed more fully in the release notes.

    Wicket, Nightsisters, and the Character Release Cadence
    We recently made the following Character Shards available in Shipments. Going forward, you’ll also see them in more traditional farmable locations. These characters will also continue to appear as rewards in their respective recurring events.
    • Wicket
    • Mother Talzin
    • Nightsister Zombie
    • Nightsister Spirit
    After listening to feedback and collecting player data, it’s clear that our efforts to make the distribution of these faction-defining characters special - by having them farmable exclusively behind recurring events - has caused confusion on how Marquee characters are released. In the future, we will be working harder to preserve the integrity of the Character Release Cadence, by ensuring that characters released via Marquee events cycle through the game in a more standardized fashion, within clearly defined periods of time.

    Characters released via Territory Battles, Legendary events, Hero’s Journeys, and other special occasions will continue to have a more unique and challenging farming schedule.

    Thanks for helping us kick off another exciting year, and as always, we’ll see you on the holotables!


    The sith raid is awesome. I can’t wait to see the possible rewards for it in terms of characters. However PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NO CHALLENGE GEAR as rewards. For the love of all that is holy....but otherwise this looks amazing.

    As for the QoL there are some good and some that’s lacking....

    The Good:
    1.) Simming through GW and other modes to ease time sink. Very nice. However you missed the bronzonium sims which we’ve been asking for. That’s something that NEEDS to be added.

    2.) The attempt to fix ties of TW. I disagree with the 2% statement but that’s splitting a hair. It’ll make things more decisive on who to set for defense and offense. So thumbs up.

    The Bad:
    1.) As stated before there’s no bronzonium update. That’s something that needs to be added.

    2.) The cadence section is just a cut and paste from the update on 1/25....

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    How are those "Hardware Abilities" coming along?
  • Lekrom1982
    343 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Great update Devs!!

    Imagine getting the Ravager, a capital ship captained by Nihilus...
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    Increasing Defensive Squads for Top Guilds – As top Guilds have so many squads, the average of four defensive squads per players isn’t allowing them to fully demonstrate the strength of their rosters, is not challenging them, and can lead to ties. We’ve increased the number of defensive squads required per person at the top tier of play.

    That's a pretty big bomb to lay out with zero info on how it will effect guilds and matchmaking.

    Can you please dive a bit deeper into this?
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    The ONLY QOL Update that I want...

    Prevent me from refreshing my opponent list for 20 minutes just so that I can jump from 19 to 13 etc. Is the sole purpose of this to boost the statistics that are reported to investors for the average amount of time spent in game per day? Is it just there to make players mad every day?
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    No QoL update will be complete without the ability to move entire mod sets at once and a sliding selector for Arena opponents.
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    I'm hoping there's more coming in the release notes, but the QoL updates that were revealed were underwhelming at best, aggravating at worst. As a long time player, my QOL frustrations are tied to GEAR. The drop rates are terrible. Everything or everyone needs a dozen carbantis and/or stun guns. Rancor rewards are so broken at this point. We can all Solo it and can get stuck with 40th place rewards, which ends up being something useless like MK 4 carbantis. And let's not forget how much we love getting hold challenge gear as rewards in HAAT.

    We still have so much junk that's rewarded from challenges and not enough given of the things we need. Useful gear is put in the Guild Store but so is every other new toon to farm, so that's not helpful to us at all. Meanwhile, cantina, PVP and galactic war stores sit collecting dust without character updates in nearly a year.

    I hope there's more coming but right now it just looks like another raid was tossed on top of an ever increasing time demand in the game. Thank you.

    Yo what more could you want? They're not going to hand you gear12, 7* players on a platter. You have to work for it. That's the name of the game, my friend!
    Party on @CG_Kozispoon !!! Really looking forward to this.
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    It would be a shame if a QoL update included a mod management system.
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    I need a new message here.
This discussion has been closed.