[Feedback] JTR back w/ BB8 [MERGE]

17 posts Member
edited March 2018
Unbelievable.. CG produce arguably (no arguments) the best mobile game I've ever played. They play on my pure love for the franchise and then ruin it these past couple of months.
Introducing a raid which is, realistically, still in its beta stage and way too hard for 95% of the guilds in this game to realistically complete. The only real way to have any chance is to have a couple of JTR teams who can use their expose mechanics to help the rest of the guild through.
Nerf expose.. A brilliant mechanic who players have spent (now wasted) time and resources on, which makes the raid even more difficult.. So, how do the devs change this? Just drop a legendary character who will have only been around for 3 months as of the start of the event? This goes against all previous cadences of legendary characters ie. Thrawn and CLS (who reigned in the arena for a good 6 months prior to returning), which people based their farming of required toons off of.
This announcement will annoy A LOT more people than it will please.
The only way to fix your broken raid is to drop a character who is the only capable one of beating it, and who is also needed in high numbers to do so. Way to sweep the mess under the carpet!
Post edited by CG_RyDiggs on


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    For those of us who missed both BB8 (7*) and JTR on the first pass are eagerly awaiting their return, busily farming away the needed toons!

    All speculation pointed to BB8 being this week Feb 15-20 however it looks like the Sith stole the coveted open event spot. So, what is the new prediction for both the return of BB8 and JTR? Should we be expecting BB8 in March and rumoured return of JTR again in April?

    I know speculation is speculative, however it’s nice to have an educated guess!
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    JTR just came out. It took CLS forever to come back. We probably won’t see JTR until summer.
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    JTR just came out. It took CLS forever to come back. We probably won’t see JTR until summer.

    CLS first came in what August? Then December?
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    JTR just came out. It took CLS forever to come back. We probably won’t see JTR until summer.
    JTR was 62 days ago according to https://swgohevents.com.

    I’ve never used this website before but it’d be interesting to see if this site is accurate to use as a rough guide?
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    Op- it’s usually around 4-5 months. I expect JTR to come back in April. So BB8 probably a little before that.
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    I really think it will be on May 4th Star Wars Day
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    I'm fine if they take a while. I've got a lot of farming to do to be able to do BB-8, and even more for JTR (at least I got 7* SR from the Google Play promo).
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    pwnthenubs wrote: »
    JTR just came out. It took CLS forever to come back. We probably won’t see JTR until summer.
    JTR was 62 days ago according to https://swgohevents.com.

    I’ve never used this website before but it’d be interesting to see if this site is accurate to use as a rough guide?

    It doesn't have a great track record.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    I Hope BB-8 comes back in MARCH, as me and some guild mates are still finishing farming F.O.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    It's coming in Smarch. Book it.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    BB8 is probably coming back end of this month/beginning of March. Would follow the rest of the legendary event cadences.

    JTR is another story but probably in May if she follows CLS cadence. Another BB8 event right before hers starts.
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    I would take a guess that the BB-8 event may show up when episode VIII is realesed for download stream and blue Ray. Just a guess but the other event was right as the release of the movie . So hopeing all my First Order Tie pilot 6* , Phasma 7*, FO officer 6 * , FO StormTrooper 6 * & my zylo. hoping that I have the three 6* toons all done so I can get him all *'ed and start getting ready for.Jedi Tranning Rey. Man if mom and dad never taught one any patience and to enjoy what you get and like it vs now and I want what I want this game would be murder. Happy gaming and toon collecting every BuDDiezzzzzz .....!!!
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    Questions is which will come first, fixing the JTR/BB8 turnmeter bug that makes them OP, or their next event . I wish I knew so I could decide to farm the requirements or not
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
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    Farm now or be late again.
    Time will not be enough then.
    My idea: March 14 - just in time for the release of Last Jedi BluRay
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    I think I need one more week (if I get lucky) to put 7* on my ST...


    Farming him twice a day on all 3 nodes, refreshing them once a day.

    Please EA, wait till March to bring BB-8 back.
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    Looks like definitely waiting til at least March, that's good for me cause I still need 32 more to get FO Stormtrooper to 7*. Should have phasma at g11, Kylo at g10 (zeta if needed), and the rest at g9, hopefully that's enough.
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    I honestly think we're going to get R2D2 event before bb-8 cuz I think we're going to get the Luke Skywalker hero's journey first this year
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    Keep watching the event calendar like a hawk
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    The calendar that only shows some events? And not the big ones?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    The calendar that only shows some events? And not the big ones?

    Element of surprise!
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    TVF wrote: »
    The calendar that only shows some events? And not the big ones?

    Element of surprise!

    Panic Farming is the key to sell packs. lol

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    Element of surprise!

    Noooooo one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! Our Chief element is surprise! Surprise...and fear! Oh, wait, that’s two..
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    Finished my FO Stormtrooper g9, FO TFP g9, FO Officer g10, Kylo g10 (zeta if needed), and Phasma g11. Let's bring on BB8! Hopefully will be soon
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    Have Phasma and Kylo at gear9 and FO Officer, stormtrooper and Tie FIghter Pilot at gear8.

    Now to wait for BB8.
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    I see a lot of people struggling with FOST. Honestly farm Kylo Unmasked it's a lot easier and he is much better in the long run.
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    I'm not ready, if it comes back, soon, I'll cry. I may even have to lead a march to CG's and demand free stuff. Oh wait I forgot, I'm ready. Never mind
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    I see a lot of people struggling with FOST. Honestly farm Kylo Unmasked it's a lot easier and he is much better in the long run.

    Agreed. I've had FOST 7* for a month or so now. I'm almost (need 55 shards) done with KRU, definitely easier.

    In a pure speculation, I'd guess 13-ish march for bb8. Lines up with TLJ release.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    They will probably release her right after their data shows that many top end guilds have just finished re-shuffling membership to guarantee 50 JTRey teams for the new raid.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • DeeOhGee
    118 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    They will probably release her right after their data shows that many top end guilds have just finished re-shuffling membership to guarantee 50 JTRey teams for the new raid.

    That sounds about right...lol
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    I'm not ready, if it comes back, soon, I'll cry. I may even have to lead a march to CG's and demand free stuff. Oh wait I forgot, I'm ready. Never mind

    same here. lmao
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