Version Update 2/28/18 QoL + Sith Raid + Characters [MEGA]


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    @CG_RyDiggs Here is your gif.

    This is what "Soon" does to everybody who's tilted and impatient haha. :smiley:

    Be real guys, it's a huge update. As a Developer not everything goes to plan especially if your OCD to make an update like this as perfect as possible. We've got plenty of content from the game changers to hold us over.

    Just think about it,when it does come out, it will look amazing and well worth the wait. Even if it still might have a couple of bugs.

    Not to speak in behalf of CG. Anyhow meanwhile hang out in the strategy section, watch the videos from the gamechangers over and over to think about how your going to use this new update to conquer the holotable.

  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    edited March 2018
    @CG_RyDiggs Since it seems like you happen to be answering questions, care to tell us where kozi seems to have fluttered off too?

    We have her, she is safe..... ;)

    We have strong support team while she is away and posts keep coming from our community team mods, Rydiggs, and Leviathion, and others :) - everyone feels it and you can make fun of it, but soon is soon and hopefully we can keep some patience but excitement for sith is strong in us all!!
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    TVF wrote: »
    So the person that said here that she is moving (per her twitter feed) is incorrect?

    Not really our business I suppose but if she did indeed post that on her twitter feed it would be best to just admit it so we can all move on.

    And on the flip side it would be good to quash that rumor immediately if not true.

    To follow up on that...
    ...NO ONE IS TELLING US KITTEN! Like, where is Kozi?

    Kozi’s twitter said she’s moving to Washington.

    Would be nice to know if we're being trolled or not.
    I need a new message here.
  • lovemat
    270 posts Member
    I say for every day of delay we should get 10 extra shards of Darth Sion. Maybe not, this way we would 7* him before Marquee Event... :p

    And 2 zetas per day too
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    When do you plan to release the Sith Trooper rework? I thought it was part of the update but it wasn't. These preview and secret things... We just don't need it at all.
    1) believe it or not secret isn't secret for everyone after you show early view to YouTubers on previews.
    2) how bad it is? Preview on a preview? What if you just release?

    Many of us paid a lot. So I think we can expect way better communication from you. I understand you like these cloudy information like a quote, then a preview.... But we, the players, the customer, we need only information. Information looks like:
    Next update live date DD.MM.YYYY.

    And here is what you provide to the community:
    There will be something.... Be aware....
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    egtrip wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    HyperCalm1 wrote: »
    There's that word again... soon

    I didn't say soon.
    I didn't say very soon.
    I didn't say SOON.
    I said VERY SOON. ;)

    But certainly not tonight :(

    Clarification: Sith Triumvirate Raid release:
    Hello Heroes,
    It has been a great week of version updating and releases and we've enjoyed the excitement. There is still more to come, however we have no more releases planned for tonight.
    Please know we plan to release the Sith Triumvirate Raid VERY SOON.

    @CG_RyDiggs , @CG_Leviathan

    I am writing to discuss the word "SOON" in the hope to help players define a time frame or set expectations.
    "SOON" is an adverb with 2 widely accepted definitions for common usage in the English language -
    1. in or after a short time.
    2. used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.

    here, I will not attempt to tackle the implications of global linguistics and translations regarding how a person approaches time from culture to culture, language to language. Most Asian languages do not have the idea of "SOON" you can not translate or convey this vague sense of time.

    as per your language in the post, subject to change

    Clarification: The Word "SOON"

    if using the terms definition 1. in or after a short time
    we should define what a short time is and why the terms time frame could be confusing some of the readers
    when discussing the universe "SOON" can be 100 million years, estimates for the age of the universe are 13.772 billion years.
    in terms of the House Fly "SOON" can be used for hours, their life span is about 28 days.
    can we define what a short time is?

    if using the terms definition 2. one's preference
    can we define who's preference we are subject too?

    last thought if a manager told an employee, "you will be paid soon" as an employee, I would find that unacceptable, but that may open the door to what is acceptable or best business practices that can range from industry to industry, so maybe that is not a good example ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I think we will have to agree to disagree on the premise that Capital Games, building content in a live game month over month is not comparable to an Employer and Employee relationship, as far as I understand them in the United States. ;)

    That said, live games are adventurous. We work VERY hard to meet and exceed expectations when ever we can! :)

    We are learning how we can meet the expectation of communication and still deliver on temporal commitments.

    There is a balance and dialog our community has been and will be continuing to develop. Thanks for being a part of that continued growth!


    EDIT: Smiles added to indicate levity!

    @CG_RyDiggs but where is the info on the raid and marquee events? That’s where the majority of the backlash is coming from
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    edited March 2018
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    @ShaolinPunk or @Vampire_X feel like taking a stab at fun troll meme?

    Han always deilvers.

    EDIT: oh you said meme.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    So the person that said here that she is moving (per her twitter feed) is incorrect?

    Not really our business I suppose but if she did indeed post that on her twitter feed it would be best to just admit it so we can all move on.

    And on the flip side it would be good to quash that rumor immediately if not true.

    To follow up on that...
    ...NO ONE IS TELLING US KITTEN! Like, where is Kozi?

    Kozi’s twitter said she’s moving to Washington.

    Would be nice to know if we're being trolled or not.

    For better or worse, I'm today. Kozi is on PTO. That's all you need to know.

    Back to the update!

    No news to report yet.
    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
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    Sad panda..
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    So the person that said here that she is moving (per her twitter feed) is incorrect?

    Not really our business I suppose but if she did indeed post that on her twitter feed it would be best to just admit it so we can all move on.

    And on the flip side it would be good to quash that rumor immediately if not true.

    To follow up on that...
    ...NO ONE IS TELLING US KITTEN! Like, where is Kozi?

    Kozi’s twitter said she’s moving to Washington.

    Would be nice to know if we're being trolled or not.

    For better or worse, I'm today. Kozi is on PTO. That's all you need to know.

    Lol...move to Washington confirmed then.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    So the person that said here that she is moving (per her twitter feed) is incorrect?

    Not really our business I suppose but if she did indeed post that on her twitter feed it would be best to just admit it so we can all move on.

    And on the flip side it would be good to quash that rumor immediately if not true.

    To follow up on that...
    ...NO ONE IS TELLING US KITTEN! Like, where is Kozi?

    Kozi’s twitter said she’s moving to Washington.

    Would be nice to know if we're being trolled or not.

    For better or worse, I'm today. Kozi is on PTO. That's all you need to know.

    Lol...move to Washington confirmed then.

    Seriously guys this is off topic and none of our business. Let’s just leave well enough alone.
    Ally Code: 357-613-281
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I agree it's none of our business, unless it's true that she posted it on Twitter for anyone to see. That's why I suggested it would be best to address it head on, either way.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    I agree it's none of our business, unless it's true that she posted it on Twitter for anyone to see. That's why I suggested it would be best to address it head on, either way.

    Whether it's posted on Twitter or not, it's not at all relevant to this game. Her life is her business, and Twitter post or not, it's not our place to sit here and talk about it, especially when she's not on the boards.
    Go Pens!
  • Haruk
    108 posts Member
    Can I ask why it matters what Kozi is up to/where she is?

    Ya'll do this to employees of McDonalds? Or Walmart? Like, walk in one day, and see your favorite manager isn't there, and then badger other employees about where they are/what they are doing?

    Kozi is on PTO. Whether that means she's moving, or sick leave, or vacation, or whatever, who cares??

  • Ambassador
    1653 posts Member
    For me, PTO stands for Pacific Theater of Operations. But then again, it may be the WWII-history buff in me speaking...
  • Darth_Helios
    175 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Ugh I'm sorry, I derailed this topic by talking about kozi. Lets just move on and get back on topic :)
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    It only matters insofar as she's been great at communication and the communication in her absence has been less than great (although better today, admittedly). So what would happen to the communication if she's gone?

    Be reminded that I was not the one that posted the information here. I just asked for clarification. If she posted it on Twitter, she should expect people to comment on it. If she didn't, then another dev should say so and that would be the end of it.
    I need a new message here.
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    Back on topic however, I do appreciate the announcement that the raid release was delayed. While I do wish it was able to come sooner, I would much rather have complete content that’s delayed rather than bugged content sent out early. I would appreciate it if there were any more information on the release (whether it was further delayed or an estimate on release) but I sure hope we can all agree that we are very excited for the upcoming content and appreciate your time spent to bring us the raid and take time out of your day to update us on the status. @CG_RyDiggs @CG_Kozispoon @CG_Leviathan thank you for that!
    Ally Code: 357-613-281
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    Ambassador wrote: »
    For me, PTO stands for Pacific Theater of Operations. But then again, it may be the WWII-history buff in me speaking...

    It’s personal time off. Let’s get back on topic, shall we?
    Ally Code: 357-613-281
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    B> Toggle on/off for the new rearrange
    Ambassador wrote: »
    For me, PTO stands for Pacific Theater of Operations. But then again, it may be the WWII-history buff in me speaking...

    It’s personal time off. Let’s get back on topic, shall we?

  • Options
    Back on topic however, I do appreciate the announcement that the raid release was delayed. While I do wish it was able to come sooner, I would much rather have complete content that’s delayed rather than bugged content sent out early. I would appreciate it if there were any more information on the release (whether it was further delayed or an estimate on release) but I sure hope we can all agree that we are very excited for the upcoming content and appreciate your time spent to bring us the raid and take time out of your day to update us on the status. @CG_RyDiggs @CG_Kozispoon @CG_Leviathan thank you for that!

    I second this. Early bugged content is awful. Much rather have full content later. Besides, if you've seen the gamechanger footage, there were bugs in the footage. What we've seen, Traya and Sion have very unique kits that do loads of new things and the new raid has a ton of new things that we haven't had before. Programming isn't easy, mainly because bugs pop up everywhere and it is very time consuming to smoke them out. Anyway we look at it, the content will be out when they deem fit, and I'm extremely excited for it!
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    Ohh what's that?

    update notes??? :)
    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Ohh what's that?

    update notes??? :)

    Huh? What's that? UFO? A Yeti? Where?
  • Haruk
    108 posts Member

  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    "Droid: Fixed issue where K-2SO and R2-D2 were sometimes stuck in the running man/smoke screen animation."

    Bring it back.


    So much for that fix @CG_RyDiggs @CG_Leviathan @CG_Kozispoon
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    Just simmed my first GW and I received 3 total char shards. Usually get that much on the last node alone. Anyone else’s rewards seem off or is this just dumb luck?
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    Just simmed my first GW and I received 3 total char shards. Usually get that much on the last node alone. Anyone else’s rewards seem off or is this just dumb luck?

    I've had 4 shards twice and the rest have been 5 from my 2 accounts
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    It's probably just rng because I've had days where I've only gotten shards on the last node and none on the others. I personally got 5 or 6 shards from my sim last night.
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