Active Guilds Looking For Players - March 2018 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***


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    Guild : N E 1 Welcome

    As the guild title, anyone is welcome to join our small guild, we have 4 regular players over lvl 84.

    We are looking to recruit players who will contribute to daily activities, we welcome lower lvl players so we can help you lvl up quickly by doing lower lvl rancor.

    Not using any other chat apps just the guild chat, no demands just active players who want to progress at their pace or get help from the higher lvl players by request.

    Guild reset is 5.30pm UTC

    come join us by sending ally request to me - 471-413-535 or nobby - 114-226-398 and we will guild invite you or join direct by using the guild search.

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    We are Aunt Beru's BBQ Hut!!!

    It's rare we have an opening because we do not have much turnover. But we have one space available.
    We are looking for 2 million GP (or close to it) 600 daily energy. We rotate raids +6hrs after each, 24hr 0pt participation hit. We get 35 stars on TB, and have only lost 3 TWs.

    We are a laid back group, we truly are family because a lot of us have been gaming together for years. We have the experience in getting things done, we work well together and we just have FUN first! We use group me chat app, so come talk to us and see if we are the right fit for you.

    Click here to join:
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    Sith Happened is part of a family of three guilds. At the moment we have over 135 million GP, we do Heroic AAT, Heroic Rancor, and are highly organized and efficient in both Territory Battles and Territory Wars. We offer both stability and camaraderie and foster a light-hearted atmosphere in chat. This makes it possible for us to provide feedback to all of our players and helps all our members stay on top of their game and get better rewards consistently.

    Those wishing to apply in our elite competitive guild check the requirements and send us a message via the LINE app. Average member GP is above 2 million.

    Recruitment Information
    Contact: DarkLordCarnage | LINE: 7878999009

    Raid Schedule: 8 p.m. EST Weekdays; 4 p.m. EST Weekends

    Check us out at
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    About us:
    119 million GP, 12-2-1 TW record, 29.5k tix daily, with a US reset time, and raid times accommodating people from around the world. We are a chatty fun group, mix of F2p, dolphins, and whales. Some of us rank 1 in arena daily.

    We are the top guild in our alliance and have a more casual sister guild Incase you ever need to take some time away from the game

    Good sense of humor
    600 tickets daily
    Preference for high gp, high arena ranked players but not necessarily required.
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    K9 The Dog Pound is doing Herioc Raids!
    We are accepting all levels. Do as much as you can. Only 15 members so you are guaranteed top 20 rewards in the herioc raids.
    Come join K9 The Dog Pound. Search us in the game!
  • Astarael
    4 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    THE REVENGE SQUAD is recruiting, we are a very dedicated and active guild that is working to grow together to fulfill our guildwide quest for vengeance.

    Where we’re at:
    • 48/50 members
    • 34.72 mil gp
    • Heroic Pit farm and AAT normal 2x/week
    • 15 stars TB
    • Guild reset 6pm CST
    • Discord server (highly encouraged)
    • Good mix of strong vets and young guns

    People we like:
    • Friendly and passionate about Star Wars
    • Active in TW and TB once level 65
    • 450 raid tickets per day
    • Strategists

    Guild Rules:
    • Zero damage / 24 hour rule for Pit and AAT
    • Sith raid rules TBD
    • 3 days of inactivity…and you’ll be sorry…you’ll be dead!
    • Prioritize revenge

    Contact: Astarael or Matsumike for further info (Astarael – 718-514-273 or DM through forums, Matsumike – 512-973-449 or DM through forums)
    Discord: Astarael#7223 and matsumike#8256 or join our server at
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    Holy Wars Jedha's Revolt 93m GP (48/50) 2 openings
    Forum name Pyrothraxus: Recruiter,Leader
    Discord Recruitment Server:
    Eastern Reset Time 6:30 p.m. (GMT -5)
    HAAT , HPIT SITH T5 raids / raiding 5-6 times a week
    LS-TB 37*, DS-TB 35* when @ 50/50 members
    Requirements: 600 Tickets a day/Discord/swgoh .gg
    Minimum player level 85 / min 1.5 GP. Rolo Ready, IPD Ready or in work.
    Standard raid rules Zero 24hr period/Free For all following day 9 p.m. eastern.
    join in the recruitment server and discuss the openings
    We have 3 guilds Revolt is the top of them.
    Looking to fill the 2 spots prior to the DS TB
    Thank you
    Holy Wars Alliance Leader
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    Krath Council is a 85+ million GP Guild and are currently looking to add a few more daily active level 85 Players to Our Awesome Guild to help Us in gaining a higher Star count in Territory Battles, Dominating in Territory Wars and growing together as a Guild. *Currently We are running Heroic T7 Pit and T7 HAAT (Pit at least 3 times a week and HAAT twice) and complete them both within 10 min. to an hour and a half or so. We are also pulling in 90+ ROLO shards and 6 IPD but will defintley get more IPD next time* As a Guild, We actively talk in game & on Discord, share Our resources and have lots of relevant game tips & strategies and many of Our Guild Members are top 50 players in both Arena & Fleet. *We are US/PST based and are a fun & professionally run guild with lots of consistency and overall guild fairness. There is never a need to guess when a raid will start because everything is scheduled in advance.
    *If you're interested in joining Our Guild, just make sure you are NOT a member of another Guild, when you hit me up. If you are in another Guild, I will not accept your friend request. SWGOH: 531-213-125
    Got questions first? No problem, you can hit Me up on Discord: ProCapper#9268
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    Green Pheonix Squadron, a friendly Australian and doing HPit, HAAT and Sith (Tier 4), guild looking for 12 active players. Most of our members are in Australia though we do have a handful from overseas.

    Our guild stats:
    • GP 59M with 38 members.
    • TB (dark and light) earns ~25 stars.
    • HPit: 3-4 times a week, 24 hours no damage rule applies.
    • HAAT: 2-3 times a week.
    • Sith raid: Tier 4, generally finishes in 3.5 days.
    • Guild reset time: 9:30pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time (GMT + 10).

    Our raids usually start in evenings Sydney time.

    What we expect of you:
    • Discord is compulsory.
    • TB/TW participation compulsory (within reason).
    • GP > 1m but negotiable depending on your toons/teams.
    • No toon or farming requirements.

    If you're interested please contact me on discord: daFreq#2775.
    daFreq of Green Pheonix Squadron, contact me on discord daFreq#2775
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    DSMC DeathStarMaintenanceCrew is looking for 2 members to replace a few that had to quit the game. Currently 94 million GP. Super friendly and fun group dedicated to supporting each other. Only real requirement is Discord, following raid rules, and do your best to get 600 tickets a day.

    Interested? Please message me here
    Or on discord: Mayishka#1765
    Look forward to working with you!
    151 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Revenants Empire

    Our guild is now at 33 members at 44GP. East Coast USA time

    We partner with Jice(103GP) which powers our HAAT raids. 24 hour zero damage rules apply.

    Seeking: to have another guild merge into ours.

    If interested message me.
    Post edited by SITHOCCHIO on
  • Godrah
    28 posts Member
    Siths R' Us 70 Mil GP

    Godrah, EllisMcPickle6930, Consular Tromedlov (Discord:EllisMcPickle#6930, godrah#6879 and DrakenKorin#1351)

    Reset Time: 6:00pm EST

    HPIT 3x a week, HAAT 2x 24hr 0 Damage Rule, Sith Raid T4
    TB 23*

    Player must be min 1.5 GP and have RJT (or RJT Ready), CLS and be on

    English speaking casual guild looking for a few competitive players to help strengthen our guild and have fun. Must be active daily as well as active in TB and TW.
  • DarthMGM
    3 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Spanish speaking guild looking for active members.


    Heroic Pit as regular, intending HAAT

    Looking for new members and/or guild merge
  • AceCV
    999 posts Member
    RULE OF FIFTY - 128m GP Independent Guild

    We are a U.K. (GMT/UTC +0) time based guild, independent, created since the inception of guilds, with members from all over the world (mainly from europe), a friendly environment and some competitive standards that all members must put an effort to accomplish.

    Our raids normally begin at 20:00 UK (with exception of SITH Raid that starts when we finish the one before - tier 6.).

    About Rancor raid, we do heroic tier (T7) 3 to 4 times/week.
    About AAT raid, we do HEROIC tier 2 times/week.

    In both raids the rules are to put only 0 damage until "damage release time" (20:00 UK of the day after launch) and then is FFA. These restriction exist to allow all players to have a good chance of getting reward.

    Whoever breaks raid rules (even by mistake) is warned. If someone does it again, he/she will be suspended for 2 raids (which can be replaced for x donations in y days).

    SITH RAID, for now, is completely FFA.

    TB INFO:
    We made 41 stars in LS TB (near 42) and 40 stars in DS TB (near 41/42).
    We have commitment rules for TBs (not performance, just commitment).

    TW INFO:
    We have 9 wins so far.

    We are organized in LINE app chat rooms.

    The minimum requirements for joining us are:
    • LINE app - We use LINE for important messages, guild chat, strategy and raid discussion.
    • Spend at least 600 energy/day (exception made to real life stuff like holidays, etc.).
    • Level 85 - with values arround 2.5M GP or higher.
    • Average top 100 in arena.
    • Respect all members of the guild and the raid rules. A good roster isn't enough, we want good team spirit.

    What we have to offer:
    • Friendly, mature and fair environment.
    • Good organization and communication.
    • Sharing of game information and experiences.

    If you are interested in joining us please post here or send a PM to “AceCV” (in forum) or using LINE app (LINE id = acecv) and I'll get back to you.

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    39⭐️ Galactic Security (GP 105M)

    Looking for 2M+ players to bolster our roster for more ⭐️s in territory battles and deepen our territory wars arsenal!

    Guild Reset 9:30 pm Eastern
    Raid start times: 8:30 pm Eastern.
    24 hour zero damage rule for raids.

    Requirements for acceptance:

    * Top 100 Arena

    * Min Galactic Power 2 million

    * JTR and CLS unlocked, 5⭐️+ Hoth Rebel brothers, ROLO, CHOLO, Gen V and Col Starck preferred

    * Discord and mandatory

    PM me on discord with any questions at:
    Mol Eli NP#8173

    Thanks for checking us out!
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    Fetts Funks is a competitive, fun, independent guild looking for a few members. We currently have a strong foundation with 35 members and a guild GP around 40,000,000. We want to get better and help others do the same. We expect all members to contribute, but we also understand this is a free game that’s designed to be fun.

    Guild reset- 7:30 PM EST

    What we do-
    Pit Raid- Heroic
    Normal AAT- Farming for HAAT
    Sith Raid- Tier 3
    Territory Battles- 15 stars
    Territory Wars- 9-5 Record

    What we expect-
    450 Daily Raid Tickets (600 preferred- more raids, more loot, faster growth)
    Participation in Raids, Territory Wars, and Territory Battles
    Join and be a part of our Discord server (fastest, easiest way to communicate)
    1,000,000 Minimum GP to join (if you’re below and you want in, contact me and we’ll talk)

    We want to be a guild that works for our members. We don’t want to demand your time, but we do want members to play for each other. You can find us in game at Fetts Funks. You can also reach me on Discord at StakillerStevo#7805 or in game at 221-729-347.
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    Welcome to Special Forces, we are a North American guild with a reset of 8:30 EST /5:30PST.

    Last round of TB's we made 33 stars. Currently doing both heroic raids with ease. New raid running tier 5 atm. completed tier 6 but was maxing out tickets.
    Territory War Record 8-5-1

    Guild requirements:

    -"Line" app ready, you must be a member to our announcement room, our chat room is optional.

    Daily guild activity minimums:
    - do your dailies
    - mimimum 400 guild coins each day. aim for 600
    - we do know real life comes first. we don't boot for missing minimums if logging daily

    Instructions for each raid are posted in line app.
    Both raids have a 24 hr. zero damage period.

    Raids start 8:30EST/5:30 PST

    Infractions are dealt with on case by case basis but generally 3 strikes and u are out.

    1.5 million GP minimum
    Team player
    Have line app
    Want to have some fun and progress as a group.

    Contact lady Jedi on line app (user ladyjedi13) for details and invite.

    For a snapshot of guild see below. We are at 96 mil GP total

    We have room for up to 1 new member. A bit of house cleaning is underway.
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    Kanjiklub X is currently recruiting!!! (Really Active Guild)

    Hi all!
    Just to let you know that we are currently recruiting top players. We are a really active guild.
    We offer more than 4 raids per week, sinergy among players, great environment, diverse group.
    Really few rules to follow. We are able to finish heroic rancor raid in 20 minutes and normal tank in less than 1 day.We're trying to achieve heroic tank raid. And of course, the new hardcore sith raid.
    Minimum GP required: 1,000,000.
    Current Total GP 48 million, 43 players.
    If your interested add me on the game... my user name is Darth Robja and my Ally number is 549-568-892.
    Or look for us in Facebook Group (Kanjiklub X).
    Looking forward to raid together. May the force be with you! :smiley:
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    Sephjet's Squad has one space open!

    We are looking for one player to fill our last roster spot.

    About us:

    EST based guild (activities reset at 5:30 p.m. Eastern).

    62 million GP.

    We run Haat twice a week and HPit three times a week,with 24 hour zero damage periods on each. Everyone is guaranteed rewards! Currently on level 5 Sith Raid.

    25-6 stars TB, and farming ROLO and Probe Droid shards.

    14-2 in Territory War, with well orchestrated tactics, and great communication among guild members.

    We are a well organised, very active guild, looking to make progress in all guild activities. Our Discord is lively, and fun, with lots of support, advice, tomfoolery and random chatter.

    If you want to join our friendly group, we require that you:

    Have at least 1million GP.
    Join our Discord.
    Make at least 300 raid tickets a day.
    Adhere to our raid rules.
    Make a minimum contribution to TB (even if just deploying squads).

    If you're interested, reply to this message, or drop into our Discord at

    Check out our official Twitter page @sephjets.

    We look forward to hearing from you!
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    Active guild looking for active players. Currently we have 29 active members. We are looking for players that are level 80 or above but will take anyone that is lowered than that. We currently run heroic raids If you want to earn han solo shards and kenobi shards come join. All we ask is you be able to get at least 500 raid tickets per day. We are a friendly guild that likes to have fun and take the most out of this game. We would love to have you and if you have anyone that would like to join with that is awesome bring them along. My ally code to find me is 537-175-848 or you can message me on discord at Commander Cody#7992 I hope to see in the guild soon.....
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    Guild PREA Assado
    37 membros
    52 milhões de GP
    Procuramos membros com 1 milhão de pg
    Fosso e HAAT heróicos, fosso com dano zero hora marcada pra bater e fazemos um fosso geral e um fosso apenas para quem não tem o han solo 7*, para que completem ele mais rápido
    Batalha e guerra de território com acompanhamento intenso dos oficiais para que todos da guild joguem, contamos com um sistema de análise baseado no poder de cada membro, onde registramos o desempenho individual de cada um e demonstramos para a guild completa como cada um está se saindo.
    Grupo de whats para discussões gerais, grupo de avisos para que as msgs doa oficiais não se percam no meio das conversas
    Todos são amigos e se cobram para um melhor desempenho geral, por isso fizemos uma revitalização e estamos com todos os membros 100% empenhados em crescer
  • BronChalco
    1 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Veteran Slayerz is recruiting active daily players, level 65+!

    Veteran Slayerz is a growing guild of formerly casual players who have become more invested in completing high level content that our purely casual parent guild doesn't want to focus on. We're looking for active daily players able to meet the threshold for Territory Wars and Territory Battles, and an interest in building teams to run heroic raids (only).

    We have been regularly doing hPit weekly and nAAT slightly less frequently in our parent guild, and will soon be running weekly hPit and hAAT and building towards completing the Sith raid. All we ask from you are 600 tickets daily and participation in raids and territory events (but we understand that life comes first).

    PM me here or contact me on Discord (at BronChalco#9063) to join! Also, if you're not level 65 yet or don't think you can play daily, contact me and I'll put you in touch with someone who can invite you to Kasual Slayerz, our casual guild, with an always-open option to transfer to Veteran Slayerz.
    Post edited by BronChalco on
  • Fornstar
    10 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    HI everyone
    We are the “Frozen in Carbonite” Family of Guilds (FiC)

    We are currenlty recruiting for our newest guild “Chilled in Carbonite” its a start up with 34 members Currently ranging from 1.8M GP-3M gp avg per player in this guild.
    Guild can already clear T7 Rancor and HAAT. we are in need of 16 more members to finish this guild hopefully by tomorrows start of DS TB. so if your looking for a great Comunnity to game in with a chance at moving into our higher powered guild that earn’s 41*'s in LS TB's 100 Rolo shards (50x2),,40*’s in DS TB 28 IPD shards. as
    we are casual in "Chilled in Carbonite" we ask you “try” to earn 600 daily and participate in TB and TW and new Sith raid and be able to follow simple Instructions,,,,, we are the FiC family of guilds.
    I do the families recruiting if your interested info get back to me on Discord, Line or on here.

    Discord is Fornstar#8830
    Line is fornstar
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    SPC Rebel One is currently looking to fill 2 slots in our friendly and active guild. We are at 94mil GP 37LS TB stars and 35DS TB stars. Any applicants not in immediate consideration could be referred to another guild in the SPC Alliance as well.
    Guild Rules :
    Must have at least 1.8mil GP
    Must have CHS and HRS twins 5⭐
    Must have CLS 7⭐
    600 Tickets Req'd
    HPIT 3-4 a week 24h 0 dmg then ffa
    HAAT 2-3 a week 24h 0 dmg then ffa
    Raid times are 9pm EST
    Payout is at 730 EST
    Participation in Territory Battle and Territory War is a must and active listening for TB/TW on discord.
    All applicants must provide SWGOH profile and you will get a response ASAP.
    You must use discord, server info here
    Discord: Grymsted {GO RO}#6044 Feel free to PM me on discord
    Ally code: 341-236-679
  • Pyrothraxus
    33 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Holy Wars Jedha's Revolt 92m GP (48/50) 4 openings
    Forum name Pyrothraxus: Recruiter,Leader
    Discord Recruitment Server:
    or pm me Discord Pyrothraxus#0572
    Eastern Reset Time 7:30 p.m. (GMT -4)
    HAAT , HPIT SITH T5 raids / raiding 5-6 times a week
    LS-TB 37*, DS-TB 35* when @ 50/50 members
    Requirements: 600 Tickets a day/Discord/swgoh .gg
    Minimum player level 85 / min 1.5 GP. Rolo Ready, IPD Ready or in work.
    Standard raid rules Zero 24hr period/Free For all following day 9 p.m. eastern.
    join in the recruitment server and discuss the openings
    We have 3 guilds Revolt is the top of them.
    Looking to fill the 4 spots prior to the DS TB
    Thank you
    Holy Wars Alliance Leader
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    Celtic Rage ( 28M GP 38/50
    Minimum Level: 80
    Reset Time: 1am EST
    Contact: join the discord and wait the 5min to post in #cantina or shoot me a PM @ Zidane#3045
    We would like everyone to use discord since it's much easier to chat on but it isn't required. Just high encouraged...

    Raids: weekly HPit (24hr/0 damage) & Regular Pit (very likely to change to 2x HPit with better players) and a T6 AAT until we get enough for HAAT.
    Raids Time: 7pm EST (-5 GMT?)

    Territory Wars: won every one we've been in except one. Need more players so we can actually participate again and kick in actives & rule breakers.
    Territory Battles: average 11-15 stars with current roster. Would definitely like to get more.

    The only thing we require is notice if you're going to be gone a few days or if you get busy and can't participate as much. And of course 24hr/0 damage on HPit
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    We're a friendly and active Heroic level guild and have three spaces at the moment. The majority of us are level 85 with a just a couple in the early 80s. Our guild GP is around 63mil and we’re ideally looking for players upwards of 1mil gp but in general we’re happy as long as you’re a player that contributes as much as you can to guild activities and battles. Lots of donations and lots of chat. No major rules or strict guidelines on which characters to work on but must be playing on a regular basis. Most of us get close to 600 tickets a day and inactivity is looked at on a regular basis but you won’t get kicked for being off line for 5 minutes!!! We understand people have work and holidays etc so as long as people let us know if they’re going to be inactive beforehand, that’s fine. We communicate via line to help coordinate tb/tw etc but this isn’t compulsory.

    We have the no damage rule for 24hrs on raids just to give everyone the opportunity to get on the board. Our raids take place at 7.30pm uk time.

    My ally code is 949 699 318

    If you're interested or have any questions, just drop me a message
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    If you are looking for a semi-serious but relaxed guild, give Separatists Reunited a try.

    We are an independent guild of 47 members (84m GP), and just celebrated our first birthday last month.

    We average 23k tickets per day so run Hpit 2/3 times per week, and HAAT 2/3 times per fortnight. We’re still finding our feet with the Sith Raid. Pit and Tank are 24 hours single weak character attack, as per usual. However, we're not strict on absolute zero every time. We do occasionally run a contest to see who can hit the lowest non-zero score. We've had a few single points, but more impressive was a 4 point run. If you think you can beat it, best join us!

    Last TB we achieved 31 stars, and in TW we win more than we lose (just!). We’re always in the 70m or 80m bracket though, so that’s a zeta mat even if we get destroyed! We unlocked ROLO last time out, although we still have a way to go for IPD.

    We don’t micro-manage your participation in events, but we will ask that you participate in TB; if you can't commit to attempting all the battles, at least log in and deploy all your units.

    Similar for TW. Register if possible, and go heavy on defence if you can't spare the time later on. Most of our members have jobs and/or families, so we can empathise if/when you can't spend all day logged in.

    We don't have any minimum GP requirements, nor do we demand that you have any particular character unlocked.

    Guild reset is 6:30pm GMT, and raids launch between 7pm and 10pm. We rotate the time to help our non-GMT members get on the scoreboard.

    We do use in-game chat, and anything important will always be posted there. We also have a Discord server with various channels to help strategise, but it's not mandatory to join.

    In summary, if you are looking for a guild where you can just play the game, without pressure on who you farm or how you develop your roster, search for Separatists Reunited in game.

    If you have questions that I've not covered, either PM me here, or add FoulOldRon#0394 in Discord.
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    We are Meatbag Mayhem looking for active players to join our guild. Heroic Rancor 3 times a week with 0 damage 1st 24 hours HAAT 2 times a week with 1mil damage first 24 hours. In 20+ stars on TB and only 2 loses on TW. We look for daily play but understand life happens and are fairly casual on activity. Looking for level 60+ my ally code is 888-372-266.
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    The Old Folk Home wants you to retire with us!!!
    We are a Mature bunch (hence the name) who have recently formed a break away guild from what could be considered a mega guild. We have heaps of experience, with a very good understanding of how to win. You gotta be 18+ because we speak our mind. We are respectful though, and you gotta be too. Currently we are 35 peeps with a GP of 65mill so we need you so we can start getting the better TB and TW rewards! We walked over our last opposition. 600 tickets a must and you need to have been playing for at least a year.
    Australasian time zone for raids at 8pm AEST
    Discord Sp3c1alK#2730
    Were using discord and have bots setup to help with game coordination, so DM me if you want in Chur!
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