So is this the way communications are going?


  • Options
    I mean, BH reworks drop tomorrow. Soooooo they don't have much more time to put out an official announcement post detailing everything in writing.
  • Options
    Hm, if they continue down this path, should we advocate that people get their hands on a collection of adblockers to prevent Youtube ads and therefore monetization of the videos? That seems like a rather cruel solution to push an entire community towards (I mean, I always have my adblockers up so I never see the ads regardless, but still)--especially when considering that the gamechangers do this to earn a livelihood (or supplement one)--but if CG isn't going to be accommodating it's certainly an option.
  • Ozwyn
    20 posts Member
    "Kyno wrote: »
    I understand people dont like the videos (not my favorite either), but they are also not utilizing these videos in anyway to replace the official announcement of what content will be when it's actually released.

    This seems to be the broken point in the communication chain for some of us. For those of us who are just uh, filthy casuals I guess, not usually inclined to come to the forums because we have no complaints with the way things are run, the big splash screen announcements look awfully important and official. I am not sure what a good workaround for this would be. Another splash explaining these things are speculative and wildly optional? XD

    Plus, it does have an effect. People are already making educated guesses on what to farm and what to wait on based on these videos. (Not me, but definitely some people are!) So you’re giving hearing people a free bonus head start over those of us who cannot.

    I am all for the videos being a thing, and I am not asking for full transcription or proper closed captions, I realize that is a lot of work. Just a few bullet points or a quick sentence or two in summary explaining the content, so I know if it’s worth finding a Hearing person to watch the thing for me and translate.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    CG laid out a very clear goal: to communicate more. I think we can all agree that we have seen a concerted effort to achieve that goal. HOWEVER, while the intent is good, the delivery is substandard. I know I sure do not want to spend 30+ minutes out of my day watching videos about a game, so I won’t. Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to those who won’t spend there time on videos like me, those who can’t understand or hear these videos, those who don’t want to use data streaming these videos, etc.

    You cannot claim to care about improving communication by choosing a communication means that isolates several groups of your player base. Listen to the community and give us options, please.

    This is not the "official release" of the information. It is a teaser, more information about all of this will come out on the forums before any of this makes it into the game.

    Well these “unofficial” announcements are officially being announced via pop ups on every player’s screen — sponsoring content yet maintaining that it’s technically not corporate content and therefore it’s unofficial is kind of a weak excuse. It’s a dumpster fire and CG can either take ownership of it and make it good, or they can continue to maintain that it’s “technically not our fault”.

    It's not content yet. It is 100% not in the game, these are teases of future content that will have an official announcement when it is becoming content.
    ...Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to...

    I am simply pointing out that this statement you are making is not accurate as they are not ceasing any communication they are providing additional communication (more to come later) to tease interest in what will be spelled out later.

    I understand people dont like the videos (not my favorite either), but they are also not utilizing these videos in anyway to replace the official announcement of what content will be when it's actually released.

    1) It literally is content if it’s a pop up in the game. A programmer wrote it into the game, i.e. content. Albeit it’s content that’s talking about content that isn’t content, yet. Got it.
    2) As for them not ceasing communication, I beg to differ. The latest official announcements have all been about the Sith rewards debacle. Nothing has been said “officially” about the BH reworks that we have “unofficially” been told will happen in April (which ends in a week).
    3) The lack of actual developer communication in favor of this facade we have now is creating confusion between what’s official and what isn’t, and therefore is doing more to hurt than actually help.

    But that’s just my opinion.

    Yes I meant the BH rework is not content yet, it is not in the game. So this information we are seeing right now is not "the official release notes" about the content that we are all used to seeing and will see when it gets put into the game.

    Again, since the BH stuff is not being released "right now" they have not released the Content Update Notes. They have not stopped producing those notes they are just not relevant yet, as the game is not being updated.

    They are trying something new, they are increasing transparency, I dont see how this is a facade, but that's just my opinion.

    When its official we will see the notes we are used to seeing. Like the videos or not, they are putting more information out there and trying to help out the GCs at the same time. These are the people who go out of there way to help the game too, much like many of us. Sure there are other issues with this type of media, but you cant fault them for trying.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    CG laid out a very clear goal: to communicate more. I think we can all agree that we have seen a concerted effort to achieve that goal. HOWEVER, while the intent is good, the delivery is substandard. I know I sure do not want to spend 30+ minutes out of my day watching videos about a game, so I won’t. Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to those who won’t spend there time on videos like me, those who can’t understand or hear these videos, those who don’t want to use data streaming these videos, etc.

    You cannot claim to care about improving communication by choosing a communication means that isolates several groups of your player base. Listen to the community and give us options, please.

    This is not the "official release" of the information. It is a teaser, more information about all of this will come out on the forums before any of this makes it into the game.

    Well these “unofficial” announcements are officially being announced via pop ups on every player’s screen — sponsoring content yet maintaining that it’s technically not corporate content and therefore it’s unofficial is kind of a weak excuse. It’s a dumpster fire and CG can either take ownership of it and make it good, or they can continue to maintain that it’s “technically not our fault”.

    It's not content yet. It is 100% not in the game, these are teases of future content that will have an official announcement when it is becoming content.
    ...Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to...

    I am simply pointing out that this statement you are making is not accurate as they are not ceasing any communication they are providing additional communication (more to come later) to tease interest in what will be spelled out later.

    I understand people dont like the videos (not my favorite either), but they are also not utilizing these videos in anyway to replace the official announcement of what content will be when it's actually released.

    1) It literally is content if it’s a pop up in the game. A programmer wrote it into the game, i.e. content. Albeit it’s content that’s talking about content that isn’t content, yet. Got it.
    2) As for them not ceasing communication, I beg to differ. The latest official announcements have all been about the Sith rewards debacle. Nothing has been said “officially” about the BH reworks that we have “unofficially” been told will happen in April (which ends in a week).
    3) The lack of actual developer communication in favor of this facade we have now is creating confusion between what’s official and what isn’t, and therefore is doing more to hurt than actually help.

    But that’s just my opinion.

    Yes I meant the BH rework is not content yet, it is not in the game. So this information we are seeing right now is not "the official release notes" about the content that we are all used to seeing and will see when it gets put into the game.

    Again, since the BH stuff is not being released "right now" they have not released the Content Update Notes. They have not stopped producing those notes they are just not relevant yet, as the game is not being updated.

    They are trying something new, they are increasing transparency, I dont see how this is a facade, but that's just my opinion.

    When its official we will see the notes we are used to seeing. Like the videos or not, they are putting more information out there and trying to help out the GCs at the same time. These are the people who go out of there way to help the game too, much like many of us. Sure there are other issues with this type of media, but you cant fault them for trying.

    I mean according to another “unofficial” source (the podcast), we are getting the update tomorrow. By then, what’s the point because I can just see it all in game. Like I said, I understand that the intent behind all this is good, but the delivery is leaving much to be desired. Maybe I’m alone in my critiques of the current communication plan, but if I’m not, then perhaps further refinement is necessary.
  • JaaiaLandis
    91 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Hm, if they continue down this path, should we advocate that people get their hands on a collection of adblockers to prevent Youtube ads and therefore monetization of the videos? That seems like a rather cruel solution to push an entire community towards (I mean, I always have my adblockers up so I never see the ads regardless, but still)--especially when considering that the gamechangers do this to earn a livelihood (or supplement one)--but if CG isn't going to be accommodating it's certainly an option.

    I’m going to have to figure out an ad blocker because YouTube is doing very poorly with the ads and their timing, at the very least. The ads were starting mid-dev-sentence! Happened several times lately, too. Since there is no natural break in the video to allow for ads it’s very jarring. Especially if you’re having to laser focus because you can’t hear anyway.

    Ok, I’m playing the game, ok a video, ok updates on ships, I’ll watch, what the heck is he saying? Nose cones? What nose cones? GAH WHAT HAPPENED TO THE VOLUME I WAS JUST PLAYING STAR WARS GAMES WHY ARE YOU BLARING AT ME ABOUT LIPSTICK oh look it’s the other half of the dev’s word from ten seconds ago, what was the first half again?

    So weird.

    (Edited to add: this is an indictment on YouTube, not CG)
  • Options
    I’m surprised there hasn’t been a dev response in here somewhere. Seems like a worthy topic given the strength of opinions here.
    Ally Code 285-115-111
  • Options
    Clash2Far wrote: »
    I’m surprised there hasn’t been a dev response in here somewhere. Seems like a worthy topic given the strength of opinions here.

    They plan on releasing something on YouTube about it
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    CG laid out a very clear goal: to communicate more. I think we can all agree that we have seen a concerted effort to achieve that goal. HOWEVER, while the intent is good, the delivery is substandard. I know I sure do not want to spend 30+ minutes out of my day watching videos about a game, so I won’t. Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to those who won’t spend there time on videos like me, those who can’t understand or hear these videos, those who don’t want to use data streaming these videos, etc.

    You cannot claim to care about improving communication by choosing a communication means that isolates several groups of your player base. Listen to the community and give us options, please.

    This is not the "official release" of the information. It is a teaser, more information about all of this will come out on the forums before any of this makes it into the game.

    Well these “unofficial” announcements are officially being announced via pop ups on every player’s screen — sponsoring content yet maintaining that it’s technically not corporate content and therefore it’s unofficial is kind of a weak excuse. It’s a dumpster fire and CG can either take ownership of it and make it good, or they can continue to maintain that it’s “technically not our fault”.

    It's not content yet. It is 100% not in the game, these are teases of future content that will have an official announcement when it is becoming content.
    ...Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to...

    I am simply pointing out that this statement you are making is not accurate as they are not ceasing any communication they are providing additional communication (more to come later) to tease interest in what will be spelled out later.

    I understand people dont like the videos (not my favorite either), but they are also not utilizing these videos in anyway to replace the official announcement of what content will be when it's actually released.

    1) It literally is content if it’s a pop up in the game. A programmer wrote it into the game, i.e. content. Albeit it’s content that’s talking about content that isn’t content, yet. Got it.
    2) As for them not ceasing communication, I beg to differ. The latest official announcements have all been about the Sith rewards debacle. Nothing has been said “officially” about the BH reworks that we have “unofficially” been told will happen in April (which ends in a week).
    3) The lack of actual developer communication in favor of this facade we have now is creating confusion between what’s official and what isn’t, and therefore is doing more to hurt than actually help.

    But that’s just my opinion.

    Yes I meant the BH rework is not content yet, it is not in the game. So this information we are seeing right now is not "the official release notes" about the content that we are all used to seeing and will see when it gets put into the game.

    Again, since the BH stuff is not being released "right now" they have not released the Content Update Notes. They have not stopped producing those notes they are just not relevant yet, as the game is not being updated.

    They are trying something new, they are increasing transparency, I dont see how this is a facade, but that's just my opinion.

    When its official we will see the notes we are used to seeing. Like the videos or not, they are putting more information out there and trying to help out the GCs at the same time. These are the people who go out of there way to help the game too, much like many of us. Sure there are other issues with this type of media, but you cant fault them for trying.

    I mean according to another “unofficial” source (the podcast), we are getting the update tomorrow. By then, what’s the point because I can just see it all in game. Like I said, I understand that the intent behind all this is good, but the delivery is leaving much to be desired. Maybe I’m alone in my critiques of the current communication plan, but if I’m not, then perhaps further refinement is necessary.

    But all updates have been released in the fashion you are describing right there. We get the update and the release notes on the same day.

    What they are "trying" it would seem here is just to increase the exit of information from them to us and an increase in transparency as to "what's going on"...I thought that was what everyone has been asking for.

    Also not everything in all of these videos/pod casts is being released tomorrow (maybe everything in the pod cast, I have not had a chance to listen)
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    Clash2Far wrote: »
    I’m surprised there hasn’t been a dev response in here somewhere. Seems like a worthy topic given the strength of opinions here.

    You'll get used to it.
    I need a new message here.
  • DarthPurgatory
    626 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Clash2Far wrote: »
    I’m surprised there hasn’t been a dev response in here somewhere. Seems like a worthy topic given the strength of opinions here.

    They plan on releasing something on YouTube about it

    Followed by a movie length podcast detailing the YT video, and then another YT video by a game-changer defending it.
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
  • catharsis478
    676 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Hm, if they continue down this path, should we advocate that people get their hands on a collection of adblockers to prevent Youtube ads and therefore monetization of the videos? That seems like a rather cruel solution to push an entire community towards (I mean, I always have my adblockers up so I never see the ads regardless, but still)--especially when considering that the gamechangers do this to earn a livelihood (or supplement one)--but if CG isn't going to be accommodating it's certainly an option.

    I’m going to have to figure out an ad blocker because YouTube is doing very poorly with the ads and their timing, at the very least. The ads were starting mid-dev-sentence! Happened several times lately, too. Since there is no natural break in the video to allow for ads it’s very jarring. Especially if you’re having to laser focus because you can’t hear anyway.

    Ok, I’m playing the game, ok a video, ok updates on ships, I’ll watch, what the heck is he saying? Nose cones? What nose cones? GAH WHAT HAPPENED TO THE VOLUME I WAS JUST PLAYING STAR WARS GAMES WHY ARE YOU BLARING AT ME ABOUT LIPSTICK oh look it’s the other half of the dev’s word from ten seconds ago, what was the first half again?

    So weird.

    (Edited to add: this is an indictment on YouTube, not CG)

    I'm running uBlock Origin and Disconnect on Chrome (both have Firefox versions last I checked... like a year and a half ago); I'm also running Ghostery (I preferred something different--something like Cookie Search and Destroy?--before being locked into Chrome by my Chromebook) but if I remember right that one doesn't influence ads, just tracking. I believe you have to install Disconnect first (and it might redirect you to a page asking for money when you first install it, but you should be able to use it for free) to ensure that it works, but the combination prevents me from getting ads from Youtube, Pandora, and all the other ordinary suspects (and if anything gets through uBlock lets you select certain things to block out).

    I haven't really tried to find mobile options that work, but then again my phone is a potato and doesn't even have enough room to run Skype anymore.

    Edit: though I believe Brave--web browser made by the same guy who founded Firefox--comes with an in-built one.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    CG laid out a very clear goal: to communicate more. I think we can all agree that we have seen a concerted effort to achieve that goal. HOWEVER, while the intent is good, the delivery is substandard. I know I sure do not want to spend 30+ minutes out of my day watching videos about a game, so I won’t. Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to those who won’t spend there time on videos like me, those who can’t understand or hear these videos, those who don’t want to use data streaming these videos, etc.

    You cannot claim to care about improving communication by choosing a communication means that isolates several groups of your player base. Listen to the community and give us options, please.

    This is not the "official release" of the information. It is a teaser, more information about all of this will come out on the forums before any of this makes it into the game.

    Well these “unofficial” announcements are officially being announced via pop ups on every player’s screen — sponsoring content yet maintaining that it’s technically not corporate content and therefore it’s unofficial is kind of a weak excuse. It’s a dumpster fire and CG can either take ownership of it and make it good, or they can continue to maintain that it’s “technically not our fault”.

    It's not content yet. It is 100% not in the game, these are teases of future content that will have an official announcement when it is becoming content.
    ...Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to...

    I am simply pointing out that this statement you are making is not accurate as they are not ceasing any communication they are providing additional communication (more to come later) to tease interest in what will be spelled out later.

    I understand people dont like the videos (not my favorite either), but they are also not utilizing these videos in anyway to replace the official announcement of what content will be when it's actually released.

    1) It literally is content if it’s a pop up in the game. A programmer wrote it into the game, i.e. content. Albeit it’s content that’s talking about content that isn’t content, yet. Got it.
    2) As for them not ceasing communication, I beg to differ. The latest official announcements have all been about the Sith rewards debacle. Nothing has been said “officially” about the BH reworks that we have “unofficially” been told will happen in April (which ends in a week).
    3) The lack of actual developer communication in favor of this facade we have now is creating confusion between what’s official and what isn’t, and therefore is doing more to hurt than actually help.

    But that’s just my opinion.

    Yes I meant the BH rework is not content yet, it is not in the game. So this information we are seeing right now is not "the official release notes" about the content that we are all used to seeing and will see when it gets put into the game.

    Again, since the BH stuff is not being released "right now" they have not released the Content Update Notes. They have not stopped producing those notes they are just not relevant yet, as the game is not being updated.

    They are trying something new, they are increasing transparency, I dont see how this is a facade, but that's just my opinion.

    When its official we will see the notes we are used to seeing. Like the videos or not, they are putting more information out there and trying to help out the GCs at the same time. These are the people who go out of there way to help the game too, much like many of us. Sure there are other issues with this type of media, but you cant fault them for trying.

    I mean according to another “unofficial” source (the podcast), we are getting the update tomorrow. By then, what’s the point because I can just see it all in game. Like I said, I understand that the intent behind all this is good, but the delivery is leaving much to be desired. Maybe I’m alone in my critiques of the current communication plan, but if I’m not, then perhaps further refinement is necessary.

    But all updates have been released in the fashion you are describing right there. We get the update and the release notes on the same day.

    What they are "trying" it would seem here is just to increase the exit of information from them to us and an increase in transparency as to "what's going on"...I thought that was what everyone has been asking for.

    Also not everything in all of these videos/pod casts is being released tomorrow (maybe everything in the pod cast, I have not had a chance to listen)

    Perhaps my memory is off then, but for all the past faction passes, character releases, etc. that I recall, the character kits have ALWAYS been released by CG prior to the event, not the day of. We should have had all of these kits posted already, yet we aren’t seeing that and I don’t get how a podcast instead is an improvement.
  • Options

    Perhaps my memory is off then, but for all the past faction passes, character releases, etc. that I recall, the character kits have ALWAYS been released by CG prior to the event, not the day of. We should have had all of these kits posted already, yet we aren’t seeing that and I don’t get how a podcast instead is an improvement.

    You are not incorrect, they used to post up incoming characters and changes at least a week early, then it became a few days early. With each month it passes they just get closer and closer to Content Update notes being less of an early official teaser unless it's routed through a game kisser, sorry...changer.

    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    CG laid out a very clear goal: to communicate more. I think we can all agree that we have seen a concerted effort to achieve that goal. HOWEVER, while the intent is good, the delivery is substandard. I know I sure do not want to spend 30+ minutes out of my day watching videos about a game, so I won’t. Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to those who won’t spend there time on videos like me, those who can’t understand or hear these videos, those who don’t want to use data streaming these videos, etc.

    You cannot claim to care about improving communication by choosing a communication means that isolates several groups of your player base. Listen to the community and give us options, please.

    This is not the "official release" of the information. It is a teaser, more information about all of this will come out on the forums before any of this makes it into the game.

    Well these “unofficial” announcements are officially being announced via pop ups on every player’s screen — sponsoring content yet maintaining that it’s technically not corporate content and therefore it’s unofficial is kind of a weak excuse. It’s a dumpster fire and CG can either take ownership of it and make it good, or they can continue to maintain that it’s “technically not our fault”.

    It's not content yet. It is 100% not in the game, these are teases of future content that will have an official announcement when it is becoming content.
    ...Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to...

    I am simply pointing out that this statement you are making is not accurate as they are not ceasing any communication they are providing additional communication (more to come later) to tease interest in what will be spelled out later.

    I understand people dont like the videos (not my favorite either), but they are also not utilizing these videos in anyway to replace the official announcement of what content will be when it's actually released.

    1) It literally is content if it’s a pop up in the game. A programmer wrote it into the game, i.e. content. Albeit it’s content that’s talking about content that isn’t content, yet. Got it.
    2) As for them not ceasing communication, I beg to differ. The latest official announcements have all been about the Sith rewards debacle. Nothing has been said “officially” about the BH reworks that we have “unofficially” been told will happen in April (which ends in a week).
    3) The lack of actual developer communication in favor of this facade we have now is creating confusion between what’s official and what isn’t, and therefore is doing more to hurt than actually help.

    But that’s just my opinion.

    Yes I meant the BH rework is not content yet, it is not in the game. So this information we are seeing right now is not "the official release notes" about the content that we are all used to seeing and will see when it gets put into the game.

    Again, since the BH stuff is not being released "right now" they have not released the Content Update Notes. They have not stopped producing those notes they are just not relevant yet, as the game is not being updated.

    They are trying something new, they are increasing transparency, I dont see how this is a facade, but that's just my opinion.

    When its official we will see the notes we are used to seeing. Like the videos or not, they are putting more information out there and trying to help out the GCs at the same time. These are the people who go out of there way to help the game too, much like many of us. Sure there are other issues with this type of media, but you cant fault them for trying.

    I mean according to another “unofficial” source (the podcast), we are getting the update tomorrow. By then, what’s the point because I can just see it all in game. Like I said, I understand that the intent behind all this is good, but the delivery is leaving much to be desired. Maybe I’m alone in my critiques of the current communication plan, but if I’m not, then perhaps further refinement is necessary.

    But all updates have been released in the fashion you are describing right there. We get the update and the release notes on the same day.

    What they are "trying" it would seem here is just to increase the exit of information from them to us and an increase in transparency as to "what's going on"...I thought that was what everyone has been asking for.

    Also not everything in all of these videos/pod casts is being released tomorrow (maybe everything in the pod cast, I have not had a chance to listen)

    Perhaps my memory is off then, but for all the past faction passes, character releases, etc. that I recall, the character kits have ALWAYS been released by CG prior to the event, not the day of. We should have had all of these kits posted already, yet we aren’t seeing that and I don’t get how a podcast instead is an improvement.

    Kits yes, but not update notes. Sorry you are correct.

    There is no "event" other than the possible bossk release, which we could see his kit today but the event may not run until later.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    CG laid out a very clear goal: to communicate more. I think we can all agree that we have seen a concerted effort to achieve that goal. HOWEVER, while the intent is good, the delivery is substandard. I know I sure do not want to spend 30+ minutes out of my day watching videos about a game, so I won’t. Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to those who won’t spend there time on videos like me, those who can’t understand or hear these videos, those who don’t want to use data streaming these videos, etc.

    You cannot claim to care about improving communication by choosing a communication means that isolates several groups of your player base. Listen to the community and give us options, please.

    This is not the "official release" of the information. It is a teaser, more information about all of this will come out on the forums before any of this makes it into the game.

    Well these “unofficial” announcements are officially being announced via pop ups on every player’s screen — sponsoring content yet maintaining that it’s technically not corporate content and therefore it’s unofficial is kind of a weak excuse. It’s a dumpster fire and CG can either take ownership of it and make it good, or they can continue to maintain that it’s “technically not our fault”.

    It's not content yet. It is 100% not in the game, these are teases of future content that will have an official announcement when it is becoming content.
    ...Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to...

    I am simply pointing out that this statement you are making is not accurate as they are not ceasing any communication they are providing additional communication (more to come later) to tease interest in what will be spelled out later.

    I understand people dont like the videos (not my favorite either), but they are also not utilizing these videos in anyway to replace the official announcement of what content will be when it's actually released.

    1) It literally is content if it’s a pop up in the game. A programmer wrote it into the game, i.e. content. Albeit it’s content that’s talking about content that isn’t content, yet. Got it.
    2) As for them not ceasing communication, I beg to differ. The latest official announcements have all been about the Sith rewards debacle. Nothing has been said “officially” about the BH reworks that we have “unofficially” been told will happen in April (which ends in a week).
    3) The lack of actual developer communication in favor of this facade we have now is creating confusion between what’s official and what isn’t, and therefore is doing more to hurt than actually help.

    But that’s just my opinion.

    Yes I meant the BH rework is not content yet, it is not in the game. So this information we are seeing right now is not "the official release notes" about the content that we are all used to seeing and will see when it gets put into the game.

    Again, since the BH stuff is not being released "right now" they have not released the Content Update Notes. They have not stopped producing those notes they are just not relevant yet, as the game is not being updated.

    They are trying something new, they are increasing transparency, I dont see how this is a facade, but that's just my opinion.

    When its official we will see the notes we are used to seeing. Like the videos or not, they are putting more information out there and trying to help out the GCs at the same time. These are the people who go out of there way to help the game too, much like many of us. Sure there are other issues with this type of media, but you cant fault them for trying.

    I mean according to another “unofficial” source (the podcast), we are getting the update tomorrow. By then, what’s the point because I can just see it all in game. Like I said, I understand that the intent behind all this is good, but the delivery is leaving much to be desired. Maybe I’m alone in my critiques of the current communication plan, but if I’m not, then perhaps further refinement is necessary.

    But all updates have been released in the fashion you are describing right there. We get the update and the release notes on the same day.

    What they are "trying" it would seem here is just to increase the exit of information from them to us and an increase in transparency as to "what's going on"...I thought that was what everyone has been asking for.

    Also not everything in all of these videos/pod casts is being released tomorrow (maybe everything in the pod cast, I have not had a chance to listen)

    Perhaps my memory is off then, but for all the past faction passes, character releases, etc. that I recall, the character kits have ALWAYS been released by CG prior to the event, not the day of. We should have had all of these kits posted already, yet we aren’t seeing that and I don’t get how a podcast instead is an improvement.

    Kits yes, but not update notes. Sorry you are correct.

    There is no "event" other than the possible bossk release, which we could see his kit today but the event may not run until later.

    Yeah I’ve not been talking about update notes. I’m talking about all the announcements and pre-release kit reveals that aren’t happening and have (from my perspective at least) been replaced by these pop ups. And event or not, those kit reveals should have happened by now.
  • Options
    Can we have an opt in or out for the popups? I click them away, sometimes over and over.
  • Ozwyn
    20 posts Member
    I should start posting my husband’s summaries of these things, pit raids for tacos, quilt leaders, Fluffy Han and all. It won’t help anybody be any more informed (quite the opposite, I imagine), but maybe it would convince some GCs to enunciate. No, that would probably count as mocking these poor people, and I don’t want to do that. They are enthusiastic and care, and that is great. I just want to know what they are saying.
  • DarthPurgatory
    626 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Ozwyn wrote: »
    I should start posting my husband’s summaries of these things, pit raids for tacos, quilt leaders, Fluffy Han and all. It won’t help anybody be any more informed (quite the opposite, I imagine), but maybe it would convince some GCs to enunciate. No, that would probably count as mocking these poor people, and I don’t want to do that. They are enthusiastic and care, and that is great. I just want to know what they are saying.

    Who cares, if that's the only way that they will understand what translation services do for people like you who rely on them, then maybe that's what it takes. If a little feelings get hurt, that's not your fault.

    Besides, as somebody else said yesterday. These people live and breathe on YouTube, they are bound to have thick enough skin to handle it.
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
  • Options
    Kyno, I have to wonder why you're so adamant that these aren't official communications and/or news--and in the case of the podcast, character kit reveals (but given that it's only 9:22am here on the West Coast, hopefully they'll be posting those to the forums before the end of the day)--when they are pushed by in-game pop-ups and the like. Have you and the other Moderators received word that they aren't intended to be official communications and news about what's up coming?
  • DarthPurgatory
    626 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Precisely. Links delivered in game, they have official employees as guests on their shows, and they get exclusive content reveals before anybody else.

    They are about as unofficially official as you could possibly get short of having sponsored by EA and CG slapped across their opening humor montages.

    Stop defending the indefensible.
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    CG laid out a very clear goal: to communicate more. I think we can all agree that we have seen a concerted effort to achieve that goal. HOWEVER, while the intent is good, the delivery is substandard. I know I sure do not want to spend 30+ minutes out of my day watching videos about a game, so I won’t. Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to those who won’t spend there time on videos like me, those who can’t understand or hear these videos, those who don’t want to use data streaming these videos, etc.

    You cannot claim to care about improving communication by choosing a communication means that isolates several groups of your player base. Listen to the community and give us options, please.

    This is not the "official release" of the information. It is a teaser, more information about all of this will come out on the forums before any of this makes it into the game.

    Well these “unofficial” announcements are officially being announced via pop ups on every player’s screen — sponsoring content yet maintaining that it’s technically not corporate content and therefore it’s unofficial is kind of a weak excuse. It’s a dumpster fire and CG can either take ownership of it and make it good, or they can continue to maintain that it’s “technically not our fault”.

    It's not content yet. It is 100% not in the game, these are teases of future content that will have an official announcement when it is becoming content.
    ...Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to...

    I am simply pointing out that this statement you are making is not accurate as they are not ceasing any communication they are providing additional communication (more to come later) to tease interest in what will be spelled out later.

    I understand people dont like the videos (not my favorite either), but they are also not utilizing these videos in anyway to replace the official announcement of what content will be when it's actually released.

    1) It literally is content if it’s a pop up in the game. A programmer wrote it into the game, i.e. content. Albeit it’s content that’s talking about content that isn’t content, yet. Got it.
    2) As for them not ceasing communication, I beg to differ. The latest official announcements have all been about the Sith rewards debacle. Nothing has been said “officially” about the BH reworks that we have “unofficially” been told will happen in April (which ends in a week).
    3) The lack of actual developer communication in favor of this facade we have now is creating confusion between what’s official and what isn’t, and therefore is doing more to hurt than actually help.

    But that’s just my opinion.

    Yes I meant the BH rework is not content yet, it is not in the game. So this information we are seeing right now is not "the official release notes" about the content that we are all used to seeing and will see when it gets put into the game.

    Again, since the BH stuff is not being released "right now" they have not released the Content Update Notes. They have not stopped producing those notes they are just not relevant yet, as the game is not being updated.

    They are trying something new, they are increasing transparency, I dont see how this is a facade, but that's just my opinion.

    When its official we will see the notes we are used to seeing. Like the videos or not, they are putting more information out there and trying to help out the GCs at the same time. These are the people who go out of there way to help the game too, much like many of us. Sure there are other issues with this type of media, but you cant fault them for trying.

    I mean according to another “unofficial” source (the podcast), we are getting the update tomorrow. By then, what’s the point because I can just see it all in game. Like I said, I understand that the intent behind all this is good, but the delivery is leaving much to be desired. Maybe I’m alone in my critiques of the current communication plan, but if I’m not, then perhaps further refinement is necessary.

    But all updates have been released in the fashion you are describing right there. We get the update and the release notes on the same day.
    Exactly. So there has been no real change in communication. Just lip service paid to it's importance and yet a continuation of "business as usual" - the same MO for the past two and half years.

    Got it.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno, I have to wonder why you're so adamant that these aren't official communications and/or news--and in the case of the podcast, character kit reveals (but given that it's only 9:22am here on the West Coast, hopefully they'll be posting those to the forums before the end of the day)--when they are pushed by in-game pop-ups and the like. Have you and the other Moderators received word that they aren't intended to be official communications and news about what's up coming?

    To say they are the official kit release is to say you will not see a written version on the forum in the fashion we are used to seeing. That is not true, these are supplemental to the written form. But as has been stated in each of the videos I have seen, the information given there is stated to be "subject to change" (I have not listened to the pod cast, so that might be a different case).

    Obviously they are coming from employees, so I don't mean to say unofficial as in rumor, I just mean that there is a common sentiment that this is fully replacing the written post we have seen and what "we" would call the official release of information, and this is not true. We should still be expecting the full breakdown as we have seen it when they are ready to push that out.

    I hope this helps you understand where I am coming from.
  • DarthPurgatory
    626 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    The thing is, if they aren't ready to push it out via official channels then they should not be pushing it out through unofficial ones either. And I think that's where a lot of the outrage and finger pointing of favoritism is coming from.

    The fact that it's relayed through ridiculously lengthy mediums for a snippet of information is just icing on the proverbial anger cake.

    As demonstrated by the growing length and input on this thread, this is clearly not new and has been simmering amongst the players for a while.
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    CG laid out a very clear goal: to communicate more. I think we can all agree that we have seen a concerted effort to achieve that goal. HOWEVER, while the intent is good, the delivery is substandard. I know I sure do not want to spend 30+ minutes out of my day watching videos about a game, so I won’t. Now if you’re CG and you’ve decided to place the majority of your communications effort in a YouTube campaign meanwhile ceasing alternate form of communication (namely official forum posts) then you’ve effectively failed to communicate to those who won’t spend there time on videos like me, those who can’t understand or hear these videos, those who don’t want to use data streaming these videos, etc.

    You cannot claim to care about improving communication by choosing a communication means that isolates several groups of your player base. Listen to the community and give us options, please.

    This is not the "official release" of the information. It is a teaser, more information about all of this will come out on the forums before any of this makes it into the game.

    Then it shouldn't be an in-game pop-up. Either it is official or it's not. Understand, I am not blaming you - I realize you are just the messenger. But the message makes no sense.

    Check and mate! I was just about to hypothesize that perhaps all this Youtube and Podcast content is unofficial hype to get people excited, but an in-game popup most certainly looks official. Good point!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno, I have to wonder why you're so adamant that these aren't official communications and/or news--and in the case of the podcast, character kit reveals (but given that it's only 9:22am here on the West Coast, hopefully they'll be posting those to the forums before the end of the day)--when they are pushed by in-game pop-ups and the like. Have you and the other Moderators received word that they aren't intended to be official communications and news about what's up coming?

    To say they are the official kit release is to say you will not see a written version on the forum in the fashion we are used to seeing. That is not true, these are supplemental to the written form. But as has been stated in each of the videos I have seen, the information given there is stated to be "subject to change" (I have not listened to the pod cast, so that might be a different case).

    Obviously they are coming from employees, so I don't mean to say unofficial as in rumor, I just mean that there is a common sentiment that this is fully replacing the written post we have seen and what "we" would call the official release of information, and this is not true. We should still be expecting the full breakdown as we have seen it when they are ready to push that out.

    I hope this helps you understand where I am coming from.

    I understand what you are saying, this information is intended to be supplemental. But supplemental information implies it adds to information, not replaces. We feel like we aren’t getting even the baseline information we have come to expect from the developers, because those reveals absolutely should have already been made. And saying that they will come out during the time of the update completely defeats the purpose. I don’t need a kit reveal when I can just go in the game and look at the kit myself.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    The thing is, if they aren't ready to push it out via official channels then they should not be pushing it out through unofficial ones either. And I think that's where a lot of the outrage and finger pointing of favoritism is coming from.

    But we asked them to be more upfront and forthcoming with information, and to be transparent.

    So if they have 90% of the information as solid but still subject to change, they should not talk?

    The only time anything is even close to 100% is when its actually released, and even then we all know it's still subject to change.

    I'm sorry, but there has to be some leniency to allow them to try and fulfill the requests of the community.

    I'm just confused about how they can provide us with more information and transparency if everything has to be 100% sure, but also early, and then also completely "officially released" in the form we have recieved before.

    We tried that, it was slow and not alot of information made it out of the above described path. They are trying to utilize different paths for the flow of information before it makes through the "official channels" to get to the where we are all used to seeing it. Yes, it's not perfect and there are other factors to consider but they are trying to meet the request.
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    @CG_Carrie What I, and perhaps others, are looking for, is concurrent communication. I did not enjoy finding out about ship changes via Youtube. I did not enjoy finding out details of the Bounty Hunter reworks via podcast.
    Time is precious. I already spend more time than I probably should playing SWGoH (credit to you and your team). I don't have the time to go around checking every Youtube/Twitch/Podcast to find breaking info. It's why I visit this website (at least) 5 times/day. It takes 3 seconds. Load the webpage, check Dev Announcements/Game Updates see there is no new info, and move on.
    If I want more information, or if I'm interested in theorycrafting, etc, then those mediums are perfect. But not for announcements.
    I LOVE, and greatly appreciate the increased communication, I would just like it to all be in one place, and the official forums seem like a good spot to me :)
    Thank you
    Post edited by CaptainRex on
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • DarthPurgatory
    626 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    I have zero problem with them releasing information that has an asterisk as subject to change. They used to do that. In fact if you don't understand that as a baseline anyway for this game there's probably no helping you.

    Just so I'm clear, that's you in the general term, not an attack on you you.

    But I want it right here on this forum coming from somebody with a CG in front of their name. That is not unreasonable.

    I don't want it coming from a link in game that is almost unavoidable if you are prone to fat fingering, that takes me out of the game, that takes me to somebody who thinks they're a comedian while they play Arena videos through most of it.

    I don't want five minutes out of triple that time to be devoted to the actual reason I clicked on the video, and I don't want it from a podcast because I don't listen to podcasts and I'm reaaaalllly not going to start for this.

    It's brilliant that they are trying to reach new levels of interactivity and transparency, but if that's the case, then they ought to release here alongside whatever link has been pushed forward as the flavor of the day, alongside all the other changes that have been detailed and requested and do not strike me as unreasonable in the least, over the last few pages.

    There have been some terrific suggestions put forth, and they would do very well to remark on those as something that they would look at it if they find at all appealing and insist on maintaining this behavior.
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
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    On a completely adjacent topic, I didn't even realize you are a moderator but it has been my experience that none have behaved as you have. I want to thank you for allowing people to speak their mind and leaving this open, with very little adjustment to people's posts. I never would have expected this thing to flourish and remain open.
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
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