Sith Raid Reward Rollback - 4/17/18 [MEGA]


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    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    This was always meant to be a strategic game, and not a game where you just hammer away at things.

    You've not seen me play then mate lol! :tired_face:

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    Just finished a t6 after 5-6 days. A terrible slog for garbage rewards. At least before the latest rollback I could buy some gear with the guild currency. C'mon guys.
  • botabu
    246 posts Member
    bisto_760 wrote: »
    Just finished a t6 after 5-6 days. A terrible slog for garbage rewards. At least before the latest rollback I could buy some gear with the guild currency. C'mon guys.

    Um.... didnt they roll back the rewards to when the raid was first released? I know in heroic they did.
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    I was first in our T4 raid, as usual. Got 12 Carbanti's, 12 droid callers.. Well maybe I guess in 10 raids I can upgrade one character by one gear level at this rate.
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    Has the idea of grouping STR rewards based on ranges of total damage done, rather than the current 1-2-3-style ranking, been considered? Meaning: if you score between X and Y million, you get this reward; between Y and Z million, that reward; etc.... It seems that keeping people motivated to participate in the STR would benefit from that sort of payout structure, and provide more guild cohesion leading to happier and thus more active players.

    And the payouts, even at tiers below heroic, should be better than the payouts of the HAAT, simply because the STR is a much more difficult raid. I think it would increase guild participation (and hence provide more incentive to spend crystals a bit more freely... wink, wink) if the rewards were in proportion to the difficulty as compared to all the raids.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Z million sounds like a REALLY big number. Just saying. Carry on.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Can we stop receiving daily login rewards as raid rewards pleeeeeeaaaase
  • TVF
    36861 posts Member
    I need a new message here.
  • Stud3099
    601 posts Member
    Resurrecting this. When are we supposed to hear from CG on how they're intending to change the rewards again? I thought it was early May.
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    I thought we were supposed to get new gear pieces by now. It would be nice to get a statement about that.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I thought we were supposed to get new gear pieces by now. It would be nice to get a statement about that.

    @Crazymatt77 they said this month they were going to (re)rework the rewards, but they didn't give a date or anything.

    I think many would agree to let them have some time to lay it out right and communicate the intentions before rolling it out again(again)
  • Cstone812
    266 posts Member
    How hard is it to add a guaranteed carbanti or guaranteed stun gun to tier 4 or 5? This raid is unlikeable and not fun it makes it hard for guilds to even want to attempt it. Don’t understand the issue they have with not fixing the rewards. Double the currency might also be ok.
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    Just fix the raid rewards already. There is nothing wrong with the mechanics of the raid just the garbage rewards.

    So much for the new era of communication, gone completely silent, just hoping for it to blow over no doubt.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Arathrawn wrote: »
    Just fix the raid rewards already. There is nothing wrong with the mechanics of the raid just the garbage rewards.

    So much for the new era of communication, gone completely silent, just hoping for it to blow over no doubt.

    Or they make a statement they are going to work on it....and are just working on it, as they said.

  • Kaziglubey
    89 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Rewards are perfectly good the way they are. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Would i like to see no challenge gear, of course but I'd rather them keep their hands off so we don't see anything snafu
    Post edited by Kaziglubey on
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    Well done its was a much needed fix
  • TVF
    36861 posts Member
    Well done its was a much needed fix

    I need a new message here.
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    Even if it needed to be reverted, adding some temporary guild event currency to lower tiers would have alleviated the problem there for a month or more. The longer the discrepancy is this absurd, the worse of everyone but the top guilds is. But I guess that is the intention here.
  • bisto_760
    236 posts Member
    The rewards are good for heroic and garbage for everyone else. Their last "fix" made rewards garbage for heroic and good for everyone else. Can't they find some middle ground here. Think a little cg! Getting pretty kittened spending 5 days+ on a t6 only to get a fart in the face for rewards. Wasting my time here is what it feels like.
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    Not sure who the pic is targeting here... Many possibilities...
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    Other than heroic the raid honestly isn't worth playing for the rewards given. And t6 takes longer than heroic does... Think they might have learned from Rancor. The risk/time invested vs the rewards makes this raid not worth caring about. Until they fix the lower tier rewards. In the tier system each tier us supposed to be better than the previous... If you have Hpit and Haat on auto then the rewards for sith raid should be better... Otherwise most won't bother with a ridiculously over tuned over hit point raid when they can get better rewards by posting a 0 in Haat or even Hpit.
  • Botzone1
    167 posts Member
    Our guild has gone from doing tier 5 in 3 days to doing tier 5 in 5 days. Heres my rewards for Tier 5 I wonder why
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    So when is this raid reward problem going to be resolved? Because your intermediate solution was only good for the whale guilds but 90% of the playerbase still has the terrible rewards fromt T4 - T6 which was neglected completely previously and after the roll back as well! Just once please think about the not whale or kraken players when you update the reward system! Well and do it quickly because the player base is suffering!
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    One more week without any word about this. I really dont understand why they think this silence help any player or the game future.
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    I’m not holding my breath they’ll fix this before episode IX comes out. The sith raid participation is dropping like a rock because literally no one, me included, wants to waste our time for nothing...and us officers are trying to get people to participate but I don’t blame anyone that refuses to waste their time with it
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Ferdolima wrote: »
    One more week without any word about this. I really dont understand why they think this silence help any player or the game future.

    I would rather have then working and silent than talking and not getting stuff done.

    The new CM has just started, give him a chance. also Carrie has been at a conference so we have just been light on communication in general. its ok, the game grinds on.
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    Grind is a perfect word. The sith raid makes us all grind our teeth when we see the worthless rewards
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Ferdolima wrote: »
    One more week without any word about this. I really dont understand why they think this silence help any player or the game future.

    I would rather have then working and silent than talking and not getting stuff done.

    The new CM has just started, give him a chance. also Carrie has been at a conference so we have just been light on communication in general. its ok, the game grinds on.

    I talk about the reality (they dont speak about this problem) and you talk about your optimistc view on CG/EA (they are working in this).
    And about the new CM, c'mon this problem is well known and they have a lot of time for work in chat changes but dont in this essencial subject. I dont understand how they can despise this.
  • Stud3099
    601 posts Member
    So we're getting a response this week, right? right?...
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