New chat system [MERGE]


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    Evinrude just promoted First Order Executioner to 7-Star
    Evinrude has requested gear Mk 9 Fabritech Data Pad Component
    Evinrude has increased Gear Level for First Order Executioner to Tier XI

    If gear requests must be in chat, this would be so much better.
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    The chat update itself is amazing. New chat tabs and private messages are awesome but holy hell the donations taking up the entire screens interrupting conversations is the worst idea you guys have had. Fire the guy and everyone who agreed that was a good idea now. Upon launch of the update my entire guild was crying about the annoying donations before they could focus on the good things.
    Let's get rid of that
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    Take the chat out of chat? How meta.
    I need a new message here.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    it's totally insane as two requests are filling the whole view when you open the chat
    and it makes no difference if the chat folder is open or not
    write the item or make the gfx smaller and put it inline, right now the requests are using 4 lines of space
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    Start a new chat channel call it real guild chat, invite all your guild members
  • Leon4107
    77 posts Member
    This was probably done on purpose. The devs have already discussed that they dislike arena shards and ship shards working together to keep other people out.
    It wouldn't make sense for them to then add an in game tool that allows such to be way easier than before
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    This is appalling! So all the previous bugs & issues with Chat still exist - the massive lag between typing and letters displaying, the words being all crunched up and formatting going weird - this all happened with the previous chat, how the kitten do the same issues exist in the new version?

    Instead of fixing the glaringly obvious flaws with their poorly coded chat gui, they went for style over substance - & got that wrong too!
    Wow, just wow.
  • CantWithAU
    158 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    zyn199 wrote: »
    What do you think they gave you? Just add another chat room with all your guild mates. I did not try, but I am pretty sure that donations, and level or gear ups will not show up there.
    Great - what a wonderful solution to the problem - create another chat room and then populate it with your Guild members - this is a ridiculous duplication of effort & is something the Chat should provide with the option to turn off stoopid irrelevant notifications.
    I check the donation section a few times per day, I don't need to be notified by a kitten pop-up every time someone requests something. Let me turn off the ridiculous, redundant new features you threw together and called an update.

    It's as if they read what everyone asked for, then decided that we didn't know what we were talking about, or that they just know so much better.

    The devs really need to pick up this game and play it.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Start a new chat channel call it real guild chat, invite all your guild members

    I don't want it to disappear, but just wan't it to take up reasonable amount of space, 1 maybe 2 lines of the chat
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    Seriously why does clicking on a piece in chat not behave exactly as in the exchange, and what is the rationale behind not having a visual that you've maxed donations to the person?


    Not only is it ugly, It doesn't work properly.
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    It's quite apparent that we, the players, care considerably more about this game than they, the devs, do.
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    exec79 wrote: »
    Even total f2p games wont ban permanently without heavy reasons, especially if you are a paying customer.... Before they would ban soneone im pretty sure they get some evidence and not relying some ragekids reports only...

    I have experience with being banned from f2p games without proof, it's a thing
  • CantWithAU
    158 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I have experience with being banned from f2p games without proof, it's a thing
    Yup, seen this happen to guild mates in plenty of games in the past - whilst not entirely F2P (I was as a player), FoE used to do it simply for receiving a complaint.
    You could write "Yes." in response to a question, I could complain & you would be banned from the game for roughly a week, until you sent 25 emails to support and finally got your account back.
    Often people were not able to get their accounts back, despite not having breached any rule.

    Obviously this got heavily abused.
    exec79 wrote: »
    Even total f2p games wont ban permanently without heavy reasons, especially if you are a paying customer....
    Those 2 things do not correlate? How can a game be total F2P, yet have a paying customer?
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    I find that with the donation requests in the chat also completely superfluous.
    This makes the chat channel very confusing.
    For the donations, there is the stock market .. which is still there - which makes the display in the chat redundant and superfluous. Unless, sooner or later, the stock market should be closed here to make room for something else .. ??
    I agree, but can I ask, is it actually called Stock Market, in whichever language you play in?
    It's called Exchange in the game for me.

  • DarkstarSunrise
    570 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    How do we turn off random gear donations in guild chat? They are very annoying and take up almost all of the chat space. What's next, random chat snippets showing in the Guild Exchange? The items have nothing to do with chat. They're like random ads on YouTube.

    At the same time, make the progress bar for donations larger in the Exchange. There's a HUGE amount of dead space there now.
  • kmilky
    79 posts Member
    Donations in chat sounded awful, but honestly - everyone is getting them filled much faster. I think it's a big win. Also, I think this is a great add for the newer/smaller guilds who don't require/utilize 3rd party chat apps. Older guilds will probably keep using their 3rd party app, but this is really cool. Nice touch CG!
  • Semi
    133 posts Member
    Like a lot already said.... You've improved a lot of things but pleeeeeease remove the donation from the chat OR add more chat setting to be able to do so.
  • Bloodynubberz
    68 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    First i like the new chat

    Of course there is somerthing i dont like , two somethings in fact
    1, the donations, they need to go into thier own tab, great idea to help us see them and participate more fully.
    2, the friends or ally chat, whilst this is great, when i clicked on invite one option was “invite allys”, i hoped this would bring up a tick list of all allys, unfortunately it invited all allys, please give us a tick list or make this behaviour clear in the notes, though being able to select individual allys would be better

    On the whole its good, but will be great with these tabs
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Armatores wrote: »
    After update I tested new chat system, and, what a dissapointment!

    What I was hoping to get -
    1. Message board for guild rules, big enough to write about 600 chars at least, so there will be no need to retype rules for each new member.
    2. Ability to edit own messages written with mistakes (and even delete it)
    3. Ability to set channel to read only for guild announcements/news.
    4. Indicator for new messages in created chats.

    What did I get -
    1. Nothing
    2. Nothing
    3. Nothing
    4. Nothing

    Even worse, in addition to many ways to harm guild, members received another tool - ability to block chat. So, every member now can BLOCK LEADER CHAT (and/or officers)!!! Is it joke??? Who needs such "impoved"chat? As a guild leader, I'm really don't understant, why we not only don't have any in-game tools to punish rule-breakers, but we getting instead new possibilities for rule-breakers to make our life harder?

    It sounds like you are expecting CG to do your work as as a leader..... If you have non responsive guildies, then deal with them accordingly.....
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    I love just about everything in regards to this new update.... CG rocked this.... But, I will add my voice to the crowd saying the donations in chat need to go..... If it was a one liner saying "BubbaFett has requested gear you own xx of" that would be fine..... If clicking on it sent me to requests, that would be superfine.....

    But as it sits, it takes up wayyyyy too much space....
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    exec79 wrote: »
    Even total f2p games wont ban permanently without heavy reasons, especially if you are a paying customer.... Before they would ban soneone im pretty sure they get some evidence and not relying some ragekids reports only...

    I have experience with being banned from f2p games without proof, it's a thing

    Yeah, I've seen this happen before too, even in games that you see be spammed like Idle heroes (one of the other top grossing "f2p" games out there) You can get banned there without any knowledge. if you speak in chat, if enough people report you, doesn't matter what you said you were banned from chat. Anyone could ban anyone as the system was automatically based on how many reports you got, too many from randoms, meant insta ban. Great way to stick it to the whales of course, getting them all banned.

    On topic: is this what I always see you guys talk about, when they give us something good, its always something bad that was not asked for or needed a long with it? lol. Finally chat updates, but we didn't stop there! Have these massive massive never going away taking up half your chat space donate updates! Oh that wasn't asked for? But you guys wanted chat updates right :D
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    BubbaFett wrote: »
    I love just about everything in regards to this new update.... CG rocked this.... But, I will add my voice to the crowd saying the donations in chat need to go..... If it was a one liner saying "BubbaFett has requested gear you own xx of" that would be fine..... If clicking on it sent me to requests, that would be superfine.....

    But as it sits, it takes up wayyyyy too much space....

    Literally any of those would be way better than the way it works now.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Anyone know if we can now tell if a person doesn't have chat enabled? For instance if you try to DM do you get a notice of any kind? Or is the option disabled?
  • Kyleslater
    438 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I know y’all put a lot of work into the donations in chat bit. Not denying that. But i hate it and it looks insanely clunky. Couldn’t you have made the donation text different then announcements and chat text? Or smaller icons? Or options to not see it there? I obviously would prefer to see it completely gone. But some may like it. Same with the chat groups... without moderation abilities in them it’s pretty much asking to be abused. Need ability to kick and or pick who can invite.

    Currently the only option is to be so rude to whoever you want to leave that they get mad and leave....
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    I feel like a homeless person when i request for gear and then i see in the guild chat my request in huge
  • Kronen
    306 posts Member
    They also didn't add enough channels. I'd like a separate channel for each aspect of guild activity. I made one for each raid and a officer chat. But now I'm full. Can't make any for territory battles and wars or a open chat for friends that might want to join or talk strat to share with other guilds. It's nice they finally gave chat some attention but it's still nothing approaching a real chat system.
  • Spang
    286 posts Member
    Gorem wrote: »
    On topic: is this what I always see you guys talk about, when they give us something good, its always something bad that was not asked for or needed a long with it? lol. Finally chat updates, but we didn't stop there! Have these massive massive never going away taking up half your chat space donate updates! Oh that wasn't asked for? But you guys wanted chat updates right :D

    You know, there's a difference between the devs' point of view and the users' point of view. If I remember correctly, some devs are also playing as regular players. But it seems they're not the decision makers. :tongue: So there is criticism, of course, especially when there are really nice updates, and there is one or two thing that is annoying. Besides, some of the comments provide alternative solutions that would work better, not only whining about the chat update.
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    It would be nice if someone from the game could at least show up here and explain the rationale of this awful change to the chat window, or maybe even let us know if they’re at least paying attention to how bad it’s been received
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    I don't like the gear donations either. Its a great example of them giving us things we don't want/need...
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    This game has a chat function?
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
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