Content Update 6/7/2018 [MEGA]


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    (CLIENT UPDATE) we added more players. Thanks guys
  • SoylentGreen
    84 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I don't know why everybody is so upset about the switch back to 5 Hard Node tries per day.
    As having 8 tries was very well received by the community and a very important step towards a little less frustration, it was absolutely predictable that it would end again sooner rather than later.
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    Be prepared to see Pando, Falcon, Leet, and Nest required in the last nodes of LSTB for the next few days for unit deployment.
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    I don't know why everybody is so upset about the switch back to 5 Hard Node tries per day.
    As having 8 tries was very well received by the community and a very important step towards a little less frustration, it was absolutely predictable that it would end again sooner rather than later.

    Yeah. I'm pretty sure I remember that being announced as a temporary change anyway.

    At least they didn't drop it to 3 attempts per day.
  • sipi22
    20 posts Member
      [*] The Chimaera event now properly displays its requirements.

      Could you clarify if this means that the change is to the displayed requirements (to match the actual smaller number of ships required) or to the requirement enforcement (so that from now on we do need to meet the previously stated requirements)
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      Edward wrote: »
      TVF wrote: »
      Edward wrote: »
      Without Traya, Sion is not useful.

      You must be smarter than everyone else. That's the only explanation I can come up with for the fact that everyone without Traya is still using him.

      Smarter than you maybe, all the Empire teams I have fought everyday, Sion is usually dead in seconds after he AOE and my CLS led Rebel counters and kills instantly, easy like that :D

      If yo don’t understand what others were trying to say, just say the word “I don’t understand” :#

      There is no shame for that because you don’t understand everything. If people are kind, they might explain to you.

      Must be nice to be on a server or tier with easy Sions. On my server there are brutal Sions in Rex squads. Thankfully I have one myself... One that dusts off a full rebel retribution attack. Last Jedi Luke style.
    • Ferdolima
      33 posts Member
      edited June 2018
      @CG_Carrie respond in ships 2.0 that CG consider the community opinion in your decision. I really want a explanation about How this apply in the decision to reduce hard nodes atempts
    • Yes
      145 posts Member
      It's funny, with all these posts, you guys really think they care? Hahaha. A threat of you won't spend crystals for refreshes? They don't care, they don't care about any of our gripes. As shown in the past, hmm let's see year? Yeah a year.
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      The hard nodes to me are not a big deal, they said temporary..

      But I wanna know how you add 4 new toons in 1 week, with no ability mat packs? I rather not hear it’s a resource Mgmt game... yes it is, but don’t add 4 new toons and a ship, expect us to pay for packs but not give us a chance to really use them as intended... ships 2.0 forced many to use mats and resolution toons didn’t need before because of ships, but now scramble for geo’s and others...

      To add this much at once and not provide Mat Packs is just infuriating.... and I’m in top 3 guild with almost 4m GP...

      @CG_Carrie @CG_Leviathan @CG_SBCrumb would love some feedback to this
    • DarthRevanTheWise
      31 posts Member
      edited June 2018
      I really like 8 attempts per day too, and even if it was indeed said to be temporary, I was a very nice gesture toward the community. I don't know how it influences crystal expenditures. My guess is also that less crystals were spent with 8 attempts than with 5 attempts on hard node refresh, even if for one I was spending crystal to refresh hard nodes as it was really worth it in my opinion and now I'll just farm more different nodes than I used to and not refresh I fear

      But with the growing competition, growing number of characters to farm in hard nodes, I think it would be very welcomed to bring it back to 8 attempts! especially in a period where quite a lot of people are unhappy (for example with the Sith Raid or Ships 2.0).

      This game is amazing, but some "little" gestures are what can make it so much better (like 8 attempts per hard node instead of 5).

      Thank you for considering that having 8 attempts was very well welcomed by the community! Hopefully we get soon another period with 8 attempts, though 5 is already far better than the 3 it was in the past.
      Post edited by DarthRevanTheWise on
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      I don't know about others but I spent more crystals with the 8 tries than I ever did with 5 or 3 combined. I refreshed it multiple times and bought alot of energy as well.
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      So how about them Washington Capitals Stanley Cup winners, huh?!? They win and we get a Falcon with no Chewie Leia Solo Luke pilots/gunners. What the actual kitten is going on?!?

      Yes we finally crossed the hurdle omg!!!
    • jkray622
      1636 posts Member
      I don't know about others but I spent more crystals with the 8 tries than I ever did with 5 or 3 combined. I refreshed it multiple times and bought alot of energy as well.

      Agreed, I started buying more. With 5 attempts, you have to "go wide" and farm more concurrent toons rather than laser-focusing on a couple. Still, either way will get you there in the long-run.
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      I really dont know why we bother to express our opinion about these things anymore, it is not like they will do anything about it.
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      I really dont know why we bother to express our opinion about these things anymore, it is not like they will do anything about it.
      So we know we are not alone in our frustrations.
      So they can't truly think everyone is happy.
      So the people who are new and considering buying that pack can realize how messed up this company really is.
    • Nauros
      5429 posts Member
      Everyone is up in arms about the hard node reduction, but hey, be glad that they didn't go all the way back to 3 attempts. After all, they called that change "temporary" too...
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      I will say this... I *want* to give them (CG) the benefit of doubt, that they are trying to make the best game they can. Because that makes them money. However I have a long history of playing games EA has ruined because they've rushed things, done a cash grab, failed to test things, and in general a history of not listening to their player base. I almost didn't play this game because it has EA attached to it. I want CG to be better. I hoped CG would be better. After the 22 pages of no response on the Sith Raid debacle thread they started..., and among other things... I'm starting to question my decision to hope.
    • Shadroth
      160 posts Member
      Loved the limited time 8 attempts CG it was really appreciated. Do you plan to do similar promotions moving forward as this injected some excitement to farming which I haven’t felt in some time. I managed to 7* Nih, Veers and 6* Talzin during this time and add to that the extra gear.
      Also, we have 287 variations of Han Solo and non of them pilot a Falcon..?
      I would also like to add that Nest is a very scary proposition in arena. You guys really smashed it out of the park with her but I think most of the community (especially FTP) would appreciate her moving to a hard node ASAP

    • Wycross
      53 posts Member
      Shadroth wrote: »
      I would also like to add that Nest is a very scary proposition in arena. You guys really smashed it out of the park with her but I think most of the community (especially FTP) would appreciate her moving to a hard node ASAP

      No, I'd appreciate her being added to a Cantina node, ASAP. Otherwise, It's a 9 month lag between introduction of a new Marquee and having it 7 starred.
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      Fail: if you bring out a content update and nearly no one talks about the new characters... :(
      For me the last good update was DSTB
    • LennyKravist
      69 posts Member
      edited June 2018
      Geezus tapdancing ****, REALLY? Once AGAIN, taking away things that were awesome (8 HN attempts) since literally NO ONE asked for that. Nice going.

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      I really dont know why we bother to express our opinion about these things anymore, it is not like they will do anything about it.
      So we know we are not alone in our frustrations.
      So they can't truly think everyone is happy.
      So the people who are new and considering buying that pack can realize how messed up this company really is.

      This makes me feel a little better :)
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    • Gavsta
      203 posts Member
      Booooooooooo!!! Hisssssss!!!!!! Back to 5 hard nodes!
    • Ploosh
      565 posts Member
      lol, I kinda want them to come out and say "we've heard the outcry, and realize we did say 5 was also temporary, so we are going back to 3. Thank you everyone for reminding us, we had forgotten"
    • YKMisfit
      730 posts Member
      I really hope that when Bossk finally gets a node, it's in the cantina, and not a LS/DS hard node.

      Not just because of the drop from 8 to 5 (we all knew it was coming) attempts, but because at the moment, there isn't a single Bounty Hunter that can be farmed from the cantina, and only 2 scoundrels (Lando and CW Chewie who for some reason have 2 each).
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      Yes, we all don't like the drop from 8 to 5. The problem lies in the uncertainty of timeframes, which EA/CG is utterly horrible at. When you couple that with vague (sometimes even dishonest) communication, it compounds the issue. If they had set a firm timeframe from the beginning, in which all players knew, there would be much less uproar. By keeping it vague, and then yanking it away with no notice, they brought it upon themselves.
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      8 attempts down to 5 again

    • Shadroth
      160 posts Member
      Wycross wrote: »
      Shadroth wrote: »
      I would also like to add that Nest is a very scary proposition in arena. You guys really smashed it out of the park with her but I think most of the community (especially FTP) would appreciate her moving to a hard node ASAP

      No, I'd appreciate her being added to a Cantina node, ASAP. Otherwise, It's a 9 month lag between introduction of a new Marquee and having it 7 starred.

      Yeah, I realised I forgot to add in cantina
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