No more Jedi reworks incoming in near future...



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    Obi1_son wrote: »
    CG_CapGaSP wrote: »
    I'd also ask that you all trust me when I say we've got some great stuff coming in the near future, and as soon as we can talk about it we will.

    Why not just give what the majority of players ask for. Why do polls and have the community manager ask what we would most like to see if not to help direct where you ought to place your efforts. Multiple (I’d guess hundreds?) of players have been asking and hoping for a Jedi rework for years now. Why ignore that and give us stuff you think we’ll like more? Why not just listen?

    Kinda hard to trust the devs with all of the latest fails

    Latest fails? But fails.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Why not just give what the majority of players ask for.

    Because the majority of players are dumb **** who can't be honest about what they want. They say they want a challenge, but any time something new is added and they don't beat it on the first attempt they come here to complain that it's too hard and a cash grab. They say they want a new meta, but when the meta changes they come here to complain that they have to farm new characters and/or ships.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Why not just give what the majority of players ask for.

    Because the majority of players are dumb **** who can't be honest about what they want. They say they want a challenge, but any time something new is added and they don't beat it on the first attempt they come here to complain that it's too hard and a cash grab. They say they want a new meta, but when the meta changes they come here to complain that they have to farm new characters and/or ships.

    Haha. I think it’s also of what we are reading here. No one can really match up forumers of who said I want a challenge and then see if that same person said this is too hard. It’s kind of like Yelp. People are more inclined to write something when it’s negative.
    But I do feel there are a good amount of people on here that are pretty staunch and accept things take time. But also they rub peeps the wrong way lol
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    Lol it always is a cash grab. That's the problem.
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    Lol it always is a cash grab. That's the problem. can call it a cash-grab...or you can call it a profit-motivated business interest. Which it is. Either way - play if you like, don't if you don't like :smile:
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    Lol it always is a cash grab. That's the problem.

    They need to make money so they can give us content so we pay for it and with that money they make new content, it is a cycle. It is sad so much people don’t understand it!!!!
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    What’s great about these grabs is that you don’t have to spend - same with the time grab you don’t have to give it!
    One step further - encourage whales and highly active payers to do so. The more people who do the less likely you have to. It’s pretty awesome.
    Easy solution stop: the whale hate- it’s their money and it benefits all of us.
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    Lol it always is a cash grab. That's the problem.

    They need to make money so they can give us content so we pay for it and with that money they make new content, it is a cycle

    Or even more incredibly, content that most of us don't pay for! Now that's a good deal eh?

  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Why not just give what the majority of players ask for.

    Because the majority of players are dumb **** who can't be honest about what they want. They say they want a challenge, but any time something new is added and they don't beat it on the first attempt they come here to complain that it's too hard and a cash grab. They say they want a new meta, but when the meta changes they come here to complain that they have to farm new characters and/or ships.
    But I do feel there are a good amount of people on here that are pretty staunch and accept things take time. But also they rub peeps the wrong way lol
    Well I’m sure I have no idea about any of that :p lol
    Lol it always is a cash grab. That's the problem.
    How so? This game is incredibly friendly to players who don’t spend.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Superfan1995
    10 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    "User friendly for players who don't spend" is a funny word. I don't even think the game is actually "user friendly for players who spend", but it is "user friendly for players who spend more".

    Let just say in SWTOR, spend 14.99 USD a month you get free cartel coin, free experience, unlimited access, and a whole story park. And a upgrade park only cost 4.99 USD. and that is a very good deal.

    And what can we buy using 4.99 USD in this game?

    The problem is not about spending money, it is about overpriced. I am throwing some money in the game but it just not make any difference. In the end it just not worth the cash. The amount of money that can make a decent game experience is enough to buy a game like dragon age or mass effect.


    There are three thing I must complain about.

    1. No more 80+ player in the galatic war of level 65 please. seriously, this is just too far. If You want people who only have few useable characters lose horribly against zeta teams please just said. You are literally throwing something unbeatable at us. That experience make level 75 to 65 horrible.

    2. At least add zeta level to some Jedi please. And probably change some leader skill to unique skill.

    3. In china, I only get red energy at 3:00 am, which is every bad.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    NicWester wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Sooo... just rework the ones that aren't good? Maybe?

    They did, in a way, when they added ships last year--and did, again, by redoing ships last month and making the jedi ships relevant again.

    Consular, Asohka, and Plo Koon have excellent ships, and Endurance................ Some folks are able to get it to work with the right team, but I'm unconvinced and think it needs a mechanical overhaul now that there are 3 starting ships and Valor isn't pulling the weight it once did. But, regardless, you add those four to the ones "that work" (a term I'm not really a fan of, because it almost always exclusively means "that work in Arena" and arena is just one small part of the game as a whole) and you have a good chunk of characters in that faction.

    Not for nothing, Kit Fisto is my favorite character in the franchise (with a name like that, how can he not be?) and he's absolutely terrible in all sectors of the game :p

    I didn't say anything about ships, and since you bring it up, the quality of a character's ship is not a valid reason for the character to be garbage themselves. Plenty of toons are good as characters, AND as pilots.

    So nothing you said really relates to what I was talking about which is that easily half a dozen insanely powerful Jedi masters are total garbage as characters in this game. There is such a long stretch between now, and the next movie when they will have to cross promote. There will obviously be some reworks between now and episode 9. I really hoped that GMY was a harbinger of either total reworks, or just Zetas/light tweaks (depending on the toon) for Mace, Lumi, Kit, Plo Koon, Eeth Koth, Aayla, JKA, baby Ahsoka, and IGD. And there are plenty of popular Jedi that we don't have yet.

    But alas, nobody cares about the Jedi. Since Mace will stay neutered for now, and won't be made useful soon (TM), then I'll just suck it up, and deal with it. But I hope it happens eventually (TM). Meanwhile I'll go find a dustpan to sweep up the remnants of my shattered spirit. :(
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    Let's be honest. Yoda was reworked because he was the only legendary character that really ****. It isn't a sign of imminent things to come it was just a rework of one character. And that is ok. It does make them better in the sith raid especially p1. I had tried jedi before and got about 100k in p1 with them in t4. After the rework, I did a 1.5 mil run in t5 of the raid. Now I don't have awesome jedi. No hermit yoda and gk not geared enough to use yet but the yoda rework makes them at least decent. Now people were complaining about jtr being the only p1 team. They make another one better and people complain because it isn't meta changing. Oh well. Be happy that yoda no longer sucks.
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    Jedi have several level 7 abilities that are available for zeta upgrades. Does adding zetas for those slots constitute a “rework”, or is that just adding normal progression for a character?
  • Random9
    510 posts Member
    Drazhar wrote: »
    Reworking a team of already existing characters is useless and brings no money. You can make jedi bundles but nobody will buy them. This is how they take decisions, stick to this pattern and you'll foresee everything. It must be work=money.

    Well yeah it’s a business
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    Random9 wrote: »
    Drazhar wrote: »
    Reworking a team of already existing characters is useless and brings no money. You can make jedi bundles but nobody will buy them. This is how they take decisions, stick to this pattern and you'll foresee everything. It must be work=money.

    Well yeah it’s a business

    They have reworked iconic or legendary characters to keep up with power creep. That makes sense because less people play when iconic characters like vader suck since part of the game is the fun of playing with iconic characters. And mote people playing means more people who potentially spend money. So as far as jedi go, then maybe jedi knight anakin and mace windu could eventually get a rework but jedi guardian isn't getting a rework. That probably goes for the jedi masters that only combat role was to die to Palpatine in 5 seconds. They probably won't be reworked either, nor should they be.
  • CorpseMaker77
    602 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I don't give two flying Mynocks for a Jedi rework if my favorite character never make it into GoH....

    Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi.


    The odds are that it would be easier (and cheaper) for a toon like Jedi Knight Guardian get reworked than Master Mundi been brought to the game.

  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Lol...... What would Ki-adi-mundi do in the game besides sit in the counsel room and tell Obi Wan what to do?....
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    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Lol...... What would Ki-adi-mundi do in the game besides sit in the counsel room and tell Obi Wan what to do?....

    He would keep asking about the droid attack on the Wookiees :D
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    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Lol...... What would Ki-adi-mundi do in the game besides sit in the counsel room and tell Obi Wan what to do?....

    Or be gunned down by clone troopers.
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    His looks like a...y'know...

  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Lol...... What would Ki-adi-mundi do in the game besides sit in the counsel room and tell Obi Wan what to do?....

    He would keep asking about the droid attack on the Wookiees :D
    This needs to be an assault battle
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    The Jedi pretty much did get a good overhaul with the rework GMY's zeta leader ability. It's not like there weren't quite a few great Jedi already - GK, Ezra, hYoda, zBarriss - and quiet a few good ones (Ani, Ahsoka, Aayla, QGJ). Now GMY is also up there in the great category. He's both a great support and an amazing attacker, and his support abilities significantly boost the damage and survivability of allies.
    There's also some very good situational jedi - IGD is excellent at anti-droid and a decent counter lead for TW, and Plo Koon's lead is quite good against stealth teams (R2, zMaul) - load the squad up with heavy attackers under Plo and watch the stealth melt away while your attackers gain offense up.
    And yeah, Eeth and Kit are pretty much junk, but there has to be some in every faction (cough Bohdi cough).
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    kalidor wrote: »
    The Jedi pretty much did get a good overhaul with the rework GMY's zeta leader ability. It's not like there weren't quite a few great Jedi already - GK, Ezra, hYoda, zBarriss - and quiet a few good ones (Ani, Ahsoka, Aayla, QGJ). Now GMY is also up there in the great category. He's both a great support and an amazing attacker, and his support abilities significantly boost the damage and survivability of allies.
    There's also some very good situational jedi - IGD is excellent at anti-droid and a decent counter lead for TW, and Plo Koon's lead is quite good against stealth teams (R2, zMaul) - load the squad up with heavy attackers under Plo and watch the stealth melt away while your attackers gain offense up.
    And yeah, Eeth and Kit are pretty much junk, but there has to be some in every faction (cough Bohdi cough).

    The big disappoint is there is NOT a competitive one Jedi team someone can put together to fight against the Sith for example, which would be thematic and fitting, just GMY being excellent now does not go far enough. If Ani was buffed just a little with something, QGJ maybe a little more health, then you could stick Erza & GK there and have a good team that might be competitive in arena and other areas. That is the first disappointment with Jedi, then there is the issue of how crappy Mace, Fisto, etc the rest of them are, they are pretty much the worst faction if not the worst which is pretty much backwards to how it should be. GMY rework is a great start, only
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    kalidor wrote: »
    The Jedi pretty much did get a good overhaul with the rework GMY's zeta leader ability. It's not like there weren't quite a few great Jedi already - GK, Ezra, hYoda, zBarriss - and quiet a few good ones (Ani, Ahsoka, Aayla, QGJ). Now GMY is also up there in the great category. He's both a great support and an amazing attacker, and his support abilities significantly boost the damage and survivability of allies.
    There's also some very good situational jedi - IGD is excellent at anti-droid and a decent counter lead for TW, and Plo Koon's lead is quite good against stealth teams (R2, zMaul) - load the squad up with heavy attackers under Plo and watch the stealth melt away while your attackers gain offense up.
    And yeah, Eeth and Kit are pretty much junk, but there has to be some in every faction (cough Bohdi cough).

    The big disappoint is there is NOT a competitive one Jedi team someone can put together to fight against the Sith for example, which would be thematic and fitting, just GMY being excellent now does not go far enough. If Ani was buffed just a little with something, QGJ maybe a little more health, then you could stick Erza & GK there and have a good team that might be competitive in arena and other areas. That is the first disappointment with Jedi, then there is the issue of how **** Mace, Fisto, etc the rest of them are, they are pretty much the worst faction if not the worst which is pretty much backwards to how it should be. GMY rework is a great start, only

    My guildmate just made it down to #17 in a Dec'15 shard with zzGMY, GK, zhYoda (6*, g11, zeta'ed SFFTF), Ani, and zzOldBen. Yeah, that's a lot of zetas, but you need that many in elder servers to crack 50.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    kalidor wrote: »
    kalidor wrote: »
    The Jedi pretty much did get a good overhaul with the rework GMY's zeta leader ability. It's not like there weren't quite a few great Jedi already - GK, Ezra, hYoda, zBarriss - and quiet a few good ones (Ani, Ahsoka, Aayla, QGJ). Now GMY is also up there in the great category. He's both a great support and an amazing attacker, and his support abilities significantly boost the damage and survivability of allies.
    There's also some very good situational jedi - IGD is excellent at anti-droid and a decent counter lead for TW, and Plo Koon's lead is quite good against stealth teams (R2, zMaul) - load the squad up with heavy attackers under Plo and watch the stealth melt away while your attackers gain offense up.
    And yeah, Eeth and Kit are pretty much junk, but there has to be some in every faction (cough Bohdi cough).

    The big disappoint is there is NOT a competitive one Jedi team someone can put together to fight against the Sith for example, which would be thematic and fitting, just GMY being excellent now does not go far enough. If Ani was buffed just a little with something, QGJ maybe a little more health, then you could stick Erza & GK there and have a good team that might be competitive in arena and other areas. That is the first disappointment with Jedi, then there is the issue of how **** Mace, Fisto, etc the rest of them are, they are pretty much the worst faction if not the worst which is pretty much backwards to how it should be. GMY rework is a great start, only

    My guildmate just made it down to #17 in a Dec'15 shard with zzGMY, GK, zhYoda (6*, g11, zeta'ed SFFTF), Ani, and zzOldBen. Yeah, that's a lot of zetas, but you need that many in elder servers to crack 50.

    For sure everyone is Zeta'd in top 50, heck I see tons at my level 330-400, tons of G12 toons too, I am on a really old server (quit for 2 years, and will again soon...), not sure to tell how old a server is?

    I remember 2 years ago when Ani was the Meta for a little, not sure if he got nerfed since then. Zhoda in arena though? Old Ben? You just don't see that, sounds like an anomaly
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    I don't know if they improve the galatic war or it just me getting lucky, but this time not 80+. This need to be praised
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    I don't know if they improve the galatic war or it just me getting lucky, but this time not 80+. This need to be praised

    Likely just your team getting better. After you hit the wall around lvl 80 it stops getting harder. As you improve your roster, it gets easier again until eventually you can auto it with one team. Then you have to deal with the chore for awhile before you can finally sim it.
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    Reworks will bring money on used to be useless toons just because of the gear you have to buy to make them relevant.

    Might not be $300 per toon with Marquee events but even after a marquee you are spending $450 for a toon if you want them geared to at least G11 from nothing.
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