Why is slicing only for paying players?

1927 posts Member
You cannot farm all slicing materials and the one needed to go to 6e is not farmable. Lots of words come to mind but free to play is not in those.


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    It is farmable in the guild store, read the posts. It'll show up after the next reset.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Lol 1500 crystals ya nearly farmable. Its already there not free to play option other than giving up refreshes for shards and gear.
  • MajesticMoose41
    247 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    It's probably gonna be 1 piece for 2500 guild tokens
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Not farmable only purchased with crystals. Ftp must now chose between slicing or other farming that requires crystals for refresh.
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    3pourr2 wrote: »
    Lol 1500 crystals ya nearly farmable. Its already there not free to play option other than giving up refreshes for shards and gear.

    The guild store .... Uses guild tokens....
  • Ruark_Icefire
    856 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    It's probably gonna be 1 piece for 2500 guild tokens

    My guild store updated and has 3 Mk 2 Pulse Modulator for 450 tokens.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    If the mark 2 pulse modulator goes to guild store it would be better but i doubt we will see it there.
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    Mod battles 9 apparently has battles that you can get slicing stuff in.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
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    Are you just gonna keep ignoring every post about them being in the guild store?
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    People who pay get the good stuff first so those of us (like me) that don't pay can get them for free...after the payers.

    Why is this of any surprise to anyone?
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    Are you just gonna keep ignoring every post about them being in the guild store?

    I think he's confusing the weekly shipment store with the guild store.
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    To help you understand, as it seems you didn't read the update notes. "Mk 2 Pulse Modulator, that is used to bring mods from Rarity 5 to Rarity 6, can be found in Guild Shipments." Word for word, this answer has already been given.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Lol thanks 3 is still a huge joke
  • Ruark_Icefire
    856 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    3pourr2 wrote: »
    Lol thanks 3 is still a huge joke

    The payed shop only has 40 per week. Even at 3 per refresh you get a lot more from the guild shop than the weekly shop.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Depending on how often it appears. If its like some of the characters that only show about twice a week.
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    3pourr2 wrote: »
    Depending on how often it appears. If its like some of the characters that only show about twice a week.

    It has its very own spot.
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    Dude, I'm pretty sure it'll be in a permanent slot. You're freaking out and getting upset over nothing. P2P is going to have a bit of an advantage like always, but I'm betting they put it in the guild store to keep the gap from getting too large. They aren't stupid, if F2P leaves and the game empties P2P stops giving them money.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    It just gives more reason to run those lower tier str just for fast tokens
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    So now instead of choosing between cantina character battles or mod battles, we have to choose between guild store characters, guild store gear, and slicing.

    Without breaking down the numbers, I think I preferred the old arrangement.
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    I don't disagree there. I think they have now overloaded the guild store when literally 2-4 of the stores are now useless for older players. My arena store is just feeding me prestige tokens to help my capital ships along and fleet is just for zetas now. Cantina and Galactic war are just shard shop fodder...
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    So now instead of choosing between cantina character battles or mod battles, we have to choose between guild store characters, guild store gear, and slicing.

    Without breaking down the numbers, I think I preferred the old arrangement.

    I agree with that. Having to spend 3k Guild Tokens per 6 dot mod is gonna kill your ability to gear up characters.
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    So now instead of choosing between cantina character battles or mod battles, we have to choose between guild store characters, guild store gear, and slicing.

    Without breaking down the numbers, I think I preferred the old arrangement.

    Old way:
    Energy: Cantina OR Mods
    Guild store: Gear or toons

    New way:
    Energy: Cantina AND Mods
    Guild Store: Gear, toons, or mod slicing

    You can now farm both mods and cantina toons, and you can slice mods or not. It's better now, imo.
  • Zmobie
    54 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Maybe if they buffed the raid payouts for guild tokens it wouldn't be so bad, but I was already feeling thin on those to begin with. Now literally every toon I own needs the slicing mats eventually so it's more like gear or toons after slicing mats.
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    So now instead of choosing between cantina character battles or mod battles, we have to choose between guild store characters, guild store gear, and slicing.

    Without breaking down the numbers, I think I preferred the old arrangement.

    I agree with that. Having to spend 3k Guild Tokens per 6 dot mod is gonna kill your ability to gear up characters.

    The guild shop was nearly my entire source or gear. I farm every hard node character I don’t have, using basically all of my energy. Now I have no idea what I’ll do. 6 dot mods are a must. So is gear. So I guess cut back on my character farms? But I enjoy character collecting more than mods are gear...Ugh, frustrating.
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    So now instead of choosing between cantina character battles or mod battles, we have to choose between guild store characters, guild store gear, and slicing.

    Without breaking down the numbers, I think I preferred the old arrangement.

    Old way:
    Energy: Cantina OR Mods
    Guild store: Gear or toons

    New way:
    Energy: Cantina AND Mods
    Guild Store: Gear, toons, or mod slicing

    You can now farm both mods and cantina toons, and you can slice mods or not. It's better now, imo.

    Maybe I’m biased because I never had any interest whatsoever in farming mods for energy. The odds of finding a good speed mod were pretty much nothing. Farming characters never felt like a sacrifice to me. For a while I was completely done with characters, and I still chose character nodes over mods because the shard shop credit was more valuable than the shot at a mod.
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    The freaking out over how costly they are seems predicated on the idea that you absolutely must slice all your mods on all your characters. That's only really "necessary" for your arena squad and pilots for your arena ships - and even then, only if you're trying to be super competitive.

    Otherwise, unless I've missed something, 5-dot mods should be perfectly serviceable for most activities just as they were before. And those are now much easier to farm without compromising your Cantina farms. I'd call it a win, overall.
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    People who pay get the good stuff first so those of us (like me) that don't pay can get them for free...after the payers.

    Why is this of any surprise to anyone?

    That's what I'm saying, I'm a free player as well and I understand that I have to wait longer since I don't pay. It amazes me how many people want stuff for free or in the first 5 minutes.
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