C3PO speculation

What do you guys think? What faction would we use for an unlock? Or will he be another marquee if he is coming at all....


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    Ewoks for legendary Threepio!
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    I thought Ewoks at first but most legendaries need an opposite faction to unlock. CG can do whatever they want with these events. Maybe jawas?...
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    Jawas or imperial troopers vs. C3p0, Ewoks, r2, and chewie
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    I just realized I didn’t post the pic..this is why I am asking..
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    I thought Ewoks at first but most legendaries need an opposite faction to unlock. CG can do whatever they want with these events. Maybe jawas?...

    That’s true. My thought is that it’ll be Ewoks because of the whole worshipping him as a god thing. But Jawas are light side too, so there’s that. I can’t think of an opposing faction that would be appropriate for C3PO though. Sith? Maybe? Because Anakin built him? But that’s a stretch. Although maybe Anakin will be required.

    At the end of the day, CG will decide whatever they want though and probably induce some kind of panic farm.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Too important character to get a marquee, not deserving of Hero's journey, so that leaves legendary, heroic or some special location (like GG or HYoda).
    For legendary, which faction would unlock him? Empire would be too close to R2, Ewoks would only make sense if we got the Ewok god version (which would be cool, but not very likely), and I can't think of anything else.
    Heroic requiring rebels or droids would be trivial, and it isn't a favored way of release anyway.
    So, in my opinion, some special location farm wins.
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    I was thinking jawas because even though they are light side...they captured him and R2D2. Plus I don’t think many have them geared up very well. If the chewie event is any indicator...they will need some major gear..
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    I was thinking jawas because even though they are light side...they captured him and R2D2. Plus I don’t think many have them geared up very well. If the chewie event is any indicator...they will need some major gear..

    It makes sense about as much as Ewoks honestly lol.

    And isn’t the Ewok God Version just plain old C3PO, just floating in a chair because of Luke? Lol
  • RawdSW
    150 posts Member
    Hmmm, yeah, Jawas and Ewoks - that would be way way too easy.

    1. New faction - The Children Of Tatooine,
    2. 5 new characters, including young Anakin, via marquee events,
    3. Pack for sale - ultimate Tatooine bundle for $79.95
    4. Endless single hard node farms three months later
    5. *Then* and only then there will be a legendary to build C3PO
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    RawdSW wrote: »
    Hmmm, yeah, Jawas and Ewoks - that would be way way too easy.

    1. New faction - The Children Of Tatooine,
    2. 5 new characters, including young Anakin, via marquee events,
    3. Pack for sale - ultimate Tatooine bundle for $79.95
    4. Endless single hard node farms three months later
    5. *Then* and only then there will be a legendary to build C3PO

    I hope not lol...Crumb seems to be hinting he is coming though..
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    Just watch for a new Ewok or Jawa toon release.
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    3PO's kit.
    Basic - "Oh dear!": nothing, he does nothing.
    Special - "R2-D2, where are you?": Call R2 for an assist
    Special - "Chances of Survival": Rattles off the odds until opponents turn meter gets to 100 and they shoot him.
    Leader - "We're doomed": The whole team dies.
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    He's probably just a marquee, so get ready for that.
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    It will require a 7* chewie
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    More REBELS!

    CG must really, really hate the Jedi faction. Amazing.
  • Eutus
    232 posts Member
    Release Treek for the panic farm.

    Scale the difficulty just under Chewies and boom legendary ewok event. Plus i need swtor characters.

    And i would assume like R2 he would carry the rebels, republic, and resistance tags.
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    More REBELS!

    CG must really, really hate the Jedi faction. Amazing.
    Seriously? /facepalm
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    He'll probably be a passive character like Hermit Yoda, so whatever he does, it won't be dealing damage.
    Possible abilities could be:
    Steal buffs , apply debuffs, grant extra turn meter, steal turn meter.
    I think it would be cool if he could do something like disregard faction tags in leadership abilities. You know, like he's translating.
    Maybe he has a special with a high countdown like BB8's. When it goes off, he calls a mass assist and every other ally gets 100% turn meter.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Jawas captured 3PO in New Hope. Very few people have them maxed out 7* since they are obsolete. Even fewer invested beyond GS7 or 8 just so they could unlock Crit mods. Everyone has Ewoks. Conversely, 7* Chewie would hunt through Bespin levels trying to locate 3PO and fight waves of Ugnaughts.

    So what makes money?

    Lobot, Ugnaught, CUP, Mob Enforcer, IG-86.
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    i always thought it would be Ewoks, but instead of a normal Legendary where you fight the person, you instead protect him, and thus if he dies you lose the battle.
    in a way it could be considered a Legendary marquee where we get to play as him while we try to unlock him and reach 7*s
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    More REBELS!

    CG must really, really hate the Jedi faction. Amazing.

    no they like jedi, what they hate are the separatist Grievious specifically
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    Others have speculated that hk-47 was kind of a protocol droid...they may be hinting at a rework for him and the kotor event...who knows...or Crumb is just trolling us now lmao
  • Fredy5
    328 posts Member
    We just had a legendary event. Either it's will be a Marquée or just make speculation in 3 months at least after a squad of marquees will be launched....
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    Jawas captured 3PO in New Hope. Very few people have them maxed out 7* since they are obsolete. Even fewer invested beyond GS7 or 8 just so they could unlock Crit mods. Everyone has Ewoks. Conversely, 7* Chewie would hunt through Bespin levels trying to locate 3PO and fight waves of Ugnaughts.

    So what makes money?

    Lobot, Ugnaught, CUP, Mob Enforcer, IG-86.

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    His basic will be "Oh Dear" and he trips and AOE dazes everyone.
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    Others have speculated that hk-47 was kind of a protocol droid...they may be hinting at a rework for him and the kotor event...who knows...or Crumb is just trolling us now lmao

    I came here to say basically this lol. HK-47 was introduced during the KOTOR game as a protocol/assassin droid in order to communicate with the Tuskens. I have personally believed since the other Old Republic toons were released that he would get a rework with the OR tag, especially since Bastila's lead has no OR synergy.
  • Sentia
    280 posts Member
    Maybe he will be a Resistance version with a red arm? Maybe he will have all tags like R2-D2.

    We'll likely need C3-P0 to get through Jedi Luke hero journey.

    Could require different characters each mission, Anakin to Build him in the first mission, then a Jawa team mission to capture him, Then Farmboy Luke and old ben vs sand people, then some Ewok mission, then a resistance vs FO mission... maybe not as hard as the Chewbacca event but many more required characters to make it through.
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    C3-PO confirmed- he will be a support unit who can stun his opponents with his skills in Huttese and however can cause his allies to commit subbuku with his off timed comments
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