Difficulty of Ewok Event


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    I have not found this event to be any more difficult. I find it very easy, TBH. I don't run Troopers though. Those Ewok arrows don't do **** against steel.

    Thrawn with no zeta, L3 no zeta, zzR2, zzBB8, Chopper. I hit auto until Tier 7 so I can keep ID ready for T8. Fracture Logray and hit it!
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    Although I haven't had any issues with this event ever since I added BB8 to my zPalp team, this time it felt like I had many more resists. I blame RNG, as I really don't have enough numbers to claim otherwise.
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    The answer is DROIDS! They do the mithic tier in auto!
  • Aplus
    138 posts Member
    Eh excuse me what?


    No the event’s difficulty is the same. I would argue this event is even autoable except wave 4/8 when you need to fracture teebo to avoid his one shot.

    However I do agree the rewards seem a bit petty.
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    I use IT , or a palp lead with bb8,r2 moff, DT and a mixture of teams until RNG is on my side. It takes forever though.

    I dont think the effort is worth two omegas. You complete it the first time and get zetas and it feels worth it, but you do it once and there is not much point to keep trying for a second time IMO. If it was always zetas I would play all day until I complete it every time
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    Vader Lead (no zeta), palp, thrawn, bb-8, r2. 0 issues.
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    @CDFrawg what gear level and speed do you have on them? And this is for mythic tier?
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    ZPalp (L), Vader, Tarkin, Deathtrooper, IG88. Also mega-easy this time around.
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    Yes. G12 Vader (no zetas), G12 Palp (no zeta), G12 Thrawn (unique zeta), R2 G12 (2 zeta) bb-8 G12 (2 zeta).
    No clue on vader/palp speed. The other 3 have arena mods.
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    When I flip this coin it usually comes up heads, but lately it's been coming up with tails. What's up with that, why did the difficulty increase?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Slaythus
    40 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    I use zVader/zPalp lead then shore zVeers DT and thrawn. Save all abilites on round 7 for round 8. Fracture Logray kill elder and easy win from there.
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    It's all RNG and entering phases with the right characters with the right amount of TM. At least when you're lower geared than it recommends.

    I'm nowhere near mythic-ready but all this advice is great!

    I 3* the bonus tier with G10 zVader, G9 TFP, G9 Thrawn, G9 Palp, G11 Tarkin. Average mods, Thrawn was the only one I'd even consider "fast". Takes multiple tries to get into the final wave with either Tarkin or Vader going first. If not, restart.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    When I flip this coin it usually comes up heads, but lately it's been coming up with tails. What's up with that, why did the difficulty increase?

    Tails is OP. Please nerf.
  • Rojas
    336 posts Member
    3 words, droids, droids, droids. HK-47 Lead, Gear X. BB8, L3, & R2, Gear XII, IG-88 Gear XI. Mediocre mods, only BB8 & R2 have zetas. This line up completed the Mythic event in auto
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    HK BB8 IG88 R2 and thrawn... the fractures and protection regain help, R2 to smokescreen BB8 for mass double counter attacks and stuns IG for the AOE and damage and Hk prety much only for lead
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    This post is wondering why CG is ramping up the difficulty of events like this...

    I just completed the Mythic Level for the first time.

    I'd built up my Empire characters to the point where I completed it. So...the answer to your question is - it's not.

    (And hey, if you don't think it's worth your time then there's a very simple solution - don't do it. Easy :) )

  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    This post is wondering why CG is ramping up the difficulty of events like this...

    I just completed the Mythic Level for the first time.

    I'd built up my Empire characters to the point where I completed it. So...the answer to your question is - it's not.

    (And hey, if you don't think it's worth your time then there's a very simple solution - don't do it. Easy :) )

    kinda condescending no ?

    Gratz on your first time....i finally 3* today was kind of happy)

    I think a big turn off is the RNG which will never change...all it takes is one big focus fire in 8 stages and it's GG for most.... Darh Sion in HSTR can't kill my L3 no matter how hard he tries..but the little furballs make mincemeat out of her :)
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    Dk_rek wrote: »
    kinda condescending no ?

    One tries...

  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    This post is wondering why CG is ramping up the difficulty of events like this without any form of communication with players, and not bothering to increase the already terrible rewards... if you honestly think 2 omegas is worth the time and effort needed to clear all 8 stages in the mythic tier, you’re nuts.

    They're not. Just because you're finding the RNG different today doesn't mean the event has been made harder. I haven't noticed any increase in difficulty.

    This, it's no harder this time than it was last time. Just bad RNG sometimes. I've used troopers in the past as well. In fact I completed it with troopers today. RNG is RNG.
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  • Jarvind
    3930 posts Member
    I’m not asking for advice for this event, least of which telling me I need to farm a team that has little use (Considering I’ve already passed this event before many times...)

    Here's how this reads:


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    No issues here but I do want to try the HK lead with all droids next time. I have been running Palp lead with Vader, Thrawn, R2 and BB8.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    From what I can see a lot of people are saying it’s RNG dependent, which really takes away from an event like this... credit heist has RNG, but we cannot really influence that outcome. But we have an event like this where we should be influence the outcome and RNG gives the middle finger 🤦🏻‍♂️

    And yes I’m complaining about the crappy rewards because I want CG to at least compensate the effort needed for Stage 8 on the mythic tier. If CG does want to make it incredibly difficult and RNG dependent, make the rewards reflect that. 🙄
  • Salatious_Scrum
    2359 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Also if I wasn’t already clear before, I’ve used Imperial Troopers to clear this event, mythic included, so I know it’s not a gear or mod issue.. telling me to farm droids doesn’t change the fact that now I find it impossible to use the Imperial Troopers to clear it.

    2 omegas were already a pretty terrible reward, in my opinion, but now it really doesn’t seem quite worth the effort. If I were want to use droids, I would have to spend a considerable about of time to farm them. And I don’t know many that would use them outside of this event, other than a spot in territory wars..

    And here’s my roster before people suggest more characters: https://swgoh.gg/p/812755916/characters/
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    Also if I wasn’t already clear before, I’ve used Imperial Troopers to clear this event, mythic included, so I know it’s not a gear or mod issue.. telling me to farm droids doesn’t change the fact that now I find it impossible to use the Imperial Troopers to clear it.

    2 omegas were already a pretty terrible reward, in my opinion, but now it really doesn’t seem quite worth the effort. If I were want to use droids, I would have to spend a considerable about of time to farm them. And I don’t know many that would use them outside of this event, other than a spot in territory wars..

    And here’s my roster before people suggest more characters: https://swgoh.gg/p/812755916/characters/

    I've used Imperial Troopers myself for this event in the past and it was incredibly difficult. I won once or twice, but it was really not worth the efforts. Then I switched to zEmp and I was still having issues. Then I added BB8 and it has gotten much easier. The droids seem to be a perfect fit for this event, but I just don't have them geared, and have no immediate plans to.

    Imperial troopers are an excellent team overall, just not for this. Just because they are allowed, doesn't mean they are a good fit, which translates into RNG-dependence. There is another similar event that you can complete with either GL12+ Phoenix and lots of good RNG or GL9- NS team, so it's not unusual.
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    Once a tier is 3* it should have the option to play the final battle only. Nothing worse than doing 7/8, getting horrible rng and then having to go back and do the previous 7 again.
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    3*'d it with, zEp g11, Vader g11, thrawn g12, r2d2 g9, gmt g10.
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    ...And I don’t know many that would use them outside of this event, other than a spot in territory wars..

    Hmmm I seem to remember a Droid team with Jawa Engineer pulling good damage in phase 1 Sith Raid
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    Also if I wasn’t already clear before, I’ve used Imperial Troopers to clear this event, mythic included, so I know it’s not a gear or mod issue.. telling me to farm droids doesn’t change the fact that now I find it impossible to use the Imperial Troopers to clear it.

    2 omegas were already a pretty terrible reward, in my opinion, but now it really doesn’t seem quite worth the effort. If I were want to use droids, I would have to spend a considerable about of time to farm them. And I don’t know many that would use them outside of this event, other than a spot in territory wars..

    And here’s my roster before people suggest more characters: https://swgoh.gg/p/812755916/characters/

    I've got plenty of beef with CG - but this isn't part of it.

    As you can see people are recommending Droids and so would I. HK lead, BB8, R2 and whoever (I prefer chopper and, now, T3).

    Fight through the first 7 tiers to make sure everyone makes it, takes a few minutes - then on the last tier just hit auto. Man, I lost IG88 last time in round 6 (no T3 then) and still won the last fight with just the 4 others, and none died.

    Yes, I have them all zeta'd up and G12. Yes, I agree 2 omegas is a little crumby. But no, the fight is easy - RNG doesn't rear it's head - and I DO NEED more omegas [read: Omega Crunch] so the few minutes til I hit auto feels worth it.
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