

  • Options
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    You forgot to add that you need to go through an omega to get to the zeta so that makes it 18-21 per zeta ability.

    Not to mention if you're adding a zeta then you're probably invested in that character for a reason so a single character with 4 or 5 abilities will cost anywhere from 33-41 omegas per 20 zeta.



    My comment was directed at the bolded portion of @JaggedJ 's claim, which is completely incorrect.
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    How many does it take when a Zeta ability is added? You are being presumptive as to my understanding of the game, as well the comment has no relevance to the simple subject that Omegas are not readily available.

    As for this?

    First; I listed in my post how many are required for each Zeta. It's either 10 Omega, 20 purple, 20 Zeta, or 13/30/20, or 16/40/20. That's it. So a Zeta costs either 10,13, or 16 omegas exactly like I said.

    Second, whether it's relevant to your original post is actually irrelevant, I was correcting someone else who was posting completely incorrect information.

    If you re-read my post it actually was directed at exactly the member I was quoting & responding to. I made no mention whatsoever of your "understanding" of the game. Move along...
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    You forgot to add that you need to go through an omega to get to the zeta so that makes it 18-21 per zeta ability.

    Not to mention if you're adding a zeta then you're probably invested in that character for a reason so a single character with 4 or 5 abilities will cost anywhere from 33-41 omegas per 20 zeta.



    My comment was directed at the bolded portion of @JaggedJ 's claim, which is completely incorrect.
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    How many does it take when a Zeta ability is added? You are being presumptive as to my understanding of the game, as well the comment has no relevance to the simple subject that Omegas are not readily available.

    As for this?

    First; I listed in my post how many are required for each Zeta. It's either 10 Omega, 20 purple, 20 Zeta, or 13/30/20, or 16/40/20. That's it. So a Zeta costs either 10,13, or 16 omegas exactly like I said.

    Second, whether it's relevant to your original post is actually irrelevant, I was correcting someone else who was posting completely incorrect information.

    If you re-read my post it actually was directed at exactly the member I was quoting & responding to. I made no mention whatsoever of your "understanding" of the game. Move along...

    True true, got my numbers mixed up, but my points remain valid.
  • Options
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    You forgot to add that you need to go through an omega to get to the zeta so that makes it 18-21 per zeta ability.

    Not to mention if you're adding a zeta then you're probably invested in that character for a reason so a single character with 4 or 5 abilities will cost anywhere from 33-41 omegas per 20 zeta.

    Now we move on to this over reliability on squads so it's often not just about choosing one character to omega but several to create a squad that is actually worth using. A squad of 5 even with only one zeta and a couple of 3 ability toons will still cost on the area of 100-120 omegas.

    That's five toons out of 150 odd, so no it's not about maxing EVERY ability on EVERY toon like the dismissive claim. With TB, TW, HSR, Legendaries etc the game is about squads of 5, not making choices on individual toons.

    It's getting rarer and rarer to see a mash of different toons from different factions in a team that actually works so the debate goes beyond choosing which individual toons to ability up.

    A few of things wrong with your analysis.

    First, you don't have an ability that has an omega then a zeta. It is either or.

    Second, not all omegas or zetas are vital to make a squad work. For example I run jtr in hstr and maxed them out. Still don't have all the zetas. There are a few that would make the team better like both of jtr's uniques but they aren't necessary to do well. And there are some like scav rey's zeta that add nothing useful to the team. Daze won't land on dn even with the zeta. So those can be skipped or at least postponed. And tb and tw don't req the squad to be maxed to be useful.

    Third, lets say you decide to start a new squad from scratch. There may be one legendary that is unlocked at 7 star but most of the squad is 3 star marques on hard nodes. So let's assume energy refreshes, that would still be a two or three month farm. So at 75 omegas a month that's around 150 to 225 by the time you 7 star them. So let's assume three zetas on the leader and one or two on the others. That's maybe 6 zeta abilities. At 15 omegas each that's 90. Then the leader would have two omega abilities and the others would have 3 omega abilities on average. That's 70 omegas. So 160 omegas.

    Assuming you start saving or putting them on when you start farming them, you would still have them omegaed by the time you 7 starred the team and likely long before you g12 them. At 2 zetas a month you could probably zeta them too by the time you 7 star them.

  • Options
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    30 a month, or even 60 is not enough. There are over 140 toons & many of them need 30 mats to themselves. 30 a month would equate to over 30 years of collecting omegas. I understand that is not the exact case. I am just stating, that there is not a good start for debate there
    I am now certainly paying closer attention to where I place them, which I find very unfortunate. What I am saying is that there needs to more access to them & or be more consistent with the distribution.
    The name of the game is compete, but only be as competitive as we allow, also unfortunate. The ground battle that lasts for over a half an hour for 2 omegas is straight up garbage also. Not nearly worth the reward as omegas arent really that great. You just need them to complete Zeta.
    after 2 years of this, I just feel that the distribution & ratio or rations, whatever a person calls it, is over do for re-evaluation.

    What ground battle lasts a half an hour? I beat the mythic yoda all tiers and the imperial mythic event all tiers in less than half an hour. If you're grinding to beat it and it takes that long, your team needs some work.

    I don't think you're meant to max omega every toon. The reasin there are so many toons is because people have different preferences and they want to apeal to as many as possible. Trying to collect and max every character is madness unless you're a mega cracken.

    As far as the rate of omegas, it isn't all that bad and I keep up with omegas just fine without buying any. I do follow a few guidelines.

    One, I typically dont omega abilities unless I seven star the character. Obviously, there are exceptions if you use a less than 7 star character in some area of the game but I usually don't. I have enough 7 stars for tb and in the tw most of my under 7 star characters are useless against the 80k plus teams we see. And less than 7 stars are useless in the raids.

    Second, I usually get them geared up past g9 or so before I worry about putting omegas or zetas on them. The gear is more of a hurdle than the omegas so by the time a character is g10 or g11, I have enough omegas. Zetas, I have to be a bit more choosy.

    Also I make sure they are level 85 but I usually do that before gearing them.

    Following those guidelines, and only omegaing abilities that are useful, I really don't run out. I currently have 30 or so and 10 zeta mats. And no omega I'm dying to put on a toon. My best toons have their omegas and the ones I'm building aren't ready due to gear anyway.

    Also, I believe there are ability mat packs you can buy that give out omegas. But they are expensive. That's how krackens have all the g12 and fully omegaed rosters. Only ability material you can't buy with crystals or money are zetas.

    There are 8 battles, if that is the military might or what ever you want to call it? If you complete every level in an average of 3 minutes, I think it takes me longer, but that is 24 minutes without load up time.

    It shouldn’t take three minutes per wave unless you have a bad team or an undergeared one. Each of the first three tiers took me about 5 minutes on manual for all eight waves.

    Responding to your original point, if you’re not going to buy omegas then you’ll have to deal with not getting as many as you need like the rest of us. But if I had to choose two resources to be more available and accessible, they would be omegas and stun guns. Maybe credits.

    I auto the first 3 tiers of the military might so probably takes 2 min or so per tier. The mythic takes prob 10 min on manual if you're careful. Then there are 3 battles for the yoda one. One is simable and the second is easy to auto if you have one good team. And the mythic isn't bad if you have jedi developed. So about 10 min for all 3. That is 26 min if you add it up so all tge events in 30 min is easily doable with developed teams.

    And the rewards are a lot of shards, mods, and two omegas. So not terrible.

    But if it takes you 30 min or more just for the mythic due to not having the team developed, and we've all been there, then it's reasonable to skip it for now and miss the two omegas but they are still available.

    The point I was making is that it eventually gets much quicker to get the omega rewards once you develop your roster.

    I mean, I recently traversed 2 mil gp & have been playing for some time. I get what everybody is trying to say. That doesn't mean that I should feel ashamed for expecting a little more for what I (& everybody for that matter) pay for. My roster is definitely not the best. I rank within the top 50 of my shard. But in a previous comment, you confirmed that omegas are something that you would like to see more of. Well here I am asking for just that, for you as well as for me

    which comment is that. I reread my posts, none of them ask for more omegas in this thread. I do want more stun guns. That's where the real bottleneck is for me.
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    You forgot to add that you need to go through an omega to get to the zeta so that makes it 18-21 per zeta ability.

    Not to mention if you're adding a zeta then you're probably invested in that character for a reason so a single character with 4 or 5 abilities will cost anywhere from 33-41 omegas per 20 zeta.

    Now we move on to this over reliability on squads so it's often not just about choosing one character to omega but several to create a squad that is actually worth using. A squad of 5 even with only one zeta and a couple of 3 ability toons will still cost on the area of 100-120 omegas.

    That's five toons out of 150 odd, so no it's not about maxing EVERY ability on EVERY toon like the dismissive claim. With TB, TW, HSR, Legendaries etc the game is about squads of 5, not making choices on individual toons.

    It's getting rarer and rarer to see a mash of different toons from different factions in a team that actually works so the debate goes beyond choosing which individual toons to ability up.

    A few of things wrong with your analysis.

    First, you don't have an ability that has an omega then a zeta. It is either or.

    Second, not all omegas or zetas are vital to make a squad work. For example I run jtr in hstr and maxed them out. Still don't have all the zetas. There are a few that would make the team better like both of jtr's uniques but they aren't necessary to do well. And there are some like scav rey's zeta that add nothing useful to the team. Daze won't land on dn even with the zeta. So those can be skipped or at least postponed. And tb and tw don't req the squad to be maxed to be useful.

    Third, lets say you decide to start a new squad from scratch. There may be one legendary that is unlocked at 7 star but most of the squad is 3 star marques on hard nodes. So let's assume energy refreshes, that would still be a two or three month farm. So at 75 omegas a month that's around 150 to 225 by the time you 7 star them. So let's assume three zetas on the leader and one or two on the others. That's maybe 6 zeta abilities. At 15 omegas each that's 90. Then the leader would have two omega abilities and the others would have 3 omega abilities on average. That's 70 omegas. So 160 omegas.

    Assuming you start saving or putting them on when you start farming them, you would still have them omegaed by the time you 7 starred the team and likely long before you g12 them. At 2 zetas a month you could probably zeta them too by the time you 7 star them.

    I never included a double zeta character in my analysis so that's irrelevant. My example also used 1 zeta per squad and 2 of those I assumed only had 3 total abilities. As I already acknowledged I fluffed the numbers by counting omega/zeta rather than either/or but despite that the numbers are still beyond your original post by a comfortable margin.

    Your second lot of numbers, not sure what you're trying to prove as a counter to my point. The main point of my post was that it's a squad based game, MULTIPLE squads required for the different areas of the game. Giving numbers for a single squad that you can attain over a 3 month period does nothing to refute my point that people "feeling they should be allowed to omega/zeta everything " is not the issue.

    TB, TW, HSR, Newly released toons etc have evolved the game faster and further compared to some resources like Omegas whereas Zetas have become more readily available during that time.

    The balance has changed over the last year. Whether by design/happenstance, whether it's good or bad, that balance has certainly changed.
  • Options
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    30 a month, or even 60 is not enough. There are over 140 toons & many of them need 30 mats to themselves. 30 a month would equate to over 30 years of collecting omegas. I understand that is not the exact case. I am just stating, that there is not a good start for debate there
    I am now certainly paying closer attention to where I place them, which I find very unfortunate. What I am saying is that there needs to more access to them & or be more consistent with the distribution.
    The name of the game is compete, but only be as competitive as we allow, also unfortunate. The ground battle that lasts for over a half an hour for 2 omegas is straight up garbage also. Not nearly worth the reward as omegas arent really that great. You just need them to complete Zeta.
    after 2 years of this, I just feel that the distribution & ratio or rations, whatever a person calls it, is over do for re-evaluation.

    What ground battle lasts a half an hour? I beat the mythic yoda all tiers and the imperial mythic event all tiers in less than half an hour. If you're grinding to beat it and it takes that long, your team needs some work.

    I don't think you're meant to max omega every toon. The reasin there are so many toons is because people have different preferences and they want to apeal to as many as possible. Trying to collect and max every character is madness unless you're a mega cracken.

    As far as the rate of omegas, it isn't all that bad and I keep up with omegas just fine without buying any. I do follow a few guidelines.

    One, I typically dont omega abilities unless I seven star the character. Obviously, there are exceptions if you use a less than 7 star character in some area of the game but I usually don't. I have enough 7 stars for tb and in the tw most of my under 7 star characters are useless against the 80k plus teams we see. And less than 7 stars are useless in the raids.

    Second, I usually get them geared up past g9 or so before I worry about putting omegas or zetas on them. The gear is more of a hurdle than the omegas so by the time a character is g10 or g11, I have enough omegas. Zetas, I have to be a bit more choosy.

    Also I make sure they are level 85 but I usually do that before gearing them.

    Following those guidelines, and only omegaing abilities that are useful, I really don't run out. I currently have 30 or so and 10 zeta mats. And no omega I'm dying to put on a toon. My best toons have their omegas and the ones I'm building aren't ready due to gear anyway.

    Also, I believe there are ability mat packs you can buy that give out omegas. But they are expensive. That's how krackens have all the g12 and fully omegaed rosters. Only ability material you can't buy with crystals or money are zetas.

    There are 8 battles, if that is the military might or what ever you want to call it? If you complete every level in an average of 3 minutes, I think it takes me longer, but that is 24 minutes without load up time.

    It shouldn’t take three minutes per wave unless you have a bad team or an undergeared one. Each of the first three tiers took me about 5 minutes on manual for all eight waves.

    Responding to your original point, if you’re not going to buy omegas then you’ll have to deal with not getting as many as you need like the rest of us. But if I had to choose two resources to be more available and accessible, they would be omegas and stun guns. Maybe credits.

    Maybe your comment alone describes farming & why anybody trying to be competitive would want access to omegas. I really dont know if you are arguing with me or helping with the point?

    I’m trying to help your point. I agree we need more omegas, but I have also accepted that we probably won’t get them. I can’t see how giving away more omegas would be beneficial to CG, so they won’t do it. Though it would be great if they did.
  • Options
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    You forgot to add that you need to go through an omega to get to the zeta so that makes it 18-21 per zeta ability.

    Not to mention if you're adding a zeta then you're probably invested in that character for a reason so a single character with 4 or 5 abilities will cost anywhere from 33-41 omegas per 20 zeta.

    Now we move on to this over reliability on squads so it's often not just about choosing one character to omega but several to create a squad that is actually worth using. A squad of 5 even with only one zeta and a couple of 3 ability toons will still cost on the area of 100-120 omegas.

    That's five toons out of 150 odd, so no it's not about maxing EVERY ability on EVERY toon like the dismissive claim. With TB, TW, HSR, Legendaries etc the game is about squads of 5, not making choices on individual toons.

    It's getting rarer and rarer to see a mash of different toons from different factions in a team that actually works so the debate goes beyond choosing which individual toons to ability up.

    A few of things wrong with your analysis.

    First, you don't have an ability that has an omega then a zeta. It is either or.

    Second, not all omegas or zetas are vital to make a squad work. For example I run jtr in hstr and maxed them out. Still don't have all the zetas. There are a few that would make the team better like both of jtr's uniques but they aren't necessary to do well. And there are some like scav rey's zeta that add nothing useful to the team. Daze won't land on dn even with the zeta. So those can be skipped or at least postponed. And tb and tw don't req the squad to be maxed to be useful.

    Third, lets say you decide to start a new squad from scratch. There may be one legendary that is unlocked at 7 star but most of the squad is 3 star marques on hard nodes. So let's assume energy refreshes, that would still be a two or three month farm. So at 75 omegas a month that's around 150 to 225 by the time you 7 star them. So let's assume three zetas on the leader and one or two on the others. That's maybe 6 zeta abilities. At 15 omegas each that's 90. Then the leader would have two omega abilities and the others would have 3 omega abilities on average. That's 70 omegas. So 160 omegas.

    Assuming you start saving or putting them on when you start farming them, you would still have them omegaed by the time you 7 starred the team and likely long before you g12 them. At 2 zetas a month you could probably zeta them too by the time you 7 star them.

    I never included a double zeta character in my analysis so that's irrelevant. My example also used 1 zeta per squad and 2 of those I assumed only had 3 total abilities. As I already acknowledged I fluffed the numbers by counting omega/zeta rather than either/or but despite that the numbers are still beyond your original post by a comfortable margin.

    Your second lot of numbers, not sure what you're trying to prove as a counter to my point. The main point of my post was that it's a squad based game, MULTIPLE squads required for the different areas of the game. Giving numbers for a single squad that you can attain over a 3 month period does nothing to refute my point that people "feeling they should be allowed to omega/zeta everything " is not the issue.

    TB, TW, HSR, Newly released toons etc have evolved the game faster and further compared to some resources like Omegas whereas Zetas have become more readily available during that time.

    The balance has changed over the last year. Whether by design/happenstance, whether it's good or bad, that balance has certainly changed.

    My point is that by the tome you can gear and star a squad, you can easily omega them with some left over. So omegas aren't the bottleneck. The only way omegas ate the problem is if you waste them on other toons and don't focus.
  • Options
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    You forgot to add that you need to go through an omega to get to the zeta so that makes it 18-21 per zeta ability.

    Not to mention if you're adding a zeta then you're probably invested in that character for a reason so a single character with 4 or 5 abilities will cost anywhere from 33-41 omegas per 20 zeta.

    Now we move on to this over reliability on squads so it's often not just about choosing one character to omega but several to create a squad that is actually worth using. A squad of 5 even with only one zeta and a couple of 3 ability toons will still cost on the area of 100-120 omegas.

    That's five toons out of 150 odd, so no it's not about maxing EVERY ability on EVERY toon like the dismissive claim. With TB, TW, HSR, Legendaries etc the game is about squads of 5, not making choices on individual toons.

    It's getting rarer and rarer to see a mash of different toons from different factions in a team that actually works so the debate goes beyond choosing which individual toons to ability up.

    A few of things wrong with your analysis.

    First, you don't have an ability that has an omega then a zeta. It is either or.

    Second, not all omegas or zetas are vital to make a squad work. For example I run jtr in hstr and maxed them out. Still don't have all the zetas. There are a few that would make the team better like both of jtr's uniques but they aren't necessary to do well. And there are some like scav rey's zeta that add nothing useful to the team. Daze won't land on dn even with the zeta. So those can be skipped or at least postponed. And tb and tw don't req the squad to be maxed to be useful.

    Third, lets say you decide to start a new squad from scratch. There may be one legendary that is unlocked at 7 star but most of the squad is 3 star marques on hard nodes. So let's assume energy refreshes, that would still be a two or three month farm. So at 75 omegas a month that's around 150 to 225 by the time you 7 star them. So let's assume three zetas on the leader and one or two on the others. That's maybe 6 zeta abilities. At 15 omegas each that's 90. Then the leader would have two omega abilities and the others would have 3 omega abilities on average. That's 70 omegas. So 160 omegas.

    Assuming you start saving or putting them on when you start farming them, you would still have them omegaed by the time you 7 starred the team and likely long before you g12 them. At 2 zetas a month you could probably zeta them too by the time you 7 star them.

    I never included a double zeta character in my analysis so that's irrelevant. My example also used 1 zeta per squad and 2 of those I assumed only had 3 total abilities. As I already acknowledged I fluffed the numbers by counting omega/zeta rather than either/or but despite that the numbers are still beyond your original post by a comfortable margin.

    Your second lot of numbers, not sure what you're trying to prove as a counter to my point. The main point of my post was that it's a squad based game, MULTIPLE squads required for the different areas of the game. Giving numbers for a single squad that you can attain over a 3 month period does nothing to refute my point that people "feeling they should be allowed to omega/zeta everything " is not the issue.

    TB, TW, HSR, Newly released toons etc have evolved the game faster and further compared to some resources like Omegas whereas Zetas have become more readily available during that time.

    The balance has changed over the last year. Whether by design/happenstance, whether it's good or bad, that balance has certainly changed.

    My point is that by the time you can gear and star a squad, you can easily omega them with some left over. So omegas aren't the bottleneck. The only way omegas ate the problem is if you waste them on other toons and don't focus.

  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    You forgot to add that you need to go through an omega to get to the zeta so that makes it 18-21 per zeta ability.

    Not to mention if you're adding a zeta then you're probably invested in that character for a reason so a single character with 4 or 5 abilities will cost anywhere from 33-41 omegas per 20 zeta.

    Now we move on to this over reliability on squads so it's often not just about choosing one character to omega but several to create a squad that is actually worth using. A squad of 5 even with only one zeta and a couple of 3 ability toons will still cost on the area of 100-120 omegas.

    That's five toons out of 150 odd, so no it's not about maxing EVERY ability on EVERY toon like the dismissive claim. With TB, TW, HSR, Legendaries etc the game is about squads of 5, not making choices on individual toons.

    It's getting rarer and rarer to see a mash of different toons from different factions in a team that actually works so the debate goes beyond choosing which individual toons to ability up.

    A few of things wrong with your analysis.

    First, you don't have an ability that has an omega then a zeta. It is either or.

    Second, not all omegas or zetas are vital to make a squad work. For example I run jtr in hstr and maxed them out. Still don't have all the zetas. There are a few that would make the team better like both of jtr's uniques but they aren't necessary to do well. And there are some like scav rey's zeta that add nothing useful to the team. Daze won't land on dn even with the zeta. So those can be skipped or at least postponed. And tb and tw don't req the squad to be maxed to be useful.

    Third, lets say you decide to start a new squad from scratch. There may be one legendary that is unlocked at 7 star but most of the squad is 3 star marques on hard nodes. So let's assume energy refreshes, that would still be a two or three month farm. So at 75 omegas a month that's around 150 to 225 by the time you 7 star them. So let's assume three zetas on the leader and one or two on the others. That's maybe 6 zeta abilities. At 15 omegas each that's 90. Then the leader would have two omega abilities and the others would have 3 omega abilities on average. That's 70 omegas. So 160 omegas.

    Assuming you start saving or putting them on when you start farming them, you would still have them omegaed by the time you 7 starred the team and likely long before you g12 them. At 2 zetas a month you could probably zeta them too by the time you 7 star them.

    I never included a double zeta character in my analysis so that's irrelevant. My example also used 1 zeta per squad and 2 of those I assumed only had 3 total abilities. As I already acknowledged I fluffed the numbers by counting omega/zeta rather than either/or but despite that the numbers are still beyond your original post by a comfortable margin.

    Your second lot of numbers, not sure what you're trying to prove as a counter to my point. The main point of my post was that it's a squad based game, MULTIPLE squads required for the different areas of the game. Giving numbers for a single squad that you can attain over a 3 month period does nothing to refute my point that people "feeling they should be allowed to omega/zeta everything " is not the issue.

    TB, TW, HSR, Newly released toons etc have evolved the game faster and further compared to some resources like Omegas whereas Zetas have become more readily available during that time.

    The balance has changed over the last year. Whether by design/happenstance, whether it's good or bad, that balance has certainly changed.

    My point is that by the tome you can gear and star a squad, you can easily omega them with some left over. So omegas aren't the bottleneck. The only way omegas ate the problem is if you waste them on other toons and don't focus.

    And what I'm saying is your point has done nothing to counteract my point so we're just going to have to agree to disagree I guess....on whatever points we're trying to make.
  • Options
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    30 a month, or even 60 is not enough. There are over 140 toons & many of them need 30 mats to themselves. 30 a month would equate to over 30 years of collecting omegas. I understand that is not the exact case. I am just stating, that there is not a good start for debate there
    I am now certainly paying closer attention to where I place them, which I find very unfortunate. What I am saying is that there needs to more access to them & or be more consistent with the distribution.
    The name of the game is compete, but only be as competitive as we allow, also unfortunate. The ground battle that lasts for over a half an hour for 2 omegas is straight up garbage also. Not nearly worth the reward as omegas arent really that great. You just need them to complete Zeta.
    after 2 years of this, I just feel that the distribution & ratio or rations, whatever a person calls it, is over do for re-evaluation.

    What ground battle lasts a half an hour? I beat the mythic yoda all tiers and the imperial mythic event all tiers in less than half an hour. If you're grinding to beat it and it takes that long, your team needs some work.

    I don't think you're meant to max omega every toon. The reasin there are so many toons is because people have different preferences and they want to apeal to as many as possible. Trying to collect and max every character is madness unless you're a mega cracken.

    As far as the rate of omegas, it isn't all that bad and I keep up with omegas just fine without buying any. I do follow a few guidelines.

    One, I typically dont omega abilities unless I seven star the character. Obviously, there are exceptions if you use a less than 7 star character in some area of the game but I usually don't. I have enough 7 stars for tb and in the tw most of my under 7 star characters are useless against the 80k plus teams we see. And less than 7 stars are useless in the raids.

    Second, I usually get them geared up past g9 or so before I worry about putting omegas or zetas on them. The gear is more of a hurdle than the omegas so by the time a character is g10 or g11, I have enough omegas. Zetas, I have to be a bit more choosy.

    Also I make sure they are level 85 but I usually do that before gearing them.

    Following those guidelines, and only omegaing abilities that are useful, I really don't run out. I currently have 30 or so and 10 zeta mats. And no omega I'm dying to put on a toon. My best toons have their omegas and the ones I'm building aren't ready due to gear anyway.

    Also, I believe there are ability mat packs you can buy that give out omegas. But they are expensive. That's how krackens have all the g12 and fully omegaed rosters. Only ability material you can't buy with crystals or money are zetas.

    There are 8 battles, if that is the military might or what ever you want to call it? If you complete every level in an average of 3 minutes, I think it takes me longer, but that is 24 minutes without load up time.

    It shouldn’t take three minutes per wave unless you have a bad team or an undergeared one. Each of the first three tiers took me about 5 minutes on manual for all eight waves.

    Responding to your original point, if you’re not going to buy omegas then you’ll have to deal with not getting as many as you need like the rest of us. But if I had to choose two resources to be more available and accessible, they would be omegas and stun guns. Maybe credits.

    I auto the first 3 tiers of the military might so probably takes 2 min or so per tier. The mythic takes prob 10 min on manual if you're careful. Then there are 3 battles for the yoda one. One is simable and the second is easy to auto if you have one good team. And the mythic isn't bad if you have jedi developed. So about 10 min for all 3. That is 26 min if you add it up so all tge events in 30 min is easily doable with developed teams.

    And the rewards are a lot of shards, mods, and two omegas. So not terrible.

    But if it takes you 30 min or more just for the mythic due to not having the team developed, and we've all been there, then it's reasonable to skip it for now and miss the two omegas but they are still available.

    The point I was making is that it eventually gets much quicker to get the omega rewards once you develop your roster.

    I mean, I recently traversed 2 mil gp & have been playing for some time. I get what everybody is trying to say. That doesn't mean that I should feel ashamed for expecting a little more for what I (& everybody for that matter) pay for. My roster is definitely not the best. I rank within the top 50 of my shard. But in a previous comment, you confirmed that omegas are something that you would like to see more of. Well here I am asking for just that, for you as well as for me

    which comment is that. I reread my posts, none of them ask for more omegas in this thread. I do want more stun guns. That's where the real bottleneck is for me.

    This is from your previous post:
    Responding to your original point, if you’re not going to buy omegas then you’ll have to deal with not getting as many as you need like the rest of us. But if I had to choose two resources to be more available and accessible, they would be omegas and stun guns. Maybe credits.
    Does it not say you would like to see Omegas & stun guns....(to which I agree mk5 stun guns are another Item that sometimes isn't available for days & I currently have over 30 toons waiting on one or more)
  • Options
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    You forgot to add that you need to go through an omega to get to the zeta so that makes it 18-21 per zeta ability.

    Not to mention if you're adding a zeta then you're probably invested in that character for a reason so a single character with 4 or 5 abilities will cost anywhere from 33-41 omegas per 20 zeta.

    Now we move on to this over reliability on squads so it's often not just about choosing one character to omega but several to create a squad that is actually worth using. A squad of 5 even with only one zeta and a couple of 3 ability toons will still cost on the area of 100-120 omegas.

    That's five toons out of 150 odd, so no it's not about maxing EVERY ability on EVERY toon like the dismissive claim. With TB, TW, HSR, Legendaries etc the game is about squads of 5, not making choices on individual toons.

    It's getting rarer and rarer to see a mash of different toons from different factions in a team that actually works so the debate goes beyond choosing which individual toons to ability up.

    A few of things wrong with your analysis.

    First, you don't have an ability that has an omega then a zeta. It is either or.

    Second, not all omegas or zetas are vital to make a squad work. For example I run jtr in hstr and maxed them out. Still don't have all the zetas. There are a few that would make the team better like both of jtr's uniques but they aren't necessary to do well. And there are some like scav rey's zeta that add nothing useful to the team. Daze won't land on dn even with the zeta. So those can be skipped or at least postponed. And tb and tw don't req the squad to be maxed to be useful.

    Third, lets say you decide to start a new squad from scratch. There may be one legendary that is unlocked at 7 star but most of the squad is 3 star marques on hard nodes. So let's assume energy refreshes, that would still be a two or three month farm. So at 75 omegas a month that's around 150 to 225 by the time you 7 star them. So let's assume three zetas on the leader and one or two on the others. That's maybe 6 zeta abilities. At 15 omegas each that's 90. Then the leader would have two omega abilities and the others would have 3 omega abilities on average. That's 70 omegas. So 160 omegas.

    Assuming you start saving or putting them on when you start farming them, you would still have them omegaed by the time you 7 starred the team and likely long before you g12 them. At 2 zetas a month you could probably zeta them too by the time you 7 star them.

    I never included a double zeta character in my analysis so that's irrelevant. My example also used 1 zeta per squad and 2 of those I assumed only had 3 total abilities. As I already acknowledged I fluffed the numbers by counting omega/zeta rather than either/or but despite that the numbers are still beyond your original post by a comfortable margin.

    Your second lot of numbers, not sure what you're trying to prove as a counter to my point. The main point of my post was that it's a squad based game, MULTIPLE squads required for the different areas of the game. Giving numbers for a single squad that you can attain over a 3 month period does nothing to refute my point that people "feeling they should be allowed to omega/zeta everything " is not the issue.

    TB, TW, HSR, Newly released toons etc have evolved the game faster and further compared to some resources like Omegas whereas Zetas have become more readily available during that time.

    The balance has changed over the last year. Whether by design/happenstance, whether it's good or bad, that balance has certainly changed.

    Very well stated. There are often many facets of this game that are either underlying or greatly overlooked. & not one person should feel ashamed for pointing out that means of advancement are simply not available sometimes.
  • Options
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Thank you, I buy those. But what I am trying to say is that they are not there everyday, ok. Sometimes they are not available for days, other than completing dailies. I feel they should be more readily available & that they would be highly utilized. That is all. I know where they are & where they aren't. They say they are jn Cantina nodes, but I spent over 1600 energy, not recieving one. Thank you everybody for letting me know where they can be found. What I am trying to say is that it is not enough, or else it is way too inconsistent. Thank you

    The Fleet Store refreshes four times per day. Omegas show up approximately half the time. Days with Omegas nver showing up are rare, and for every time it happens you will have many days with omegas showing up in the fleet store multiple times. Given that you can only acrue around 2000 fleet tokens per day, it is super easy to spend them all on omega mats if you wanted to.

  • Options
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    30 a month, or even 60 is not enough. There are over 140 toons & many of them need 30 mats to themselves. 30 a month would equate to over 30 years of collecting omegas. I understand that is not the exact case. I am just stating, that there is not a good start for debate there
    I am now certainly paying closer attention to where I place them, which I find very unfortunate. What I am saying is that there needs to more access to them & or be more consistent with the distribution.
    The name of the game is compete, but only be as competitive as we allow, also unfortunate. The ground battle that lasts for over a half an hour for 2 omegas is straight up garbage also. Not nearly worth the reward as omegas arent really that great. You just need them to complete Zeta.
    after 2 years of this, I just feel that the distribution & ratio or rations, whatever a person calls it, is over do for re-evaluation.

    What ground battle lasts a half an hour? I beat the mythic yoda all tiers and the imperial mythic event all tiers in less than half an hour. If you're grinding to beat it and it takes that long, your team needs some work.

    I don't think you're meant to max omega every toon. The reasin there are so many toons is because people have different preferences and they want to apeal to as many as possible. Trying to collect and max every character is madness unless you're a mega cracken.

    As far as the rate of omegas, it isn't all that bad and I keep up with omegas just fine without buying any. I do follow a few guidelines.

    One, I typically dont omega abilities unless I seven star the character. Obviously, there are exceptions if you use a less than 7 star character in some area of the game but I usually don't. I have enough 7 stars for tb and in the tw most of my under 7 star characters are useless against the 80k plus teams we see. And less than 7 stars are useless in the raids.

    Second, I usually get them geared up past g9 or so before I worry about putting omegas or zetas on them. The gear is more of a hurdle than the omegas so by the time a character is g10 or g11, I have enough omegas. Zetas, I have to be a bit more choosy.

    Also I make sure they are level 85 but I usually do that before gearing them.

    Following those guidelines, and only omegaing abilities that are useful, I really don't run out. I currently have 30 or so and 10 zeta mats. And no omega I'm dying to put on a toon. My best toons have their omegas and the ones I'm building aren't ready due to gear anyway.

    Also, I believe there are ability mat packs you can buy that give out omegas. But they are expensive. That's how krackens have all the g12 and fully omegaed rosters. Only ability material you can't buy with crystals or money are zetas.

    There are 8 battles, if that is the military might or what ever you want to call it? If you complete every level in an average of 3 minutes, I think it takes me longer, but that is 24 minutes without load up time.

    It shouldn’t take three minutes per wave unless you have a bad team or an undergeared one. Each of the first three tiers took me about 5 minutes on manual for all eight waves.

    Responding to your original point, if you’re not going to buy omegas then you’ll have to deal with not getting as many as you need like the rest of us. But if I had to choose two resources to be more available and accessible, they would be omegas and stun guns. Maybe credits.

    I auto the first 3 tiers of the military might so probably takes 2 min or so per tier. The mythic takes prob 10 min on manual if you're careful. Then there are 3 battles for the yoda one. One is simable and the second is easy to auto if you have one good team. And the mythic isn't bad if you have jedi developed. So about 10 min for all 3. That is 26 min if you add it up so all tge events in 30 min is easily doable with developed teams.

    And the rewards are a lot of shards, mods, and two omegas. So not terrible.

    But if it takes you 30 min or more just for the mythic due to not having the team developed, and we've all been there, then it's reasonable to skip it for now and miss the two omegas but they are still available.

    The point I was making is that it eventually gets much quicker to get the omega rewards once you develop your roster.

    I mean, I recently traversed 2 mil gp & have been playing for some time. I get what everybody is trying to say. That doesn't mean that I should feel ashamed for expecting a little more for what I (& everybody for that matter) pay for. My roster is definitely not the best. I rank within the top 50 of my shard. But in a previous comment, you confirmed that omegas are something that you would like to see more of. Well here I am asking for just that, for you as well as for me

    which comment is that. I reread my posts, none of them ask for more omegas in this thread. I do want more stun guns. That's where the real bottleneck is for me.

    This is from your previous post:
    Responding to your original point, if you’re not going to buy omegas then you’ll have to deal with not getting as many as you need like the rest of us. But if I had to choose two resources to be more available and accessible, they would be omegas and stun guns. Maybe credits.
    Does it not say you would like to see Omegas & stun guns....(to which I agree mk5 stun guns are another Item that sometimes isn't available for days & I currently have over 30 toons waiting on one or more)

    Nope. That is from DaPowerfulJedi's post on pg 1 of this discussion. Took me a few minutes to find it but it's not my post. Though I do need stunguns. Omegas aren't that hard to get.
  • Options
    Trias wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Thank you, I buy those. But what I am trying to say is that they are not there everyday, ok. Sometimes they are not available for days, other than completing dailies. I feel they should be more readily available & that they would be highly utilized. That is all. I know where they are & where they aren't. They say they are jn Cantina nodes, but I spent over 1600 energy, not recieving one. Thank you everybody for letting me know where they can be found. What I am trying to say is that it is not enough, or else it is way too inconsistent. Thank you

    The Fleet Store refreshes four times per day. Omegas show up approximately half the time. Days with Omegas nver showing up are rare, and for every time it happens you will have many days with omegas showing up in the fleet store multiple times. Given that you can only acrue around 2000 fleet tokens per day, it is super easy to spend them all on omega mats if you wanted to.

    Not sure why you would though. Zetas are much more needed than omegas. I never buy omegas from the fleet stores. Just zetas and the occasional toon I don't have all the way starred. Churitt and lately clones if anyone cares. Clones aren't useful now, but with a rework it may be prudent to finish them.
  • Options
    Trias wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Thank you, I buy those. But what I am trying to say is that they are not there everyday, ok. Sometimes they are not available for days, other than completing dailies. I feel they should be more readily available & that they would be highly utilized. That is all. I know where they are & where they aren't. They say they are jn Cantina nodes, but I spent over 1600 energy, not recieving one. Thank you everybody for letting me know where they can be found. What I am trying to say is that it is not enough, or else it is way too inconsistent. Thank you

    The Fleet Store refreshes four times per day. Omegas show up approximately half the time. Days with Omegas nver showing up are rare, and for every time it happens you will have many days with omegas showing up in the fleet store multiple times. Given that you can only acrue around 2000 fleet tokens per day, it is super easy to spend them all on omega mats if you wanted to.

    Not sure why you would though. Zetas are much more needed than omegas. I never buy omegas from the fleet stores. Just zetas and the occasional toon I don't have all the way starred. Churitt and lately clones if anyone cares. Clones aren't useful now, but with a rework it may be prudent to finish them.

    Well if you have the problem of your Omega income not keeping up with your zetas, this is the answer. If you don't have that problem then yes buying the zeta may is usually the better option.
  • Options
    Trias wrote: »
    Trias wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Thank you, I buy those. But what I am trying to say is that they are not there everyday, ok. Sometimes they are not available for days, other than completing dailies. I feel they should be more readily available & that they would be highly utilized. That is all. I know where they are & where they aren't. They say they are jn Cantina nodes, but I spent over 1600 energy, not recieving one. Thank you everybody for letting me know where they can be found. What I am trying to say is that it is not enough, or else it is way too inconsistent. Thank you

    The Fleet Store refreshes four times per day. Omegas show up approximately half the time. Days with Omegas nver showing up are rare, and for every time it happens you will have many days with omegas showing up in the fleet store multiple times. Given that you can only acrue around 2000 fleet tokens per day, it is super easy to spend them all on omega mats if you wanted to.

    Not sure why you would though. Zetas are much more needed than omegas. I never buy omegas from the fleet stores. Just zetas and the occasional toon I don't have all the way starred. Churitt and lately clones if anyone cares. Clones aren't useful now, but with a rework it may be prudent to finish them.

    Well if you have the problem of your Omega income not keeping up with your zetas, this is the answer. If you don't have that problem then yes buying the zeta may is usually the better option.

    It just seems expensive to me to buy omegas in fleet when they cost almost as much as the much rarer zeta.
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    However this thread is about how Zetas are actually not as rare as omegas. It's a catch-22!
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    I am only at 1.2 million GP and feel a distinct Omega crunch. Especially with trying to gear out the BH for Chewie and also grinding for other teams for the STR.

    Zetas I earn like clock work via the Fleet Store, but I would never waste my Fleet Tokens on Omegas. Makes more sense to stockpile zetas.
  • Options
    Omegas have never dropped at a good rate from cantina nodes, if I've gotten 3 omegas from cantina nodes in the last year I'd be incredibly suprised.
    Best source for omegas is doing your dailies and the omega events that show up a few times a week. Also get in a guild that's winning TW and getting lots of stars in TB and you should have enough omegas to upgrade your important toons.
  • Options
    Trias wrote: »
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Thank you, I buy those. But what I am trying to say is that they are not there everyday, ok. Sometimes they are not available for days, other than completing dailies. I feel they should be more readily available & that they would be highly utilized. That is all. I know where they are & where they aren't. They say they are jn Cantina nodes, but I spent over 1600 energy, not recieving one. Thank you everybody for letting me know where they can be found. What I am trying to say is that it is not enough, or else it is way too inconsistent. Thank you

    The Fleet Store refreshes four times per day. Omegas show up approximately half the time. Days with Omegas nver showing up are rare, and for every time it happens you will have many days with omegas showing up in the fleet store multiple times. Given that you can only acrue around 2000 fleet tokens per day, it is super easy to spend them all on omega mats if you wanted to.

    It refreshes 12 hour increments that I know of. 1500 per Omega & they are not there all of the time. They should be there every day & all day is how I feel tho. But it is not very often 1 every other day or so.
  • Options
    Omegas have never dropped at a good rate from cantina nodes, if I've gotten 3 omegas from cantina nodes in the last year I'd be incredibly suprised.
    Best source for omegas is doing your dailies and the omega events that show up a few times a week. Also get in a guild that's winning TW and getting lots of stars in TB and you should have enough omegas to upgrade your important toons.

    With every toon that I have, I never have enough lol like I'm saying, they are too controlling of the level one can compete at. I do all of those things & though stars in TB are rough, we seem to collect 35 area. But we are getting better on that. I'm just saying that they need to be more available. I thank everybody for their insight, but I wrote this for the fact that conserving materials that should be more available is not a viable means of farming for me. Just put more out there, Thats it! I'm not interested in conserving them
  • Options
    Right now the Fleet Store refreshes 3x daily at 02:00UTC, 17:00 UTC, and 23:00 UTC. So in Eastern Standard Time it refreshes at 12:00PM, 6:00PM, and 9:00PM.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Omegas have never dropped at a good rate from cantina nodes, if I've gotten 3 omegas from cantina nodes in the last year I'd be incredibly suprised.
    Best source for omegas is doing your dailies and the omega events that show up a few times a week. Also get in a guild that's winning TW and getting lots of stars in TB and you should have enough omegas to upgrade your important toons.

    With every toon that I have, I never have enough lol like I'm saying, they are too controlling of the level one can compete at. I do all of those things & though stars in TB are rough, we seem to collect 35 area. But we are getting better on that. I'm just saying that they need to be more available. I thank everybody for their insight, but I wrote this for the fact that conserving materials that should be more available is not a viable means of farming for me. Just put more out there, Thats it! I'm not interested in conserving them

    It's not viable for anyone, but it is what it is. For the most part I use them as i get them. The only time i save is when i have 14 zetas, then i save so i can place that next zeta. Sounds like you do the same as me. No solution to this problem, they wont add more, nor should they. Collection games like this only end when your collection is complete.
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    Focus Zeta use on Arena characters first, once they are all maxed out, fill your raid teams. Once they are maxed out it’s up to you what you spend on.
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    749 runs on the veterans cantina nodes and not one omega drop in all 749 runs. I call **** CG must have set the percentage rng pull at the same as getting 330 shard from those packs. If they haven't purposefully set it that low then I should have at least have gotten one from all those pulls. Its ridiculous not to mention omega cost 1500 in the fleet store which is 500 less then a zeta and zetas are far far more valuable. I pulled more zetas last 4 total counting fleet store and ship challenge and yet cant get an omega for the life of me.

    Im sure someone will pop in here to troll they got one last week off a cantina node but im betting it is the only one for a long time. Everybody says RNG like CG doesn't have the ability to manipulate the RNG at any point they feel like it.
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    Zetas are only more valuable if you have omegas to use them, the value is directly related , if you dont want to spend 1500 for an omega then dont , but they are just as valuable , as you can see from this thread, it seems nobody has enough omegas , but plenty of Zetas.
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    Cantina has such a terrible drop rate, you should just pretend Omegas aren't there.

    Anyone saying Zetas are easier to get, don't be ridiculous. You get one Omega for free every day from dailies. Omegas drop as often as Zetas in the fleet challenge. Plus a few more from the mat challenge, GW, TW, and events. Spending all your fleet currency on zetas just means you keep up with the free daily omegas.

    We all need more omegas, and we all need more zetas. If you have the crystals, the best places to get extra omegas are the weekly shipment store (10 for 1250), and the special ability mat sale (9 for 1699) that comes about once/month. Also, you can get 1 omega for 200 by refreshing the omega battles that come 1-2 times per week. Save your crystals, and jump on those deals when they pop up. You have to plan ahead to use resources efficiently.
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    Pan2218 wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    30 a month, or even 60 is not enough. There are over 140 toons & many of them need 30 mats to themselves. 30 a month would equate to over 30 years of collecting omegas. I understand that is not the exact case. I am just stating, that there is not a good start for debate there
    I am now certainly paying closer attention to where I place them, which I find very unfortunate. What I am saying is that there needs to more access to them & or be more consistent with the distribution.
    The name of the game is compete, but only be as competitive as we allow, also unfortunate. The ground battle that lasts for over a half an hour for 2 omegas is straight up garbage also. Not nearly worth the reward as omegas arent really that great. You just need them to complete Zeta.
    after 2 years of this, I just feel that the distribution & ratio or rations, whatever a person calls it, is over do for re-evaluation.

    30 years?
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    Pan2218 wrote: »
    you get one omega every day for dailies. So that's 30 a month. They run omega battles several times a month. So probably another 10 or so from there. They drop in the abilty mat challenges. Probably 10 a month there with bad rng. Then you get 2 for the mythic events that run a couple of times a week. So 4 a week or 15 or 20 from there a month.

    Now I do well in fleet and buy zetas from the fleet store and can do all the zeta events. And I get 40 or 45 a month.

    But you can easily get 60 omegas a month. A zeta ability costs 20 zetas and 13 to 16 omegas. So you get enough omegas to keep up with your zetas and then plus some even if my estimates are high.

    But you don't get enough to omega every ability and not run out. But I also can't 7 star every character because I need the shards for that. And I can't bring every character to level 85 because the credit cost. Omegas are the same as every other resource. You can't upgrade every ability but have to choose which ones are worth it.

    30 a month, or even 60 is not enough. There are over 140 toons & many of them need 30 mats to themselves. 30 a month would equate to over 30 years of collecting omegas. I understand that is not the exact case. I am just stating, that there is not a good start for debate there
    I am now certainly paying closer attention to where I place them, which I find very unfortunate. What I am saying is that there needs to more access to them & or be more consistent with the distribution.
    The name of the game is compete, but only be as competitive as we allow, also unfortunate. The ground battle that lasts for over a half an hour for 2 omegas is straight up garbage also. Not nearly worth the reward as omegas arent really that great. You just need them to complete Zeta.
    after 2 years of this, I just feel that the distribution & ratio or rations, whatever a person calls it, is over do for re-evaluation.

    Your math is off. With 140 toons needing 30 mats each. At 75 a month is 4.6 years. Still a long time but you don't need to omega every character. You can build a roster that does well in every part of the game without zetaing or omegaing many characters.

    And the game is 3 years old so those that have been playing for 2 or 3 years aren't needing to omega 140 characters because they have half or 3/4 of them done. And new players can skip most of the ones that old players have done because they aren't relevant enough anymore because of power creep.

    So a better measire would be to list the zetas and omegas of teams needed to do well in the game. And that's a lot less than 140 characters.
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