Jango with HT..just as we finish HT....

So clueless


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    I'm quite pleased, worked out nicely for me. Halfway to the fifth star for both. Been pouring everything into OR until this week.
  • capifico22
    370 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    By clueless I mean, clueless as to what angers dolphins+. Genius to continue to get us to replay old content.
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    Ouch, I'm almost done with Hound's Tooth (74/100). Decisions...
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    I 7* HT like 2 days ago....
    Ally Code 766-465-766 swgoh.gg/u/trystansr/collection/
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    Is shard shop currency a bad thing?
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    Yeah it's a pretty rude way to do it. Let's wait till the crystal refresh people are almost done with ht and lets add a new person to it.
  • Sneekypete
    281 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Wow ...just 7* Ht this was really crummy thing to do very very poor thing. Add to a node that was just added and farmed over for best ship in game.
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    Just in time for me to move to my next farm. Just finished old republic
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    I don’t know why I expected to see happy people on this forum 😂
    This is great news! I just started HT farming and this hard node just became my new favorite in the game
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    Ive just hit #1 on my fleet arena as a relatively new player to the game. Ive been spending my 400 crystals on HT node refreshes to stay in the top 5 and have been doing the same now with XB. My roster is heavily Bounty hunter oriented due to this and i feel like ive been massively done over due to this. Great for everyone else i guess
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    Anyone who just started the HT farm is a filthy casual. My ticket alt has been farming it since day1.
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    Sigh. Another toon locked behind another single hard node. Why oh why can we not catch a break and bring some of these units in stores that have been idle for months and months. Gear bottlenecks. Shard bottlenecks. I get that there needs to be a throttle to keep the game from being too easy but this just feels like spinning wheels again and again. Flood the game with marquee toons and then make them farmable in a single hard node. Such a crock of kitten...
    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
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    I don’t mind much because I need more HT shards. But I would rather it line up with the character.
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    WTB Stormtrooper to Jango Fett conversion....


    Yeah, he was 0/100 when I started Hound's Tooth Farm.....
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    Boofpoof wrote: »
    Why oh why can we not catch a break and bring some of these units in stores that have been idle for months and months. Gear bottlenecks. Shard bottlenecks.

    I seem to remember reading that it was officially stated that stores were "done" and would never be modified. I've never seen the actual CG announcement, though.

    Also, unless they plan to keep doubling (and eventually tripling) up nodes forever, it does seem like they'd have to either add a new store or amend that decision at some point.
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    Boofpoof wrote: »
    Sigh. Another toon locked behind another single hard node. Why oh why can we not catch a break and bring some of these units in stores that have been idle for months and months. Gear bottlenecks. Shard bottlenecks. I get that there needs to be a throttle to keep the game from being too easy but this just feels like spinning wheels again and again. Flood the game with marquee toons and then make them farmable in a single hard node. Such a crock of kitten...

    Per the Release Cadence, they said that no new characters would be added to the Cantina, Arena, or Fleet stores. So, only the Guild store is still "open" for new characters.
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    I fkarlxn1uf6tq.jpeg feel my pain
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    capifico22 wrote: »
    Anyone who just started the HT farm is a filthy casual. My ticket alt has been farming it since day1.
    Or on account under a year old!
    I’m only just starting Bossk, Hounds Tooth/Jango Farm.
    My BHs are ready for Chewie 7* already though....(G12 Boba, with a full Thermal Detonator team)
    This is a nice bonus —> Not everyone has been playing for years ;)
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    yeah yeah was a joke, this only affects most of the people paying for the game anyway, most won't care
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    capifico22 wrote: »
    Anyone who just started the HT farm is a filthy casual. My ticket alt has been farming it since day1.
    Or on account under a year old!
    I’m only just starting Bossk, Hounds Tooth/Jango Farm.
    My BHs are ready for Chewie 7* already though....(G12 Boba, with a full Thermal Detonator team)
    This is a nice bonus —> Not everyone has been playing for years ;)

    I started in jan and my BH are gear 12 and around 4 or five zeta’d with a 7 star HT. Boba would be the final piece to my BH team, this is why im so irritated. :/
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    I'm quite pleased, worked out nicely for me. Halfway to the fifth star for both. Been pouring everything into OR until this week.

    Me too. just tried my first two sims on it. Got 2 Jango, 1 HT, 2 laptops and 1 Stun Cuff. all of which I need.
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    Feedback area has this suggested and they did it.. HELLLLYEEAA!! Thanks so much CG!
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    I’m in this club..... KAHN!!!!!
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    I so don't understand the problem. If you need both, you win. If you need one or the other, you get shard shop currency from the one you don't need, you win. If you need neither, it doesn't affect you.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    I put off the HT farm to do other things, I’ll gladly start now 😈
  • DuneFlint
    648 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    TVF wrote: »
    I so don't understand the problem. If you need both, you win. If you need one or the other, you get shard shop currency from the one you don't need, you win. If you need neither, it doesn't affect you.

    The issue I have is how manipulative it feels. I end up getting a bunch of wasted stormtrooper shards because in order to get ht i need to redo this node a 2nd time. Then, when I'm nearing complete on ht they swap storm for jengo. It's frustrating for them to continue doing this.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    DuneFlint wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    I so don't understand the problem. If you need both, you win. If you need one or the other, you get shard shop currency from the one you don't need, you win. If you need neither, it doesn't affect you.

    The issue I have is how manipulative it feels. I end up getting a bunch of wasted stormtrooper shards because in order to get ht i need to redo this node a 2nd time. Then, when I'm nearing complete on ht they swap storm for jengo. It's frustrating for them to continue doing this.

    Shard shop currency is not wasted. At least not on my account it's not.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    capifico22 wrote: »
    Anyone who just started the HT farm is a filthy casual. My ticket alt has been farming it since day1.

    ****. Some players are at different (much earlier than you) points in the game, or had different farms to finish. Your way is not the only way or the best way, it’s just your way.
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    Youre literally just whining, like a child. Clearly you intend on farming jango so It doesn’t matter where they putt jango, you’d be farming him either way.

    In fact if they put jango somewhere else you’d be farming him without getting bonus shard currency from stormtrooper.

    You just wanted jango to be added to this node before you farmed HT.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Only need 50ish more shards for 7 star HT. Personally I like Jango here, it allows me to get a head start while finishing something else. If he was on a different node I wouldnt start working on him until HT was done as I have 3 hard nodes farms currently.
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