Territory Wars: Community Style [MEGA]


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    Hey great idea guys!!!! So just as a hypothetical..... the ****..... like me..... make 2 full good BH teams are now on the chopping block for 6 of the 10 choices. Way to keep us interested in the game. BHs great.. then not so much. Then good then not so much. Now kiss one of your teams goodbye. Awesome idea. Keep up the great work!!!
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    Azryel wrote: »
    I think we all need to put the pitch forks down and actually let it play out in these next TWs before we pass judgement. As a high end (5 million GP) player I must admit I live Grand Arena. It is a fresh and exciting game mode. As for TW, it had become super stale. It’s the same defensive and offensive teams over and over. Only a handful of guilds can buy all the new toons and utilize them right away. TW suffers from not having too many high end elite guilds. Once you leave the top 5ish, the other guilds don’t stand a chance at beating them. I say embrace the change and lets see what happens.

    You're being far too reasonable and mature for this forum, sir.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    So disappointed with this nonsense, TW wasn't broken the added bonuses were fun., why remove toons we spent months farming and gearing. I'm all for thinking outside the box but not throwing a bloody nuke in it.
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    So less GA and now breaking up teams for TW. Not a fan of this 'new' schedule
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    Azryel wrote: »
    I think we all need to put the pitch forks down and actually let it play out in these next TWs before we pass judgement. As a high end (5 million GP) player I must admit I live Grand Arena. It is a fresh and exciting game mode. As for TW, it had become super stale. It’s the same defensive and offensive teams over and over. Only a handful of guilds can buy all the new toons and utilize them right away. TW suffers from not having too many high end elite guilds. Once you leave the top 5ish, the other guilds don’t stand a chance at beating them. I say embrace the change and lets see what happens.

    Buffs are the right way to counteract the TW staleness, not restricting our rosters.
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    This is the dumbest decisions you all have had in a long time. Couple it with the fact we only get two TW and one TB this month and you have yourself a classic cluster duck. Congrats, you guys constantly find a way to raise the bar.
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    It may be fun to play without Revan or Traya, but my 3 best teams are droids, imperial troopers, and BHs. I would lose HK (rendering droid team useless) Starck and deathtrooper (I don’t have enough troopers for me to fill that void.), Dengar and IG-88 (BH team now has a hole) if the Traya and Revan groups are removed. So any benefit this could have for me would be offset by losing my best 3 teams guaranteed, possibly some of my toons for other teams as well.
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    CG, good job creating a new part of the game that many ppl liked, (TW). By making this level of change it will completely destroy this aspect that you have worked to create.

    I understand that need to appeal to the masses but to change TW would destroy an aspect of the game that many hardcore gamers love and enjoy. Many of these players have spent $$$ to improve their rosters and to change the system now would be down right unfair to those players. Also making a significant change could open CG to potential litigations as these players could argue they were sold a false bill of goods.

    Please, leave TW alone....Please....

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    so a players spends the last 3 to 4 months gearing and leveling a toon only to see it be excluded in game content with some of the most important/exclusive rewards. This makes absolutely no sense.
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    I speak for myself. Whether you agree or disagree is your choice and you are entitled to your opinion, please also respect mine.

    Bad idea. Just bad. Bad on toast.

    Throw this idea into the Sarlaac pit and forget about it.

    Those of us with low/mid GP numbers for the game have only a few solid teams and several back row teams. Removing one of the characters we have built up and depend upon is a bad idea. A lot of us are ignoring GA because it is not fun, and enjoy working with our guild on TW. As others have stated, taking away characters we have time and in some cases money invested in is not only a bad idea it is a disservice to your customers.

    Have I mentioned this is a bad idea?

    Please leave the bad game ideas for GA, and leave TW alone. You proved you can listen to the community when you listened about our concerns regarding cancelling 3 TW. Please listen now and realize this is a bad idea. One day on the announcement and there are 15 pages of replies means we have concerns and comments. Please pay attention - your ideas of 'playful and fun' do not appear to coincide with your player base's idea of 'playful and fun.'
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    This is a terrible idea. TW was very good. Now CG forces us not to use toons we loved, geared and modded up.
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    This is terrible. I enjoy the way it is now. With the help of my guild I get to learn and practice my squads and this was the best way. Taking toons out of play is a horrible idea, especially for people that are not “WHALES” (Big spenders) that don’t have the rosters that some have. It’s frustrating enough having new characters coming out all the time that you don’t have time to prep for therefore making people spend money just to get.
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    and please stop boasting that we are using our entire rosters when we really aren't. Not in GA nor in TW am I using my entire roster all the way down to the g8s.
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    I disagree! This idea is absolutely terrible and needs to get scrapped!!
  • Comet19
    178 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Is this some sort of half-baked attempt to punish us for wanting TW in December? Because honestly, it feels that way. That aside, the whole reasoning behind introducing this new twist is kitten. Sure, I enjoyed the clone wars buffs in the November TWs. I love the idea of more noticeable buffs each TW, maybe highlighting a new rivalry each month. Removing characters? That is not even close to what we had in November. Honestly, the fact that the devs are even using that as reasoning ticks me off.
    Even worse are the groups that the devs get to vote on keeping. Personally, with the roster I have built, any of those choices will screw me over so bad for the next TW that I may as well not join. Not only that, it will most likely screw over a lot of the newer players of this game so that they can't participate, either. This idea is so ill-conceived that it should not even be run for one TW. And let's be honest, if we didn't make a fuss about this TW, they'll probably try it again in the future.
    TW is the most fun part of the game for me, but this has pushed me close to the edge.
    Post edited by Sunnie1978 on
  • Gannon
    1636 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Kokie wrote: »
    Well they definitely brought the community together on this one...I see about 2,345,321 nays to 3 yes votes on this one

    Not sure if I missed any yes votes but mine is like every other change, which is "I withhold judgement until I actually play the event, and until I know what the frequency is, and how it changes each time."

    The community overreacts to everything before they even know what will happen.

    I only spotted a handful of ppl ok with it. Like 95% of the posts are full of outrage.
    I can't blame em, really, for instantly disliking the idea of blocking toons ppl invested in.

    I'm not a fan of making TW the sandbox, especially since GA has been a constantly changing and less investment that would suit that kind of thing perfectly.
    TW requires too much coordination and involvement to change stuff like that.

    Was nice to see so many players, many who never comment here, offering their point of view to try and influence it. Isn't that the point of these forums?
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    This is completely outrageous. The only thing that makes me happy about this post is all of the community members agreeing with my line of thought.
    As a TW warlord we work each month to craft the newest and best teams and aim to strive to be the best in that particular game mode.
    GA is no where near a replacement for TW. In territory wars you have an entire guild working together to defeat another guild. Every person counts and having a guild that is extremely developed is something to be extremely proud of. Winning constantly in GA is no where near as fun as bringing an entire guild to winning each TW or even losing close matches.
    Please banish this idea, no one wants to have a hard earned character be banned from their roster.
    I respect CG and enjoy this game immensely because of the strategy it represents. It is extremely enjoyable to theory craft with modding and finding teams for specific characters. It allows so many characters to always have a place in you roster.

    I know I speak for many when I say please let us keep normal TW. If you want to experiment. Add a new game mode and see how it goes.
    Just from all the reactions above you should scrap this idea.

    I beg you to please reconsider this idea and scrap it completely and never think of it again.

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    Of course you did. Cause your guild is probably not doing HSR, nor have they farmed the other two. I'm glad this will work out for you.
    yuuzhanron wrote: »
    Not that anyone asked, but I'm voting to kill the Triumverate.

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    Wow, I had no idea there were so many players suffering from Stockholm Syndrome , I’m quite amazed at the utter lack of anything resembling thought that is happening here. The utter preposterous reactions to a change on a boring game mode, for a brief moment, one event if I am not mistaken, two at the worst case. Why is that such a perceived insult that folks are literally losing their minds and threatening all kinds of nonsense over reactions?

    Pretty sure the first tenet has been forgotten here in a huge way, This is a game, it is supposed to be fun, and it is supposed to provide entertainment and a challenge, using the same old same old, doing the same old same old, expecting a different result from doing the same old same old, in a rounda bout way is the definition of insanity.

    TRY something new, TRY something unique, it will be a new experience that may well surprise folks by making them think outside their comfortable I’ll just use this meta squad click hit auto. .

    There is no harm in trying new things, new things lead to new adventures and new ideas, break the mold, be brave in the face of the unknown. TRY new things, LIVE a little.

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    GG, so far NO ONE has liked your initial post on this thread, while 54 have liked the post saying it is a bad idea. Take the hint.
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    I feel like they post a change like this, then run home to not have to read the backlash. Then they laugh about it. Then we all get mad, then we get over it, then they laugh again. Cause let's be honest, none of us longer time players are ever quitting or changing our playing habits. They got us by the juevos ladies.
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    Wow, this may top the first failed NS nerf as the worst idea you have ever had. TW is why some of us play the game. The team aspect makes it miles better than GA. And now you want to screw it up by stripping out content. Of course, this comes on the heals of canceling all TWs for the last month. Way to alienate everyone who enjoyed Territory Wars.

    Monty Brewster says “Vote None of the Above!”
  • IC3M4N
    267 posts Member
    @Leytuhas & @NoomiZ ... and @ anyone else who thinks this is terrible:

    Are you kidding? This idea rewards investing in lots of diverse toons. Those players who have lots of good toons do better than those who have a few great toons if a couple of those great toons get excluded.

    This rewards a different style of play than most play modes. But you get to play Arena every single day. If you like the few-great/meta-toons style of play, you still have Arena literally every freaking day.

    I'm of the opinion that more styles of play need to be rewarded. Why? I think it's good business for EA/CG: it increases the fan base if players that prefer a different style of play get their time to shine, get their time to be valuable to their guild.

    I'm dependable in my guild, but I don't finish top 3 tank. I have to work my tushy off to finish top 10 Sith (which I usually don't bother to do, because I have a family and other commitments). I also let my kids help me figure out which toons to work on because that creates a little bit of family fun every once in a while even if it means that chasing the meta is a bit harder for me. I've got a much more diverse roster than others in my guild, but I have a ton of g8-g10 toons where others have fewer toons total, but more at g12.

    This takes me from dependable, but replaceable/expendable to - if the community vote goes hard against the meta - a key member of the guild.

    It also, and I think this is more important than anything, will get people scrambling on guild chat to figure out what the best teams are that we can field without Toon X, Y, or Z.

    it gets people talking to each other, maybe collaborating/cooperating a bit more. it gets people figuring out how to use their Sith when Traya is gone or their Resistance with no JTR. In short, the sudden absence of toons is going to have people trying to actively brainstorm new strategies, rather than relying on the same-old-same-old. Creativity! New teams! Trying out that dusty Droid squad! Yes!

    The very, very hard part is that a good number of the people who worked hard to get the meta toons will feel cheated. That's sad. I wish that wouldn't happen, but you know that there are enough people investing in the meta that some people are going to feel that way.

    But this doesn't make those toons useless. There are all kinds of places to use your meta toons - including in Arena every single day.

    This is good for the game, it provides rewards for players who adopt strategies other than chasing the meta, and makes your less valuable guild members more valuable to your cooperative/community success.

    Maybe you won't like it. Maybe you'll be one of the folks whose performance in TW drops. But there are a lot of players, and not all of us are meta-or-die. Not all of us are about individual success at the expense of others. Not all of us are only about competition.

    This helps provide variety in our experience. It doesn't kill off meta toons. It doesn't make them useless. It just gives other toons - and possibly other players - a chance to come out from under the meta shadow and get their own chance to shine in one single game mode.

    Spreading the wealth is a good thing for the 10 million fan player base, even if it's a design choice that doesn't boost your performance specifically.

    I personally am on the record on these forums multiple times not advocating against the Arena or the phenomenon of meta toons, but for diversity in play modes. Creativity. Love for all the toons, not just a few.

    I would never have predicted this, but I think this is a great experiment.

    Lol, must be one of the devs who created a fake account just to sell his idea. Get over this terrible idea.
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    This is by far the worst idea ever, lets work to get top toons to the highest level and then not be allowed to use them. There are much better ways to approach this. I am going to contact google to get a refund for Revan if he is banned.
    I will be doing the same! If we can’t consistently have him then that takes away from me paying to get ready for him. IMO
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    @CG_SBCrumb Just saying I haven’t even used my EA account in years but I had to dust it off to vote no on this idea.

    The buffs were a nice change of pace but banning toons is the wrong direction to go here.

    Also I love the memes folks keep it up.
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    And let's also not forget, they're using a forum which represents a percentage, and not even close to a majority, of the player base to vote on this. And, this forum has many F2P whiners, so I'm really glad their votes will help dictate whether or not the people that pay to improve their rosters, and thereby keep the game running, can use their full rosters. Brilliant. (if you don't pay to play at all it you're not helping the game, very important to remember that)
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    Azryel wrote: »
    I think we all need to put the pitch forks down and actually let it play out in these next TWs before we pass judgement. As a high end (5 million GP) player I must admit I live Grand Arena. It is a fresh and exciting game mode. As for TW, it had become super stale. It’s the same defensive and offensive teams over and over. Only a handful of guilds can buy all the new toons and utilize them right away. TW suffers from not having too many high end elite guilds. Once you leave the top 5ish, the other guilds don’t stand a chance at beating them. I say embrace the change and lets see what happens.

    Are you saying GA is not the same teams over and over again, at least with tw its only one round of having to face all the cheese teams. This forces you to face the same ones 3 times a week. No thanks
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    This is by far the worst idea ever, lets work to get top toons to the highest level and then not be allowed to use them. There are much better ways to approach this. I am going to contact google to get a refund for Revan if he is banned.
    I will be doing the same! If we can’t consistently have him then that takes away from me paying to get ready for him. IMO

    You spent on 5 characters to get revan,that wont be banned,not revan. So good luck with that.
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