Territory Wars: Community Style [MEGA]


  • SmashItUp
    26 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi everyone!
    I normally wouldn't mind to replay a forum topic with so many similar points of view, but I believe this changes are very bad so one more voice to help to cancel this might be welcome.

    Maybe I didn't get the spirit of the changes, but I can't see how get some characters out can be helpful: I am F2P and hate the idea of being prevented to use characters I took several months to farm and gear until they became good. But if I was a whale, I'd probably hate it even more for not being allowed to use something I spend a lot of money in it.

    Make the selection of banned chars in groups of 4, from different faction makes the problem up to 4x worst because most of the characteres in the pool are useful. Also make the pool in the forum is an issue, I don't think many people will bother to take more time then the game already consumes to get to do that. And if the idea is to engage people that already dislikes TW, the impact is likely to be even lower.

    I've talked to many people from my Guild and Discord servers and I coundn't find a single person who actually like the changes. It is pretty strong to say 100% of people believes this sucks, but it is an accurate number from F2P to whales, from 1MM to 4MM GP, from people who likes TW above all other modes of the game to players that doesn't care at all so I beg you to roll back the changes. Moreover, we've seen a lot of noise and complains in the Forum with some releases and modes clearly designed to profit, but as much as it hurts a F2P is totally understandable from a business point of view... but this? I can't even see a revenue increase, it is just a way to ruin one of the best modes from the game!

    It is sad but I fell all the devs went on vocation for the holiday so they hired someone completely new who never played the game and knows nothing about it like John Snow, with clearance to change whatever he fells right while the others are away :disappointed:
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    Banning toons from TW is one of the worst ideas ever. Way to punish the community for building their roster and gearing their favorite toons. Nobody wants to not be able to play with the toons they've invested in, so scrap this dumb idea.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    As a negative corollary to this already-horrible idea, I am 99% sure that GP will "accidentally" include banned toons/groups, so those players and their respective guilds will be punished twice.

    I have to hand it to CG. When I think they could not possibly mess up a game I like any more, they keep finding knew ways to do so. Amazing!

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • DuneSeaFarmer
    3525 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    kello_511 wrote: »
    They will push the event through, and report it was a fantastic success. Wonder what the next really horrible idea will be? Maybe competitive knitting, or I know.. lets have a spelling contest.. we can vote on which letters to ban. Or just ban vowels.

    On a more serious note. With the short life of developer jobs and frequent search for new employment is it any wonder they will not say who's idea it was lol..

    What I find most disturbing is that it was thought up, then discussed and somehow made it through all required approvals to get to this point.

    It’s not just one developer having a bad day, it’s an entire team, including management, that are clearly out of sync with their (often paying) customers.

    This is an idea that should never have made it past the initial suggestion meeting. That it got this far is an indictment on CG. Anyone with half a clue would and should have known how this would be received. To announce it and then let it sit because people are on holiday is another ridiculous response. Saying we’ll look at it when we return is more than disappointing. Just shows how out of touch they are.

    This game has a very long track record of dropping junk on us right before the developers are “unavailable” (except for posting puzzles).

    New raids, game modes, announcements of unpopular changes, etc. almost always happen on a Friday afternoon.
    It’s clearly because they know that there will be outrage and they want to give us time to cooldown before they come in and apologize for the “unforeseable” bugs/crashes/anger that they caused.
    Don’t kid yourself that this is a coincidence or “bad timing” - it’s all very intentionally timed this way.

    To be fair, and without naming names, most of the original developers are gone.
  • WildcatSWGOH
    91 posts Member
    edited January 2019
  • LoreleiPhoenix
    148 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    When do you all think they will respond to our "short list" of concerns?
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    Here is video footage of the meeting where this idea was drafted.

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    Please roll back this idea and give us our regular TW. Thanks
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    I have a bad feeling about this...
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    Add 1 more to the "this is a terrible idea and I don't want it" category.
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    Bad ideas, this will affects most new and mid level players, theirs roster only have so much and now being restrict. TW already not that interesting due to its rewards. Play only for fun and now fun are being strip away cause of those restrict.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    I also have to say this is a bad idea. You guys need to stop using drugs.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Kisakee
    1648 posts Member
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Also TW will be a fraud from this point on. Do you really think people will remod for every TW to come? Im certainly not gonna switch mods. So the outcome of every future TW is false because people cba to switch mods from banned meta characters.
    But I guess that's your definition of FUN...
    Good thing there is a profanity filter because there are many words I wanna typ now which are not nice.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    CronozNL wrote: »
    Also TW will be a fraud from this point on. Do you really think people will remod for every TW to come? Im certainly not gonna switch mods. So the outcome of every future TW is false because people cba to switch mods from banned meta characters.
    But I guess that's your definition of FUN...
    Good thing there is a profanity filter because there are many words I wanna typ now which are not nice.

    I mentioned this earlier as well. A lot of the characters that would banned are the top characters in the game and have our best mods on them. You’re asking us to remod a minimum of 28 characters. Do you have any idea how long that would take?? The alternative is not remodding and not using 28 of our best mod sets for tw. I and most everyone, simply will not do that due to the time commitment alone, so you end up with a farcical tw with undergeared, undermodded, no synergy teams. Wow that sounds fun....
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Also TW will be a fraud from this point on. Do you really think people will remod for every TW to come? Im certainly not gonna switch mods. So the outcome of every future TW is false because people cba to switch mods from banned meta characters.
    But I guess that's your definition of FUN...
    Good thing there is a profanity filter because there are many words I wanna typ now which are not nice.

    Because the "loadout" feature for mods works so well... [/sarcasm]

    There have been at least a dozen reasons posted why this is a terrible idea - and I have yet to read one other than "it's different" as a positive reason.

    CG, feel free to manipulate and make bad changes to your game, but DON'T say you're listening to the players. Sorry, you can't blame this on us.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Nivekmit29
    3 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Just pick the best part of the game and go ruin it. This is incredibly stupid. I work on specific characters and factions, specifically for TW, just to be told it doesn't matter because I may not get to use them anyway. Wonder what they'll do to ruin Grand Arena next.
    "Collect and power up your favorite Star Wars Characters!! And then we'll make them useless for Guild Events!"
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    Wait I have a better idea. Let's vote on who to ban from platoons instead.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Im expecting the announcement about this to be at 4:45 so they can drop it and run.
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    kieltrx wrote: »
    Imho the idea of banned characters during TW is not that bad.. as some ppl stated above, this will shake up all those imapassable walls of ns, revans, trayas and whoever else was to be banned.. it might actually help those weaker guilds (that didn't do enough HSTRs to unlock or lvl traya) win the TW.
    Also it might challenge us to get creative with the team comps when their integral parts are out of picture and this really suits me. GA challenged me and I found it appealing, interesting, it pulled me out from the daily hard node/cantina/arena grind routine so I'm eager to see what will become of the upcoming TW. Bring it on CG!

    The problem is that it won't just hurt the whales with Revan or the high guilds with Traya. Weaker guilds, have weaker rosters. That means that they have fewer characters to pick from. If I have only 6 good teams, and 4 of them get nerfed because key characters are banned, I am down to only 2 teams.

    Banning a few characters might be a decent way to "shake things up" If they banned 4 characters, it would screw with a few teams, but they are eliminating over 2 dozens characters from across all the different factions. My Jedi team which I have been working hard on ( with out spending any money) is getting hit hard by the devs. I am losing at least two members from the Dev vote at a minimum. It is possible that between the community and dev votes that my entire team is voted out.

    Between the forums, youtube, discord, and reddit, over 95% of the reaction is negative. They really need to rethink this whole thing.
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    Kisakee wrote: »

    Everyone needs more zoidberg
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    Wait I have a better idea. Let's vote on who to ban from platoons instead.

    Love this! The force is strong with this one!
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    CronozNL wrote: »
    Also TW will be a fraud from this point on. Do you really think people will remod for every TW to come? Im certainly not gonna switch mods. So the outcome of every future TW is false because people cba to switch mods from banned meta characters.
    But I guess that's your definition of FUN...
    Good thing there is a profanity filter because there are many words I wanna typ now which are not nice.

    When you think of FUN as feline'd-up nonsense, it makes sense though.
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    Perhaps for future tw you could have a blanket "all potency is doubled."

    Or bonuses based on a toons tag . A small boost to offence if all toons are darkside, another boost if all toons are empire, another boost if all are BH or troopers. Basically a boost to a stat for each tag shared between the 5 (or less!) toon squad. Maybe a boost to the others for each unused slot.

    What made tw fun for me were the random boosts to certain factions. This idea of banning certain toons is a backwards step for me. I assume this idea has come about because we now have multiple viable squads, why not extend the zones for an extra phase? 2 more toon zones and an extra ship zone. 1 extra squad each and 25 people set an extra fleet. We need 7 defence and 7 offence toon squads for GA so not that far fetched of an idea.
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    Silence from CG. Simply maddening isn’t it?
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Silence from CG. Simply maddening isn’t it?


    I think they have to talk amongst themselves about whether this needs to be cancelled or not.
    Watch... their response to this will be way off the mark. Something like “we’ve read your comments, and -DON’T WORRY- we’ve decided to fix this! We’re getting rid of territory wars for good.”

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    3pourr2 wrote: »
    Im expecting the announcement about this to be at 4:45 so they can drop it and run.

    You're optimistic - I'm not expecting anything until the 9th when they said they would post the voting results.
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